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CCRKBA Blasts Ca Legislation, Urges Gov. Schwarzenegger To Veto
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said legislation passed by the California Legislature to regulate ammunition amounts to 'one more boondoggle waiting to happen' and urged Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto both bills, SB 357 and AB 352, if they reach his desk."

"SB 357 would require all ammunition to have serial numbers that are etched into individual bullets, while AB 352 would require all new semiautomatic pistols sold in California beginning in 2007 to be manufactured with a 'microstamping' function to identify ejected shell casings. SB 357 would slap a half-cent per bullet tax on purchasers to pay for record-keeping on every bullet made or sold in the state." ...

Free Pass for Gun Industry
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Congress seems determined to give the firearms industry a free pass to avoid even well-justified civil lawsuits arising from legitimate complaints of damage wrought with guns. Some brave souls should stop this unfair and unwise shield for an entire industry." ...

"Frivolous lawsuits are not so grave a threat to the industry that they justify a law that would virtually deny citizens and communities the opportunity to sue gun makers and dealers whose negligent or irresponsible acts cause them harm. No other industry has such sweeping protection from liability for negligence or recklessness." ...

IL: The best Chicago dog story ever
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The cops had to fire so many shots to stop the lunging pit bull, the gunpowder set off an overhead smoke detector."

"Still, the dog didn't die."

"But she wasn't the toughest dog on the block. That title belongs to Maya, a 74-pound black Lab who took on India, the 120-pound pit bull who was mauling a sixth-grader on the Northwest Side." ...

KABA Note: And in Chicago Maya's owners had to watch as first a boy, then their dog, were mauled, praying that the police would get there soon with their guns.

NY: Clerk took gun away
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Carol Ordway has been in a coma. She's been robbed."

"Now, the 59-year-old mother of four and grandmother of nine can add this to her life's resume: She's fought off an armed attacker bare-handed." ...

"'He walked up behind me and I thought at first he put his finger in my back. He says, 'Well there is something you can do for me. You can give me all your money.'"

"'I turned around – he was behind me – grabbed his neck and pushed him up against the chips rack. I reached and took his gun and said, 'Give me that. You don't need that.'" ...

"'[The cops] told me the next time that happens to just walk out the nearest door,' she said with a laugh. 'But I know I won't.'"

Canada: Grizzly bear kills a jogger who tried to escape up tree
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Isabelle Dubé had been jogging with two female friends on a popular hiking trail just outside Banff National Park in Canada. Her companions were able to back away from the 200lb (90kg) male bear and escape, but they could hear Ms Dubé’s screams as they reached a nearby golf course to raise the alarm."

"David Ealy, an Alberta wildlife official, said: 'It appears that Isabelle made the decision to climb a tree, and the others were able to back out of the area and run to get help.'"

"Wildlife officers rushed to the site, where the four-year-old bear was guarding the dead woman’s body. They killed it with a single shot from a high-powered rifle." ...

Submitter's Note: But why would anyone need a Magnum handgun?

FL: What gun experts say
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Douglas is a 28-year police veteran who now serves as a weapons and tactics instructor for police, military and civilians. Just recently, he helped re-certify the Fort Lauderdale Police Department's undercover tactical team." ...

"As a police officer, weren't guns the enemy?"

"Douglas: No, never. I always wanted armed civilians, but I wanted them trained. Period. You learn early in your career that you're not going to be there when the murderer shows up, or the rapist. So I'm all for training the civilian population." ...

VA: Incumbent has better gun record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How can Virginia Commonwealth University professor Peter Defur profess to 'hold a deep respect and love for freedom, reason, tolerance' ... and then say, 'I don’t think I would have supported a number of the measures that he [Del. Bill Janis] did regarding gun control'?"

"Janis, Defur’s incumbent opponent, has a perfect record supporting the freedom of Virginians to own and peaceably carry guns for self-defense, hunting and sport shooting. ..." ...

"If Defur’s position is truly that 'his record on firearms would be ... to promote safety and security in schools and public buildings,' then he should logically support the freedom of law-abiding citizens to carry their guns peaceably in schools and public buildings."

NY: Proposed gun bill takes aim at state's economy
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The New York state Assembly recently passed a number of anti-gun bills that will have virtually no effect on gun crime or gun injuries but will have some very negative impacts on New York's economy."

"A4471, which has the alarmist title of the "50-caliber Sniper Rifle Ban," would not only ban the sale and possession of legally owned firearms that have never been associated with crime or terrorism, but it would also have the consequence of banning the most commonly used deer-hunting firearm — the rifled-barrel shotgun." ...

CA: Anti-Gun Bills Advance in California
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An anti-gun group in California says it is making progress on what it calls anti-crime bills."

"The California Million Mom March is holding 'lobby day' in Sacramento on Monday -- an occasion to urge lawmakers and the governor to turn two recently passed bills into law."

"Those two bills include SB 357, which would require that all handgun ammunition bought and sold in California have serial numbers engraved on it."

"According to the California Million Mom March, 'When someone buys a box of bullets, the bar code and the buyers' identification will be entered into a state Justice Department database. Serialized bullets recovered at crime scenes will help police track the ammunition.'" ...

FL: Gun Owners Laud Deadly Force Law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"William Haymond, a former Marine, proudly wears a veteran's pin on his black baseball cap. There's also a pin from the National Rifle Association, an organization Haymond has been a member of since 1953."

"At 73, Haymond considers himself a gun enthusiast and collector. ..." ...

"Haymond knows his hobby can be used for deadly force, which he isn't afraid to use. 'If some young punk who's 20 years old wants to take my money, I can't fight him,' Haymond said. 'But I can shoot him.'" ...

MI: Dove battle is back on.... again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And so the nonsense has come full circle."

"It's amazing, really, in a country that prides itself on the principles of freedom how many people there are that think they can tell everyone else what they can and can not do."

"The dove battle, incredibly, is back on."

"After nearly 100 years of a law based purely on emotion and misinformation, hunters were able to pursue doves in Michigan last fall." ...

"A law was made that allowed hunters to target doves." ...

"So a group calling itself The Committee to Restore the Dove Shooting Ban gathered up some signatures and presented them to the Legislature."

"It was enough signatures to put the dove hunt on hold and up for a vote next November." ...

Canada: Edmonton police want better gun-wound laws
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Alberta needs to change its laws to require hospitals to report all gunshot wounds, police say.

"We've been calling for that for a while," Sergeant. Greg Preston, a legal adviser with the Edmonton Police Service, said.

Under Ontario's new law passed Tuesday, all health professionals are required to report gunshot wounds, no matter how minor.

In Alberta, gunshot wounds must be reported to police only if the injuries are life-threatening.

If the injury is not life threatening, doctors and nurses can call police only if the patient gives consent. Police can also obtain the information through a court order.

NH: Sigarms to host police shooting competition
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Scores of police officers and state SWAT team members will converge on Sigarms Academy this week for a competition that law enforcement professionals say is more than your everyday 'target shooting.'"

"As part of this year's annual New Hampshire Police Association convention, officers will take part in tactical and shooting accuracy training which runs the gamut from building proficiency with service pistols to rescuing an officer who has been taken hostage. Steve Arnold, NHPA president and a detective with the Portsmouth Police Department, said this year's competitive event ... allows for good-spirited competition between departments while helping New Hampshire's officers hone skills that will ultimately help protect the life and property of residents throughout the state." ...

MD: Closing Arguments In U.S. Marshal Shooting Underway
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Closing arguments have begun in the murder trial of retired U-S Marshal Arthur Lloyd." ...

"Lloyd is accused of shooting Navy seaman Ryan Stowers in the ankle following an October 28th fist fight, and then firing three more shots at Stowers' vehicle as he attempted to drive away. One of those shots struck Stowers in the upper body, killing him."

"Prosecutor John McCarthy told jurors that all four shots were aimed at Stowers. McCarthy said Lloyd was acting like a mad guy who just got in a fight on a parking lot."

"Defense attorney Barry Helfand contends Lloyd fired his weapon in self-defense. Helfand is expected to summarize his case later Monday afternoon."

"If convicted, Lloyd could face a sentence of life plus 25 years in prison."

PA: Gun-buyback needed better publicity plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buying back guns in an effort to keep them out of the hands of criminals is an excellent idea. There’s nothing like a monetary incentive to persuade people to part with their firearms, especially if no questions are asked about how the guns were obtained."

"But, in order to run a successful buyback program, those operating the program, usually the police, need to conduct a publicity campaign designed to assure the best response possible."

"It was hardly surprising that last month’s gun-buyback program conducted by the Reading Police Department fell a bit short of its goal of 100 guns." ...

"The buyback came in the wake of the May 10 murder of 15-year-old Tiffany Colon near her home ..." ...

Russia: Ammunition depot found at Russian army serviceman's home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A large quantity of ammunition, explosives and weapons has been found at the home of an army contract serviceman ..."

"'Police have found 2.3 kg of TNT, over 3 kg of plastic explosives, the same amount of gun powder and 57 antitank and antipersonnel hand grenades in the house of a contract service first sergeant in the village of Primalka,' the source said."

"Spare parts for 10 pistols, a lathe for making weapon parts, seven electric detonators, several dozen metres of time blasting fuse, five night vision devices, 23 detonators for hand grenades and blueprints of pistols have also been found."

"The suspect confessed that he intended to sell the ammunition." ...

CA: California appeals court backs Ridge gun club
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In the latest chapter of a fight dating back to 1998, a Sacramento appeals court has ruled in favor of the Paradise Rod & Gun Club, vacating an injunction prohibiting the gun club from opening a shooting range in Butte County. Controversy arose around the gun club when it first considered moving from Magalia to its current location on Skyway above Tuscan Ridge Golf Course. While a 1998 permit was denied by the board of supervisors, a 2001 use permit was approved by the planning commission and the board of supervisors, setting off a sequence of litigation that will continue past the current ruling." ...

PA: Thousands of free gun locks available from area police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thousands of gun locks are available at area police departments ..."

"'Once the lock's in place, the firearm can't function,' said Washington Township Police Chief Barry Keller. 'The purpose is safety - so that people store their firearms in a safe manner.'
Keller said 900 locks are available at the township police station on Welty Road There is a limit of three per household, and the locks can only be picked up by adults." ...

"Waynesboro has 500 locks and has set a limit of two per household, but Chief Ray Shultz said that could change depending on demand." ...

"The locks were delivered last week by Project ChildSafe, a national program that promotes safe firearms handling and storage." ...

Submitter's Note: Once again, "paid for by taxes" is not the same as "free".

CO: USA Shooting’s National Championships look to build participation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"USA Shooting’s 2005 Rifle and Pistol National Championships, which will be conducted at Fort Benning, Ga., June 16 to 26, will not only double as the Championship of the America’s Team Selection Match, will also focus on drawing newcomers to the Olympic shooting sports, said Sara Greenlee, media director of USA Shooting. With additional cash prizes, awards and clinics, USA Shooting hopes these initiatives will draw in a new generation of Olympic-style shooters, Greenlee added."

"'This has always been an objective of USA Shooting, since any time we have an increase in participation, it broadens our athlete pool,' said USA Shooting’s Director of Operations Wanda Jewell. ..." ...

NY: Pataki leads praise of IMPACT program
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In the minutes before Gov. George E. Pataki arrived for a photo opportunity, Capital Region politicians stood around a conference table at the Albany Public Protection building to survey the veritable arsenal laid before them. The sight was disturbing: rifles, handguns and an illegal 12-guage pump-action shotgun with a pistol grip."

"'Talk about bringing out the big guns,' Assemblyman Jim Tedisco, R-Schenectady, said as he approached the cache."

"The weapons on display were among thousands of dollars in firearms seized by the Albany Police Department from drug dealers and gang members in May. The task, police officials said, was made easier by a statewide law enforcement initiative that makes it easier to fight violent crime in urban areas." ...

UT: Clinics offered for shotgun-shooting women
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Girls with guns have more fun. That is the theme of two women's shotgun clinics to be held this month."

"The goal of the clinics is to introduce women to shooting sports through women-only clinics sponsored by organizations like National Wild Turkey Federation, Sportsman For Fish & Wildlife and state wildlife agencies."

"A women-only skeet clinic will be at the Provo Gun Club on Saturday at 9 a.m. This clinic is geared toward women who have had some prior shotgun experience." ...

MT: Club takes aim at storylines
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Blue Dog leans his shoulder on the door jamb as he looks at the face of his enemy - his six shooters holstered at his hips."

"'Are you the one who shot my friend?' he shouts."

"Faster than any person could respond, he unsheathes his pistol and shoots the iron target in the head."

"The target was one of dozens Blue Dog hit over the weekend at the Seventh Ranch RV camp's gun range in Garryowen. Blue Dog is Ken Mengelkoch's alias in the Single Action Shooting Society, and this was his shooting storyline - based on the movie 'Open Range' - of the fifth stage of the Montana State SASS Championships." ...

WA: Shooting to be the best
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It took a lot of sweat and a lot of cash, but members of the nearly 60-year-old Cascade Rifle & Pistol Club have finally finished the gun range of their dreams."

"'It'll be one of the best in the nation, literally,' said Lyle Lewis, a member of the club and a longtime board director."

"The public is invited to visit the new range between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday."

"'They can come out and look around. They can come out and shoot firearms. They can join the club,' Lewis said. ..."

"The range is on 160 woodsy acres buffered by 1,000 acres of watershed in the Ravensdale area east of Maple Valley. There are firing ranges for every type of shooting enthusiast." ...

UK: Opposition anger over latest delay to national gun register
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE failure to roll out a national firearms register nine years after the Dunblane massacre was labelled a scandal yesterday, as the Home Office revealed it had missed yet another deadline for implementing the list."

"Peers, opposition MPs and MSPs said the government was leaving people exposed to a repeat of the tragedy - in which 16 schoolchildren were shot dead - without proper scrutiny of more than one million private firearm owners in Britain." ...

Submitter's Note: Please explain how registration would have prevented the shooting by a Firearms Certificate holding lunatic better than a Model 1911 in the hands of one of the teachers?

UK: Fury At 'Sick' Weapons Leaflets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CATALOGUES offering pellet guns for sale have been sent to houses just a few miles from tragic toddler Andrew Morton's home."

"The Modern Originals air pistols catalogues were delivered to homes on Glasgow's south side."

"And yesterday, Andrew's mum Sharon McMillan branded the company 'sick'. Two-year-old Andrew died when he was shot in the head with an air gun near his home in Easterhouse."

"Sharon said: 'How can we possibly cut the number of these guns on the streets when people can phone up and order them just like ordering a pizza?'" ...

"One householder who received the leaflet said: 'This boy's mother is working to try to ban this kind of thing and yet a company seems to think it's acceptable to peddle their wares to us. It's disgusting.'" ...

Australia: Gunman holds up Norlane milk bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A GUN-WIELDING bandit stole cash from a Norlane milk bar yesterday in Geelong's third armed robbery in just over 24 hours."

"The balaclava-clad man targeted the Robin Avenue shop early yesterday."

"It was the third business to be hit in a string of armed robberies after a man held up two service stations on Sunday."

"In all three early morning attacks the victims were threatened with a gun."

"Police yesterday would not confirm or rule out a link between the hold-ups."

"Police Media spokesperson Sergeant Creina O'Grady said the robber held up the Robin Avenue milk bar's attendant about 7.45am and grabbed cash and ran." ...

Ireland: Playground Shooting Boy Out Of Hospital For Home Visit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Darragh Somers, the five-year-old who was shot in the school playground, made his first short overnight visit home to Enniskillen at the weekend."

"Yesterday, Darragh was able to play with his toys in familiar surroundings and spend quality time with his parents, Janine and Gerald, and older brothers Patrick and Paul."

"However, he returned to the Royal Victoria Hospital for Sick Children in Belfast last night, where his treatment and observations are continuing."

"Darragh was shot in the head, by a bullet from a .22 rifle as he played a game of 'tig' with his friends in the school yard ... on Friday, April 22."

"The youngster endured hours of emergency surgery to remove the bullet." ...

UK: 100,000-Volt Shocker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THIS is the 100,000-volt stun gun for sale on the streets of Scotland."

"The Raptor has an agonising zap that causes temporary paralysis and leaves victims helpless on the ground."

"It is similar to weapons used in Saddam Hussein's Iraq to torture prisoners - and it is doing a roaring trade in Scotland."

"Stun guns are illegal in Britain but Raptors can be bought on the streets for as little as £50" ...

"The Raptors are marketed as self-defence weapons."

"But they are used by criminals because they do not cause permanent damage and it is hard to prove in court that they have been used." ...

UK: Cops get stun guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CONTROVERSIAL stun guns could soon be on the streets of Inverclyde."

"Taser guns fire out high-charged electric barbs to stop trigger-happy criminals in their tracks."

"Police bosses say they are a 'less lethal option' because they can defuse a dangerous situation without loss of life."

"Plans to introduce Tasers as a safer alternative to firearms are revealed in a report going before Strathclyde police chiefs this week."

"Stun guns would only be used by trained officers in response to firearm incidents and would not be used to enforce public order at demonstrations."

"But they won't replace conventional rifles."

"Tasers have been successfully piloted in a 12-month trial by five police forces in England." ...

UK: Police, killer in child sex ring [claims former paramedic]
Submitted by: Haddock

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"Police were involved in a paedophile ring that covered up abuse allegations against the man responsible for the infamous Dunblane school massacre."

"The astonishing claim was made by former paramedic Sandra Uttley, who is going to the European Court of Human Rights to demand a new inquiry into the tragedy."

"Sixteen children and their teacher were shot dead by Thomas Hamilton in March 1996 after he burst into the school gym and fired as they began an exercise class. The attack prompted tighter UK gun control."

"Ms Uttley alleges that Lord Cullen's inquiry into the massacre was fatally flawed because crucial evidence was withheld from it." ...

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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