MN: Judge declares state's gun law unconstitutional
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://home.comcast.net/~bruce.krafft/
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"Minnesota's conceal and carry gun law was declared unconstitutional today by a Ramsey County District judge."
"Ruling in a lawsuit brought by several churches, Judge John Finley wrote in his decision that it was unconstitutional for the 2002 Legislature to bundle the conceal and carry gun language with a 'totally unrelated bill relating to the Department of Natural Resources.' "
"He said the state Constitution prohibits laws from embracing more than one subject."
"Minneapolis attorney David Lillehaug, who represented Adath Jeshurun Congregation in challenging the gun law, said Finley ruled that passage of Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act of 2002 ... was 'contrary to Minnesota's tradition of open government.'" ...
------- See here for the text of the decision. |
MN: Minnesota Judge Was Wrong on CCW, Says Citizens Committee
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"A ruling today by Ramsey County, Minn., District Court Judge John Finley that the state's two-year-old concealed carry law is unconstitutional is an affront to the state's law-abiding citizens, and should be quickly reversed by an appeals court, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said."
"Judge Finley's ruling is a slap in the face to more than 30,000 Minnesota residents who have legally obtained concealed pistol licenses... We urge Attorney General Michael Hatch to quickly appeal this decision, and in the meantime, make certain that a stay is granted so that Minnesota firearms owners can continue obtaining their licenses immediately upon completing the requirements." |
The "Assault" weapons whine fest continues
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"A U.S. ban on assault weapons will expire in September unless President Bush works to extend it, but so far he has failed to 'lift a finger,' backers of an extension said on Tuesday."
" 'The White House has refused to lift a finger to help us pass it,' California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told reporters. She said if Bush did not actively push to extend the ban, legal military-style assault weapons would be back on U.S." ...
"Senators who oppose the ban have said they were confident the body would not address the issue again this year."
"The House has not acted, and leadership aides have said it is unlikely to without prodding from the White House." |
This is what happens when you ask people loaded questions on surveys designed to achieve a specific result
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"Two months before the federal assault weapons ban is set to expire, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV) today released ten new state polls measuring attitudes of likely voters - specifically gun owners, union members, and NASCAR fans - toward the assault weapons ban."
"The surveys ...show that strong majorities of Americans support banning military-style guns such as Uzis and AK-47s, regardless of geographic area, gun ownership, union membership, and even NRA support. ...The April 2004 Annenberg study found that 64 percent of gun-owning households and half of NRA-member households support banning assault weapons." |
Brady: Tec-9 Terror' -- Residents of 35 States Face Added Risk: Legal, Concealed Assault Weapons in Many Public Places
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"There are only 13 days left when Congress is in session before the expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban -- a law that President Bush pledged he'd renew as a candidate for President in 2000."
"Among the many dangerous outcomes of the sunset of the ban is this: In 35 states, the laws governing citizens carrying concealed weapons have been loosened to a ridiculous standard, with police forced to issue concealed handgun permits to virtually anyone who does not have a felony conviction. In many of those states, hidden handguns are allowed in public places like restaurants, bars, sports arenas, supermarkets and even places of worship."
"That means that if the assault weapons ban expires, a banned weapon like the Tec-9 assault pistol, equipped with a 36- or 50- round magazine, could be legally carried, concealed, into many workplaces and popular establishments crowded with people."
------- KABA NOTE: Dear Peter Hamm.
Cocaine use makes you paranoid and impotent. Judging by your statements above, we would suggest you cut down on the use. |
Strange inertia
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Tick, tick, tick. Time is running out on the current session of Congress. Lawmakers leaving on their mid-summer break are not expected back until well after Sept. 13, when the 10-year-old ban on assault weapons is due to expire."
"If that happens, in many states customers as young as 18 (some say 13) could buy brand-new semi-automatic weapons like TEC-9 assault pistols, AK-47s, Uzis and Kalashnikovs - and carry them concealed into taverns and stadiums, colleges, even public schools."
"That's because combined with the so-called 'gun-show loophole' and other shortcomings in the nation's gun laws, purchases of this lethal weaponry require no background checks or questions asked."
------- Just three paragraphs. Innumerable number of lies. |
New Polls on the Assault Weapons Ban (Blog)
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Website: http://www.triggerfinger.org/weblog/index.jsp
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"In case you were wondering, the Consumer Federation of America is a lobbying group. It doesn't seem to be a successful one: they have several internet surveys on their site, most with under 10 respondents. Their funding, according to their website, comes from "pro-consumer organizations" rather than actual consumers. Since they have a history of releasing anti-gun 'research' I'd say they are a democratic front group, perhaps even one with ties to Nader due to the consumer angle, but that's speculation. All we know is that they've released these three surveys:"
68 percent of West Virginians Support Assault Weapons Ban 76 percent of [Michigan] Voters Support Assault Weapons Ban 68 percent of South Dakotans Support Assault Weapons Ban "So how did they get these results? Simple: they asked whether they supported 'bans on military-style firearms like Uzis or AK-47s'. As anyone with even a little knowledge of firearms law knows, 'military-style' weapons (that is, fully-automatic firearms) are heavily regulated, since 1933, have been banned from manufacture since 1986, have never been used in a crime by a civilian legal owner, and are not affected by the Assault Weapons Ban." |
NRA Takes on the Sierra Club
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"...the spat between the NRA and these groups has the Outdoor Writers Association of America angry."
"The writer group's newfound disdain for NRA comes following a speech by the 4-million strong NRA's president Kayne B. Robinson last month at the association's annual meeting in Spokane, Wash."
"There, Kayne criticized the liberal environmental group Sierra Club for its alleged motives regarding a new campaign to protect wildlife habitat."
"According to The Washington Post, Kayne offended members of the 77-year-old organization of newspaper, magazine, radio and TV commentators when he suggested the Sierra Club's offer to partner on the campaign was merely a thinly veiled attempt to ban more guns." |
Thinking about Tomorrow
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"These are some of the questions that Americans need to be asking:"
"1. What is the role of government in a free society? 2. What should be the role of government in our society? 3. What were the original purposes of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Are they relevant today? 4. Should the government be engaged in the criminal punishment of nonviolent crime, especially drug abuse? 5. Why is the Second Amendment so important and yet so reviled? 6. Should such important services as education and health care be provided by the government or the free market? 7. Should government, including the IRS, be involved in the charity business? 8.Why did Americans turn toward socialism, including Social Security, in the 20th century? Should we continue down that road? 9. What should be the role of government in foreign affairs? Should the government serve as the world’s international policeman and what are the consequences of such a policy? What was the foreign-policy vision of our ancestors? 10. Why are such principles as due process of law and habeas corpus essential prerequisites to a free society?"
"If Americans begin thinking about and reflecting on questions such as these, then we have an excellent opportunity to move toward the free society for which we yearn." |
John Kerry: Anti-gun Hypocrite?
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Liberty Belles
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"While John Kerry may (or may not) support the rights of hunters, he clearly has no interest in the rights of American citizens as it pertains to firearm ownership and the preservation of our Second Amendment." ...
"John Kerry claims to support 'reasonable gun control' -- a catch phrase invented by gun-banners who think that 'reasonable' means using every means available to deny you of your right to keep and bear arms."
"This type of political double-speak is designed specifically to mislead a pro-gun Democrat into voting for an anti-gun Democrat. I wonder how many pro-gun Democrats will use the photos to the right to justify their desire to vote party line, regardless of the truth and the cost?" |
Bush Administration curbing Border Patrol activities
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"Border Patrol agents who executed highly popular roundups of illegal aliens in Southern California last month – the first of their kind in recent memory – say they've been told to stop such enforcement action, and the Bush administration official in charge of the immigration enforcement has refused to say if there would be additional sweeps in the future." |
CO: Police kill man in bed
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Jerry Rowe
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"A Denver police officer likely mistook a soda can for a weapon before shooting and killing a 63-year-old man in his bed, Police Chief Gerry Whitman said Monday."
"Frank Lobato was shot once in the chest Sunday night during a police search for a domestic-violence suspect. Lobato, a career criminal and formerly homeless man whom neighbors said was disabled, was not involved in the domestic dispute."
"Instead, officers were searching the home at 1234 W. 10th Ave. for Lobato's nephew Vincent Martinez, who was wanted on suspicion of domestic violence, assault and false imprisonment. Martinez, 42, was captured Monday evening."
"Some neighbors and community members called the shooting questionable - and worse."
"I think it is disgraceful. ...I don't see how they can just go into people's houses shooting people. ... They are supposed to protect us."
------- They are? That's news to them and to the courts. |
CO: Police shootings sparks new round of questions, outrage
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"A police officer's fatal shooting of an unarmed invalid has unleashed another wave of outrage as activists questioned the pace of reforms after the third such slaying this year and the 11th since March 2003." ...
" 'The shootings will continue until the city recognizes we have a police force that's out of control,' he said. 'You can't trust police to police themselves.' "
"The shooting came about two months after the city agreed to a $1.3 million settlement with the family of Paul Childs, a 15-year-old developmentally disabled boy shot by an officer last summer and three weeks after a 38-member task force issued reform recommendations." |
MI: Police Officer's Van Stolen With Badge, Gun Inside
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A police officer who was working out at a Gold's Gym in Dearborn is missing his gun and badge after his Chevrolet mini van was stolen from the parking lot Monday.
The unidentified Detroit police officer stopped at the gym, located at Schaefer, between Michigan and Ford Roads.
Police believe the person who stole the van may have not known that the duty weapon and police department badge were inside.
The van is a blue1989 Chevrolet Astro van, with Michigan license plate, 7AF W31.
Anyone with information is asked to call Dearborn or Detroit police. |
TN: Attorney raises questions about officer who hit client
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Blake M. Wylie
Website: http://nashvillefiles.com/blog/
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"There are allegations that a Metro Police officer might have left the scene after hitting a woman with her car. That is what an attorney for the victim is saying."
"It was at 1am Friday at the corner of 19th and Division Street near Music Row when the accident occurred."
"23-year-old Micah Jones was trying to cross Division when she was allegedly hit by the police officer. Witnesses say that officer did not stop after the impact."
------- Was someone claiming that it's the police's job to protect us? |
OR: Sheriff welcomes gun users to range
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"The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office is inviting gun owners to use its indoor range near Clackamas Town Center, promoting the facility through memberships that offer special events and discounts on training."
"The county started a membership program this month and hopes to reach 1,500 members over the next year and a half, Capt. Mike Machado said. Gun safety and hunter education classes also are planned." ...
"The sheriff's office has enhanced the shooting range and moved the concealed handgun licensing program from the Clackamas County Courthouse to the facility, known as the Public Safety Training Center." |
UK: Gun owners need to respond to Home Office review
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"If the Home Office's firearms review consultation paper is followed through, it could result in the biggest changes yet to the way that we enjoy our sport."
"It is billed as the first step in a comprehensive review of firearms controls and laws and the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, says it's aimed at making it as difficult as possible for criminals to access and use weapons."
"BASC is opposed to gun crime, and last week held a national conference in London with the anti-gun crime group Mothers Against Guns. It brought together community groups, shooting groups and the police to begin the search for new ways to tackle the criminal misuse of firearms." |
CA: Discharge of firearms illegal in many areas
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"The discharge of fire arms, of any kind, is illegal in the following areas..."
"The discharge of firearms in certain areas within unincorporated portions of Madera County is a danger to the lives of humans and animals, and to personal and real property. Violators may be punished by a fine, jail term, and/or confiscation of the firearm." |
UK: Police chiefs warn of gun culture
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"Senior police officers in Scotland believe there is an emerging threat of the gun culture seen in London coming to Glasgow and the west of Scotland."
"But they said lessons have been learned from the way shootings mushroomed in England, in particular the need to stop young men using firearms."
"In the last few years in major cities in England and Wales, there has been a marked increase in the use of guns."
"The rise in gun use in street violence has been connected to drug crime."
"London, Birmingham and Manchester are among areas that have been affected." |
IN: Gun permits abound in county
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"Nearly four-in-10 adults over the age of 18 in the town of Bloomfield may be packing heat - armed legally to carry a concealed handgun, according to Indiana State Police statistics." ...
"That's the highest percentage among the seven incorporated cities or towns in Greene County." ...
"Linton, the county's largest community, checked in with just over 18 percent of its adults licensed to carry a firearm with 822 permits among its 4,464 adult residents."
"Linton Police Chief Keith McDonald said he was more concerned about the guns that were not licensed than what he called the responsible gun owners who have went through the legal process to property register their firearms."
"He pointed out that carrying a weapon is an individual right guaranteed by the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution." |
IN: States' gun laws are not equal
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"Hoosiers who want to pack a pistol in the glove compartment of their vehicle while driving across the state line had better pay attention to what state they're entering."
"Travel north or south into Michigan or Kentucky, and you're OK. But journey east or west into Ohio or Illinois, and you could wind up in jail."
"Police admit that this legal version of a Bermuda triangle illustrates how inconsistent state laws for carrying a handgun can be." |
Australia: Gresford deaths prompt gun law overhaul calls
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"Greens MP Lee Rhiannon has called for an overhaul of New South Wales firearms licensing system after yesterday's triple murder-suicide in the Hunter Valley town of Gresford."
"Michael Richardson, 32, is believed to have stabbed his wife and suffocated his two children, before turning a gun on himself."
"Police have confirmed Mr Richardson lost his gun licence last year after a failed suicide attempt but had it reinstated by the firearms authority several months ago."
"Ms Rhiannon says it is unacceptable that the licence was renewed."
------- Unbelievable! The family gets stabbed and choked to death and they are talking about more gun restrictions?? It looks to me like they have little too much lead present in their drinking water in UK. What a bunch of idiots! Am I glad I live in USA.
KABA NOTE: Note the absurdity. The wife was STABBED and the children were SUFFOCATED, and yet, somehow, the fool MP thinks licensing would have prevented this tragedy! |
ME: Firing range to be the focus of Kittery meeting
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"Tonight’s Town Council meeting could serve as a forum for a debate on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"Kittery Point resident Samuel K. Kramer, who since 1982 has operated a firing range behind his home at 31 Charles Hill Road, said he and several other residents will attend the meeting in response to a neighbor’s complaint." ...
"Kramer said that Eaton had visited his property Memorial Day weekend after police received a noise complaint. Kramer said he and his nephew, who had recently returned from military duty in Iraq, had been target shooting."
"Kramer said Eaton told him he was not violating any laws and that he could continue shooting."
"During the June 28 meeting, Town Council Chairman Steve Huntress said he too had been told by Strong that no laws were being broken."
"But since then, Kramer said he received a letter from police saying his range would have to be inspected. Kramer said he made an appointment for Eaton to conduct the inspection on July 31."
"...Kramer said he has taken issue with the suggestion that he shouldn’t be able to use his range. For his family, he said target practice is as much a weekend tradition as eating lobster." ...
"Kramer said his 100 acre property has been in his family since 1949. At the time, there were three homes on Charles Hill Road. Now, he said, there are 16." |
Canada: Gun Show Will Be A Blast
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"Draw your weapons, the 23rd annual Gun and Antique Show and Sale is just around the corner." "It will be held on July 17 and 18 at the Hanna Curling Rink. It runs from 9am to 5 pm on Saturday and from 9 am to 4 pm on Sunday."
"The show will feature collections from across Canada and sports gear for the outdoor enthusiast. The show and sale is put on by the local Rod and Gun club, who have been operating in Hanna for approximately 25 years." |
MO: Platte County Starts Accepting Concealed-Gun Permits
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"Platte County on Thursday began accepting residents' applications for concealed-gun permits."
"Applicants lined up outside the sheriff's office to submit their paperwork. By Monday evening, several dozen residents had applied for the permits, KMBC's Emily Aylward reported."
"Longtime gun rights advocate Russ Jacobson was among those applying for a concealed-gun permit." ...
"In Platte County, it now takes about 20 minutes to get through the concealed-gun application process if one has the right paperwork. A $38 fee covers the cost of background checks that are carried out by the Highway Patrol." |
OH: Proof: Clinton Gun Ban failure highlighted in Columbus just weeks before sunset
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"Columbus police gunned down a Hilltop man last night after he shot two people on Oakley Avenue and led officers on a high-speed chase that had bullets whizzing through North Side neighborhoods."
"Columbus police gunned down a Hilltop man last night after he shot two people on Oakley Avenue and led officers on a high-speed chase that had bullets whizzing through North Side neighborhoods."
"The chase ended in a crash and shootout. Four other people, including a police officer, were shot during the rampage."
"The gunman fired an AK-47 assault rifle from a 1988 Jeep Cherokee wagon as he sped through a residential neighborhood north of Morse Road. As many as five officers returned fire, police said." |
OH: New Gun Prevention Program Offered
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"Every year juveniles are caught carrying guns and some even committing crimes with those guns and now police said too many times, guns in the hands of kids end in injury or death. Now, there is a new program called Project Safe Neighborhoods, which is a new four-week program that will teach teens about the danger of guns and how to handle a situation that involves guns." ...
"Program officials said kids who have picked up weapons and gotten into trouble will be some of the first kids who will be attending this new program. ..." |
NJ: Girls take a shot at 2008 Games
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"Not everyone's sure what the gun case is... And if someone is talking to you about it and they ask what you do and you say 3-position rifle, they're like, 'Oh.' The conversation is over."
"Or the conversation becomes a gun control rant or a flood of misguided jokes." ...
"Although it is just the beginning for Gabriel and Pason in terms of reaching the sporting world's ultimate event in Beijing, they have been working at their craft for years. Pason, of Milford, has been shooting competitively since she was 8, and Gabriel, from Flemington, is a relative newcomer with three years of experience. Both train under Cliff Kerr, national development coach of the year, at the Somerset Junior Rifle Club in Bridgewater." |
IN: Store Clerk Relives a Nightmare
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"Sixty-year-old Sherry Rossi doesn't want to remember it, but there are reminders of what happened that November night at Kwik Stop. Her vision is still blurry from the attack, and the damage to her face is not fully repaired."
"Surveillance video from Kwik Stop Liquors on West Columbia Street last November, showed 31-year-old Charles Dale of Tell City rush behind the counter. Sherry Rossi was grabbed around the neck and then she fought back. She grabbed a gun and shot the attacker three times, and in the struggle wounded herself in the stomach." |
UK: Darwinism in action
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"A man who shot himself in the groin after drinking 15 pints of beer and stuffing a sawed-off shotgun down his trousers was jailed for five years Tuesday for illegal possession of a firearm."
"David Walker, 28, underwent emergency surgery after the March 6 incident in Dinnington, northern England. Tests were continuing to learn if Walker would be left infertile, his lawyer Gulzar Syed said."
" 'He still feels quite severe pain,' Syed told Sheffield Crown Court, adding that some pellets still were lodged in Walker's groin area."
"Walker had admitted one charge of possession of a prohibited firearm at a previous hearing." |
WY: Wyoming House Candidates Take Stand Against Gun Control (JTO)
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None of the eight Democratic and Republican candidates running for the U.S. House of Representatives from Wyoming are in favor of gun control, the Associated Press reported July 8.
In announcing their stances on a variety of issues, all of the candidates said they support the Second Amendment and are against any additional gun control measures.
"It's a myth that all Democrats want to take your guns," said businessman Ted Ladd of Wilson, who is running on the Democratic ticket.
Attorney Bruce Asay of Cheyenne, a Republican candidate for the House seat, said the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited. He added that certain firearms, such as machine guns, should be restricted. |
DC: Gun ban continues to be ineffective
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A gun confiscated during a traffic stop in Washington has been traced back to a destructive break-in at a gun store in Manassas, Va., D.C. police announced Tuesday.
The Virginia Arms Gun Store was burglarized on May 31. The crooks used a pickup truck to smash through the front door and get inside.
Three handguns were taken during the heist. The truck that was used in the theft was found three days later abandoned and burned in Northeast D.C.
On June 14, a Metro Transit police officer stopped a car along Rhode Island Avenue for a routine traffic violation. Inside, the officer found suspected crack cocaine and a 9mm pistol.
Officers have determined the pistol was one of the guns taken from the Manassas gun store. |
MO: Man gets 120 days in death of alleged stalker
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"A St. Louis area man was sentenced Monday to 120 days of jail 'shock time' and placed on probation for five years for killing an unarmed man he said had been stalking his family."
"Richard Pearia pleaded guilty in May to a reduced charge of involuntary manslaughter in the October 2003 shooting death of Donald Brinkmeyer, 51. Pearia was originally charged with second-degree murder."
"...Both Pearia, 52, and his wife, Kerstin, 43, told authorities Brinkmeyer had been stalking Kerstin Pearia."
"The Pearias' attorneys had argued that the shooting of Brinkmeyer was justifiable self-defense, coming eight days after Kerstin Pearia got a court-issued protection order against Brinkmeyer." |
NY: Another victim of paper protection
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"After holding his estranged wife hostage in Central Islip for more than 12 hours, a Brooklyn man was arrested early Tuesday after he fell asleep, Suffolk police said." ...
"Soevyn's wife, Carla Soevyn, 25, had returned to the home... Soevyn had apparently pried open a back door and was waiting for her inside, Sullivan said."
"Soevyn then boarded windows and put furniture in front of the doorway to the room, Sullivan said. At 12:48 p.m., he made his wife call police."
"In her 911 call, she said that Soevyn had violated an order of protection issued in June after he threatened her over the phone. She also said Soevyn told her he had a gun and gasoline and wanted crack cocaine."
------- Just remember -- in New York, it is extremely difficult for her to legally have a gun with which to defend herself. She must, therefore, rely on paper protection, while he terrorizes her. |
NC: Bill would help protect threatened employees
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"The state House on Tuesday gave final approval to a bill that seeks to protect workers from violence."
"Under the bill, passed by a 115-0 vote and now headed to the governor's desk, employers could obtain a restraining order tailored for the workplace to protect employees from violence on the job."
"The bill allows an employer to file in district court for the 'no-contact order' on behalf of an employee when there's the possibility that violence could occur at work. It also would cover threats from disgruntled employees and protect co-workers, supporters said." |