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Newslinks for 7/14/2001

Punishing Self-defense Helps Crime
Submitted by: skypod

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"We've tried the "no guns allowed" approach to creating a safer society, and it hasn't worked. How many more victims will it take before we realize that our right to keep and bear arms is the best anti-crime initiative going?" -Jon E. Dougherty

VICTORY: House Guns Down Incumbant Protection Bill
Submitted by: skypod

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GOA Alerts: The House of Representatives shot down the Incumbent Protection Bill yesterday by a vote of 228-203. Victory came from a surprising corner of the House... from the supporters of the bill itself! Nineteen Republicans joined 209 disgruntled Democrats who could not agree on the rules for debating the anti-gun legislation.

Local comment: Living by the Gun
Submitted by: skypod

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"Prediction: A year from now Michigan newspapers will wonder what all the fuss was about concerning the new state law permitting trained, law-abiding residents to carry concealed handguns for their protection." -by Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.

The UN says, Cheap Guns Make Kids Warriors
Submitted by: skypod

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"Cheap, light weapons are helping turn children into vicious warriors ... Children kill because they have the instruments to kill ... The mere presence of a weapon, even a rusty one, created havoc ..."

~~If this is true, then why does Columbia account for "58% of the world's firearm killings", as this same "study" says? I'd love to see Dr. Lott debate these bozos.

America to White House: This Is Not the Time to Go Wobbly!
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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If the other countries sense that the U.S. delegation is merely going through motions in order to appease the U.S. gun rights lobby, then they may vote against the U.S. position. Everything, therefore, depends on the U.S. delegation holding firm. This is a moment when public pressure on the White House could make a real difference to the future of America and the world.

Phone 202.456.1414, Fax 202.456.2461, Email

UN Reeling From Nastygrams
Submitted by: Cliff

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WIRED News: Officials at the conference, which hopes to create an international system for tracking small arms sales, are so unnerved by the hundreds of angry emails that they are forwarding some of the nastygrams to the UN internal security department for "risk assessment."

NOTE: Don't forget the Anti-UN Rally, Sunday, July 14!

IL: As race widens, Poshard may benefit
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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An increasingly crowded and Cook County-based field of Democratic candidates for governor could all but ensure southern Illinois Democrat Glenn Poshard wins the party's nomination if he chooses to make another run for the state's top executive post.

~~A downstate Democrat beats a Cook County gun grabber (or RINO) any day.

Gun-toting Priest Gets Snatchers
Submitted by: Chicagofarmer

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A PISTOL-PACKING Parañaque parish priest yesterday showed a father and son team of cell phone snatchers the wrath of a man of God.

Police learned that Manuel poked a knife at Nobleza and asked for his cell phone. "I told him, 'Wait a minute, child, I shall get it from my waist,'" Nobleza told police.

However, instead of getting his cell phone, the priest pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and told the Samsons to surrender.

56% of world's guns privately owned, report says
Submitted by: BobL

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And 0.2% OR LESS are in the hands of rebel or other criminal groups.

Will this make a whit of difference to the UN gun grabbers? I doubt it.

I held my nose when I voted for Bush, but I can't tell you how glad I am now.

Ohio: Both sides unhappy with gun-law proposal
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Supporters of the idea of carrying hidden guns without a license AND those who oppose easing gun restrictions agreed on one thing Wednesday: The concealed weapons bill now before the Ohio House is bad legislation.

More than the burglar bargained for
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The man who broke into Mollie E. Johnson's West Baltimore rowhouse Wednesday night probably didn't count on meeting a 79-year-old grandmother packing a .38-caliber revolver.

Followup: Bobcat that attacked dog has Rabies
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Just a follow-up on the story I submitted about the bobcat attack in Caldwell County, NC. (Third story up from bottom.)

Justice Dept says Stand on Gun Rights Doesn't Undermine Federal Laws
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Officials in the Justice Department have disputed charges that the department's position that the Constitution gives people the right to bear arms undermines federal gun laws.
Excuse me but what part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand? Out of 20,000 laws written on the basis that we have no individual RKBA none of them are unconstitutional??!!?

Email the Dept. of Justice at AskDOJ@USDOJ.Gov or Phone 202.353.1555

New Toilet Monitors Waste for Health Problems
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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Its bad enough to have to put up with metal detectors in airports & schools, cameras for speeders and red light runners, GPS vehicle tracking, scanners that search suspects without their knowledge or consent, and infra-red surveillance of homes. Now we can be monitored not only as we go about our business, minding our own business, but DOING our business!

This new toilet can surely detect whether you have a pain in your hindquarters, but can it tell if you ARE such a pain? I hope not.

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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