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Newslinks for 7/10/2012

MI: Woman hugs off-duty Detroit police officer — and dies after his gun goes off
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Yolanda McNair wants to know why she is planning a funeral for her daughter Adaisha Miller rather than a birthday celebration today.

“The story keeps changing,” McNair said. “There’s no logical reason.”

Miller, who would have turned 25 today, was fatally shot early Sunday morning while attending a party on Archdale in Detroit. Police reports say she was killed when an off-duty Detroit police officer’s pistol fired as she embraced him. ...

The police news release called the 12:30 a.m. shooting “a tragic incident,” but McNair said she cannot understand how it occurred.

TN: NRA’s PAC spends big to defeat state House Republican Caucus Chair Maggart
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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State filings show the National Rifle Association has dumped $75,000 into an effort to defeat state House Republican Caucus Chairman Debra Maggart of Hendersonville in the Aug. 2 GOP primary. The NRA and Tennessee Firearms Association have accused Maggart of “undermining” Second Amendment rights by trying to “kill” legislation that would have allowed handgun-carry permit holders to store their firearms out of sight in locked vehicles parked on private and public parking lots.

NY: Analysis: The Triumph of the Gun Lobby
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The epidemic of shootings in New York over the July 4th weekend points up again the craziness of our policies on gun control. The flood of illegal guns continues to afflict us. The National Rifle Association wages a perennial campaign against gun control. And in that effort the NRA is successful: the gun manufacturers and gun owners' lobby are still setting national policy. Basically, they have thwarted any effort to limit the number of guns on our nation’s streets.

TX: Dallas Police Fire Officer for Alleged False Claim
Submitted by: jac

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DALLAS - A Dallas police officer has been fired for allegedly lying to a fellow officer about having his foot run over during a traffic stop.

A police statement said Dallas Police Chief David Brown fired Eric Watts Monday. Police say that in an attempt to pull over a speeding motorist who had initially failed to stop, Watts got out of his vehicle, drew his weapon and demanded the driver get out of the car. Watts told others that the driver ran over his foot as he sped away.

The driver was arrested and charged with aggravated assault on a public servant, but police say dash cam video showed Watts was lying.


MI: Police: Hug triggers officer's gun, kills woman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A woman celebrating the weekend before her 25th birthday was fatally shot Sunday when she hugged an off-duty police officer while dancing at a party, causing the officer's service weapon to fire, according to police and her mother.
Adaisha Miller would have turned 25 on Monday, according to her mother, Yolanda McNair. ...
According to Stephens, the woman "embraced the officer from behind, causing the holstered weapon to accidently discharge." The bullet punctured Miller's lung and hit her heart, and she died at a hospital.

Submitter's comment: I really hope to see the findings of the investigation. We could all learn from them.

FBI unsealing indictment could endanger Terry murder suspects
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"This quite naturally leads to the question of how the FBI can be certain that identifying the fugitives and posting their pictures will not put them in mortal danger of retaliation by the murderous cartels they were allegedly robbing, particularly since revenge killings play a prominent role in underworld public relations and terror maintenance."

NY: Syracuse biathlon club offers summer training and competition (includes video)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The cross-country skiing and rifle shooting of the winter biathlon is one of the Winter Olympics’ most popular events, with 37 nations competing the last time in 2010. Fewer people have heard about the summer’s version of the sport – summer biathlon — where competitors run instead of ski the course. It isn’t an Olympic event yet, but it is becoming more popular in Central New York and nationally. A course at Pratt’s Falls Park in Pompey has hosted the summer biathlon national championships twice over the last 10 years. Members of the Syracuse Biathlon Club train on the course. The club holds its next race 12:15 p.m. on July 14.

PA: Pa. 'castle doctrine' to be cited in slayings of 2
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lepley alleged that Thomas was in his father's home when his dogs started barking and the two men went to the front and back doors in what he called a "military-style" raid — and they had used their vehicle to block the road.

MN: Minneapolis newspaper: ‘Handgun owners have more freedom’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Minneapolis Star Tribune “made it official” in a weekend story discussing Minnesota’s growing number of carry permit holders – a number that might draw a grin from Washington State gun rights activists – by noting that “handgun owners have more freedom now than they’ve had in nearly a century.”

ND: Concealed Weapon Applications on the Rise
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For many North Dakota residents, carrying a concealed weapon is a form of security against the unknown. Following the Sherry Arnold murder in January, that unknown became clearer than ever in Western North Dakota, and concealed weapon permit applications saw a huge spike.

"There`s been Some local tragedies that probably sparked some fear and made people feel like they had to be armed, and mostly just more people means more guns”, Said Williams County Sheriff Scott Busching.

OH: Hidden guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some people get permits from other states to avoid being listed in Ohio's law-enforcement database. As a result, local sheriff's departments and the Ohio Attorney General's office don't know how many Ohio residents have concealed-carry permits from Florida, Utah, or elsewhere.

Maj. Ronald Keel of the Lucas County Sheriff's Department said that lack of knowledge makes traffic stops more dangerous. When deputies stop a vehicle, they check the license plate before they approach the driver. But if an Ohio driver has a concealed-carry permit from another state, that information won't show up on their computer.

Second ammendment is being repealed by UN treaty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But two strikes don’t mean an out. In order to complete the “change,” Obama promised his supporters, he will need a third strike. That pitch is on the way in the form of a United Nations treaty, called the Arms Trade Treaty. By selecting to enforce the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, such a treaty would have the power of a constitutional amendment and would, effectively, repeal the Second Amendment guaranteeing us the right to bear arms. No congressional review is necessary for the treaty to become enforceable. No approval by two-thirds of the states is necessary for Obama and Hillary to have in fact destroyed the second ammendment from outside our borders via the UN.

Brady Campaign Releases 'Guns in Sports' Report: “Gun Violence is an Epidemic!”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released a 60-plus-page report titled, "Guns in Sports: How Guns Have Affected the Athletic Community & What It Tells Us About America’s Gun Violence Crisis.”

By profiling athletes who have been murdered by criminals with guns or who have committed suicide, using firearms, the report claims to use gun violence in sports as a “window into our nation’s larger gun problem, to raise awareness, and lead to action that can help save lives.”

The truth is one doesn’t need to read the report to see where it’s headed.

Food Network's Alton Brown is a Gunnie!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Firearms and Freedom has pointed out that Alton Brown loves guns, possibly as much as he loves fine cuisine.

Those of you who obsessively watch the Food Network don’t need to be reminded of who Alton Brown is, but the rest of our readers might need a hint. He’s the legendary food expert and host on TV shows like Master Chef, Good Eats, and Food Network Star. You know – he’s the nerdy looking guy with the glasses who always seems to know everything there is to know about food.

FL: Florida’s Gun Law Morass
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal court has struck down one of the more nonsensical of Florida’s many risky gun laws — one that banned the state’s thousands of doctors from ever discussing firearms with their patients. There was no evidence that this was ever a problem or a common occurrence, yet the law was enacted last year on the strength of an anecdote from a couple who complained to their gun-obsessed legislator that their physician inquired if they owned guns.

Heiden & Burrows Set the Tone of the Future as National Shooting Champions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 2012 Men’s and Women’s Trap National Championship was the year of comebacks as U.S. Olympic Training Center (OTC) Resident Athletes Rachael Heiden (Clinton, Mich.) and Brian Burrows (Fallbrook, Calif.) claimed the top of the podium in Colorado Springs.

Last year, Heiden and Burrows entered the finals of Nationals ahead of the competition and faltered to finish third and second respectively. Both, however, were determined to rewrite history in 2012.

IL: Last thing we need: more guns on the streets
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If I see one more suburbanite suggest that the solution to curbing Chicago’s gun violence is to fight back with more guns, I’m going to lose my mind.


TN: Confiscated guns to be sold at auction
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Are these guns that's been confiscated, or are they guns that's been taken from someone and they haven't picked them back up?" 3rd District Commissioner Johnny Presley asked.

"No, they're guns that were confiscated that were used in breaking the law, I guess," Harvel said.


Jan McNeil, 5th District commissioner, then moved to allow the confiscated guns go to auction and the funds go to the sheriff, providing it was OK'd by the county attorney.

Harvel supported the motion and it was approved. Seiber voted against the motion.

Harvel then reported back to the committee during Tuesday's meeting that county attorney Randal Boston said it was the law and would be OK to sell the guns at auction.

UT: Holladay planners to consider home-based gun sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Holladay residents get a chance Tuesday to weigh in on whether a home-operated firearms business should be allowed in one of the city’s tree-lined neighborhoods.

This eastside Salt Lake County city’s Planning Commission will consider Nelson Gardner’s request to sell pistols and rifles from his home on a part-time basis to a select group of customers.

FL: Fatal Bassville Park shooting justified as self-defense, prosecutors decide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The fatal shooting of a 27-year-old man in Bassville Park was justified, prosecutors recently decided.

Gregory Gayle was shot to death April 7 by his sister's fiancé, Jakob Penrod, at Penrod's Huggins Street home in what has been determined to be a self-defense shooting.

Witnesses confirmed Gayle had repeatedly attacked Penrod and refused to leave his home. During their last fight, in a bathroom where Penrod tried to retreat, Penrod fired his gun intending to hit the floor but the bullet struck Gayle instead.

MI: Saginaw councilman calls for federal investigation of officer-involved shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Six Saginaw Police officers have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of the current Michigan State Police investigation of the incident, but police have said Hall was holding a knife and "acting aggressively" when they shot him in self defense on Saginaw's west side.

Anger at tonight 's meeting was driven by media reports that Hall was shot by police 46 times and that police microphones and cameras didn't work the night of the incident.

Rich Wyatt Answers Your Questions About American Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rich Wyatt, the star of American Guns TV answers questions from AmmoLand’s readers.

Rich: What is the most valuable gun you have ever owned and do you have a picture?
The shop has had guns at $250,000.00 no pictures it was a Winchester.

Rich: I met you in the bathroom at this years Shot Show and you shook my hand before washing yours…why?
Can’t a guy get some private time……

Obama To Sign Anti-Second Amendment U.N. Gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United Nations is putting the finishing touches on an Arms Trade Treaty that transcends borders and may even trample our Constitutional right to bear arms. Every indication is that the president will sign it.

Like the New Start and Law of the Sea treaties before it, as well as the Kyoto Protocol and Agenda 21, the Arms Trade Treaty being finalized at the U.N. this month is one of those feel-good, can't-we-all-get-along pieces of parchment whose net effect is to accomplish little except to eat away at American sovereignty and freedom.

NY: NRA’s single focus on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If what he says is true and the government has nothing to hide, his words would be more credible. However, if the government turned over the records that were requested and the NRA and Buerkle turned out to be believable, what then?

Which one is telling the truth? If it were up to me, I would bet my money on the NRA. They have one concern, and that is the Second Amendment to the Constitution. It’s too bad there is not an organization as strong as the NRA that would represent the First Amendment. Then we would all win.

DOJ unseals Terry murder indictment; IG investigates retaliation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In another twist to the scandal, Grassley and Congressman Darrell Issa confirmed that the Justice Department’s Inspector General has launched an investigation into alleged retaliation against ATF whistleblowers. Inspector General Michael E Horowitz promised the two Republicans that his office takes such allegations seriously. This column discussed the alleged retaliation.

Now Let’s Repeal ObamaCare
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You need look no further than the Second Amendment as an example of why Sen. Paul’s analysis is spot on. People have a natural right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves. The Constitution recognizes that right, but does not confer that right to American citizens. We the people have that natural civil right, no matter what the Supreme Court says.

MO: UN threatening 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association (NRA) has worked hard and tirelessly to support these rights, and up to this point the NRA has been the sole defender of them.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty initially began in 2003 by a group of Nobel Peace laureates. It was first addressed in the United Nations in December of 2006, and at that time a resolution was adopted to begin establishment of common, international standards on conventional arms. This was to include small arms as well. John Duncan, the U.K. ambassador, introduced the resolution, and today England is leading the charge for this arms treaty and the resulting arms ban and ammunition tracking legislation.

Ed.: Really? The NRA has been the *sole* defender of gun rights!?

An armed society is a polite society. — Robert A. Heinlein

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