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Tea Party Express preemptively surrenders gun rights to RINOs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The GOP has had every opportunity to get with the program. That they haven’t is an indicator that they won't—and have no intention to as long as their winning strategy of spooking the herd and betraying them with no consequences continues to pay off. Put another way, if there’s no 'or else' attached to bad behavior, what incentive do they have to ever change?" ...

Don’t Make Brazil's Gun Rights Loss Be America's Future
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a loyal reader of Guns & Patriots every week living in Brazil. As I watch what is happening in America, I am compelled to reach out my friends in America to share my story."

"What is happening in America, has already happened in another country, here in Brazil. If fall asleep on watch and let Hillary make the UN treaty gun control and you will see this coming soon." ...

Al-Qaeda Boosts Bloomberg’s Antigun Campaign
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"When conservatives talk about bias in the media, this is precisely what we are talking about: I do not believe for a minute that the editors of the Daily News would print an intentional falsehood. But newspaper editors, particularly New York newspaper editors, do share a set of biases: They represent a certain class of people, with certain interests, certain backgrounds, certain political and social assumptions, etc. Those biases sometimes render them blind to statements of fact — not statements of opinion or preference, but fact — that are clearly wrong in ways that are easy to document, wrong in ways that would be immediately obvious to anybody who did not share that bias." ...

NSFW: Why We Need the Second Amendment: Anti-Corruption Edition (WARNING: Graphic photo)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Wherever you find a disarmed population, you find unimaginable brutality. The Holocaust is only the most common and perhaps obvious example. The horrors visited upon African-Americans—lynchings, torture, kidnapping, rape, starvation and endless humiliation—provide the same cautionary tale. Today’s Islamo-fascism rests on the bedrock of a defenseless public."

"Truth be told, Mexico is plagued by torture, murder, extortion and corruption because those who would oppose it are powerless against the evil men who rule them. Make no mistake: the Mexican government forcibly disarmed the public. If nothing else, they shuttered all the country’s gun stores and transferred all gun and ammo sales to the Mexican military. ..." ...

Question of the Day: How Many Gunloons Are There and What Should We Do About Them? If Anything . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Obviously, we don’t know the whole story. What kind of cake? What flavor ice cream? But even if Mr. Hayes had more reason to brandish his firearm than a simple squabble over birthday party resources, responsible gun owners can’t deny the fact that there are people like this out there, somewhere."

"The question is, so what? Given the “gunloons” statistical rarity, and the obvious (to many) advantages of an unabridged Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, does the existence of a tiny population of irresponsible gun owners mean we have to change our gun laws?"

Journalists for hire, ethics be damned: Anti-gun Joyce Foundation grant funds media "studies" pushing gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Code of Ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists states that 'Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public's right to know,' ..." ...

"A series of articles written by Theodore Decker and published last week in The Columbus Dispatch ignores these principles, taking advocacy journalism to a level even the founders of the SPJ probably couldn't imagine when they adopted their first code of ethics in 1926." ...

Washington D.C. - gun free zones and corruption
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington D.C. is one of the premier gun free zones in America. By contrast this is also the roost of our elected officials that take an oath to protect our rights enumerated in the Constitution."

"What has this gun free zone accomplished for the District of Columbia?"

"High crime stats, corrupted lawmakers, and out of control police just to name a few. I say disarming citizens is one of the largest corruptions that Lawmakers, Judges and the Police have actively participated in." ...

Democrats overstepping constitutional bounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... Democrats also are incorrect about their view of the Second Amendment. Democrats say that the government can determine the caliber of guns we are allowed to purchase."

"The framers did not identify the type or caliber of the arms we were allowed to have. I believe the restrictions on automatic weapons could have been addressed in an amendment to the Constitution that would have been supported by many gun advocates. None of us would want to own a 105 Howitzer." ...

Submitter's Note: Speak for yourself, Skippy, I would love to own a 105.

Should libertarians join the NRA?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The [NRA] is a group I’ve been pretty critical of for some time. ... Over the years, they have tried to compromise rather than digging in their heals[sic] for our Second Amendment rights, so there’s plenty to be critical of. However, that was the past. What about the now?"

"To me, all the questions about the NRA can be summed up with their argument against Senator Rand Paul's proposed amendment that would restrict law enforcement's ability to look at firearm purchase records. While the NRA was correct that district attorney's[sic] could get grand juries to subpena the records in question, what was missed is that the grand jury is a form of judicial oversight." ...

Terrorists prefer Americans unarmed, just as the 'gun control' lobby does
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The forcible citizen disarmament lobby is positively giddy today, over having found a new ally--someone else who wants guns to be more difficult for Americans to obtain, and available (legally) to fewer of us. Who is this ally? A kind, peace-loving soul, who is horrified by the 'gun violence' in the U.S.? Um . . . not quite. Meet, courtesy of ABC News, Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn:" ...

12th Straight Month-Over-Month Increase In Firearms Sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation released their adjusted NICS data for May 2011 today. There was an 11.4% increase in NICS checks for May 2011 over May 2010. For the month, there were 696,947 checks as opposed to 625,763 for the prior May."

"This is the 12th straight month with increases over the same month in the prior year." ...

Seeking Nominations For 2010 NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA-ILA 'Jay M. Littlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award' is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights.

Similarly, the 'NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award' is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year." ...

Celebrate Independence Day with a Real Bang
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Independence Day is now less than a month away, and Americans will soon be celebrating in grand style. Many will spend hundreds of dollars on fireworks — even driving hours away to buy 'legal' fireworks from out-of-state."

"Others will use the holiday to take their children plinking — exercising their time-honored right to keep and bear arms."

"Well, Gun Owners would like to encourage you in these pursuits and remind you that one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is the continued freedom to own your firearms. ..." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Carry Your Spare Magazine in A Pouch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s an email from John Farnham describing a bizarre set of circumstances leading to a magazine failure [not shown]. As John Prine sang, same thing; same thing happened to me. I’m still not entirely convinced I’m going to need three magazines’ worth of bullets to solve a self-defense problem. That said, as the rabbi points out, 'Most semi failures are magazine related.' And 'no one ever ended a gunfight wishing they hadn’t carried so many bullets.' The more important takeaway: don’t just stand there, do something! Even during training." ...

Gear Review: Eotech XPS2-RF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Downsizing isn’t just for empty-nesters these days. It seems that just about every semiautomatic sporting rifle now has a .22 rimfire clone. Even rather esoteric rifles like SCARs, SiGs, and HK’s have their downmarket rimfire cousins, and rimfire AR clones are too numerous to count. Why? They’re lots of fun and much cheaper to shoot than their 5.56 big brothers. For the price of 2,000 rounds of bulk 5.56 for your AR, you can buy 2,000 rounds of .22 AND a .22 AR clone to shoot them through . . ." ...

Three Steps to Equipping A Gun Aversive Significant Other with a Home Defense Handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s get this out of the way: the idea that you, a man, should choose a firearm for a woman who’s never had one is sexist and disrespectful. Women are fully capable of making their own decisions. They don’t need you, a man, telling them what gun is best for their home defense. To even think such a thing reveals you as a Neanderthal. Contact your local community college and sign up for some sensitivity training at your earliest opportunity. Now, let’s have a look at the three questions you need to consider before you choose the right gun for your woman . . ." ...

Learning the hands-on trade of a gunsmith
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Learning new skills at a time when most people are at retirement age would be a daunting task for many people. But Steve Archambault was looking for a new challenge and found it in the gunsmithing program at [Trinidad State Junior College]."

"Archambault said his wife helped inspire him to go back to school. The couple was planning to retire in Trinidad [CO], and Steve was looking for something completely different from what he had done in his professional career. ... An avid hunter and lifelong gun enthusiast, he decided to enroll in the gunsmithing program because he wanted a hands-on learning experience that tied in with his favorite sport. He’s worked his way into it gradually, a strategy he recommends to others." ...

FL: Brady Center sues Florida governor over new law banning doctors from asking about guns in home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence is suing to overturn Florida’s new law that bans doctors from asking patients about gun ownership."

"The center filed the suit Tuesday in a Miami federal court on behalf of three doctors and three physicians groups. They claim the law violates doctors’ First Amendment rights to provide patients with information and advice on how to reduce risks from firearms." ...

Submitter's Note: Once more time, for those antis incapable of rational thought: There is nothing in the law preventing doctors from providing whatever "information and advice on how to reduce risks from firearms". All the law does is prevent doctors from asking about gun ownership.

James Arness. R.I.P.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For as long as I can remember there was Matt Dillon—and not the marginal actor with the same name. I refer to the iconic TV lawman that made the streets of Dodge City Kansas safe. The frontier world of 50s and early 60s TV westerns required a very believable tough guy as a lead character. At 6’7″, James Arness was born to play the role. John Wayne knew it and recommended him for the job. . ." ...

The heroes who came down from the sky, and up from the surf
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amid today's headlines about 'Weinergate' and the lousy Obama economy, America seems to have overlooked the heroes who came down from the sky and up from the surf."

"It was 67 years ago today, at Normandy, France and one cannot adequately describe the monumental historic importance of what they did. Had they failed, the British might be speaking German today, Hitler may have developed an atomic bomb and used it – on us – and this country's history might be far different." ...

WV: Nicholas man shot during alleged burglary attempt
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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... "Nicholas County Sheriff Wetzel Bennett said Harris called police and held a gun on Pino while waiting for help to arrive."

"But Harris told deputies that Pino charged him, and he had to shoot. Bennett said Pino was shot in the head with a handgun." ...

House Democrats Urge President to End Stonewalling on Gunrunner Scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"31 U.S. House members – all Democrats — wrote to President Barack Obama, urging him to end Administration stonewalling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 'Project Gunrunner,' and the 'Fast and Furious' program under which border state dealers were encouraged to sell thousands of guns to suspicious buyers." ...

CBS: Congress set for first 'gunwalker' hearing 13 June, just like my sources called it. A prequel to "stick it where the sun don't shine."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The moment CBS broke this story, I called around. 'How does this fit into the three-phase hearing schedule?' I asked. 'Think of this as a 'pre-Gunwalker' hearing,' one source said. 'The Chairman (Issa) wants to get the law and past practice out there for everybody to see before he takes it and sticks it where the sun don't shine.'" ...

Sipsey Street Exclusive: Gunwalker Scandal hearings to proceed in 3 phases."Eric Holder is toast. If he stays out of federal prison I'll be surprised"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's been a lot of scrambling this weekend behind the scenes at the Gunwalker Corral, especially since Congressman Issa's FOX interview. I just confirmed with a second source this morning that the hearings promised by Issa are planned to proceed in phases. This, it was explained to me, is necessitated by the continuing stonewall of the Obama administration. 'They're going to go with with they've got or they'll be waiting for documents until Hell freezes over. They've figured out what the rest of us knew all along -- that the only way to break the cover-up is under oath.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Not to sound jaded and cynical, but if Holder gets so much as a slap on the wrist I'll be surprised.

1st ‘Gunrunner’ hearing scheduled next week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first of what could be several long-awaited congressional hearings on the controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 'Project Gunrunner' and 'Operation Fast and Furious' will be held next Monday, congressional sources confirmed today." ...

Confirmed: Mexican military helicopter was shot down with 'gunwalked' rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Tuesday, Sipsey Street Irregular Mike Vanderboegh (and also Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman) speculated on rumors that a drug trafficking syndicate's .50 caliber rifle that forced a Mexican military helicopter into an emergency landing was a 'Project Gunwalker' gun. Mr. Vanderboegh was quoting forum member who posts under the name 'Epic Failure' ..." ...

"Now, CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson seems to have confirmed it:"

CBS: "'Gunwalker' guns linked to helicopter shooting." Confirms my earlier story on multiple hearings.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is what ATF HQ was crapping its pants about last week."

"CBS News has learned that the recent case of a Mexican military helicopter forced to land after it was fired upon is linked to the ATF Fast and Furious 'gunwalker' operation." ...

Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Obama Justice Department has been stonewalling Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa for months over an investigation into the lethal Operation Fast and Furious even after a subpeona was issued, but Issa isn't playing softball." ...

NC: GRNC On HB 111 - Guns In Restaurants And Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grass Roots North Carolina issued a member alert this evening on HB 111 which would allow concealed carry in restaurants and eating places that serve alcohol and would allow concealed carry in state, county, and municipal parks. This bill has passed the State House and is now in committee in the State Senate. While it has met the crossover deadline, it would be nice if it were passed before the General Assembly adjourns for this session." ...

FL: Florida Governor Rick Scott Signed Two Priority Second Amendment Bills Yesterday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"HB-155 Privacy of Firearms Owners by Rep. Jason Brodeur & Sen. Greg Evers to stop pediatricians from invading privacy rights of gun owners and bringing anti-gun politics into medical examining rooms was signed into law June 1, 2011 and took effect IMMEDIATELY."

"HB-45 Penalties for Violating Firearms Preemption Law by Rep. Matt Gaetz & Sen. Joe Negron to stop local governments and government officials from enacting gun control ordinances in violating of Florida law was signed into law June 1, 2011 and will take effect October 1, 2011. The delay in the effective date is to allow agencies and local governments to REPEAL any and all regulations, policies, and ordinances that violate the firearms preemption law. ..." ...

NY: Cop pleads guilty to hitting man in face with baton in unprovoked attack in the Bronx
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A cop pleaded guilty Friday to cracking a man in the face with his baton during an unprovoked attack in the Bronx."

"Officer Marc Rios admitted to the March 30, 2009, assault that left victim John Roperto, 34, with broken bones in his cheek and nose. The 13-year veteran of the NYPD was immediately fired following his plea, prosecutors said." ...

"He will be sentenced to probation as part of a plea deal with prosecutors."

Submitter's Note: Who here thinks that if John had fought back, breaking bones in Marc's cheek and nose he would have been offered a plea deal involving probation and no jail time?

Reading Evidentiary Videos: Point #1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a discussion that began here in late April when I mentioned that cops were not only training for terrorist attacks on the ground in the US, but citing positively armed citizens’ response in some such incidents, the matter morphed into a debate about whether the cops themselves were terrorists. Several who took that position cited YouTube videos, and I said that a tutorial on the topic of how to analyze such videos for the truth they contain might be in order. Several who commented here endorsed that idea, so here’s the first segment." ...

NY: Sheriff's deputy facing 26 charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Orleans County Sheriff's deputy is under arrest, charged in a domestic violence incident involving his estranged wife, who is an assistant district attorney."

"... Police allege he violated an order of protection and threatened his estranged wife with a gun at her home in Carlton." ...

Submitter's Note: But, but, but, how could he have gotten access to gun if he was the subject of an order of protection?

OH: Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath overlooked conflicting statements in use-of-force investigations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath frequently overlooked conflicting statements and other inconsistencies when reviewing uses of force by officers who now stand accused of brutality, The Plain Dealer has found."

"The discrepancies emerged as supervisors under McGrath's command conducted department-required investigations into the use of nondeadly force."

"At least twice, superiors ordered sergeants to correct information that didn't make sense, rather than perform a more thorough review or explain mistakes. In one incident, video evidence invalidated an officer's claim but compelled no further scrutiny." [emphasis added]

"And in all 37 cases the newspaper examined, McGrath or a deputy blessed the use of force." ...

FL: Miami Beach Police Ordered Videographer At Gunpoint To Hand Over Phone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Miami Beach police did their best to destroy a citizen video that shows them shooting a man to death in a hail of bullets Memorial Day."

"First, police pointed their guns at the man who shot the video ..."

"Then they ordered the man and his girlfriend out the car and threw them down to the ground, yelling 'you want to be fucking paparazzi?'"

"Then they snatched the cell phone from his hand and slammed it to the ground before stomping on it. Then they placed the smashed phone in the videographer's back pocket as he was laying down on the ground." ...

CA: Is San Francisco County Sheriff Michael Hennessey Above The Law?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After 32 years as Sheriff of San Francisco County, one can see how Michael Hennessey can become accustomed to running things his own way. Within the context of the law and depending on who one asks, many Sheriffs across the country have become either famous or infamous based on their own brand of justice. ..."

"For at least a decade, common, law-abiding Californians such as Jim March, have known about Sheriff Hennessey's hostility towards the 2nd Amendment as demonstrated through the Sheriff's brazen and willful non-adoption of California's concealed carry permit (CCW) laws. The Calguns Foundation elaborates," ...

CA: Lawyer, police officer face bribery charges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A criminal defense attorney from Mission Viejo surrendered to the FBI on Monday after he and a Rialto police officer were named in a federal grand jury indictment alleging a bribery scheme."

"Lawrence Anthony Witsoe, 67, and officer Aaron Scott Vigil, 41, of Highland, were taken into custody by special agents on federal bribery charges ..." ...

"The document alleges that Vigil, who was on a task force with the Drug Enforcement Administration, agreed to accept a $2,500 bribe in exchange for falsely telling the Orange County District Attorney's Office that Witsoe's client was a DEA informant ..." ...

NY: Fix a Ticket, Alienate a Bronx Jury
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Bronx juries are to the New York police what third terms are to New York mayors: sources of bedevilment. There is nothing new in this, but lately it has acquired a fresh twist. The reason is a tendency of some officers — probably more than a few — to fix tickets as a, ahem, 'professional courtesy' to an assortment of friends, relatives and some others found in the ranks of the overprivileged."

"The latest example of the Bronx blues for the police came a few days ago when a jury in state court found a lawyer, Stephen Lopresti, not guilty of drunken driving. ..." ...

OH: Hunters Reminded to Apply for Ohio's Controlled Deer and Waterfowl Hunts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters wanting to participate in Ohio's fall controlled deer and waterfowl hunts have until July 31 to submit permit applications for a random drawing according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife. These special hunts are held on selected public areas to provide additional hunting opportunities."

"New this year, all applicants, adults and youths, must possess a current hunting license in order to apply for a controlled hunt." ...

WA: Washington is new front in ‘Wolf war’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evergreen State hunting activists are sounding the alarm in the wake of Saturday’s Fish & Wildlife Commission discussion in Olympia on the revised wolf management plan."

"There are now at least five active discussions on wolves in Washington, and their potential impact on hunting, on three different local internet hunting forums. With but one exception, sentiments are all negative. One forum has a whole sub-topic on wolves." ...

NY: Soon-to-be-free Burress should live life right and embrace his second shot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Whenever and wherever Plaxico Burress returns to the NFL, he won’t be the feared receiver he used to be with the Giants, and he shouldn’t expect to be a Super Bowl hero again. It is much more important for him now, starting today, from here to eternity, to be a champion person than to be a champion football player." ...

"He did the crime, he did the time. Too much time, 20 months because he mindlessly toted an unregistered Glock into the Latin Quarter and accidentally shot himself in the leg, and Mayor Bloomberg decided it would be a noble thing to make an example out of him with some good old-fashioned celebrity justice."

"Burress was wronged. ..." ...

WA: Washington’s wolf war heating up fast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 'Wolf War' in Washington State is heating up faster than the temperature over the weekend, with comments from a leading wolf advocate and veteran liberal Seattle columnist Joel Connelly adding fuel to the political fire."

"Probably unintentionally, Connelly stated something of the obvious to this state’s hunters when he commented Monday morning about how wolves have taken down the Yellowstone National Park elk and deer herds:"
"Absent for 75 years, wolves have checked the population of hooved animals. ..." ...

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. — PERICLES (430 BC)

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