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Newslinks for 7/14/2003

Terrorism Against the Constitution
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The 12 judges--the full panel--of the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, the most conservative federal court in the United States, has refused to do its constitutional duty and engage in meaningful judicial review, thus handing the Bush regime a big win in its battle to rewrite the Constitution."

"In the case of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, the en banc panel denied a rehearing for Yaser Hamdi, 22, the U.S. citizen captured in Afghanistan in November 2001 allegedly fighting for the Taliban in a combat zone of Afghanistan. Hamdi has been held in a navy brig in Norfolk Virginia since shortly after his capture. His case arose when the federal public defender in Alexandria, Virginia, Frank Dunham, sued to gain access to Hamdi and provide legal services to him."

MD: Justices' rulings overlook importance of states' rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ah, if only the high court were consistent in forcing that hand. Suppose a member of the Pink Pistols - a gay/lesbian group that believes gays and lesbians should arm themselves and shoot people who attack them - actually does so in Maryland. He or she would face a 5-year minimum under state law for the handgun violation alone. Suppose he or she claimed that the rights to self-defense and to carry a handgun lurk in the Constitution's penumbra? How would the court rule?"

WA: A Web Site Causes Unease in Police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"William Sheehan does not like the police. He expresses his views about what he calls police corruption in Washington State on his Web site, where he also posts lists of police officers' addresses, home phone numbers and Social Security numbers."

"But neither litigation nor legislation has stopped Mr. Sheehan, who promises to expand his site to include every police and corrections officer in the state by the end of the year."

TN: Home invader shot to death
Submitted by: David Waldrip

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"Insp. Richard Sojourner said the shooting came after two men confronted the resident of the Dunn home at a Union Planters ATM at Perkins and Quince. They ordered him to withdraw money, but the machine kept his ATM card."

"They forced the man back into his car, Sojourner said, and went to another ATM, where the same thing happened with a second ATM card."

"The two then forced him to drive them to his home to get some money, and when they went inside, the resident pulled a gun and shot both of them."

Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Now that Washington's censorship law is sacked, we're now compiling 23 million records on the entire criminal justice system in Washington state. It's going to take a while but this searchable web database will be on line by December 31st 2003. Any person visiting this site after that point will be able to search for any employee by any type of information they have available for all of Washington state from Governor down to the newest court clerk in Yelm that is available in the public record."

TX: Traffic checkpoints push the law's limit
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Apparently there is some disagreement about whether the U.S. Constitution should apply in Burleson."

"Unless I have missed an edict from the Office of Homeland Security, it ought to be illegal to stop and question Texans for simply driving down the street."

"Yet it's happening in Burleson."

Choking on regulations
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"This week, the libertarian Cato Institute released a study chronicling the number and cost of Washington-mandated regulations. In Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Shapshot of the Federal Regulatory State, author Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. passes along some stunning information. For example, the 2002 Federal Register is the largest in history, with more than 4,000 rules covering 75,606 pages. The number is growing rapidly by the year. Back in 1990, there were less than 50,000 pages; in 1970, less than 21,000; and 1950 less than 10,000. The Supreme Court may say whatever it wants about privacy in the bedroom, but the mind-boggling number of federal rules make clear that there is very little in our lives that isn't regulated by the government somehow."

UK: Playing with guns is 'good for boys'
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Banning boys from playing with toy guns is futile and may even damage their development, a leading child psychologist has warned."

"Confirming what many guilty parents long suspected, Penny Holland says boys will indulge in gunplay regardless of attempts by schools, nurseries and guardians to stop them."

"Holland, who claims boys have fallen victim to politically correct dogma, claims that suppressing their need for boisterous play may be counter-productive."

"Holland, senior lecturer in early childhood studies at London Metropolitan University, believes that boys who have been banned from playing at soldiers, pirates, or superheroes, become disruptive and live up to a 'bad boy' image."

MO: Old law enforcement guns often are sold to pay for upgrades
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Law enforcement officials in the eight states bordering Missouri say it isn't unusual for old weapons to be sold to gun dealers who then resell the weapons to the public."

"But the practice has come under scrutiny in Missouri after a gun once owned by the Missouri Highway Patrol was used in a deadly factory shooting in the state capital."

"Stamped with the Missouri patrol's emblem and the initials "MSHP," the .40-caliber Glock was legally sold to a Kansas gun dealer, who then sold it to a Jefferson City gun shop. That store later sold the gun to Jonathon Russell, who killed three co-workers and wounded five at Modine Manufacturing Co. before killing himself after a shoot-out at the Jefferson City police station."

MO: Right to carry would disprove horror stories
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"My prediction does not really involve going out on a limb. The bill allows trained, law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns for their protection, and Missouri's law will be the most restrictive right-to-carry law in the nation."

"One needs only to look at the other 32 states with right-to-carry laws where we have had enough time to see what happens. A year after the law goes into effect, newspaper articles in state after state announce that the supposed fears never materialized. It is particularly hard to see why these worries are taken seriously in Missouri, four of whose neighbors have right-to-carry laws."

New Kind of Snooping Arrives at the Office
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Corporate executives are becoming increasingly aggressive about spying on their employees, and with good reason: now, in addition to job shirkers and office-supply thieves, they have to worry about being held accountable for the misconduct of their subordinates."

"Even one offensive e-mail message circulated around the office by a single employee can pose a liability risk for a company. Not only that, but a wave of laws — including the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the anticorruption and corporate-governance Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 — have imposed new record-keeping and investigative burdens on companies. Not complying with some laws can result in the personal liability of officers and directors."

Watching the watchers: Researchers win contract to rein in snoops
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The Pentagon's plan to sniff out terrorists from a sea of personal data collected by the government, banks, airlines, credit card companies and other sources has been criticized as the most sweeping invasion of privacy in history."

"But Teresa Lunt believes that the much-maligned Terrorism Information Awareness system can work without stomping on individual rights. The researcher has proposed - and the government is funding - the creation of a device that could watch and rein in the watchers."

Should the Democrats Draft a General?
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"According to a recent Washington Post poll, 72 percent of the public trusts President Bush to handle terrorism better than the Democrats. Republicans have held an advantage on national security issues for two generations, but 9/11 instantly magnified both the size of the gap and its political consequences. The extent of the problem this poses to the Democrats' chances of winning back the presidency in 2004 has not yet penetrated their minds. It's not remotely comparable to mistrust of Republican health care or education policies, as many Democrats seem to believe. It reveals a fundamental worry that voters have about the party, one that cannot be overcome with small measures."

RI: Fort Mill man faces weapons charges
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A 42-year-old man was at a Fort Mill jail Friday night after authorities say they found 28 weapons and about 35,000 rounds of ammunition at his home this week after responding to a domestic-disturbance call."

"Michael Perry Stegall of 103 Park Drive was being held without bond at the Fort Mill Police Department pending federal weapons charges, said Fort Mill police Lt. Bryan Zachary. Stegall is facing state charges of assault and battery and resisting arrest."

Americans stop paying taxes today -- figuratively, of course
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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This is the day you stop working for the government.

Every year, foes of big government spending calculate how much of the average American's paycheck goes for federal, state and local taxes -- and just how many of their workdays are needed to pay for all that.

And this year, it's later than ever -- an increase of four and a-half days from last year.

Economist Dan Clifton says the milestone comes 17 days later than it did three years ago. And he says it's not just the federal government that's at fault -- since state and local spending is up for the fifth straight year.

The head of Citizens Against Government Waste says what's needed are lawmakers who'll vote to eliminate pork and reduce the size of government.

WA: Local FBI agent leaves wary about changes since 9/11
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Charles Mandigo, the high-profile head of the FBI office here, poses a provocative question as he prepares to retire later this month:"

"What is the quickest way to tyranny and the best way to prevent terrorism? The answer is the same: consolidate law-enforcement agencies."

More Reasons to Oppose Howard Dean
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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Thanks to "Coalition to Stop Gun Violence," has become a great resource to find out the detailed positions of the 2004 presidential candidate contenders on one of the most important issues: the Second Amendment. On the page listed here, you will find links to Howard Dean's feelings on who should control access to privately-owned firearms, including his claim that he's been endorsed by the NRA. (Click on the big blue buttons, towards the top right of the screen.)

UN Expert: China is World Model
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"China is a world model in relieving poverty, said United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Advisor Bob Boase at the launch of the UNDP Human Development Report 2003 on Thursday."

"During 1990 to 1999, he noted, China had decreased the proportion of people living in poverty from 33 percent to 18 percent, which was the greatest achievement in relieving poverty."

Never mind that they murder dissidents and violate human rights on a regular basis.

Water 2025: The Coming War on the Western Frontier
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"After about a 20 minute presentation by a Bush administration official in a regional conference, the overall message is clear: If western states do not come up with a way to increase the water supply fast, let's put it this way:"

"...Terrorists won't have to do a thing - except watch the Second Chapter of the War Between the States unfold - literally."

Double Standards Abound: Statehouses Often Off-Limits for Concealed Weapons
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Why then, one might ask, have Crawford and his statehouse colleagues who have passed this law inserted language into it that largely protects themselves from gun-wielding assailants by simply not allowing guns into the statehouse when they're doing legislative business? The bill that Holden has vetoed states that '(a)ny meeting of the governing body of a unit of local government; or any meeting of the general assembly or a committee of the general assembly' are strictly off-limits to concealed guns. Further, it states that the general assembly retains the option to ban the carrying of concealed weapons (CCW) in state buildings if it so chooses."

" 'If citizens carrying guns around was such a great thing, like they say, you'd think you'd want them in your statehouse,' said Jeanne Kirkton, legislative director of the Million Mom March chapter in St. Louis. 'That's hypocrisy for you.' "

Right question, which will invariably lead to the wrong conclusion.

WA: Court Blocks Washington's Attempt to Restrict Violent Video Games
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik in Seattle, Wash., has issued an injunction that prevents Washington from enforcing a state law that restricts the sale of violent video games to minors, Reuters reported July 10.

Under the law, which was set to take effect July 27, anyone who sells a video game to minors that depicts violence against law enforcement could be fined $500.

The Interactive Digital Software Association sued the state, claiming that video games, like music and movies, are a form of protected speech.

"Plaintiffs have raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of House Bill 1009 and the balance of hardships tips in their favor," said Lasnik in his ruling.

TN: Cat burglar knew 'game was up'
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"As the police closed in, Washington kept slipping into homes, sometimes four or five a night. Nothing seemed to faze him."

"One May night, he was chased out of two houses by homeowners armed with guns, Barham said. Washington committed three more break-ins later that night." ...

"Washington was shot and killed in the Hickory Hill home of Memphis Fire Department investigator Christopher Howard..."

"The shooting was ruled a justifiable homicide."

Notice that it once again took an armed citizen to end Washington's reign of theft and terror - not the armed state.

Job status linked to femicide
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Unemployment raises stress levels for many people, but researchers say for a woman in an abusive relationship, an out-of-work partner can be deadly.
More Coverage."

"Along with access to guns and threats to kill, unemployment is one of the biggest predictors of the killing of women in abusive relationships, according to a nationwide study led by Jacquelyn Campbell, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing."

"The study, published in the July issue of the American Journal of Public Health, found an abuser's access to guns raised the risk of femicide, the homicide of women, more than five times. But an abuser's unemployment was the strongest social factor, increasing the risk by four times." ...

How about the fact that an abuser is an abuser?

Seeing Things: '28 Days Later'
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The protagonist is Jim, a man who awakens from a coma to find that his world has been turned upside down. The fun starts from there. One thing I took from this film: I’m glad I live in the United States, where guns are aplenty. Jim and crew had to rely on machetes, crowbars, and other crude implements in order to ward off those that wished them harm. I enthusiastically recommend this film not only for the average moviegoer, but also for those who would seek to take our guns away from us."

TX: Jones warns Cowboys players to stay out of trouble
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Jones said players must be accountable to their teammates, the organization and themselves. He also said he believes the increasing use of guns in society makes going to clubs more dangerous."

How about advising his guys and training them to defend themselves effectively with a firearm off the field?

UT: Prosecutors piling on the charges, says beleaguered sheriff
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Embattled Iron County Sheriff David 'Dude' Benson says lawmen call it 'stacking the charges.' "

"Now Benson finds himself on the receiving end of that prosecutorial tactic."

"First charged June 30 with obstruction of justice, Benson on Tuesday was 'buried' in seven additional charges of misusing public funds, taking cash and guns, tampering with a witness and falsifying public records."

MI: Haring Township scheduled to remove gun policy
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Haring Township trustees may delete the gun policy from the books after the next township meeting."

"Trustees are scheduled to discuss the policy during the regular board meeting Monday."

"According to Haring Township Supervisor Terry Harvey, the township adopted a gun policy a few years ago. It was recently brought to the board's attention by a resident that the state court system overturned local gun ordinances due to concealed weapons laws."

CO: Police recruit on leave after domestic dispute involving gun
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A police recruit was being held without bond after being arrested for allegedly pointing a gun at her boyfriend."

"Ranada Collins, 23, was arrested early Saturday on suspicion of felony menacing resulting from a domestic dispute, police spokesman Rudy Herrera said. A hearing was scheduled for Monday."

"Collins and her boyfriend had been arguing and were involved in a physical confrontation. The boyfriend left and was in an apartment complex parking lot when he and other witnesses said Collins pointed a gun at him. No shots were fired."

MA: Gun permit order not yet in effect
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The City Council issued an order three days ago (as of today) ordering the police to resume issuing gun permits, but so far the council’s order has fallen on deaf ears."

"Police Chief Raymond O’Berg had previously ordered his department to stop accepting gun permit applications on July 1 in response to budget cuts and a reduction in his clerical staff."

WA: 'Gun-shaped object' at hideout
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A mysterious 'black object' discussed in court papers could have been a fake gun made of wood and tissue paper, and it may have been assembled at the Monroe hideout where Harold McCord Jr. was shot and killed June 24."

"New court papers filed Friday show that sheriff's detectives confiscated thin strips of wood, paper tape, coloring pens and markers, shoe polish and glue from the apartment where the fugitive was shot to death in a police raid."

NY: Mothers march against gun violence
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"When her 22-year-old son was stabbed on a Syracuse street three months ago, Helen Hudson galvanized other mothers to form Mothers Against Gun Violence." ...

"So far, 13 mothers have joined the group. The mothers hope to get their sons off the street corners."

The woman's son gets STABBED and she forms an anit-GUN group? Why not anti-knife group?

WA: Marysville mother is a sure shot
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Munson just defended her title as the U.S. Practical Shooting Association's Limited National Women's Champion for the sixth time last week in Barry, Ill."

"Munson, a stay-home-mom, started pistol shooting about 15 years ago after her husband, Eric, discovered the rifle club. Married for 22 years, they had attended the same junior high school. On their first date, Munson took his future wife to a gun range to show his rifle-shooting hobby."

"It didn't take long before she got into "the quest to be the best." And soon she was one of the best pistol shooters in the state -- male or female."

Video games don't make him a killer
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Supposedly, the ringleader of the would-be assassins is a huge fan of violent video games and movies like The Matrix."

"But tens of millions of people love this stuff, I wrote. And they don't go around strapping shotguns to their backs and plotting to kill classmates."

"Mike fired off an e-mail thanking me for being a grown-up who gets it."

" 'I'm 17 years old and a big fan of rock music, violent video games, and violent movies,' he wrote. 'But I have yet to kill anyone, nor have I ever planned to.' "

Jamaica: Four slain in bloody weekend
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A SPATE of gun attacks across the island between Friday night and late yesterday afternoon has claimed at least four lives."

"Gunmen invaded the Saunders Avenue area of the Mountain View community killing one woman and shooting and injuring at least two other men. Residents reported that just after 3:00 p.m. men in a white Toyota motor car drove up along the avenue and opened fire, hitting the woman."

Gun violence in gun-controlled Jamaica? How could this be?

Congo: Children pressed into Congo's latest battles
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"International aid workers say about 30 percent of those fighting in the civil war in this vast Central African country are children under 18."

"In Bunia, where tribal battles in recent weeks have left at least 500 dead and prompted the United Nations to send in an international peacekeeping force, it's estimated as many as half the fighters are children."

MA: Police, women's advocates criticize excessive mace fee
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"People who want to buy mace or pepper spray in Massachusetts will now have to pay $100, not the previous $25, for the initial permit required for the purchase."

"The one-time fee is required for a firearms identification card because the state defines chemical substances such as mace as 'ammunition.' "

VT: More bears coming into yards; 14 shot this year
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The first few times a pair of black bears ambled into James Touchette’s back yard in East Montpelier looking for easy snacks of birdseed from his feeders, he grabbed his camera."

"Within weeks, fascination turned to fear and Touchette was reaching for his gun instead."

"It’s a quick shift in outlook that is being reported with greater frequency in Vermont this spring and summer, as a burgeoning bear population and expanding residential development increasingly put bears and people in potential conflict."

KS: Ready on the firing line
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Before an ex-boyfriend surprised her with a day of skeet shooting in early 1989, Linda Joy had never picked up a gun. But after hitting 17 out of 25 clays her first time out she found it hard to put it down and has been shooting competitively ever since."

Guns special report: why isn't life-saving technology implemented?
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"There are 200 million privately owned guns in the US, including 65 million handguns. Firearms are now the second biggest cause of injury-related death in the country, killing 28,663 people in 2000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. For African-American teenagers aged 15 to 19, gun-related homicide is the leading cause of death, and for all American teenagers of similar age gun-related homicide and suicide come second only to motor vehicle accidents. 'If it's the number one cause of death for portions of the population, how can it not be a compelling public health problem?' asks Stephen Teret of Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore, Maryland."

The enemies of freedom at Johns Hopkins are at it again, spreading misinformation and fomenting panic. How many of those deaths are criminals dying in the commission of a crime, killed either by other criminals, police or armed citizens?

VA: Deputy gets federal jail term for assault weapon count
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A former Russell County sheriff's deputy was sentenced to more than three years in federal prison Thursday for illegally owning an assault weapon."

"Stephen Grayson Bundy, 35, of Lebanon pleaded guilty in April to one count of owning an unregistered Cobray Street Sweeper, a drum-fed automatic 12-gauge shotgun."

MA: Violent crime on MBTA increases
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Reported incidents of violent crime have increased 27% on the subway and 11% on MBTA buses and commuter trains since 2000, according to agency statistics..."

"MBTA police reports show the typical assault involves groups of people under age 18." ...

"Although the Red Line reports more crimes, the Orange Line, with fewer passengers, is the most dangerous. Just over two felonies are reported on the Orange Line for every 1,000 riders, while on the Red Line, 1.7 felony crimes are reported per 1,000 riders. The Green Line, Blue Line, and commuter rail lines have less than one felony crime incident per 1,000 riders, according to the MBTA."

FL: Stuffed Animal Offers Deadly Disguise At Airport
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Security stopped a young child Saturday because a gun was stashed inside the stuffed animal." ...

"An unsuspecting family vacationing in one of Orlando's busy tourism areas was leaving an unidentified hotel when a young girl walked up and handed their child the bear." ...

"The firearm had been reported stolen in 1999."

"A TSA spokesperson said screeners find guns at airports all over the country every day, but this situation was unusual."

"After questioning the tourists, investigators decided they were innocent victims and allowed them to continue their trip."

MD: City Council to discuss bill banning toy guns
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The sale, possession and loaning of realistic-looking toy guns would be prohibited in Annapolis under a bill to be introduced at tomorrow night's City Council meeting."

"Alderwoman Cynthia A. Carter's bill does not apply to obvious imitation firearms, such as brightly colored water pistols. Violators face up to 90 days in jail, fines of up to $1,000 or both."

WA: Seven abuse complaints filed against Tacoma police since 1996
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Seven abuse complaints have been filed against employees of the Tacoma Police Department since 1996, and at least three of the employees remain on the payroll, The News Tribune reported Saturday."

"The city released heavily redacted Internal Affairs files related to three of the employees Friday and planned to release the remaining four Tuesday."

"In one complaint, a Tacoma police detective was accused of punching his girlfriend in the face twice in a Lakewood parking lot in 1998. Investigative records indicate he choked her, broke her necklaces and shouted obscenities at her. The alleged incident happened a few weeks after he kicked in the door of her home, demanding that she return an engagement ring."

OR: Outlawing guns helps crime (Letter)
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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Recently, you reported on the BBC coming to do a story about the homeowner who shot the home invader who set fire to his garage (arson of an occupied structure — a felony in Oregon) in order to compare to a British homeowner who shot a burglar and was sent to jail.
What you fail to report is that in Great Britain the violent crime rate is up more than 44 percent since firearms have been outlawed for public possession and use. The subjects of that nation are at the mercy of violent criminals.

OH: Camp Perry welcomes gun enthusiasts for weapons competitions
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Ohio's premier fishing town wants everyone to know that folks with firearms are also very welcome."

"The centennial edition of the National Rifle and Pistol Matches hosted by the National Rifle Association (NRA) will officially begin here tomorrow with the traditional First Shot Ceremony at Camp Perry. The Ohio National Guard Camp is just west of Port Clinton, which bills itself as the Walleye Capitol of the World and embraces a horde of fishermen throughout the summer."

Read Your Children’s Books
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Understand that there is nothing uplifting about today’s children’s literature. Instead, it is filled with anti-parent propaganda, and anti-religious views. These books present our children with overwhelming and overabundant psychological horrors at too young an age. They present political and cultural ideas long before children are ready to understand or cope with terrible dilemmas. Their depressing agendas are one more reason that our children might turn to drugs or commit suicide. No wonder 'Whatever' is a common slogan and attitude!"

"Parents please read your children’s books. And if you must choose from the list, choose those written prior to 1965. Take the time to find good literature for your children. And tell the teacher when you do not like a book on her lists."

Night, Fog, and the State
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Indeed, as Night and Fog reveals, the State is a machine. And a murderous one. Its day-to-day operation is simply business as usual." ...

"We watch the State’s victims being herded onto the trains, into the trucks, then into the camps. We see the SS slogans that greet them upon their entry: 'Cleanliness is health.' 'Work is freedom.' 'To each his due.' "

"We see the cylinders of zyklon gas. We see the emaciated inmates, then their dead bodies, stacked one atop another."

How To Destroy a Civilization
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The first thing you must do to destroy a civilization is destroy its educational system; the second, destroy its finances and the value of its currency; the third, destroy its moral base."

"You've done reasonably well with each. Let's take a closer look at all three."

DC: When Children Run
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Within 72 hours in 1996, Marlon Washington managed to gun down a man and be killed himself, all while he was supposedly under the supervision of the city's Youth Services Administration." ...

"The system simply lost track of Anthony Garnett. On March 31, 1998, Garnett, 18, fled the Gateway III group home. Nineteen days later, the teenager with a history of drug charges was found face down in an alley. He had been shot in the chest."

Weren't we assured that in a gun control nirvana gun crime would be a thing of the past?

Protecting Bears, Not People
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We have definitely lost our wits in this nation. Right now, there's a proposed piece of legislation seeking sponsors in the House of Representatives that would afford more protection to bears than people."

"Common sense would suggest that bears and humans are not really intended to live close to one another, but tell that to the bears! In New Jersey where I live, we are currently up to our elbows in bears. Some estimates put the figure at around 3,200." ...

Lie Back and Enjoy It, semi-literately. You Can't Change It, And It's A Fun Show. Have Passport Ready
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I-Already-Feel-Safer Department: In the Washington Times I discover that some ditzbunny in the legislature of Annapolis, Maryland, wants to outlaw plastic guns. Yes. She's going to get rid of them rascals. It's because it will end crime." ...

"Oh, good, Cynthia. You're encouraging criminals to use real guns, so that they won't be hit with the plastic penalty also. Of course a chief reason for using plastic guns has been that, if caught, the criminal could say with reason that he wasn't threatening life. How very astute, Cynthia. In your credit I'll say that when it comes to thinking, you have one motingator set of hormones." ...

"What I figure is, there's probably an alien Space Base somewhere, maybe on Jupiter, full of people with hairy green tentacles coming out of their heads and several eyes. And they're shooting Degradation Rays at the Earth. First they did Russia, which was already pretty degraded and didn't have far to go. Now they've got the US. They're beaming the footage back to wherever they live as a reality show."

If You Are A Felon, They Take Away All Your Boxes
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Still, though, Ed Rosenthal is now a felon. He is no longer able to vote, or own firearms, or serve on a jury. Become a federal felon, and they take away all the boxes of freedom that rightfully belong to you as a free person, and help ensure you remain free: the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box. These rights are not restored even after you have served your time."

"Rosenthal is subject to supervision, and his appeal will be expensive and will drag on for years."

NV: Nation's Largest Taxpayer Group Slams Nevada Court for Setting Aside Citizen-Sponsored Tax Limit
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Nevada Supreme Court's decision to override a citizen-initiated Constitutional tax limit and effectively force the Legislature to raise taxes drew a sharp rebuke today from the non-partisan National Taxpayers Union (NTU), a citizen group that has helped to enact such limits in more than a dozen states across the country. NTU has over 3,000 members in Nevada and 350,000 members nationwide."

Australia: Police Minister 'open to ideas' to stop shootings
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The New South Wales Police Minister says he will consider giving officers more powers if it will help prevent gun crimes."

"There were three shootings in Sydney over the weekend."

"In the worst incident, an 18-year-old man was shot in the face outside a party at Cecil Hills on Friday night. He died later in hospital."

"The Opposition says there have been 40 shootings in New South Wales since the state election."

The Supreme Court Has Redefined Fundamental American Principles
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"How can we still appeal to 'equality under the law' as a cornerstone of America, when race preferences and anti-white discrimination have now been made constitutional principles? Indeed, how can we claim that we’re a country under the rule of law at all, when the judges of the Supreme Court openly and explicitly re-write the Constitution from the bench, adding fundamentally new principles to the Constitution based on nothing but their own desire that it be so?"

CA: S.F.S. successful in dealing with violence in workplace
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The city program began with workshops attended by as many as 250 area employees. City officials also put together a prevention program for businesses that exists today."

"It focuses on providing training for city officials, as well managers of local businesses."

"City officials also put together materials for businesses, including a brochure and a warning- signs check list. The information is available at the city's Police Services Center."

"The list of warning signs contains 18 items to watch for, including an increased use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, unexplained increases in absenteeism, depression, and mood swings."

Canada: Gun laws split cop lobby
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Duelling factions will face off when a newly formed national police association tries to find a compromise position on the national gun registry."

"Last week saw the merger of the National Association of Professional Police and the Canadian Police Association."

"All 54,000 police officers in the country will now be represented by the Canadian Professional Police Association. The group will meet for the first time in Edmonton next month."

Canada: Edmonton police surround home in standoff with gun-wielding suspect
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"Police snipers remained stationed around a city home Saturday night after receiving complaints that a man inside had been pointing a gun at a passerby on the street."

"The first police on the scene around noon spotted a man waving a gun out of a second storey window and tactical officers were called in." ...

"At one point, the suspect fired three shots out of the window, narrowly missing members of the media."

Estonia: This little piggy died by machine gun fire
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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An Estonian court fined a farmer for shooting his pigs with a machine gun instead of having his livestock slaughtered the traditional manner, BNS news agency reported on Thursday.

The court in the small town of Polva heard that the 34-year-old had kept pigs for private consumption only. He had pleaded guilty and was sentenced for illegal possession of arms.

The farmer, who was fined €396 (about R3 000), already had a criminal record for theft and rowdyism.

Australia: Weapons seized
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man found with eight illegal weapons is facing 13 charges after police raided a home at Port Macquarie's Mill Hill."

"Five rifles, two revolvers and a pistol were among the weapons seized when the Australian Crime Commission and police from the Mid-North Coast Target Action Group searched the home late Thursday."

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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