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Newslinks for 7/10/2001

Treaty Grants UN Control Over American Historical Landmarks
Submitted by: skypod

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In 1972, our government signed the "United Nations World Heritage Treaty" that creates "World Heritage Sites" and "Biosphere Reserves." Selected for their cultural, historical or natural significance, national governments are obligated to protect these landmarks under UN mandate. Since 1972, 68% of all U.S. national parks, monuments and preserves have been designated as World Heritage Sites.

Want to know more? Click Here

Campaign-Finance Reform H.R.2360
Submitted by: skypod

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~Send your Representative and Senators a message about this bill!

Read A Constitutional Analysis by Herbert W. Titus, Senior Legal Advisor, The Liberty Committee.

U.S. Differs With U.N. on Arms-Trafficking Plan
Submitted by: skypod

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FOXNews: The United States will oppose any U.N. plan to curb small arms trafficking that interferes with the legitimate right of citizens to own guns or the legal weapons trade.

The Bush administration believes the best way to curb trade in small arms and light weapons is to get every nation to adopt tough U.S.-style regulations on exports, weapons transfers and brokers, Undersecretary of State John Bolton told the opening session of a two-week U.N. conference.

Rental Cars Use GPS to Track Speeding Customers
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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A rental car company uses GPS devices in their cars to track and FINE speeding customers. Cameras send tickets to red light runners and speeders. Holsters that require a fingerprint match to release the gun are already a reality. How long before all this technology allows police to know where our guns are, whether they are locked up, taken across state lines, brought too close to a school, etc?

Is America Really the Land of the Free?
Submitted by: skypod

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Kevin H. Watson, a spokesman for The Law Enforcement Alliance of America, says, "We’re calling for the cameras to be removed simply because there is the potential violation of the Fourth Amendment and the rights of privacy," he says. "The cameras also create a sense of distrust between the community and the law enforcement officers that are there to protect the people, especially when they are perceived as being a part of this Big-Brother scheme."

JUST SAY NO to Doctor Intrusion
Submitted by: skypod

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The Right of Refusal: If your doctor starts pestering you about guns, you have several options. ~ by By Dave Kopel and Timothy Wheeler MD

U.S. Fires First Shot At U.N. Small Arms Conference
Submitted by: skypod

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CNS News: "The United States believes," Undersecretary of State John Bolton said, "that the responsible use of firearms is a legitimate aspect of national life. Like many countries, the United States has a cultural tradition of hunting and sport shooting. We, therefore, do not begin with the presumption that all small arms and light weapons are the same or that they are all problematic."

U.S. Throws Down Gauntlet to UN Small Arms Meeting
Submitted by: skypod

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Rueters: The United States threw down the gauntlet on Monday at a U.N. small arms conference, saying it rejected any move to restrict the right of citizens to bear arms, even when these were designed for military use.

United Nations to Open Gun Conference
Submitted by: skypod

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FOX News: The United Nations opens a first-of-its-kind special session in New York Monday geared toward reining in the international black market in small weapons in war zones and other conflict areas.

Even before it began, the conference was drawing heated protest from American gun enthusiasts, who believe that the conference poses a threat to U.S. citizens' right to bear arms.

Gun Control Debate Goes Global
Submitted by: skypod

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CNS News: A two-week conference on illicit small-arms trading begins Monday at the United Nations. Gun control advocates want to impose global restrictions on the small arms trade, while supporters of gun rights say the U.N. has no business trampling on the freedoms of individual nations.

The United Nations defines small arms as revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles, submachine guns, "assault" rifles and light machine-guns.

The UN Isn’t Telling the Truth
Submitted by: skypod

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Brad Edmonds: I quote from the UN website: "Delegations in Vienna agreed on 2 March 2001 on a legally binding Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition… the Protocol will provide an international law enforcement mechanism… it includes articles establishing internationally recognized standards and provisions regarding marking, record-keeping and import/export control of firearms."

UK: Girl, 14, gangraped by teenagers under pier
Submitted by: Mark Kohler

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The farther a society strays from the path of freedom, the more ill that society becomes; and the more its people will suffer.

Britain's overwhelming surge in crime serves as proof of this, to all who have the capacity for thought and reason.

Eye on politics: CCW supporters have good reasons to be nervous
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Ross Dykman says the Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners will do it's best to win recognition of all the bad things that don't happen. But he also sees the risk that a single, untoward incident could be fatal for concealed-carry rights and cause lasting damage to the right to bear arms in general.

One thing Dykman can count on: The other side won't play fair.

Who Will Speak for the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Jim Garofolo

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On Aug. 27, 1999, USA Today ran an article titled "Scholar’s Views on Arms Rights Anger Liberals."

It reported that Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe had shocked many colleagues by stating that individual Americans did indeed have a right to keep and bear arms.

"I’ve gotten an avalanche of angry mail from apparent liberals who said, `How could you?’" Tribe related.

United States takes strong opinions at UN Arms Control Summit
Submitted by: Marc Seltzer

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Some good news out of the UN arms control summit. The U.S. is taking a good stance.

U.S. opposes worldwide controls on small arms
Submitted by: BobL

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The US officially told the UN it opposes the goals of the UN World Gun Control Conference!!!!!!

I must admit I was mighty suprised to see it.

Don't let up! Write you reps and tell them this was the right choice!

If you happen to live in a war zone, you need small arms more than any of us comfy city dwellers, and the UN shouldn't be condeming women to rape and men to torture in the name of political correctness.

UN Summit for Worldwide Gun Control Begins
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The United Nations this past week has been disavowing claims by critics that the upcoming U.N. Summit on Small Arms is the first step in an effort at worldwide registration and arms control, but news from here in Colombia would seem to indicate otherwise.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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