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Newslinks for 7/13/2004

Police test hi-tech zapper that could end car chases
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A hi-tech device that can bring speeding cars to a halt at the flick of a switch is set to become the latest weapon in the fight against crime."

"Police forces in Britain and the US have ordered tests of the new system that delivers a blast of radio waves powerful enough to knock out vital engine electronics, making the targeted vehicle stall and slowly come to a stop." ...

So the old car, like the old gun, is worth holding on to.

Children's Defense Fund Calls on President Bush to Keep his Promise to Renew Ban on Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With only two months left, the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) today urged the Bush Administration and Congress not to let the 10-year-old federal Assault Weapons Ban expire on September 13, 2004. In spite of broad and bipartisan support for its extension, a leadership vacuum has brought our country to the brink of allowing assault weapons again to be sold and used throughout America."

"President Bush claims to support the ban and has said, 'It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society.' But according to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX), the President still has not even asked the House to take up the ban." ...

NJ: New Jersey Sportsmen Face Repeat Attack on Muzzleloaders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill is being considered in New Jersey that would ban hunting with muzzleloaders. An identical bill threatened New Jersey sportsmen during the previous legislative session."

"Senate Bill 1546, sponsored by Sen. John Adler, D-Cherry Hill, was introduced on May 6 and sent to the Senate Law and Public Safety and Veterans' Affairs Committee where it recently had hearings."

"The proposal redefines an illegal, destructive device as any weapon capable of firing a projectile that is .50 caliber or greater. The new definition would ban the state’s most popular muzzleloaders without any legitimate reason." ...

GOA Members Shoot Down Latest Effort to Extend Semi-auto Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Through your efforts, you have succeeded in killing the best opportunity that anti-gunners had to extend the ban on roughly two hundred semiautomatic firearms."

"Liberals had intended to offer the semi-auto ban as a 'killer amendment' to class action reform legislation which was considered by the Senate last week. At first, there was every indication that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was going to allow anti-gunners like Sen. Feinstein to offer the gun ban amendment."

"But after you bombarded Frist's office with demands that he prevent the semi-auto amendment, Frist -- in a parliamentary move that we suggested -- took steps to procedurally block all 'killer amendments,' including the semi-auto ban." ...

CO: Decisions should have been up-front
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 23 minutes Thursday, Reps. Marilyn Musgrave and Tom Tancredo, both Colorado Republicans, switched their votes on an amendment to the USA Patriot Act that would have made it more difficult for the government to snoop through our bookshelves."

"The amendment, poised to pass, would have killed the clause that allowed searches of library, Internet and bookstore records without probable cause. As it stands now, the government doesn't have to prove you may have terrorist intentions before it is allowed to rifle through your reading material." ...

"In those 23 minutes, Musgrave apparently had a revelation."

"'During discussion on the floor, it became apparent that this section has never been abused,' she said in a prepared statement, 'This tool ... had not been used -- not once.'"

So it's okay to pass a law consigning Jews to death camps as long as we haven't used it. Yet.

MT: Alert student awarded for Eagle eyes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pistol, like the one found by 5-year-old Shae'Den Slette in her family's yard, can do impressive things, she knew."

"She then got a mind to do one of her own."

"'Stop. Don't touch. Leave the area. Tell an adult,' said Shae'Den, now 6, describing what she did on finding the weapon. 'That's what I learned from the school.'"

"That's exactly the method taught by The Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, an accident-prevention campaign for children by the National Rifle Association."

"Shae'Den's kindergarten group was the first Eureka Elementary School class this year to be taught the four steps Eddie preaches, said Cheryl Sakahara, the Eddie Eagle representative for the Tobacco Valley." ...

Education, not locks.

CT: Police working to curb gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent spike of gun related incidents in the capital city in the last week of June and the beginning weeks of July has local police working to curb the violence."

"In the last week of June alone, Hartford police responded to 21 shooting incidents ranging from shots fired to victims wounded. Sunday morning police were called to a shoot out at Campus Pizza near Trinity College." ...

KABA Note: That "shoot out" at Campus Pizza was a business owner defending himself against an armed robber who shot first! Media bias? What media bias!

IN: Store Clerk Relives a Nightmare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A store clerk is haunted by her act of self-defense. The nightmare returns for a clerk who shot and killed her attacker."

"Sixty-year-old, Sherry Rossi, doesn't want to remember it, but there are reminders of what happened that November night at Kwik Stop. Her vision is still blurry from the attack, and the damage to her face is not fully repaired." ...

"Now, Rossi is re-living the robbery after receiving what she believes is a threatening letter about the death of the man she fatally wounded."

"It looks like an invitation, but the occasion is marked Charles Dale's birthday, July twelfth. The place reads, 'the cemetery where he rests because you murdered him.'" ...

CA: Man Sentenced to Life for Stabbing Ex-Wife "Protected" by Restraining Order [Last story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Sacramento man has been sentenced to life in prison for the attempted murder of his ex-wife.

Erwin Victor Cardenas was convicted of stalking his former wife and stabbing her as she left for work last December. He was convicted of premeditated attempted murder, stalking, assault with a deadly weapon and disobeying a court order. At the time of the attack, the victim had a restraining order against Cardenas.

"This defendant is truly scary," said Lani Biafore. "He stabbed his ex-wife multiple times in an attempt to kill her, including stabbing her in the mouth to quiet her screams."

Cardenas has continued trying to contract the victim from jail, prosecutors said.

FL: Woman Claims Self-Defense In Man's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Gainesville woman who killed her boyfriend over the weekend said it was a case of self-defense.

No charges have been filed against Shannon Cherise Allen. She said Willie Love Alston threatened her with a knife before she shot him at their home early Sunday. Alston died at a hospital Sunday afternoon.

Investigators talked to Allen for several hours before deciding not to file any charges. The case is being turned over to the State Attorney's office, so charges are still possible after further review.

CA: Man shoots intruder breaking into home
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A man who was at home with his wife and young child shot an intruder trying to break in early yesterday, police said.

The man was trying to get in through the front door of the home on Hornblend Street near the Mission Bay Golf Course about 1:52 a.m. The resident shot at the man, hitting him once in the ankle. The intruder ran away, but police soon found him.

They took the man to a hospital and then to the county jail.

WA: Woman detains burglar at gunpoint
Submitted by: Mark Laiminger

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"When Lisa Hansen woke up Thursday morning, she heard an intruder rummaging through her house."

"'I heard him running up and down the stairs,' said Hansen, who lives on the 2800 block of South Century Court just outside the Spokane Valley city limits."

"Hansen kept her cool. 'He was trying to open my bedroom door,' she said. 'I have a lock on it. I waited to listen to see how many footsteps I heard.'"

"Hearing only one person, she waited until the time seemed right, grabbed her cell phone and reached for the gun she keeps under the bed. She ran out of her bedroom and confronted the teenage burglar, keeping him at gunpoint in her back yard until the police arrived." ...

MN: Burglar met with gunshots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in Lauderdale shot and wounded a suspected burglar he surprised Friday afternoon as the bandit was leaving the home with a gun in his hand, police said."

"The burglar apparently had taken the gun from the home and pointed it at the homeowner when the confrontation began, according to St. Anthony Police Capt. John Ohl."

"The homeowner, whose name was not released, pulled another gun and fired several shots. At least two of them struck the other man, Ohl said." ...

"The homeowner had been working outside and was walking around the side of the house when he spotted the suspected burglar, Ohl said."

"Ohl said he didn't know why the homeowner happened to be carrying a gun at the time." ...

Poster's note: Possibly he was carrying a gun because of the recent burglaries in the area.

IL: Victim takes gun from robber [Second story on page]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two Aurora men and a woman were threatened by a man carrying a gun and demanding money while they sat in their car in a parking lot in the 100 block of North Ohio Street at 4:47 a.m. Saturday, Aurora police said. A man walked up the passenger's window, where the woman was sitting, and showed a gun. The man sitting in the driver's seat of the car pulled the gun out of the attackers hands, police said. The attacker fled and drove away, police said.

So if the victim didn't have an FOID the cops would have to arrest him, right?

IL: Enthusiasts wait for word on firearms law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun dealers and manufacturers are anxiously waiting to see if lawmakers vote to extend the federal assault weapons ban set to expire in September, while fielding increasing questions from customers wanting to know what they will be able to buy and when."

"For the typical hunter and gun sportsman, it won't make much difference either way, the local dealers said, because the law mostly impacts professional target shooters and gun collectors."

"Even so, most gun owners view the law as an infringement on their constitutional right to bear arms."

"'If you're an American, you believe in the Constitution, and certainly the Second Amendment is a big part of the Constitution,' said John Meek, owner of Midwest Firearms ..." ...

WI: Gun Club Criticized for Kerry's Visit (JTO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gunslick Trap Club in Wisconsin is being criticized by some gun-rights advocates for allowing Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry to visit, Onalaska Community Life reported July 9."

"Gun-rights activists claimed that the club was tricked into helping Kerry project a pro-gun image. 'John Kerry is an extremist anti-gun advocate who, given the chance, would outlaw the civilian ownership of all guns, including even toy plastic 'cowboy-type' guns. This is his history,' a writer from Missouri wrote. 'Furthermore, he is an anti-hunting extremist and supports the goals of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).'"

"Kerry addressed the press from the gun club during his visit to the state. ..." ...

You can't fix a corpse
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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... "This is precisely our dilemma today, for America, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is dead. By every measure, large and small, the original vision of limited government by, for and of the people has been folded, spindled and mutilated beyond recognition. When one reads the Constitution, one simply marvels at the distinct difference between its words and our present reality."

"Our paper Federal Reserve Notes are not Congress-issued gold and silver coins. Our direct taxes are not apportioned. We are entangled in a veritable web of foreign alliances, Congress shamelessly makes laws regarding speech, religion and guns, and the judicial branch has arrogantly assumed for itself unchecked supremacy over the other two branches." ...

WI: Sensenbrenner Misleads Wisconsin Voters on Assault Weapons Ban (JTO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to calls for House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-5th District) to act before the federal assault weapons ban dies, Rep. Sensenbrenner released a highly misleading statement suggesting that no action on his part was needed."

"According to a July 8, 2004 press release, Sensenbrenner stated, 'On March 2nd, the Senate overwhelmingly rejected by an 8-to-90 margin legislation that included an assault weapons ban extension along with other provisions.'"

"However, Sensenbrenner failed to note that the 8-90 vote was on a legislative package sponsored by the gun lobby to grant gun makers unprecedented legal immunity, which many lawmakers opposed. ..." ...

KABA Note: When manufacturers are routinely sued for selling a legal product which is then criminally misused, only then will gun-manufacturers' immunity be "unprecedented".

UK: Gun owners need to respond to Home Office review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the Home Office's firearms review consultation paper is followed through, it could result in the biggest changes yet to the way that we enjoy our sport."

"It is billed as the first step in a comprehensive review of firearms controls and laws and the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, says it's aimed at making it as difficult as possible for criminals to access and use weapons." ...

"It is clear to BASC that imposing further restrictions on lawful gun users will do nothing to deal with urban gun crime where the weapons of choice are the pistol and machine gun, which are already banned in this country." ...

Someone should tell the BASC that facts and reality rarely intrude on the schemes of the gun banners.

CO: Police Admit They Shot The Wrong Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Denver Police officer shot and killed the wrong man Sunday night, News 4 reports."

"Police said the incident happened while they responded to a domestic violence call."

"The man police shot, Frank Lobato, 63, is the uncle of the woman who called for help, according to News 4 partner the Rocky Mountain News. He was shot once in the chest at a housing project apartment near Lincoln Park and later pronounced dead at Denver Health Medical Center." ...

"Police said that what appeared to be a gun was a can of soda."

KABA Note: According to "Gun Facts, Ver. 3.2" "About 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person."

CA: Deputy Sheriff Sentenced For Having Sex With Teen Girls In Explorer Program [Second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Siskiyou County deputy sheriff has been sentenced to more than nine years in prison for having sex with two teenage girls in the sheriff's department Explorer program.

William Schmidt was convicted in June 2001 of 19 counts of unlawful sexual conduct with the two high school students. He appealed his sentence, and an appellate court agreed that it was incorrectly calculated.

A recalculation by Judge Roger Kosel resulted in the same sentence - nine years and four months.

Schmidt was the head of the Explorer program in Happy Camp, which both girls belonged to. He was accused of having sexual relationships with each of the girls over a six-year period.

But only cops and the military

Kenya: CID Officers Beaten By Mob Over Theft Claims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two policemen were beaten up by an angry mob on Sunday night after they allegedly snatched Sh50,000 from a miraa (khat) trader in Maua, Meru North District."

"The suspects were among five officers who allegedly stormed into the home of Mr Hassan Ahmed as he was arranging money to be paid to miraa farmers who had supplied the drug to him earlier in the day."

"Mr Roble Mohamoud, a clerk who works for the miraa trader, and who was present during the incident, said the suspects stuffed the cash into their pockets during the raid in which they demanded that Mr Ahmed surrender a gun he allegedly had." ...

Because shaking down legitimate businessmen (miraa is legal in Kenya) is easier than catching BGs.

New Zealand: Police trio in court after bar punch-up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Auckland police officers are on trial in Rotorua after a night out drinking ended in a violent fracas."

"Before their suspension, the constables were members of the Auckland City team policing unit."

"Among their duties were enforcing liquor laws and controlling drunken and disorderly behaviour."

"Tracey Catherine Wong, 32, Ivan James Sarich, 33, and Paul Ian Reeves, 32, have pleaded not guilty to assaulting Fuze Bar manager and co-owner Glen Baker on May 21 last year."

"Sarich also denied injuring Mr Baker with intent, by biting his thumb, and he and Wong denied a further assault count each, on different people." ...

PA: Judge pleads no contest to molesting girl at Hilary Duff concert in Pennsylvania
Submitted by: Larry Mitchell

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A county judge accused of fondling a 10-year-old girl at a teen pop concert pleaded no contest Monday, the day his trial was to begin.

Ah, yes. Another HONORABLE Judge.

DC: Robbers Stymie Area Police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The bank robberies unfold in a matter of minutes as the masked, highly disciplined assailants threaten employees and customers with assault rifles and handguns and swiftly grab bundles of cash."

"Law enforcement officials trying to catch this platoon of bandits credit their organization and planning as much as their speed and firepower for enabling them to carry out six holdups in six months and remain on the run. ..."

"The gang probably got its arsenal on the black market, officials said, and is most likely suited with body armor, too. The planning begins well before the crimes, officials said, covering every move." ...

"Police have told officers to use extreme caution when approaching reported bank robberies in the area and have urged them to wait for help from tactical response teams before confronting the gunmen." ...

India: Arrested woman found brutally killed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 32-year old woman who was reportedly arrested from her own Bamon Kampu Mayai Leikai house last night by 17th Assam Rifles after issuing arrest memo to the family members was found abandon dead near Ngariyan Mapao Maring village this morning with tell-tale signs of brutal torture writ all over her body." ...

"Before taking Manora-ma along with them, the security personnel gave an arrest memo to the family members and forced them to sign on some papers to claim that no other things have been taken away." ...

"The security personnel also told the family members not to be worried and Mano-rama would be handed over to the Irilbung police the next morning." ...

And her body was handed over to the police.

MO: Platte County Starts Accepting Concealed-Gun Permits -- Other Counties Continue To Wait
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Platte County on Thursday began accepting residents' applications for concealed-gun permits."

"Applicants lined up outside the sheriff's office to submit their paperwork. By Monday evening, several dozen residents had applied for the permits, KMBC's Emily Aylward reported."

"Longtime gun rights advocate Russ Jacobson was among those applying for a concealed-gun permit."

"'If you have any right at all, you have the right to protect yourself if someone comes at you with a deadly force or bodily harm,' Jacobson said."

"Legislators seemed to agree with Jacobson when they voted last fall to override the governor's veto and put concealed-gun permitting in the hands of local sheriffs' departments. ..." ...

South Africa: Woman killed in front of son
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man allegedly killed his girlfriend in front of their nine-year-old son in the Gingindlovu area of KwaZulu-Natal on Saturday, police said on Monday.

Captain Musa Khaba said the man took his son to the woman's home and sent him in to call her.

When they came out, the man drew a pistol and allegedly shot her without saying anything.

The boy ran away in fright. The man also ran away but was later arrested when the family of deceased Sizeni Dube discovered what happened and called the police.

Khaba said the pistol used in the shooting belonged to the man's brother who was also arrested in terms of the new Firearms Control Act for lending it to man.

Both men would appear in the Mtunzini magistrate's court soon, said Khaba.

Good thing they've got that new gun law!

South Africa: Nqakula 'must explain escapes'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic Alliance MP Roy Jankielsohn on Monday pledged to challenge Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula in parliament to explain why so many suspects have been able to escape from police custody." ...

"A total of 3,260 suspects escaped from police custody between April 2002 and March 2003, an average of 272 per month. Only 1,130 (36%) were re-arrested. Police media releases indicated another 229 suspects escaped between January and June 2004, he said." [emphasis added]

"'It is the duty of Minister Nqakula and his department to protect ordinary South Africans against criminals and to ensure that arrested suspects do not escape from police custody.'" ...

Especially since the new gun law disarms most South Africans.

UK: Burglar's shooting spree
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PERSISTENT burglar who stole a pair of shotguns and went shooting on the moors has been sentenced to four years in a young offenders' institution."

"Bradford Crown Court was told 18-year-old Christopher Collins broke into a house at Strines Lodge, High Flatts, in November last year, smashed open the gun cabinet and stole shotguns, an air pistol and live ammunition."

"He then went to Cartworth Moor, Holmfirth, with another 18-year-old, Christopher Doyle, and let off about 30 rounds."

"The pair were arrested when police noticed their car parked near the moors. When they had a closer look they noticed the air pistol in the passenger foot-well." ...

MS: Mississippi Highway Patrol switching to different type of handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Mississippi Highway Patrol is buying new weapons after a survey showed 90 percent of its troopers choose Glock weapons over their standard-issue Smith & Wesson handguns."

The troopers who tested the .40-caliber Glock pistol saw their accuracy scores rise and deemed it easier to fire than the Smith & Wesson 40/46 guns the state Highway Patrol has always used, said Capt. Tony Thornton. The agency ordered 650 of the guns and is in the transition process to phase out the Smith & Wesson guns, Thornton said."

"The pistols cost about $360 each, but the agency hopes to lower that cost to less than $100 by giving troopers the option of buying their Smith & Wesson guns ..." ...

MD: Animal Protection Groups Call Maryland Bear Survey a 'Predetermined Outcome'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources released a 180-page report on Marylanders' public attitudes about black bears, and The Fund for Animals and The Humane Society of the United States called the survey question about the state's first bear hunt in fifty years intentionally misleading."

"The DNR's survey asked, "Do you support or oppose regulated hunting as a way to control black bear populations in Maryland?" and yielded the result that 65% strongly or moderately support. But the question is leading and biased, according to animal protection groups."

"'The question asked by the DNR forces respondents to assume that bear populations need to be controlled, and that hunting would control bear numbers ...'" ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association hosts state highpower rifle championships
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The NYSRPA High Power Rifle Championships were held on July 3-4, at Camp Smith in Peekskill, NY. The 2004 NYSRPA High Power Rifle Champion is Jim Treacy of Orange County, with a score of 782-18x (out of 800 points). Finishing second was Dwight Becherer of Suffolk County with 781-28x, and third was Jim Gartrell (a Connecticut resident and NYSRPA member) with 779-22x." ...

Australia: Gunman's licence reinstated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN whose gun licence had been reinstated after he lost it trying to harm himself last year is believed to have killed his wife and two young children in the NSW Hunter Valley on Sunday night before fatally shooting himself."

"Michael Richardson, 32, arrived at a house in the picturesque town of East Gresford sometime on Sunday, where police believe he killed his son Luke, 3, and 20-month-old daughter Grace, before using a hunting rifle to shoot his wife, Roxanne, 30. He is then believed to have turned the weapon on himself." ...

Another tragedy which could have been averted with gun registra . . . ummmm with gun licencing . . . oh, um, never mind.

MO: Bullfrogs and youth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As we rural ruffians grew into adolescence, we became ever more devoted in our harvest of the schizophrenics of the watery world. By this point in our lives, each of us owned a .22 caliber rimfire rifle with which we pursued tree squirrels and cottontails. Frogs, too, were used as a game species to test our hunting accuracy."

"With the rifles we learned many a valuable outdoor lesson. Like how easy it was in an afternoon of shooting to wipe out an adult bullfrog population of a farm pond. Bullfrogs are not social animals; they take some three years just to reach maturity. A limited number of these carnivorous adults dominate the double life of land and water that the pond edge provides. ..." ...

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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