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NRA: Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Commonly used and unregulated internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a "gag order on firearm-related speech," the National Rifle Association is warning.
In updating regulations governing international arms sales, State is demanding that anyone who puts technical details about arms and ammo on the web first get the OK from the federal government — or face a fine of up to $1 million and 20 years in jail.
According to the NRA, that would include blogs and web forums discussing technical details of common guns and ammunition, the type of info gun owners and ammo reloaders trade all the time.

CO: Owner of house blown apart by SWAT says: 'This is an abomination. This is an atrocity' -- SWAT was trying to flush out shoplifting suspect
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There was one gunman with a handgun and they chose to turn this house into something that resembles Osama Bin Laden's compound."
Leo Lech is more than a little upset, and he is not afraid to express it with colorful language. ...
"In any civilized nation ... this is the act of paramilitary thugs," he says he told the chief of the Greenwood Village Police Department.
The chief, Lech said, brushed it off.
The damage was inflicted by police and SWAT officers who were working to capture Robert Jonathan Seacat, a suspected 33-year-old shoplifter who allegedly barged into a random home Wednesday afternoon, and opened fire on police when they tried to arrest him a short time later.

NJ: Carol Bowne Murdered by Ex-boyfriend.. and New Jersey Laws
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Carol Bowne is dead. The petite hairdresser was murdered by her ex-boyfriend.. and by the state of New Jersey. Bowne had received threats. She did everything a law-abiding citizen could do. She obtained a protective order. She installed security cameras inside and outside her home.

Ms. Bowne tried to get a firearm for self-defense. She started the long process to be allowed to buy a gun in New Jersey. The state delayed her application and Bowne ran out of time.

The man who stabbed Carol Bowne to death was a convicted felon. He had a previous charge of battery and armed kidnapping of another women. The police knew her murderer.. and yet they denied Carol Bowne a firearm purchase permit to defend herself.

TX: Texas police officer's conduct at teen party raises concern, draws suspension
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The treatment of young pool party attendees in McKinney, Texas has led to the suspension of one of the responding officers after a video of the incident was published on YouTube.
The video, taken Friday, shows the officer forcing black juveniles in swimsuits to the ground. The incident occurred at a community pool in McKinney. The officer in the video has been suspended pending an investigation, according to a statement by the McKinney Police Department on Sunday morning, ABC affiliate WFAA TV reported.

NJ: The Deadly Consequences of Draconian Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Carol Bowne is dead — murdered in cold blood on her own property by a violent criminal who would not be restrained by good intentions. But there is no smoking gun, because she lived and died in New Jersey. Bowne was a 39-year-old hairdresser from Berlin Township who had become increasingly nervous about her ex-boyfriend. Convinced that he intended to do her physical harm, she took out a restraining order, had security cameras installed at her home, and purchased an alarm system. She also hoped to buy a firearm for her defense. On April 21 of this year, she began the glacial process of obtaining a New Jersey permit to purchase a gun.

IA: Language of Constitution is not sacrosanct
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The level of gun violence in this country, stemming from timid limits on gun ownership, suggests the eventual fate of the Second Amendment, as written, should be repeal. If that were to ever occur, one would hope that what replaces it reflects the structural role of the military and National Guard in a modern America, as well as addressing the right of individual Americans to protect themselves and their families. And that it does so by outlining sensible limits to the destructive power an individual can possess, while maintaining a flexibility that allows its guidance to be applicable many generations into the future.

ME: No take-it-slow start for rookie Maine legislator
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Among the 28 bills he has sponsored and the dozens more he has co-sponsored were measures to allow Mainers to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, to repeal state seat belt laws and to eliminate bail requirements for non-violent offenders.

That’s a lot of high-profile bills for a self-described libertarian who ran on a platform of limited government.

NRA: Obama State Dept. seeks to censor online speech related to firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday, the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action said the Obama State Department has been quietly pushing a proposal that could censor online speech related to firearms. The NRA said the proposed regulation was published in the June 3 issue of the Federal Register and constitutes what it called an affront to the First and the Second Amendments to the Constitution.

AZ: Tucson man shot, killed after dispute ends in gunfight, police say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The two launched into an argument in the homeowner's garage. The confrontation turned physical, Dugan said. Thompson reached for his handgun and the homeowner reached for his own handgun, resulting in an exchange of gunfire.

The homeowner was unharmed but Thompson was shot during the showdown. Police spoke with several witness, the homeowner and Thompson before he died and deemed the shooting an act of self-defense, Dugan said.

NC: Gabby Giffords's Gun Control Group Fights for Permit to Purchase in NC
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just days after Carol Bowne was stabbed to death while waiting for state permission to buy a gun in New Jersey, Gabby Giffords’s gun control group is lobbying to keep a permit-to-purchase law on the books in North Carolina.

Breitbart News previously reported that Bowne had a restraining order against her former boyfriend and applied for a license to buy a handgun for self-defense. But nearly four weeks after applying, she still had not received the state’s permission and was defenseless when her former boyfriend allegedly stabbed her to death on June 3.

ATF bullet ban defeated in win for gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Having seen his gun control agenda fail in the Democratic-controlled Senate in the last Congress, President Obama is now resorting to acting unilaterally to achieve his goal. This last-ditch effort to unconstitutionally restrict one of our most fundamental rights has nothing to do with safety and security and everything to do with government control.

Last week, I was able to get the House to approve my measure to prohibit the ATF from banning “green-tip” ammo. By barring taxpayer dollars from being used to reclassify M855 or SS109-type ammunition as armor-piercing, my amendment puts an end to this attack on our Second Amendment rights and ensures this popular ammunition remains available and not subject to any future ATF bans.

Obama Plans To Muzzle Gun-Related Speech
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The foreign-raised President of the United States—who never set foot on the U.S. mainland until he was an adult—has proven throughout his rogue administration that he has no respect at all for the Constitution. He’s proving it yet again with a dual attack on both the First and Second Amendments, with an attempt to twist ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) regulations to ban online speech about firearms, claiming that information posted online is “exporting” data.

Ed.: And right after the SAF & Defense Distributed sued the State Department for illegally doing just this.

TX: Babes With Bullets
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For the third time the Amarillo Rifle and Pistol Club hosted Babes With Bullets...

Kay Miculek, the Head Instructor says, "Shooting classes basically for three days. With ladies only. It's everything from ladies who have never touched a gun never before in their life, to some of the ladies who are already competing at some level."

Course instructors say they pride themselves on teaching beginners.

ID: Idaho School Buys Guns to Enhance Safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A tiny school district in Idaho far removed from law enforcement has purchased firearms and trained a handful of staff to use them should the same school shooting rampage that has occurred across the country take place.

IL: Chicago Pastor Urges Black Community to Think Again About Their Democratic Loyalty After Yet Another Year of Little Progress
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Unlike most Democrats, Brooks is against unions and greatly in favor of protecting the right to bear arms. That’s not where his Conservative stance ends either.

Brooks also believes that Black people have a great share of responsibility for their own plights and challenges.

NY: The right way to wage war on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Even as New York City wrestles with an increase in shootings, Mayor de Blasio is making a habit of missing opportunities to lead on gun safety. Softballs cross the city’s plate, and the mayor doesn’t bother to swing.

Last November, he broke a campaign promise by failing to join 73 mayors and others in pressuring gun manufacturers to make a greater commitment to gun safety.

Viva Vince Vaughn
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When actor Vince Vaughn recently took up for the right to keep and bear arms in a highly publicized British GQ interview, he made a very reasonable argument for the Second Amendment—one you seldom hear coming from the “Hollywood crowd.”

"I support people having a gun in public full stop, not just in your home," Vaughn said. "We don't have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government. It's not about duck hunting; it's about the ability of the individual. It's the same reason we have freedom of speech. It's well known that the greatest defense against an intruder is the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back."

ME: Vermont Carry Reaches Maine’s Shores
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There was a moment of shock for supporters of LD 652 when Maine Gov. Paul LePage, usually considered pro-gun, announced that he would consider vetoing the bill. Was all of this build-up going to end in a replay of New Hampshire? As it turned out, the issue was the “21 and over” clause. LePage was unwilling to sign into law any gun bill that did not apply to all adult members of the military. A late amendment was added with broad bipartisan support to extend permitless carry rights to service men and women of the age of 18 and above. There now appears to be no obstacle to the signing of LD 652 into law.

AZ: Gun control subverts the Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Are either of these fine gentlemen aware of any other right that requires government interrogation, investigation and permission to exercise? Are they aware of any other right in which the exercise there of requires interrogation under threat of criminal sanction and a search, all without probable cause of criminal conduct. And all to ensure government approval of the purity of motives, as a precondition to obtaining (or being denied) permission to exercise the right?

Are either of these gentlemen aware of any other right that requires being deprived of one's right to due process in order to exercise it?

OH: Shootings our fault, not chief's
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some years back, the NRA fought the battle, standing on our constitutional rights to bear arms, that would allow all law-abiding citizens to carry weapons. So many of these citizens purchased guns legally. Then, those guns fell into the hands of people who would use them for illegal purposes. So, more people ran out to purchase guns to protect themselves. Then those guns ended up in the hands of criminals.

TX: Obsession with guns now infects college campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Texas Legislature has just passed its version of campus-carry – a bill that allows students, teachers, janitors, administrators and anyone else with a firearms permit to carry concealed handguns on college campuses throughout the state. That means students sitting in a library or classroom or strolling through a classic tree-lined quadrangle may be armed.

College campuses don’t have enough problems with student misbehavior? Administrators aren’t frazzled enough coping with rapes, binge drinking and routine infractions such as cheating? The Legislature had to add concealed weapons to the mix?

More than one in four U.S. kids exposed to weapon violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More than one in four U.S. children are exposed to weapon violence before their eighteenth birthday, either as victims or witnesses, a large study suggests.

About one in 33 kids are directly assaulted during incidents involving guns or knives, researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.

“Millions of children are being exposed to violence involving weapons, and many of them are victimized by guns and knives, with an elevated risk of trauma and serious injury,” said lead study author Kimberly Mitchell, a scientist at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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