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Gun Control: Why Tell the Truth When a Lie Will Do?
Submitted by: News Director

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"A recent Washington Post article claims 'More than 500 children die annually from accidental gunshots: Some shoot themselves, while others kill friends or siblings, often after discovering a gun.'"

"To understand how a biased or under-educated writer makes an inaccurate and misleading error, we must first clarify the term 'child.' Oxford English Dictionary defines the word 'childhood' as: 'The state or stage of life as a child…the time from birth to puberty.' Oxford defines 'puberty' as: 'The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction, distinguished by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.' ..."

"Citing 2003 data from the Centers for Disease Control–the latest available online–and using the standard definition of 'child,' the number of accidental firearms deaths was 56, and the total number for minors (under age 18) was 102. To reach the number stated in the article, we must include all fatal firearms accidents through age 45."

FL: Bush signs 6 pro-gun bills
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It may have been the rockiest session in memory for the National Rifle Association, but the powerful pro-gun group still got almost everything it wanted."

"Gov. Jeb Bush on Wednesday signed a package of six NRA-backed bills passed this spring by the Republican-controlled Legislature, including a measure (HB 687) that makes personal information about people who carry concealed weapons exempt from the state's public-records laws."

MA: Springfield mayor joins anti-gun effort
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Springfield Mayor Charles Ryan has joined mayors from across the country in a collaborative effort aimed at cracking down on illegal guns."

"Boston Mayor Tom Menino and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently sent letters to mayors around the country, inviting them to participate in the coalition. The letters followed the first Mayors' Summit on Illegal Guns, held April 25th in New York City."

"Chicopee Mayor Michael Bissonnette said he plans on joining the coalition -- which is called 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns.'"

NY: Andy gun plan like Mike's
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"State attorney-general front-runner Andrew Cuomo rolled out a plan to curb the flow of illegal guns yesterday, four days after Mayor Bloomberg announced that his multi-city coalition against the weapons had nearly tripled in size."

NY: Is That a Real Gun Or a Toy?
Submitted by: News Director

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"Toy guns look more and more like real guns, and real guns look more and more like toy guns — and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg sees in this a real threat to police officers and the public."

"Back in 1999, the New York City Council passed a law requiring that toy guns be painted fluorescent to make them easily identifiable as toys. But now that real guns are colored with the same fluorescent paint, they look like toys."

"As part of a larger piece of gun legislation, Bloomberg wants to ban the selling of gun coloration or paint kits to anyone in New York City's five boroughs."

NY: Gun Returns Prove Bloomberg's Intent Is to Harass Legitimate Gun Dealers, Says Second Amendment Foundation
Submitted by: News Director

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"After police in New York were compelled this week to return hundreds of firearms seized in a crackdown on so-called 'rogue' gun dealers, it is now clear that Mayor Michael Bloomberg is far more interested in harassing law-abiding gun dealers than he is in fighting genuine crime, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today." ...

"'Once again,' said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, 'it appears the real rogues in this case were the undercover cops and the man who sent them, Mayor Bloomberg. ...Because this crusade has targeted firearms transported in interstate commerce, we believe the Justice Department should investigate.'"

Air Marshal Caught Sleeping On Flight
Submitted by: News Director

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"Since Sept. 11, 2001, federal air marshals have been traveling on thousands of flights. Their job is to track suspected terrorists and deter anyone who might try to hijack a plane." ...

"The concern is about the agent in charge of the Denver office, Tony Hedges. According to a former senior United Airlines flight attendant, Hedges, who was carrying a gun, was sleeping on a flight to Washington, D.C., which made him vulnerable to being disarmed." ...

"The e-mail sent by the head flight attendant said: 'Since we require a visual of all (persons carrying firearms aboard) I purposely check on them during the flight. ... If (you're) carrying a firearm, shouldn't you be aware of the environment around you at all times?'"

CA: Juvenile Hall Guard Avoids Jail Time for Handgun Incident
Submitted by: News Director

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"The former San Benito County Juvenile Institutional Officer facing two felony gun charges for bringing a handgun to Juvenile Hall last December was given a plea bargain by the district attorney's office Wednesday that will keep him out of prison."

"Manuel Gonzales, 41, of Los Banos, faced two felony gun charges, including possession of a firearm at school, that could have landed him in prison for up to eight years. In exchange for pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor count of possession of a firearm in a vehicle, the district attorney's office agreed to drop both felony charges, said defense attorney Greg LaForge, who represented Gonzales."

CA: Police fatally shoot man in friend's attic
Submitted by: News Director

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"Officers thought glasses case was gun and opened fire..."

"Two San Francisco police officers who shot and killed an unarmed man in the darkened attic of an apartment mistook him for a trespasser with a gun, police officials said Wednesday."

"Asa B. Sullivan, 25, had his arms outstretched and was holding a 'cylindrical object' when the officers confronted him Tuesday night in the apartment near Lake Merced, prompting them to open fire, said Police Chief Heather Fong. The object turned out to be an eyeglasses case."

FL: Officer Back In Court On Taser Gun Charge
Submitted by: News Director

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"For the second time in the past two months, an Orlando police officer is in court defending himself."

"Peter Linnenkamp is accused of stunning a teenager with a Taser gun while the teen was handcuffed and strapped to a hospital gurney at Florida Hospital, WESH 2 News reported."

"Antonio Wheeler was under arrest, and the hospital staff was worried he had swallowed cocaine. They wanted him to give a urine sample so they could evaluate and treat him, but he wasn't able to."

NC: North Carolina Officer Mistakenly Stuns Fire Captain
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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"A Cabarrus County sheriff's deputy accidentally used his Taser on a captain from the Harrisburg Fire Department, according to the Sheriff's Office."

"The incident happened last Monday. Capt. Brad Christopher received 50,000 volts of electricity after being hit in the back of the head by a two-pronged Taser. He suffered some blurred vision right after the shooting, but he is doing OK now."

OR: Oregon Town Settles Final Lawsuits In Police Sex Scandal
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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"Eugene closed a financial wound opened by the biggest police scandal in its 144-year history, announcing the settlement Tuesday of the last six lawsuits filed after two uniformed officers sexually assaulted women and shattered the community's faith in the department."

"With the final settlements, the city has spent more than $5 million on the case, with $3.7 million going to a total of 14 victims."

"One of the police officers, Roger Magana, is serving a 94-year prison term. The second officer, Juan Lara, was released from prison May 30, two years early, after completing a special program for nonviolent inmates."

"Both men were indicted and fired from the force in 2003 after two women came forward with charges that they had been forced into having sex with the officers."

PA: Ex-Cop Charged in Gun Incident
Submitted by: News Director

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"He spent his whole career enforcing the law. Now a former Bethlehem Police Captain is on the other side of it for allegedly holding a loaded handgun to the head of another officer. ..." ...

"Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli says , last October , Bethlehem Police Captain William McLaughlin walked into the House Sergeant's room at Bethlehem Police headquarters , pulled out his loaded handgun , and pointed it in the direction of Officer Keith Fryslin.
He was reportedly told to put it away."

"A short time later , it's alleged McLaughlin pulled it out again and held it to the back of Fryslin's neck."

"Captain McLaughlin was verbally instructed three times to put down his gun."

TX: Gun charge gets jailer 21 months
Submitted by: News Director

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"A 32-year-old former Ector County jailer has been sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for having a sawed-off shotgun in his possession when his Midland County home was raided by state and federal officers investigating a report he had smuggled drugs and other prohibited materials to inmates."

"Anthony Magallanes Moya could have gotten as many as 10 years from U.S. District Judge Robert Junell in the Tuesday afternoon proceeding. "As a law enforcement officer, Moya took an oath to uphold the law," said U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton of San Antonio on Wednesday."

WV: FBI Agent Arraigned
Submitted by: News Director

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"A local FBI agent accused of soliciting a prostitute was arraigned Wednesday morning in Harrison County."

"Sterling Pace worked at the FBI satellite office in Clarksburg."

"He pleaded 'not guilty' Wednesday to two counts of solicitation and two counts of obstruction of an officer."

"A judge has Pace's jury trial for August. He also ordered Pace to check in with a probation officer at least once a month and to not carry a firearm."

VT: Vermont Law Shields Gun Clubs from Some Lawsuits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Vermont Governor Jim Douglas was at the Barre Rifle and Pistol Club recently to sign legislation protecting Vermont's shooting ranges from so-called frivolous lawsuits and nuisance claims."

"Douglas said the strong legislative support for the new law reflects the importance Vermonters place on safe and controlled areas to teach hunter safety and recreational shooting sports."

UK: Radio 1 encourages gun and knife culture, says Cameron
Submitted by: News Director

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"DAVID CAMERON has accused Radio 1 of encouraging knife and gun crime."

"The Conservative leader singled out the BBC station’s Saturday night schedules which feature the DJ Tim Westwood’s hip-hop show."

"'I would say to Radio 1, do you realise that some of the stuff you play on Saturday nights encourages people to carry guns and knives?' he told the British Society of Magazine Editors after being asked a question on how his party would deal with the problem."

IL: Air gun causes false alarm
Submitted by: News Director

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"Conant High School was on emergency lockdown Tuesday afternoon while police responded to reports of a person with a gun in the neighborhood."

"It turned out to be a juvenile with an relatively harmless air gun, who was playing along Thacker Street just west of the high school, according to Hoffman Estates police. No arrest was made. ..."

UK: Youth held after air gun attacks
Submitted by: News Director

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"A youth has been arrested after three people were shot with what was believed to be an air rifle in Wiltshire."

"They were taken to hospital but were not believed critically injured in the incidents in Trowbridge on Thursday."

"A 51-year-old woman was hit in the arm in Mortimer Street, and 10 minutes later a 14-year-old girl was shot in the neck at a bus stop."

"Then a man was shot in his chest while he was sleeping in a flat. A youth, believed to be 15, is being questioned."

Canada: Gun amnesty for June
Submitted by: News Director

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"People with unwanted weapons that were not used in a crime, can dispose of them safely, and without fear of prosecution, after the provincial government declared a gun amnesty in June."

"The amnesty, which applies all over BC for one month only, is already operating in detachments in Alert Bay, Port Alice, Port Hardy and Port McNeill, and people need only call their local detachment on the non-emergency number to take advantage of it."

Canada: Amnesty targets unregistered gun owners
Submitted by: News Director

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"The amnesty gives Powell River residents who have unwanted, unregistered or illegal firearms, which have not been used in a criminal offence, the opportunity to turn them into their local police force without being charged."

"Powell River RCMP Constable Carl McIntosh said if people have guns they want to turn in, police will go to their homes to pick them up. ..."

"Solicitor General John Les described the amnesty as another tool in the fight against gun violence. 'Removing guns from circulation will enhance public safety and reduce the risk of these weapons falling into the hands of criminals,' he said."

South Africa: Strong opposition as firearm bill is tabled
Submitted by: News Director

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"The long awaited Firearm Control Amendment Bill has been tabled in parliament despite strong opposition."

"Among other amendments, the bill seeks to extend the period of licences held by those dealing in firearms. It has also taken a more lenient approach to firearm collectors, no longer limiting their stock."

"But it does require that all 'prohibited' and 'restricted' firearms in the possession of registered collectors be made inoperable."

CA: Gunmen On Campus Prompt Hercules High Lockdown
Submitted by: News Director

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"Hercules High School was put on lockdown this morning after five young men armed with handguns showed up on campus and threatened a site supervisor, according to the Hercules Police Department." ...

"One of the men then pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the site supervisor. The site supervisor told police that all of the men appeared to be armed with handguns. When he took out his phone to call for help, the men left in the Cadillac."

Canada: Top civil servant feared political impact of gun registry spending, MPs told
Submitted by: News Director

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"A top civil servant balked at revealing the federal gun registry was over budget two years ago because she feared potential repercussions on the 2004 election campaign, a parliamentary committee has heard."

"Margaret Bloodworth was then deputy minister of public safety under the Liberal government of Paul Martin."

"She has since been promoted by Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper to associate secretary to cabinet - making her the No. 2 civil servant in Ottawa."

"Bloodworth would not confirm Thursday whether she made the statements attributed to her by a colleague who attended a key meeting of bureaucrats in February 2004."

Canada: Gun registry death planned
Submitted by: News Director

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"Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day plans to table legislation this month to kill the long-gun registry, and he's confident a majority of MPs will vote to abolish the program."

IN: Class teaches children gun safety
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"Officer Todd Bailey asks a group of children what they think his most important tool is during a gun safety program Wednesday evening at the New Albany Firehouse on Spring Street. One child guessed correctly by saying his brain was the most important tool, not his gun."

WI: Owner of Lake Hallie firm says NYC mayor confused about product
Submitted by: News Director

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"The owner of a Lake Hallie company which produces a gun finishing product says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was confused when he criticized the firm this week.

"Bloomberg proposed banning Lauer Custom Weaponry's DuraCoat product and other gun coloration kits from the city, asking: 'What possible reason can you give to want to paint a gun so it looks like a child's toy gun, other than to put a police officer in one of those impossible positions?'"

"Lauer owner Steve Lauer told The Chippewa Herald he doesn't sell DuraCoat in New York City."

There are other things so clearly out of the power of Congress, that the bare recital of them is sufficient, I mean the "...rights of bearing arms for defence, or for killing game..." These things seem to have been inserted among their objections, merely to induce the ignorant to believe that Congress would have a power over such objects and to infer from their being refused a place in the Constitution, their intention to exercise that power to the oppression of the people. —ALEXANDER WHITE (1787)

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