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Newslinks for 7/13/2001

Ashcroft Finding May Provoke Challenges to Federal Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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IN A MOVE THAT COULD produce more challenges of federal gun-control laws, the Bush administration is drafting a legal finding that asserts individuals have a constitutional right to possess firearms.

100 Years of Treason in America
Submitted by: skypod

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"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
--Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU

Report by Mel Young. A MUST READ.

Transcript of John Bolton's Plenary Address to the UN Conference
Submitted by: skypod

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"...There are, however, aspects of the draft Program of Action that we cannot support. Some activities inscribed in the Program are beyond the scope of what is appropriate for international action and should remain issues for national lawmakers in member states ... This diffusion of focus is, indeed, the Program's chief defect, mixing together as it does legitimate areas for international cooperation and action and areas that are properly left to decisions made through the exercise of popular sovereignty by participating governments..."

Bill of Rights Defense Poster (educational - for distribution)
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Educational images need to be distributed to the public at large.

Radio station knocked off the air in Hartsville, TN
Submitted by: Dick Wells

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~I called the radio station, WJKM, and Jennifer answered the phone and verified the web site and its content. Was this a firearm of the third kind? You decide.

The Seven Myths of Gun Control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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~Nice article on Richard Poe's new book.

The Washington Times: "Richard Poe says he's "not a hunter, a gun hobbyist or a gun enthusiast." But he defintely supports the Second Amendment, which guarantees Americans the right "to keep and bear arms." His new book, "The Seven Myths of Gun Control," was written "not out of any personal zest for firearms," he says, "but out of my sense of duty as a journalist and citizen."

The Gun Lobby Needs a Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Jim Garofolo

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There are over 80 million gun owners. And many pro-gun activist feel the NRA is not, and cannot be the organization to vigorously fight the battle as it's needed, for fear of getting attacked for being too "extreme". The fact is, the NRA could not respond with an effective campaign against the Million Mom March. This is one of several reasons that, with all due respect to the NRA, many including myself feel a change of the guard is needed.

UN gun ban faces fight from PA SAS
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Pam Carneal thinks our entangling alliance with the United Nations is putting a noose around the Second Amendment. The Allegheny County coordinator of the Second Amendment Sisters wants to stop the trapdoor from opening.

Even though the United Nations is politicking to outlaw guns worldwide, Carneal knows all politics is local. So do other Pennsylvanians who are hitting the road Saturday to make a difference.

World-wide weapons manufacturers accept voluntary UN tracing system
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The agreement calls for manufacturers to institute standards for the marking and tracing of small arms and to support and assist other efforts to prevent the transfer of small arms that would be used to violate human rights, international treaties, U.N. embargoes, genocide and other illegal acts, according to the documents.

It's never too early to talk deer
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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John Urbain, the whitetail specialist for the DNR, said that despite killing more than 500,000 deer last year Michigan hunters this fall will find a herd thats still about the same-- 1.9 million.

The Anti-American Baltimore Sun criticizes Bush's stand at UN
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The Baltimore Sun: "Guns: Bush administration grandstands on the wrong side at United Nations conference. -- IT WAS A shocking statement, harmful to the national interest ... The Bush administration's posture is the most egregious of its isolationist gestures in international affairs..."

KABA NOTE: You can contact these anti-Americans From Their Site or email (be sure to mention the title of their article "Arms control that matters" published July 12)

'Protect the Second Amendment' license plate
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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The Pasco County gun group envisions a license plate with a Revolutionary War soldier, musket in hand, standing with his family and a 13-star U.S. flag, along with the words, "Protect the Second Amendment".

UK: A Nation of Criminals
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"BRITAIN may have slipped down many world league tables over the past few decades, but it beats all other rich countries except Australia in one activity: crime. ... There are no obvious reasons why England and Wales should have one of the worst crime records in the developed world."

~No obvious reasons?? Could it be banning guns?? Duh!

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. — Robert Heinlein

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