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Tools in the shed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm going to go out on a limb with a prediction:"

"IF we get eight years of a Democrat in the White House AND the Dems retain control of congress for the next four to six years THEN we will see at least one of the fringier gun/freedom groups get investigated for terrorism, membership and donor rolls seized, assets frozen, members put on the no-fly list, the whole Patriot (ha!) Act shebang."

"It'll be KABA or the Michigan Militia or everyone who's ever posted at the Claire Files, or the records of everyone who has chipped in to help Oleg buy a lens to take those seditious pictures, maybe even as big a target as the JPFO." ...

Stop real lead poisoning by banning bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So, after reading all the news stories and watching the frightening newscasts about this terrible lead problem, I began looking for subsequent news items ... Meanwhile, the real source of lead poisoning, like a two-ton elephant in the room, is ignored."

"Every day, nearly eight children die in this country from the lead delivered from the barrel of a gun. For every child killed, another four to five are seriously injured. ..."

"All this furor about possible lead poisoning from toys, and there is relative silence about the lead that tears eight young bodies to shreds every day."

"... The right to bear arms must be respected. However, the Second Amendment makes no mention of munitions, gunpowder, explosives, bombs or lead bullets." ...

MA: Let chiefs have say on gun permits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I'm convinced there are greater societal problems in need of attention than the plight of the inconvenienced gun enthusiast ... Imagine having to submit three letters of recommendation in order to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, or a letter from your physician stating that you aren't mentally ill. How unreasonable!"

"Police chiefs are in the best position to know the background of applicants in their community, which is why state law provides our local chiefs with the job of determining an applicant's overall suitability for a license to carry concealed weapons."

"As a coauthor of the Massachusetts Gun Control Act of 1998 ... I can tell you that investing police chiefs with this discretion was a very intentional decision." ...

AZ: More thoughts on fallen Tucson officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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This is another sad case of an obvious supporter of the National Rifle Association expressing opposition to the assault-weapons ban. The suspect chose to voice his support of the NRA's unique interpretation of the Second Amendment by murdering one police officer and wounding two sheriff's deputies.

The NRA, by ignoring any reasonable reference to the modifying phrase — "in a well regulated militia" — in the amendment has again foisted this violence upon our society. It seems totally unwilling to see the insanity of allowing anyone to possess an assault weapon or even "cop killer" armor-piercing bullets.

For me, the blood of this police officer is on the hands of the zealots that represent the NRA.

Submitter's Note: This is what they think of us.

Papieren, bitte!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In one of the most absolutely cocked-over ideas I've seen in all my born days, the City of Washington D.C. has decided to set up 'Neighborhood Safety Zones' in certain areas of the District of Columbia."

"Once a neighborhood is declared a 'Neighborhood Safety Zone' DeeCee Police will stop all vehicles entering these zones and demand identification proving that the driver lives in the neighborhood, or provide a -- and let me be accurate here -- 'legitimate reason to enter the neighborhood'."

"Why the lot of you haven't been horse-whipped around the courthouse square for even daring to suggest this crap is beyond me."

DC: U.S. attorney questioned constitutionality of sealed safety zones in May
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A top prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's Office warned D.C. officials two weeks ago that Mayor Adrian Fenty’s plan to seal off high-crime neighborhoods might be unconstitutional ..."

"Fenty and Police Chief Cathy Lanier defended the Neighborhood Safety Zones on Wednesday as an 'extreme' but worthy tactic to fight surges in violent crime. ..."

"But in a May 20 e-mail to police officials, Assistant U.S. Attorney Bradley Weinsheimer said he was worried. Can the police, he asked, stop a driver with a disability? If a car has six occupants but only one resident, can it enter? Won't ferretting out who's 'legitimate' and who's not lead to questions of selectivity?" ...

DC: Police plan vehicle checkpoints in DC neighborhood
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Stung by an outbreak of violence, including eight killings last weekend alone, police are taking the unusual step of establishing vehicle checkpoints in a crime-ridden neighborhood in the nation's capital."

"Starting Saturday night, officers will check drivers' ID and turn away any who don't have a 'legitimate purpose' in the area - a plan that has drawn swift criticism from civil liberties groups."

"'The Constitution and the Bill of Rights should not become the next victim of the street violence,' said Johnny Barnes, executive director of the [ACLU] for the National Capital Area. 'This plan will treat every resident of that area the way criminals are treated.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Martiall law "lite" in our nation's capitol?

DC: Comrade Phil content with same-same gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "To change the same-same of gun violence, the city council simply has to strengthen laws against carrying guns. Right now, the penalties for being caught with a gun in D.C. are a joke. Cops arrest people for carrying guns, the perps laugh at them, pass through Superior Court and walk out." ...

"At-large member Kwame Brown wonders: 'If you are caught carrying a gun, does it mean anything? If there were harsher consequences for carrying a gun, I wonder if that would save any lives?'" ...

KABA Note: No need to wonder, Kwame, just read the CDC's report on the subject to find out that no, it would not save any lives. Then go read Dr. John Lott's book More Guns, Less Crime (whose findings the CDC dismissed without examining as 'counterintuitive') and discover that those gun laws actually cost lives.

DC: Constitutional scholars pan plan to seal zones
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Constitutional scholars threw cold water on Mayor Adrian Fenty's plan to quarantine violent neighborhoods, warning that the effort to establish sealed off zones may well be headed for court."

"'It's still a free country,' said District Councilwoman Mary Cheh, D-Ward 3, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University. 'You can travel where you want and not have to explain yourself to police.'" ...

"It's not just traditional liberals who are worried about the quarantine. Roger Pilon, a vice president at the libertarian Cato Institute, said D.C.'s emphasis on 'legitimate reason' is too vague and gives police too much discretion — never a good combination to survive a constitutional challenge." ...

DC: Police checkpoints don’t comfort concerned Trinidad residents
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Trinidad homeowner Willie Dorn said the District’s new police strategy to set up checkpoints has been tried before — and it didn’t work then, either."

"About a dozen years ago during the height of D.C.'s crack epidemic, Dorn returned ... home to find a police roadblock just outside his town house."

"Instead of driving though, Dorn parked his car and began to walk the short distance to his home. An angry police officer brandished a weapon and demanded to know why Dorn refused to go through the checkpoint." [emphasis added]

"Dorn ... was detained for several minutes, until the police learned that he was longtime friends of the fifth police district commander."

"'I was lucky,' Dorn said. 'What's going to happen this time?'" ...

AZ: Resident Shoots, Kills Home Invader
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A Phoenix homeowner shot and killed a home invader who had kicked in the front door of the house and was attempting to break into the bedroom where he and his family were sleeping, Phoenix police said.

The victim died at the scene near 59th Avenue and McDowell Road, investigators said.

The unidentified 38-year-old homeowner awoke and found the man was carrying a weapon, police said.

The resident pulled out a rifle and opened fire, killing the intruder, officers said.

KY: Homeowner fired to protect his wife during invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two teens who were fatally wounded Tuesday night were apparently breaking into a house when the owner shot them, according to Louisville Metro Police."

"The teens were shot shortly after 5 p.m. when they broke into the house, police said. One of the teens had a weapon."

"During a fight inside the house, owner Billy Jackson shot both teens, apparently in self-defense, said Officer Phil Russell, a department spokesman."

"Homicide investigators are looking into the case, which will be turned over to the commonwealth's attorney's office for review."

"No charges have been filed against Jackson." ...

"He said he fired because he wanted to protect his wife, who was in the kitchen at the time." ...

TN: Hearing brings out details of slayings at Bellacino's restaurant
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Details of the Oct. 26 slayings of two Bellacino's restaurant workers emerged for the first time Wednesday ..."

"Bobo, a former Bellacino's worker, and Rutherford, a high school student, were arrested three days after the slayings. Harris was arrested in April and charged with felony murder."

"Metro police Detective Brad Putnam testified that Bobo shot restaurant manager Chris Caris in the back of the head through his interlaced fingers. Caris was lying face down after opening the safe, Putman said."

"Bobo also shot worker Josh Cole in the neck while he was lying face down on the floor, the detective testified." ...

KABA Note: Just give them what they want, right? And if that includes your life, well, we can always hire more staff.

Five Major Differences Between Obama and McCain; One of Them Is the Gun Issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 4th, the Chicago Tribune posted a brief article about the '5 reasons' why Sen. Obama beat Sen. Clinton for the Democratic nomination."

"What jumped out at us is that the Tribune also listed '5 major differences between Obama and McCain':" ...

"5. Obama favors more restrictions on gun ownership than McCain."

"Although the Chicago Tribune is reporting that there is a 'major difference' between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama on the gun issue, the truth is that McCain used to be an ardent supporter of gun control before he started running for president in 2008."

"In fact, John McCain lead a national effort to 'close the gun show loophole' just a few years ago ..." ...

CA: McClintock, Pearce Primary Wins -- Something To Smile About on Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But on June 3rd, there were two key primary victories that gave hope to conservatives, as well as clear evidence that for all the talk about Republicans needing to re-examine themselves or 'moderate' their message just isn't holding water ..." ...

"State Sen. McClintock has been for years 'Mr. Conscience of a California Conservative.' ..." ...

"Ose had considerably more funding -- his own -- but McClintock had conservatives organizations such as the Eagle Forum and the Club for Growth. ... the conservative movement was united behind a candidate and this energized the grass-roots. Second-Amendment, anti-tax, and pro-family groups eagerly backed McCllintock. ..." ...

NY: Pols Meet For Gun Violence Summit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In response to the recent rash of horrific gun violence in communities across New York City, a cadre of politicians came together Sunday morning to put together a plan to reduce violence in the communities that have been most affected."

"'Gun violence is one of the most serious issues facing our city and state. Innocent lives – too often children — are ended because of trivial disputes and carelessness,' New York Gov. David Paterson said in a release."

"City Council Speaker Christine Quinn agreed. 'The rise in gun violence is devastating communities around our city. With crime going down across the board citywide, it's completely unacceptable that neighborhoods in Queens and Brooklyn and parts of Harlem are being left behind.'" ...

IL: Committee OKs gun registry changes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Ald. Richard Mell got a City Council committee to approve a change to a Chicago law on his behalf Wednesday, but argued it would benefit thousands of other city residents who, like him, simply failed to renew their gun licenses."

"'It was probably good I didn't [renew], because there are an awful lot of other citizens' who had the same problem, Mell (33rd) said after the Police and Fire Committee approved an amendment to the gun registration ordinance. The change would allow those whose registration lapsed to renew at a higher fee." ...

"Mell, a hunter and gun collector, sought the change after he forgot to renew his registrations and was told he could not do so because the deadline had passed." ...

CA: Dennis Farina charged in LA airport gun incident
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Dennis Farina has been charged with illegally having a gun in his luggage at Los Angeles International Airport.

The city attorney's office on Wednesday charged the "Law & Order" actor with three misdemeanor counts involving possession of a concealed and loaded weapon. The charges carry a combined maximum sentence of 2 1/2 years in jail and $3,000 in fines.

Farina was arrested three weeks ago when a .22-caliber handgun was found in his carry-on luggage. He publicly apologized and told police he forgot the weapon was there.

County prosecutors declined to charge Farina with felonies and referred the case to city prosecutors.

CA: S.F. police chief has skipped target practice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After being assailed by the police officer whose satiric videos earned him and nearly two dozen others suspensions in 2005, San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong acknowledged that she has gone years without taking the target practice required for officers who carry guns."

"The head of the city's Police Commission said Wednesday that the panel is likely to take disciplinary action against Fong ..."

"Department rules require all police officers who carry guns to pass shooting range tests every six months. Fong said in a statement this week that 'the duties of a police chief are demanding and time-consuming. I acknowledge that I have not scheduled time for firearms re-qualifications. ...'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NC: Teenager Tased In School By Police For Not Complying and Showing I.D.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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gun by police at a North Carolina school last week for failing to comply with orders to show an officer his I.D. badge."

"Quayshaun Leak was tased and arrested in an incident which Richmond Senior High School has since defended as proper policy and 'within appropriate bounds of the officer's authority.'" ...

"'I didn’t give him my I.D. badge when he asked for it,' Leak said. 'I threw it on the floor. And as for when he grabbed me by my shirt, I didn't push the officer. I just shrugged away and backed up against the wall.'"

"According to Leak's statements, that was when he was tased by the officer." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

OH: Strip search case prompts 5th woman to come forward
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Stark County woman told Channel 3 News Investigator Tom Meyer that she was told to remove all her clothes inside the Stark County Jail after deputies made several off-color remarks."

"'Elizabeth' fears reprisals for speaking out so she prefers we not use her last name." ...

"Elizabeth decided to tell her story when she saw video of Hope Steffey strip searched by both male and female deputies. Steffey was left naked in a cell for 6 hours."

"When Elizabeth was told to remove all her clothes, she did so voluntarily saying she worked at a medium security prison in Ohio and knew her clothes would be forcibly removed if she failed to obey." ...

MA: Deer plague suburban communities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The deer population on the South Shore has more than doubled in the past decade, wildlife officials say, and it is showing up in nibbled shrubs... and more close calls and collisions for motorists." ...

"The state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife would like to see a deer population of 15 to 20 deer per square mile ..."

"But estimates from the 2007 hunting season place the area's deer population at between 20 and 25 deer per square mile, with some areas as high as 30 per square mile ..." ...

"William Hart, Pembroke's animal control officer and a hunter, said firearm laws have hampered hunting."

"'People hear a gunshot and they panic,' he said. '... but there are a lot of deer and if no one has a chance to harvest them, you're going to have a problem.'" ...

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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