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CCRKBA Says Tennessee Lawmakers Acted Correctly on Override
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today's override by the Tennessee Legislature of Gov. Phil Bredesen's veto of a bill allowing law-abiding citizens to carry firearms into restaurants and bars that serve alcohol will help dispel the myth that armed citizens cannot be trusted in such environments, the [CCRKBA] stated." ...

"'For years, the gun prohibitionist lobby has perpetuated a sense of fear against armed citizens in various public venues, including restaurants,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'Yet in Washington State, where the Citizens Committee is headquartered, it has been legal for many years to carry firearms in restaurants that serve alcohol, and it has not resulted in the kind of violence predicted by opponents of the Tennessee measure.'" ...

The American Tyrant's Insoluble Conundrum
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"The swarming activity, the intensity of life and work that kept busy half a million villages ... in the enormous territory of China, were the very force that the Japanese were powerless to annihilate or conquer. The Nipponese had succeeded, in the last few years, in pushing their way along roads and railroads, along the rivers. They had seized important towns. But the innumerable rural communities had remained out of their reach -- even in the occupied area. They could not possibly take them all, subdue them all. Behind the enemy lines, in huge vacuums left between the scattered Japanese battalions, comparitively free villages continued to strive for survival: they provided a basis of operations for guerrilla warfare and were the backbone of China's resistance. ..." ...

Gun News Updates: TN Veto Override and NRA Appeal
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"There are new developments for two stories presented here this week. The Tennessee guns in adult dining establishments veto has been overridden, and NRA is appealing the Seventh Circuit ruling upholding gun bans." ...

'The Mysterious Sanctity in Law' - Not!
Submitted by: Larry

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"Writes David Buckner:"
"While reading about the 72 year old woman zapped for non-compliance, something Mencken says in Notes on Democracy came to mind immediately:"
"What the common man longs for in this world, before and above all his other longings, is the simplest and most ignominious sort of peace- the peace of a trusty in a well-managed penitentiary. He is willing to sacrifice everything else to it. He puts it above his dignity and he puts it above his pride. Above all, he puts it above his liberty. The Fact, perhaps, explains his veneration for policemen, in all the forms they take- his belief that there is a mysterious sanctity in law, however absurd it may be in fact. ..." ...

Some Colleges Bar Even Talking About Right to Bear Arms, Gun Advocates Say
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The First Amendment guarantees Americans the right to free speech. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to possess firearms. Now the first two clauses in the Bill of Rights have come together in an ongoing debate over the right of college students to advocate that they be allowed to carry guns on campus."

"The bloody massacres at Virginia Tech and Columbine High School, as well as smaller campus shootings across the country in the last decade, have fomented a lively debate over whether citizens should be allowed to carry concealed weapons to defend themselves on campus."

"But that debate has hit a wall of resistance from school officials in some places, bringing into focus the dual issues of gun rights and free speech." ...

A tale of two hunting deaths; a disparity in public reaction
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Washington State – which had not recorded a hunting fatality that involved a non-hunter in more than 25 years – saw two non-hunters killed during a single season last fall, more than eyebrows were raised."

"Also raised last year were voices—sometimes shrill—and blood pressures, but curiously, one of these tragic deaths elicited a lot more emotional reaction than the other. The first victim, Pamela Almli of Oso in Skagit County, was a hiker, and she was fatally shot while standing on a trail on the wide open slope of Sauk Mountain on the opening day of last year's black bear season." ...

"The outrage that followed Almli's death was epic. A popular hiking forum had a chat thread that spanned a remarkable 90 pages ..." ...

Serfing Towards Liberty?
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The title refers, of course, to the immortal work by free-market economist Friedrich Hayek, the Road to Serfdom; but in this case, I'm not referring to the obvious economic servitude into which we seem to be slipping -- or slaloming."

"I am instead talking about an even more fundamental shibboleth that determines whether a people are free citizens or merely subjects of the crown: whether their fundamental right to the means of self defense is protected or violated. In other words, whether they are or are not allowed to own a firearm." ...

Well-armed Americans influenced Japan's invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The best reason that I can think of for American citizens to keep and bear arms for their own defense ... is a quote attributed to Japan's Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (1884-1943), the commander-in-chief of Japan's combined fleet during World War II. He was a student of Harvard from 1919 to 1921, and had observed that Americans were not subjects of the government, but were, instead, well-armed citizens that were ready, willing and able to defend their homeland against all comers."

"He is credited with having stated that his reason for attacking Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, instead of America's west coast, was that invading America would be a suicide attack because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. ..."

Use First Amendment To Debate Second Amendment Issues
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Nobody wants to encourage or invite another campus killing spree like the one in 2007 at Virginia Tech University ..."

"But does that reasonable concern extend to prohibiting a rally or a flyer that promotes the idea of allowing students to carry firearms on campus in self-defense?"

"You and I may consider the idea of armed undergraduates as either inspired or wacky – but that's not the First Amendment point, which seems to be lost on at least a few college administrators."

"In Pennsylvania ... [college] officials stopped distribution of promotional material for the group Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. In Texas ... administrators refused to allow an 'empty holster' protest on campus ..." ...

Gun Issue Heats Up for Sotomayor as NRA Appeals to Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This week a federal appeals court held that the Second Amendment does not apply to state or city gun laws. Supporters of Judge Sonia Sotomayor incorrectly argue that this affirms her recent gun-control case. ..." ...

"... The Seventh Circuit ... concluded that questions about whether the Second Amendment is incorporated, 'are for the [Supreme Court's] Justices rather than a court of appeals.' ..."

"Contrast the Seventh Circuit's opinion with Sotomayor's ... from the Second Circuit. ... the Seventh Circuit devoted nine pages to its analysis. The Ninth Circuit, which held in April that the Second Amendment is incorporated to the states, devoted 12 pages to its analysis."

"Sotomayor's Second Circuit devoted merely a single paragraph to the issue. ..." ...

NRA Appeals Seventh Circuit Ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today, the National Rifle Association filed a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of NRA v. Chicago. The NRA strongly disagrees with yesterday's decision issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, holding that the Second Amendment does not apply to state and local governments."

"'The Seventh Circuit got it wrong. As the Supreme Court said in last year's landmark Heller decision, the Second Amendment is an individual right that 'belongs to all Americans'. Therefore, we are taking our case to the highest court in the land,' said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. ..." ...

H/t to Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea.

Court Says Federal Precedent on Gun Restrictions Does Not Necessarily To States
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This is baffling:"
"'existing Second Amendment precedent only applied to restrictions at the federal level'"
"What's the use of arguing 'for' a 'federal' government, that argues the Constitution -- and the federaal precedents -- do not (necessarily) apply at the state level? One condition for states to be admitted to the Union was for them to recognize the supremacy of the US constitution."

"Not an inspiring model for the Iraqis to embrace. Is the Judiciary giving a green light to the states to violate the conditions of their admission to the Union?" ...

Submitted by: Larry

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"Obvious to everyone but Boobus is the coming storm in America. Whether it is initiated by a total economic tsunami, widespread civil unrest, or a false-flag operation gone sour, it is coming." ...

"A good question is, what will become the medium of exchange when the dollar has no value? ... There are many among us who have invested in precious metals. I believe these metals will be valuable once civil chaos subsides, but during the initial stages ... they will be virtually worthless. ... Necessities will become the medium of exchange."

"Ample supplies of guns and ammo are a given, not only for personal use, but for barter as well. A serviceable firearm and a supply of ammo will trade for much more than an ounce of gold." ...

Court Uphold Chicago's Handgun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit upheld the constitutionality of the Chicago and Oak Park handgun bans ... Chicago enacted its handgun ban in 1982."

"The [ICHV] praised the ruling."

"'The 7th Circuit arrived at the correct decision. This ruling saved lives,' said Thom Mannard, Executive Director of ICHV. 'The debate over Chicago's handgun ban is not an abstract legal argument, but about the right of governments to enact sensible policies to keep deadly guns out of our communities. It's time that more judges, lawyers and legal scholars understood that these important decisions are more than just legal theories, but about preventing gun deaths and injuries.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So how is that whole keeping deadly guns out of your communities thing working for your guys?

The Coming Struggle, Why Your Guns Won't Save You
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"First let me say that I have owned guns most of my adult life. ..." ...

"The right, the far right, the NRA, white supremacists, neo-nazis, skin heads, the whole bunch cling to this macho fantasy of freedom-robbing politicians versus the patriotic Minute Men ..."

"This lunatic mentality believes that somehow the government is afraid of you because you own a pump shotgun and a revolver. Maybe you own a lot of guns and have them buried in a secret location, waiting for the uprising, but no matter how many guns you have they'll always have more. The police and military are just like you. They like playing army on the weekend, too, and some recalcitrant gun nut just makes for good sport!" ...

Submitter's Note: Mike V. addresses this fallacy in The American Tyrant's Insoluble Conundrum.

Concealed Loaded Guns in Our National Parks!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The history of this controversial subject is somewhat ironic. It first shot into headlines when the Reagan administration adopted restrictive legislation in l981 for wildlife refuges, and in l983 for national parks. Licensed permit holders were required to keep their guns unloaded and stowed away. Ronald Reagan, former governor of California, pictured on horseback in the movies or on his ranch, often had a gun cradled in his arms. Yet, he launched the laws that kept guns under control in our national parks and wildlife refuges for a quarter of a century."

"In the years after the federal regulations were adopted, 48 states passed laws allowing legal possession of concealed weapons." ...

Guns, Like Grizzlies, To Be Welcome in National Parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last year, to the delight of NRA members everywhere, the idea of allowing guns into national parks was tossed around, but it didn't really move forward[sic]. Things have changed however, and now it no longer just looks like a dream for those who love the second amendment right to bear arms."

"... No need to lock them in your glove compartment anymore, just toss 'em right into your backpack and hit the trail."

"For now, guns are still banned ... The credit card law doesn't go into effect until February of 2010, so no guns until then please. While packing heat is always a questionable move[sic], at least now you'll have a fighting chance should a grizzly come after more than just your picnic basket."

Justifying deadly force (Part 3)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the previous article, we examined the first criteria necessary for justifiable use of lethal force: the ability of the attacker to successfully inflict serious injury or death on their victim. But it takes more than ability to justify using deadly force in self-defense."

"Massad Ayoob, international trainer and lecturer on the use of lethal force, explains why the attacker must also possess opportunity:"
Opportunity means that the aggressor not only possesses the power of deadly force, but is capable of immediately employing that power." ...

NV: (Gov.) Gibbons says he has permit but doesn’t carry concealed handgun
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Gov. Jim Gibbons said today he never carries a concealed gun, even though he has a permit to do so."

"And he said he once surrendered his weapons permit but he was never disciplined."

"The Nevada Supreme Court has heard arguments on whether the Reno Gazette-Journal was entitled to information that may show the weapons permit of Gibbons was revoked or suspended. A district court has ruled the newspaper is not entitled to that information." ...

"In January last year, Gibbons delayed getting the required training to qualify for carrying one of the guns. When the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office raised the issue, Gibbons surrendered the license. There was never any disciplinary action taken, he said." ...

OH: Another two-legged park predator strikes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While the anti-gunners bemoan the fact that statewide preemption of gun laws in Ohio prevents local gun grabbing politicians from banning guns in parks, criminal continue to prey on the innocent."

"Early this morning, a woman was assaulted while walking through Schiller Park [in] Columbus. She reported being approached by several men, one of whom had a gun, and was struck by a thrown bottle. ..."

"This latest incident highlights the fact that criminals are attracted to any location where there is a good chance of finding a victim. Unfortunately, public parks, whether they be local, state, or national, fit that description. Prohibiting the tools for effective self-defense only ensures easy targets for these predators."

TN: Tenn. Senate overrides so-called 'guns in bars' veto
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Tennessee Senate has voted 21-9 to override Gov. Bredesen's veto of the so-called 'Guns in Bars' bill. The Tennessee House voted 69-27 Wednesday to override the veto."

"The bill becomes law July 14."

"Knox County lawmakers Sen. Jamie Woodson and Sen. Tim Burchett voted to override the governor's veto. Sen. Randy McNally, whose district includes a portion of Knox County, voted to override the veto, as did Sen. Doug Overbey, whose district spans Blount and Sevier counties."

"The Senate originally passed the bill by a vote of 24-7 ahead of Gov. Bredesen's veto." ...

H/t to Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea.

TN: Tenn. Overrides Bresden's Veto, Allows Guns in Restaraunts
Submitted by: Nathan Slavik

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"In a strong reaffirmation of the self-defense rights of Tennesseans, the Tennessee House and Senate have successfully overridden Governor Phil Bredesen’s veto of House Bill 962. This NRA-supported bill will enable law-abiding right-to-carry permit holders to carry firearms for self-defense in restaurants. HB 962 passed both the House and Senate with broad bipartisan support, but Gov. Bredesen vetoed the bill on May 28, disappointing more than 200,000 right-to-carry permit holders in his state. While an override of the veto only needed a simple majority vote to pass, it cleared both chambers with overwhelming, bi-partisan support. Passage of the measure will allow law-abiding Tennesseans to protect themselves and their families. ..." ...

NY: Serrano Bill to Strengthen Gun Control in NY State Parks Passes Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks & Recreation Committee
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Senator José M. Serrano moved quickly to ensure safety at state parks, in the wake of a reckless pro-gun provision that moved through Congress last month." ...

"The Serrano bill (S.4753) would expressly ban concealed weapons in state parks, and thus ban them in New York's national parks as well. ..."

"'State parks are safe havens for New York families, and we intend to keep them that way,' said Senator Serrano."

"'The gun lobby cannot expect to ram guns into New York parks the very same way it rams language into federal legislation. My colleagues and I will work tirelessly to strengthen laws and close loopholes.'" ...

PA: Wilkinsburg passes stolen gun law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wilkinsburg has joined a growing list of communities that have drawn the ire of the National Rifle Association by approving legislation requiring residents to tell police if their handguns are lost or stolen."

"Wilkinsburg council last night unanimously approved the ordinance. It requires handgun owners to report lost or stolen weapons within 24 hours of their disappearance. Violators would pay a fine of up to $500 plus court costs and must take gun safety courses for the first offense and could face up to $1,000 per offense, court costs and up to 30 days imprisonment for additional violations." ...

Submitter's Note: "Within 24 hours of their disappearance"? Who decides when the weapons 'disappeared'?

DHS Takes Seriously Claim Militias May Collaborate with al-Qaeda on Bio Attack
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"... U.S. counterterrorism officials have 'authenticated' a video by a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claims he has the ability to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States ... Abdullah al-Nafisi also suggests that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with 'members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government.'"

"The [infamous DHS report] conflates 'white supremacists' with the militia movement, advocates of the Second Amendment, activists opposed to illegal immigration, and other loosely defined 'antigovernment' groups. ... Veterans in particular took exception to the report because it claims 'returning military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have joined extremist groups.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Yes because White Supremacists would get along so well with 'ragheads' and 'sand-n****rs'.

And We, Like Sheep....
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After leading police on a long chase ... Rodriguez sprinted a quarter-mile or so before cornering himself ... Rodriguez flattened himself on the ground, arms outstretched, palms down, waiting for the police to arrive."

"First on the scene, several seconds later, was George Fierro, a15-year veteran El Monte, California police officer who, seeing the prone and unresisting suspect flat on the ground, nonetheless hauled off and kicked him full in the face." ...

"When Officer Fierro kicked an unresisting suspect in the head, was he acting as a Sheepdog 'yearning for a righteous battle,' or as a Wolf exploiting an opportunity?"

"In his particular case, there's evidence to believe that Fierro is the latter." ...

Sheriff Gobble: Carry Permits And The Law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have long been an advocate for the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms ... A well-armed citizenry is one of the best defenses against crime."

"Our elected representatives in Nashville recently proposed legislation that would allow qualified citizens to carry firearms into state parks, restaurants and other places that serve alcohol, provided the carrier does not drink. They are to be commended for their pro-gun position, as well as for overriding the governor's veto of that gun bill."

"I support self-defense rights and every law-abiding citizen deserves the option of protecting themselves, even in those places where alcohol is being served, as long as they, themselves, are not consuming alcohol." ...

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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