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Newslinks for 7/14/2018

TX: 'Feared for his life': Man says after being acquitted of murder at Kirby apartments in 2014
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Days after being acquitted of murder, Huntley James Grichor says it's all sinking in.

He said, "I'm thankful I'm not in jail and I owe it to the Lord and this guy, he's an amazing lawyer."

Grichor was referring to his attorney, Chris Flood.

Flood says he believes putting his client on the stand helped in his own defense.

After a three week trial and nine hours of deliberations, a jury found him not guilty by reason of self-defense in the September 2014 stabbing death of Shannon James Gallagher at Gables West Ave apartments on Kirby.

HI: Governor Signs Trigger Modification Ban Into Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday, July 9th, Governor David Ige signed Senate Bill 2046, which makes it a crime to manufacture, import, sell, gift, lend, or possess certain trigger modifications. SB 2046 contains vague language that could criminalize firearm modifications that are commonly done by law-abiding gun owners to make their firearms more suitable for self-defense, competition, hunting, or even overcoming disability.

AL: No charges in fatal shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two fatal shootings earlier this year will not be going to trial after a grand jury chose not to indict either shooter on grounds of self defense.

The first of the fatal shootings took place March 25, 2018, at Watkins court, where police arrived to find Jemarion Deandre Edwards, 27, dead of a gunshot wound.

These 1000-lumen tactical flashlights will light your path through any night
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A good flashlight is essential for getting things done after dark—whether you’re hiking back to your campsite or changing a flat tire by the roadside. While many lights are underpowered, you can’t say the same about the Viper 1000-Lumen Tactical Flashlight. Used by military professionals, this pocket sun is powerful enough to turn night into day. You can get a two-pack with a hard case now for only $29.99 at the PopSci Shop.

FL: Police: Bystander killed by gunfighter who is then shot dead
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prosecutors say Victor Emanuel Brown didn't have a concealed-carry license and would have been charged with killing Strada had he survived.

Seminole County Sheriff's investigators say Brown and Jorge Vega-Rosado were fighting early Sunday in the central Florida city of Lake Mary. They say Brown fired and missed his target, striking Strada in the eye. Vega-Rosada then fired several shots, killing Brown. They say he won't be charged because he fired in self-defense.

I Carry: Bersa Thunder in a Clinger Holsters Comfort Cling Holster
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Welcome to another episode of "I Carry," Shooting Illustrated's weekly video series covering the guns and gear needed to put together a potential everyday-carry kit. Today, we have a Bersa Thunder 380 in a Clinger Holsters Sticky Holster. We also have a LED Lenser P2 flashlight, a Leatherman multi-tool and a Snagmag magazine carrier to round-out a minimalist carry rig.

Punishing Employees' Bravery: What's Wrong with Us?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ryan Hobbs, Crouch's attorney, told the Democrat, “Academy has decided to, instead of treating him like the hero he is, they terminated his employment effective immediately because he put his hands on Mr. White.”

Academy Sports' corporate spokeswoman Elise Hasbrook told the Democrat she couldn't comment on specific personnel matters or policies. “While the incident ended without injury, actions inconsistent with corporate policies were taken,” she said. “We addressed the matter with the local store and individuals involved.” End of discussion.

Think past this for a minute.

NH: NH Libertarian Senate Candidate Answers Questionnaire on Gun Freedoms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the Libertarian candidate for NH Senate district 10, I’ve begun posting my answers to the various questionnaires I receive from interest groups. Here’s the four-page questionnaire I received from the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.

This one was easy. Libertarians are always in favor of individual rights, in this case the right of self-defense and the defense of others. Given that libertarians are against aggressive force, they support the use of defensive force as a way to stop aggressors. No one should have to ask permission to defend themselves or own whatever they feel is necessary to defend themselves. That includes felons who should have their gun rights restored.

Introduction: A close look at Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 53-year-old Kavanaugh also emphasized his ability to get along with others who do not necessarily share his views, noting that his “law clerks come from diverse backgrounds and points of view” and that he had been hired to teach at Harvard Law School by Elena Kagan, who was then the dean of the law school but was later appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the Supreme Court. And he discussed the “vibrant Catholic community in the D.C. area,” stressing that even if the “members of that community disagree about many things,” they are “united by a commitment to serve.”

Here's what Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination means for gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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President Trump recently selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Immediately following this announcement, national pro-gun groups like the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and the Second Amendment Institute released statements endorsing Trump’s nomination. Kavanaugh brings with him a strong support and respect for the Second Amendment. His judicial history clearly demonstrates that he is a friend to law-abiding gun owners.

CA: Bonsall Mom ‘Stabbed Rivera in the Buttocks in Self-Defense’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who allegedly attacked his girlfriend and her 9-year-old daughter Friday in a back-country neighborhood east of Bonsall found himself under arrest and hospital-bound after the mother stabbed him in the backside and fled to safety along with the girl.

OK: Legislature quiet, keeping hands off medical pot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some of the bills passed into law this spring by Gov. Mary Fallin include:

• HB 2889: Amends the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act to clarify that county sheriffs may charge the fee of up to $25 for fingerprinting handgun license applicants. The only dissenting vote was cast by State Rep. Brian Renegar, D-McAlester.

Justice Scalia Made Clear the Second Amendment and Heller Prohibit “Assault Weapon” Bans
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Brett Kavanaugh is a true Second Amendment radical. He believes assault weapon bans are unconstitutional, a position way out of the judicial mainstream, far to the right of even late Justice Scalia.

Murphy’s comment gives the false impression that Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who authored of the majority opinion in the landmark 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case that recognized the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, did not consider bans on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms (termed “assault weapons” by gun control advocates) to be unconstitutional.

FL: NRA lobbyist files lawsuits over ‘hate and vitriol'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Marion Hammer, the National Rifle Association’s influential Tallahassee lobbyist, filed federal and state lawsuits Friday seeking more than $2 million in damages from five men she says have targeted her over her Second Amendment advocacy following the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

Describing Hammer as “a 79-year-old grandmother and nationally renowned civil rights advocate,” the federal lawsuit filed in U.S. district court in Tallahassee contends four men have made her the focal point of “hate and vitriol” through phone calls, emails and other communications.

Liberty Control (aka Gun Control) Dead at 501
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Liberty Control (aka Gun Control), the absurd idea that depriving the innocent of a means of self-defense will protect them from criminals and the government died on July 10, 2018, after a protracted illness. The past few months saw it suffer multiple degradations, but the final cause of death was a settlement between the Department of Justice and Second Amendment Foundation in SAF’s lawsuit on behalf of Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed over free speech issues related to 3-D files and other information that may be used to manufacture lawful firearms:

Gun World Magazine Honors Savage Employee w/ Feature Story, Commitment to Excellence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Longtime Savage employee Debbie Yale is the focus of a feature story in the August 2018 issue of Gun World magazine. The article chronicles Yale’s illustrious 35-year career in the firearms industry and highlights Savage’s commitment to excellence.

Author Becky Yackley explores the underpinnings of Yale’s interest in firearms, along with the work ethic and positive attitude that fueled her rise from machine operator to production manager of Savage’s Lakefield, Ontario, factory, which employs about 130 people.

NJ: After-Action Report: Oral Argument On Injunction Request In NJ Mag Ban Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Court Schedules Factual Hearings In Mid-August

No Decision On Injunction Before End Of Summer: July 12, 2018. This afternoon, a U.S. District Court Judge in Trenton heard oral argument on Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs's motion for an injunction halting enforcement of the new magazine ban law until the case is decided.

U.S. District Judge Peter Sheridan called a pre-hearing conference in chambers where he told counsel that he is scheduling a full-blown hearing on certain factual aspects of the case by mid-August. Specifically, experts who provided declarations for both sides will be brought into court to provide further detailed testimony under oath.

CA: $10,000 Assault gun challenge to anti-2nd amendment and Del Mar Gun Show protesters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The San Diego County Gun Owners political action committee is issuing a $10,000 challenge to any anti-gun extremist or anti-Second Amendment extremist. They held a press conference at 11:00 AM at Gunfire Tactical gun store on Miramar Road to announce the challenge. You can watch it below.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Has Earned NRA Members’ Support
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NRA members can feel confident throwing their enthusiastic support behind President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Throughout his time on the bench, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated deep respect for the Second Amendment as construed in Justice Antonin Scalia’s landmark decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. Moreover, his record on the Second Amendment is well established. As Second Amendment scholar and University of Denver Law Professor Dave Kopel wrote earlier this week, “No nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court has had such a detailed record on Second Amendment as does Brett Kavanaugh.”

‘Downloadable Gun’ Clears a Legal Obstacle, and Activists Are Alarmed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mr. Wilson, who is well known in anarchist and gun-rights communities, complained that his right to free speech was being stifled and that he was sharing computer code, not actual guns.

The case was settled on June 29, and Mr. Wilson gave The New York Times a copy of the agreement this week. The settlement states that 3-D printing tutorials are approved “for public release (i.e. unlimited distribution) in any form.”

The government also agreed to pay nearly $40,000 of Mr. Wilson’s legal fees.

OH: Reaction flooding in after Columbus bump-stock ban ruled unconstitutional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Franklin County Judge ruled Columbus's bump-stock ban was unconstitutional Friday.

Ohioans For Concealed Carry and The Buckeye Firearms Association sued over the ordinance, which was passed in May. They say the city has no authority to regulate firearms under state law.

NRA Files Comments in Support of Trump Administration’s Export Reform Effort
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As we mentioned earlier, the proposals are a win-win for both the domestic firearms industry and for national security. The NRA submitted formal comments to both rulemakings lauding the efforts and suggesting additional changes to help promote the agencies’ goal of “building a taller fence around a smaller yard.” The point is to more finely tune export controls to distinguish between items that provide critical military or intelligence advantages to the U.S. or are “inherently military” and items that, while having some military utility, are commonly available from places like RadioShack and Walmart.

The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law.... Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking. — Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman

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