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Dads, Moms Disagree About Guns In Homes
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Many couples with small children living at home disagree not only about how they have firearms stored but also about the number and types of guns they possess, according to a new study at the University of North Carolina." ...

"'There was only partial agreement between household partners on the number of firearms at home, the number of handguns and long guns and whose responsibility it was to store them,' lead author Tamera Coyne-Beasley said." ...

Security has led to more small-arms accidents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The accidental firing of a .50-caliber machine gun Monday aboard the destroyer Ross was one of 239 Navywide small-arms mishaps in the past nine years, many the result of heightened port security measures."

"However, Navy safety officials said Tuesday that the number of negligent weapons discharges has dropped significantly in the past 20 months because of better training." ...

"It was found that many sailors who suddenly had to carry weapons were poorly trained in their use, Klinkenberger said."

"Although his office published a safety bulletin earlier this month saying it was concerned about such incidents 'growing at an alarming rate,' that bulletin is now being rescinded, he said." ...

CA: Gun Enthusiasts Get Ugly in California Legislative Push, Lock State Agents Out of Training Facility
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A shooting range here has announced a ban on use of its shooting facilities by employees of the California Department of Justice because the Department is supporting two bills in the State legislature that the club opposes." ...

"Leaders of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Million Mom March are urging the club to drop the policy immediately. 'It is offensive that the owners of this shooting range would rather side with criminals than with law enforcement and victims, not to mention that they are discriminating against people simply because they have a different view on legislation,' said Amanda Wilcox, State Council Leader of the Million Mom March. 'It is also very troubling when it is law enforcement agents who are using the facility for training purposes.'"

"'What's next - should police who support sensible gun laws have their firearms taken away? This is un-American, and these guys ought to have their heads examined,' said Jim Brady, chair of the Brady Campaign." ...

DC: Examiner Editorial - Let D.C. make its own mistakes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Freedom doesn't guarantee that people always make good choices. It often results in quite the opposite. But living in a government-run day care system where bureaucratic nannies make all the decisions for you is even worse."

"Which is why we have to agree with D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams' assertion that the recent revival of legislation in Congress to repeal the District's 1976 gun ban is a 'vicious attack on representative democracy' - even while pointing out that the gun ban itself is a colossal failure that should be repealed." ...

Submitter's Note: One would suppose, then, that Mayor Williams was opposed to the use of federal force to end segregation in the South.

TX: Teen not indicted for killing his father [in self-defense]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Casey Morgan didn't plan on killing his father."

"He just wanted him to stop."

"But Arch Jack Morgan, 43, had been drinking and was angry." ...

"'The whole day we were gathering up all of his stuff in the house, and we put it all in the porch so he wouldn't have to come inside,' said Casey ... 'He just barged in anyway ... Then he started threatening us, and that's when it happened. He was coming toward us pretty quick, and that's when I did it.'"

"Casey picked up a shotgun his uncle kept for protection, leveled it at his fast-approaching father and fired once, killing him."

"On Monday, a Tarrant County grand jury agreed that Casey was justified ... and declined to indict the teen on a murder charge." ...

NC: Evening the draw: Robber pulls gun and so does clerk
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A couple of Marion robbery suspects picked the wrong Burke County clerk to bully."

"Around 3:30 p.m. Sunday, while working at the Country Crossroads Convenience Store on U.S. 64, a man walked in, pointed a gun at the clerk, Bonnie Christie, and demanded money."

"Christie didn’t clean out the cash register though. Instead, she grabbed a gun from under the counter and pointed it at the armed man."

"'I told him, 'I’ll shoot you too,' Christie said. 'I think he tried to get a bullet in the chamber of his gun but the bullet jammed. When he realized he couldn’t (fire his gun), he ran out of the store.'" ...

WI: City man stops truck burglary in progress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having his truck broken into three times in the past month was too much for Brian Sidie."

"So when Sidie saw someone in the cab of his pickup about 11 p.m. Monday, he took action." ...

"Sidie grabbed his rifle and headed outside. 'I came around the front of my truck and slapped my hand on the hood. He just shot up and looked at me,' Sidie said. 'I told him, 'You aren't going anywhere.'"

"Careful never to point the gun at the young man, Sidie pushed the pickup door closed and refused to let the man go."

"Sidie's wife called La Crosse police, who said they arrived to find Daryl A. Sumlar, 17, inside the truck." ...

NY: Making women tough targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a cacophony of thuds, Giuliana Iannuzzi laid waste to the two leering thugs pawing at her hair and screaming lewd taunts."

"In this scenario, Iannuzzi was alone and vulnerable and had little choice when she was accosted at an ATM. She waited, screaming 'No! Get Back!' Until they grabbed her. A slight but powerful woman, she let fly a precision flurry of open-fisted punches, stunning elbows and punishing knee jabs that sent the larger men wilting to the ground."

"Then they all shook hands."

"Iannuzzi, a town police officer, was showcasing the skills taught in a new Rape Aggression Defense class that police are offering at no charge to women in Guilderland." ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately RAD ignores the fact, shown in study after study, that using a firearm is the safest and most effective way to defend yourself.

FL: Sticking to their guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida has about 18 million residents. And 20 million firearms."

"No one knows how many residents own guns because records are not required. But officials do know that the number of people who carry concealed weapons is escalating."

"In 1987, it became much easier for residents to carry concealed weapons when the legislature passed a law streamlining the process. Before then, a concealed-weapon license was good only in the county in which it was issued, so to carry a gun statewide required 67 separate permits. Now, only one application is necessary and it is good not only in Florida, but also in 28 other states." ...

"About 30,000 people apply for new licenses each year. Before 9/11, about 25,000 applied annually." ...

CA: Toxicology Results in Officer-Brother Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Investigators say a former Fresno police officer shot and killed his brother in a Northwest Fresno home. Now, Action News has uncovered new information about the shooting."

"Former Fresno police officer Louie Sanchez was fired from the police department after police say he shot and killed his brother, Arthur Sanchez."

"It was not the results many were expecting. Action News has learned that Arthur Sanchez, the brother shot and killed by his brother, Louie, was not on drugs."

"The toxicology test screens for many different drugs ..." ...

"Officer Sanchez was arrested and released two days after the shooting, because the district attorney didn't have enough evidence to prosecute the case." ...

TX: Local police learn about federal gun law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Attorney's office directed a seminar Tuesday, instructing local prosecutors and law enforcement officials on federal gun laws and the option of federal prosecution for some gun law violators."

"'I don't know if there is anything more dangerous than an ex-con running around with a gun. Many times that is a capitol murder waiting for a place to happen,' U.S. Attorney John Sutton said in explaining the importance of effectively prosecuting violation of federal gun laws." ...

CA: Cops in P.A. beating case pay $250 fines in deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Community groups and some Palo Alto residents on Tuesday decried a deal between Santa Clara County prosecutors and two police officers who beat and pepper-sprayed a motorist nearly two years ago."

"Rookie officers Michael Kan, 27, and Craig Lee, 42, had been charged with felony assault and misdemeanor battery for beating 59-year-old Albert Hopkins in July 2003. But on Tuesday, the two pleaded no contest to illegally fighting in public -- an infraction attorneys likened to a traffic citation."

"Officials with the district attorney's office defended the deal, which was first reported in the Mercury News on Tuesday. They noted that a trial of Kan and Lee in the spring ended in a deadlock after jurors split 8-4 in favor of conviction." ...

IL: Successful anti-gun program expanding here
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A federal anti-gun program that's at least partly responsible for Chicago's falling homicide rate will be expanded to a fifth police district -- Marquette, which covers the Pilsen, Little Village and Lawndale communities -- under a plan unveiled Tuesday by Mayor Daley and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald."

"The expansion of Project Safe Neighborhoods will be further enhanced with a new advertising campaign that uses 130 billboards and more than 90 public transit posters to warn convicted felons of 'Federal Time for Gun Crime.'" ...

KABA Note: Interesting that the Chicago Sun-Times could find a link between "Safe Neighborhoods" and reduced crime when the CDC team was unable to find any such causal link.

TX: Police giving away gun locks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Henderson County gun owners now have a way to make their homes even safer."

"Cable gun locks are available at no charge from most law enforcement agencies. The distribution of the locks to local law-enforcement agencies are part of a nationwide program called Project ChildSafe."

"'We distribute them every chance we get,' said Athens Police Department Assistant Chief Buddy Hill."

"The locks were supplied by project ChildSafe, but distribution is organized by the individual law-enforcement organizations." ...

"As the name implies, protecting children is the focus of Project ChildSafe, said Lash Ashmore as he was unloading seven boxes of locks for Trinity Valley Community College Police." ...

Australia: Cop jailed for stockpiling weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Sydney police officer and Army reservist has been sentenced to at least 18 months in jail for stockpiling illegal weapons and police-issue equipment.

Steven Lenard Williams, 43, pleaded guilty to 11 charges, including possessing prohibited and unlicensed firearms.

In November last year, police found several banned high-powered rifles along with thousands of rounds of ammunition.

They also found police uniforms, handcuffs and capsicum spray in a garage at his St Ives home.

Sydney District Court Judge Mark Marien said while Williams had no sinister intention for the weapons, they still posed a considerable risk to public safety.

South Africa: Soldier not guilty of murder after rifle assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The murder conviction of a former SA National Defence Force soldier, who caused the death of a man by forcing the barrel of an R4 assault rifle into his anus, was overturned yesterday."

"Pietermaritzburg High Court Acting Judges Colin Pammenter and Nigel Hollis ruled Mlungwana Ngcamu should have been convicted of culpable homicide and not of murder." ...

"The judges ruled that district surgeon Kevin Gardner, who examined the victim soon after the incident, had not seen fit to admit him to hospital and clearly also did not foresee that death would result from his injuries. They said it would therefore not be reasonable to expect Ngcamu to have foreseen that death would ensue from his actions." ...

India: Armyman killed as service rifle goes off accidentally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Army jawan was killed when his service rifle went off accidentally in Gulmarg sector of Jammu and Kashmir today, official sources said.

Rifleman Kifayat Hussain of 193 Field Regiment died instantly when a bullet from his own service weapon hit him while he was travelling in a vehicle at Gutapathri, 70 km from here, the sources said.

VA: Kilgore's new gun-rights ad: who's right?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Republican Jerry Kilgore on Tuesday began airing a 60-second ad titled '2nd Amendment' on radio stations in rural Virginia markets. It's target is Tim Kaine, the Democrat he will likely face in the fall election for governor."

The ad contends that, as Richmond's mayor, Kaine wanted the city to sue gun manufacturers. It also says Kaine 'used our tax dollars to send buses filled with protesters to an antigun rally in Washington, D.C.'"

"Kaine's campaign claims the ad is a gross distortion of the record."

"Who's right?" ...

Ukraine: Get Your War On: Military Adventure Tourism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's something innately cool about guns, tanks and other military equipment. It's about the raw power of blowing stuff up, of seeing the muzzle blast of a machine gun, or feeling the rumble of a battle tank as it roars to life. It calls to mind the charisma of actors like Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood. Go ahead. Make my day."

"Considerably less cool is the idea of enlisting for military service ... Want to do barrel rolls flying tandem in a supersonic fighter jet worth millions of dollars? How about fire a shoulder-launched, rocket-propelled grenade that's capable of turning a small Lada into a smoldering piece of scrap metal? Just call ALLua." ...

Ghana: Banish All Small Arms!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, the Director of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the police announced that six people had been arrested on suspicion of acts of subversion."

"They were in possession of 'large quantities of AK 47 assault rifles, grenades, pistols and ammunition.' Typically, these are the kinds of 'small arms' used to wreak havoc in many parts of the world where conflict takes root."

"This week marks the fifth annual Global Week of Action Against Small Arms. Around the world, local and national organizations are drawing attention to the human toll of small arms proliferation and misuse and demanding that governments put the safety of their people first." ...

Submitter's Note: This call for governments to put the people's safety first is ironic given that in the 20th Century governments killed over 169 million of their own people.

South Africa: Why So Much Crime in SA?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE innocent-looking men last week entered a classroom where six out of 16 journalists attending a Nordic-SADC Journalism Trust (NSJ) sub-editing course in Johannesburg were finishing off their assignments."

"They flung out two pistols, ordered them to lie down, emptied their pockets and drove away, with the NSJ minibus." ...

"This writer was among the 10 participants that were out preparing from their rooms." ...

"Why so much crime? Where do these people get guns from? I asked Wits University journalism lecturer Franz Kruger who was our course facilitator."

"'Apartheid destroyed the moral fabric among South Africans. There were too many murders in that rule such that life lost its worth. Fatherless children were born from raped women and now grow without parental guidance, most of them are hungry so they are angry,' Kruger narrated." ...

UK: Campaign nets 180 airguns in one month
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A GUNS campaign has resulted in dozens of potentially deadly airguns being taken off the streets."

"A total of 180 guns have been handed into Lothian and Borders Police following the four-week campaign."

"The figures have prompted fresh calls from politicians for an urgent crackdown on air weapons."

"The move followed the death of toddler Andrew Morton who was shot near his home in Easterhouse, Glasgow."

"It also came in the wake of the shooting of six-year-old Tyler Scott in Edinburgh. The youngster survived the shooting, but had to undergo surgery after being hit in the head by a pellet as he played with friends." ...

UK: Call for Scots control over gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THERE were calls last night for the Scottish Executive to be given control of gun laws after the Home Office rejected the First Minister Jack McConnell's appeals for a major crackdown on air weapons."

"Kenny MacAskill, the SNP's justice spokesman, described the government's action on airguns as a 'token gesture' and demanded changes in the devolution settlement so that firearms law can be decided by the Scottish Parliament."

"Mr McConnell had been lobbying the Home Office in an attempt to get a licensing system for air weapons, or at least a permit system for the most dangerous types."

"But the government's new restrictions ... concentrate largely on imitation weapons, which have hardly been a problem in Scotland." ...

UK: Replica Gun Sales Could Soon Be Outlawed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A ban on the sale of replica guns is expected to be proposed today as the Government sets out a new crackdown on firearms in the Violent Crime Reduction Bill."

"Home Office minister Hazel Blears is set to propose stringent restrictions on look-a-like weapons to Parliament, including a ban on all sales to under-18s."

"The new Bill, which will also contain measures to combat alcohol-fuelled violence, is likely to recommend that the all manufacture and import of replica guns should be made illegal." ...

UK: Shooting: Rifle shooter Jen is a target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jen Charlton is accustomed to prejudice. Her all-consuming passion can induce another person's panic, her talent is often viewed as a tainted gift." ...

"But it is through a new generation of fresh-faced competitors that a sport striving for credibility hopes to heal a reputation battered by the high-profile disasters of Dunblane, Hungerford and, closer to home, Monkseaton."

"Emerging from the shadow of two decades of gun-induced tragedy, Jen and her ilk are level-headed and responsible proof there is nothing dangerous or deadly about target shooting. According to the sport's chief protagonists, the real threat lies in the fear and lack of perception which clouds opinion and hampers progress."

UK: 'Happy slap' attack: girl shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 17-year-old girl was shot in the leg with an air rifle in a so-called 'happy slap' attack."

"Police said the victim was believed to have been shot with an air rifle in Wortley, Leeds, whilst she was chatting with friends."

"Two men approached her outside the Netto store on Oldfields Lane, Wortley, on May 25 and one of the men, who loaded an air rifle, shot her in the leg."

"Kerry Deville, a student from Beeston, Leeds, told Yorkshire paper that the second man then photographed her injuries using his mobile phone." ...

"Police and anti-bullying organisations have reported that the teenage fad of 'happy slapping' sees people, mainly children, attack passers-by while recording the incident on their mobile phones." ...

South Africa: Toy guns no laughing matter - GFSA
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Parents across the country are being urged by Gun Free South Africa (GFSA) not to buy toy guns for their children for at least the month of June."

"Police statistics report that more than 25 people (most of them young men between 15 and 25 years of age) are killed each day in gun-related incidents in South Africa." ...

UK: Pupils expelled over gun incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two boys have been expelled from a Cumbrian school after a pupil was shot in the head with a ball-bearing gun, a head teacher has confirmed."

"Police were called to North Cumbria Technology College in Carlisle, after a 13-year-old boy was struck with a pellet from a so-called 'BB pistol'."

"The pupils, aged 12 and 13, were permanently excluded from the school after being found with the air weapon."

"Head teacher Russ Wallace said security at the college was now being reviewed."

"The victim, who has not been named, did not need medical attention after the incident, which happened on Monday."

"Officers from Cumbria Police confiscated the gun and an investigation was launched by the force's area police team." ...

Philippines: Another man shot 9 times in summary killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A resident of Barangay Pasil, Cebu City was gunned down vigilante-style last Tuesday night, but the victim’s wife pointed to a policeman as the one behind the killing."

"Buenaventura Bacante Gaviola, 40, who lived on T. Cavan St., became the 62nd fatality in similar attacks in Cebu City since December."

"He died of nine gunshot wounds."

"Homicide investigators are still trying to identify the two assailants, but Gaviola’s wife, Teresa, in a radio dySS interview last Tuesday night, identified a policeman assigned at the San Nicolas Police Station as the mastermind."

"Sun-Star Cebu is withholding the policeman’s identity pending his comment on the allegation." ...

Philippines: Bike-riding gunmen kill 3 in 12 hours
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men and a woman are the latest victims of motorcycle-riding gunmen in Davao City, raising the number of victims of the vigilante-style killings in the city to 101 for this year."

"The three victims were shot dead in separate incidents, which occurred 12 hours apart starting Tuesday night and early Wednesday."

"The latest victim was identified as Mark Anthony Perkins alias Marco Tisoy, 23, of Panacan. He was killed at around 7 a.m. Wednesday."

"Witnesses said Perkins was alighting from a passenger jeepney ... in Sasa where he works when two unidentified suspects approached and shot him several times. The gunmen later run towards a waiting motorcycle after the shooting incident." ...

You must understand, therefore, that there are two ways of fighting: by law or by force. The first way is natural to men, and the second to beasts. But as the first way often proves inadequate one must have recourse to the second. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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