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Newslinks for 7/14/2016

The Second Amendment as a Prophylactic
Submitted by: Jack Burton

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A common argument from those who are in favor of more stringent gun control laws is that the necessity of firearms in the hands of citizens as a “check” against an out-of-control government is simply not needed in this day and age.

This view is very shortsighted and misses out on the prime role of the Second Amendment.

Report: New Black Panthers will go to Cleveland with guns for self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The New Black Panther Party, a "black power" organization, plans to attend demonstrations in Cleveland ahead of the Republican National Convention, and members plan to bring their firearms.

Hashim Nzinga, chairman of the New Black Panther Party, told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday that the group planned on exercising its Second Amendment rights in Ohio, an open-carry state, because "there are other groups threatening to be there that are threatening to do harm to us."

CT: Another View: Proliferation of guns hasn't made us safer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The solution to a bad guy with a gun, it is often said, is a good guy with a gun. Yet according to Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, D, there were 20 to 30 good guys openly carrying guns among the protesters whom Dallas police were supervising last Thursday night, when Micah Xavier Johnson began picking off officers. “In the middle of a firefight,” the mayor said Sunday, “it’s hard to pick out the good guys and the bad guys.”

MT: Ask the judge: 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Noah Webster supported this idea when he wrote: “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops…raised in the United States”.

TX: Final rules for UT’s campus carry now set
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now that the University of Texas Board of Regents has finalized their plans for campus carry, it’s up to the schools in the UT system to make sure they have all the proper signage and information to educate the public about what they can and cannot do when it comes to carrying a concealed handgun on campus starting Aug. 1.

At Wednesday’s meeting, the board determined licensed gun owners can have a round in the chamber of semiautomatic weapons on campus, which is different than what the University of Texas at Austin president recommended. The regents also decided to let professors ban guns from their personal offices. The professors will be allowed to let people know via a sign or verbally.

Sen. Chris Murphy Takes Apart The NRA’s “Good Guy With A Gun” Lie
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But in the wake of another tragedy, Mr. President, I wanted to come down to the floor for a short period of time, I know my colleagues are waiting to speak, to talk about some of the very irresponsible rhetoric that gets tossed around when it comes to this debate over the future of gun policy in this country. And I want to take five or 10 minutes to talk about what is the biggest lie used by the gun lobby in this debate. And it’s this: “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” This isn’t true. It has never been true. It will never be true.

A Modest Proposal: Democrats Want To Ban Anyone Under The Age Of 16 From Being Near AR-15 Rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With Democrats unable to sell their awful ideas on gun control policy, they’re becoming more and more irrational in their future proposals. Right now, there’s a piece of legislation that’s destined for legislative death, which would ban people under the age of 16 from firing AR-15 rifles ("weapons of war"), or any firearm considered to be “military-style” because that’s totally enforceable, said by no one ever (via The Hill):

OH: Buckeye Firearms Association Offers Upcoming Shooting Events and Educational Seminars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We have over a dozen shooting events and seminars coming up over the next 5 months. I urge you to look at our events now and plan which ones you want to attend and register ASAP.

NV: Good Samaritan pulls gun to stop alleged hit-and-run driver
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"I went to cut him off, and he still went to go, so that's when I jumped out of my car and drew my firearm and was like you need to get the heck out of the car," Francis said. "I have all rights to do a citizen's arrest because he's doing a hit and run and he could have just killed that guy, so I drew my firearm not only in my self-defense but in everyone else's self-defense that was at that intersection."

Metro Police officers arrived on scene shortly after the confrontation, and Francis' weapon was still drawn; his foot was on Shaykin's back.


Metro police said every situation is different when it comes to citizens arrests, but in this case, the officers on scene determined Francis would not face any charges.

Bans And Confiscation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several writers have recently advocated banning and/or confiscating AR-15 style rifles as a way to solving the problem of mass shootings in the United States. I wonder if those advocating such actions have really thought it though?
Although this may be a simple solution, it is by no means easy. We need to remember we are talking about property that was lawfully purchased and responsibly owned. These laws would be instituted after the fact. This is not generally something you expect under the rule of law; the Constitution prohibits ex post facto laws specifically.

GA: No Charges In Buckhead Jewelry Store Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Buckhead jewelry store employee who shot and killed a suspected robber last week will not face any charges.

Police said the incident took place on July 6 at Cachet Fine Jewelry when a man identified as Michael Robbins, 20, entered the store around 2:30 pm armed with a handgun. The employee -- who is the son of the store owner -- told police he shot Robbins in self-defense.

8 questions to measure a quality shooting technique
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Those that are serious about self protection and training know that the only reason to train is to 1) avoid gun fights, if possible, and 2) win lethal confrontations. When it comes to gun handling skills, it is essential to consider that every technique used ought to contain certain elements that mimic these real world lethal confrontations.

Therefore, when considering a tactic or technique (i.e., specific methods to accomplish a desired result), we should ask ourselves the following questions:

Still Second-Class Citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Less than 48 hours later, Philando Castile was pulled over for a broken tail light. Castile’s non-threatening disclosure that he was legally carrying a concealed weapon prompted a police officer to murder him in front of his partner and her four-year-old daughter, violating his Second Amendment right to bear arms.

FL: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Armed Intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the residents, 21-year-old Darien Corbett, said that “he and his roommates were vacuuming a new rug” when he heard someone trying to kick in the front door. Corbett retrieved his handgun and opened the door, only to find himself staring down the barrel of a gun.

Corbett “closed [his] eyes and shot twice,” striking one of the intruders.

FCSO says the man who was shot “died at the scene.” The second intruder fled and “was not located after deputies and a K-9 team searched the area.”

Antonia Okafor: I Will NOT be a Victim
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Antonia Okafor has been told her entire life that as a black woman, she shouldn’t support the Second Amendment, that she shouldn’t want to have the right to protect herself, and that she should fall in line.

But Antonia didn’t listen.

She’s a millennial woman who refuses to be put into any box.

Antonia doesn’t care what names anti-gun bigots call her. She refuses to be a victim. And she’s talking to women just like her every day.

Hillary Clinton Tweet Explains Perfectly Why the Issue is Limiting Government Power, Not Just Personalities in Charge
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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n the twilight of his second term, Obama has also doubled down on the notion that unilateral executive action is necessary merely because the legislative, a co-equal branch of federal government, doesn't wish to act. "I've got a pen and a phone," President Obama said at the beginning of 2014.

While Trump may appear the most openly eager and willing potential successor to use those same powers, Hillary Clinton, with her history in government, is just as, if not more, willing to use unilateral executive action. She said she'd do so in the face of a Republican Congress that dared to act like a co-equal branch of government, and promised to do so specifically in curbing Americans' Second Amendment rights.

NC: North Carolina governor signs law requiring a court order to obtain police body camera footage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on Monday signed into law House Bill 972, which states that police camera footage, including body camera footage, is not a matter of public record and proscribes the procedure for release of footage.


Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have spoken out against the law, stating that "[b]ody cameras should be a tool to make law enforcement more transparent and accountable to the communities they serve but this shameful law will make it nearly impossible to achieve those goals."

IL: Groups with opposite views demonstrate at Gat Guns in East Dundee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was a group divided during a demonstration outside of East Dundee's GAT Guns Wednesday.

On one side of the store's sign fronting Route 25 stood about a dozen people wielding signs against gun violence.

The crowd on the other side was made up of gun advocates who said they were there to defend the Second Amendment while also standing up for the other group's First Amendment rights.

Tale of two platforms: GOP targets porn, gays while Dems go after guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Whereas just four years ago, Democrats pledged to preserve “Americans’ Second Amendment Right to own and bear firearms,” this time the Dems are telling gun owners “yeahnothanksbye.” As the Wall Street Journal pointed out, there is not one reference to the Second Amendment in this platform, and it mentions guns eight times.

The GOP Can Lead on Criminal Justice Reform—If We Admit Inequality Exists
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Missouri State Senator Shamed Dogan, an African American Republican, makes an eloquent and policy-driven case for why Republicans should push reforms that are pro-black, pro-law enforcement and pro-Second Amendment—and why the Right needs to acknowledge the problem.

Armed and Content
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dana Loesch is just as witty and sharp in print as she is on her show. In her new book, Flyover Nation, she immediately explains the disconnect between the coastal states and the middle of the country and how the gap is widening every day. “The flyover nation is the vast expanse, the patch work quilt of Americana that you see as you look through your plane window 30,000 feet below as you fly over the middle of the country. I think of the middle of the country is the spine of the country. The people have a strong appreciation for family units, hard work, self-proficiency and independence. ”

Gun Review: NAA Black Widow
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’ve been in the firearms industry for a long time now, and I’d never come across a North American Arms mini-revolver in the wild. I’d seen them in stores, and at shows, and I’d asked the folks at NAA to send them for reviews, but nothing ever arrived.

So when my father-in-law started asking questions about them, I knew I’d have to come up with—better answers than my typical educated guesses. So I headed down to the old brick-and-mortar gun shop and tried to buy one.

I say “tried” because these suckers don’t stick around long. There is a certain crowd—and I’m going to guess here that most of them are white males over the age of 60—who can’t get enough of the mini-revolver. I had to order one.

The Mass Shootings Fix
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Australia and Great Britain made extensive changes in gun policy in response to mass shootings two decades ago, and there has only been one mass shooting in either place since. Other countries also have tightened gun laws after similar tragedies, leaving some Americans wondering if similar changes here could have prevented the shooting in an Orlando gay night club last month that killed 49 people.

Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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