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Newslinks for 7/15/2011

United Nations Small Arms Treaty Calling for Micro Stamping Style Marking of All Firearms & Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While acknowledging a constitutional right, the criteria and record keeping requirements proposed in the treaty would necessitate the special marking of all firearms (IV, 1, h) and more critically all ammunition (IV, 1, j). The costs involved in both the physical marketing and recordkeeping are enormous. The proposed document also includes the creation of an Implementation Support Unit (VI, G-1) with yearly reporting and records kept for a minimum of 10 years. (V1, B-1)." ...

Why Any Gun Control at All?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama is reported around the web to be revving up gun control reform by way of executive order. The window dressing is the same pink as always; sensible gun laws and a balancing act of pleasing both second amendment adherents and leftist constituents."

"As if any sort of balance is even possible. On the question, there can be no such thing as 'balance,' and for one reason."

"But the real question is this: why any gun control at all in America? The core question is why America even needs any sort of gun control."

"It does not." ...

It's not about the guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We all want the same thing - safety and our continued way of life. There are three types of gun controllers:"

"1. Those who are misinformed who think that they're doing the right thing."

"2. Those who project their own fears of what they would do with a firearm if they had one."

"3. Politicians who use gun-control to scare people into voting a certain way."

"So where did this all start? After all, a few decades ago we could all buy a handgun from the Sears catalog and see an episode of 'Leave it to Beaver' with Beaver handling firearms with his girlfriend's father." ...

NRA Delivers Remarks at U.N. Concerning Proposed Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National Rifle Association’s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre addressed the United Nations this afternoon."

"He told the U.N. to not interfere with the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans and pledged to continue the fight to preserve civilian ownership of firearms in the U.S." ...

A Brief Glossary of Gun Terminology (As Understood by Leftists)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG Commentator James Felix put the following list at the bottom of Mr. Zimmerman’s post on President Obama’s executive fiat. [NB: nothing to do with Chrysler.] As the list forced me a Coke Zero keyboard wipe-down, I thought I’d elevate it to prominence here. Feel free to add your leftist lexicon below." ...

Gun Rights Help Wanted Embedding the Gun News Widget
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are looking for help expanding our reach and bring positive gun news to all parts of the web."

"If you're reading this you are just the pro-active, pro-gun readers we are looking for to help spread the word about our gun news widget. Please help us by getting the word out about this informative and easy to use tool." ...

Ted Nugent answers some questions on his politics and hunting lifestyle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ted Nugent is heard loud and clear by millions of people each year, and we're not even talking about the rock ‘n’ roll music assault he's been making on the ears of his fans for more than 40 years."

"The 63-year-old rock guitarist says he devotes all summer to concerts and about 10 months to hunting. Meantime, he takes no time off throughout the year from his favorite sports of 'crushing liberals, destroying animal rights, defending Second Amendment rights and exposing the monsters who hold political office.'" ...

In Search of . . . Hog Hunting Cartridge. And Gun.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been thinking that I’d like to add a bigger rifle to my collection. My future father in law has a close family friend with a ranch down in South Texas with a 1000 yard range and an endless supply of pigs. For a kid raised in the country, that is as close to a dowry as you can get. However, my little .243 just doesn’t have the stones to reach out past about 500 yards and I sure wouldn’t feel comfortable taking a little piggy at any distance beyond 100 yards. So, I feel justified in my need for a new gun to bring to the ranch . . ." ...

New Radar Can Detect…Suicide Bombers?
Submitted by: none

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"Billed as a 'must have' life-saving piece of gear for all military men and women, a new radar system promises to detect suicide bombers from 100 yards away."

"The CounterBomber, created by Science, Engineering and Technology Corporation, reportedly uses a complex algorithm to detect possible explosive materials hidden beneath a person’s clothing. Once a suicide bomber is detected, the maker’s claim military personnel will receive advanced warning via a handheld mobile device much like a smartphone." ...

Bloomberg buying support
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In the past Mayor Bloomberg has tried dolling[sic] out campaign cash to politicians who support his hot button issues, especially gun control, in hopes of advancing his political agenda. He’s had limited success going this route. Next he formed Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which is essentially just a front for Bloomberg himself and is designed to give the impression of widespread political support for his agenda. MAIG too has met with limited success."

"Now it seems he’s come up with a new way of spreading money around through his charity Bloomberg Philanthropies. A story at the Ledger-Enquirer has some details, 'Bloomberg gives mayors $24M grants for innovation':" ...

Gun Mayhem Along the Border
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is an open and deadly scandal that at least 70 percent of the weapons recovered in Mexico’s bloody drug war originate in the United States, where shady gun buyers operate freely thanks to loopholes in American law. To its credit, the Obama administration has ordered the more than 8,000 dealers along the border to begin reporting multiple sales of AK-47s and other semiautomatic battlefield weapons to the federal firearms bureau." ...

Submitter's Note: Not Drug Mayhem Along the Border, or even Drug War Mayhem Along the Border, nope it's those evil guns making all the badness happen.

Guns, immigration and GOP hypocrisy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... The [ATF] has decided to try to clean up Dodge City by requiring gun dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to report bulk sales of semi-automatic weapons. That requirement already exists for handgun purchases. ..."

"That makes sense. Some of those are likely headed to Mexico. And if you want to go after drug traffickers, start by taking their guns. If you can seize the drugs, fine. But without guns, the bad guys can't protect themselves or defend their product. So they're out of business."

"Who could find fault with this approach by law enforcement? The National Rifle Association, which claims the reporting requirement infringes on the Second Amendment and the right of individuals to bear arms." ...

The Soft Dictatorship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine a hypothetical country where small groups of unelected individuals can make law by simply sitting around a conference table deciding they want a new law, even if that law violates the constitution. ... Furthermore, imagine if the citizens of that country were not allowed to contest these decisions in court ..."

"Furthermore, imagine at least one of these agencies would be empowered to go seize the property and businesses of the citizenry without any possibility of outside judicial review. ..."

"The country I am speaking of country isn't Cuba, Russia, or China. Startlingly, the country I am speaking of is the United States of America, bit by bit, and the resulting soft dictatorship is getting worse. ...

One Hell of an Effective Spokesperson (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michelle Malkin understands the [Gunwalker] issues."


Will Gunwalker export violations bust criminal investigation wide open?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Those exports were a clear violation of US weapons export laws, and the USGOV knowingly conspired and allowed those weapons to leave the United States without, (1) A valid US Department of State Export License, (2) a valid End Use statement signed by an appropriate Mexican GOV authority attesting as to the use and end destination of the weapons, and (3) a valid Import License issued by the GOV of Mexico documenting approval for the weapons to enter Mexican sovereign territory. ..." ...

'Fast and Furious' ATF/Mexico Gun Scandal Heats Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Mexican government should logically be preparing legal cases against the U.S. government and all responsible for the Fast and Furious program. The Congressional report indicates that 'ATF supervisors regarded violence and deaths in Mexico as inevitable collateral damage'. Mexican government officials estimate that at least 150 Mexican deaths resulted from ... Fast and Furious." [emphasis added]

"A memo released showed Supervisor David Voth eagerly reporting that during the month of March 2010 straw purchasers under surveillance purchased 359 firearms and murders spiked to 958. The correlation between gun-walking and increased violence in Mexico was viewed with enthusiasm. ..." ...

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several lawmakers are questioning the Obama administration about whether the controversial 'Fast and Furious' gunrunning probe may have had a cousin in Florida that resulted in guns being trafficked to Central America." ...

"Bilirakis' letter specifically asked whether the Tampa division participated in a 'gun walking' scheme allowing guns to go to Honduras. He also asked whether ATF or DOJ know if any of the firearms ended up in the hands of the 'notorious' MS-13 gang -- a violent gang spread across Central America, Mexico and the United States."

"Court documents from the Operation Castaway takedown claim that at least five firearms from the illegal sales of the main suspect ended up later being connected to crimes ..." ...

‘Fast and Furious’ not a ‘renegade operation,’ sources say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ botched Operation Fast and Furious was not a 'renegade operation' but a coordinated effort 'from the top down,' congressional sources and ATF insiders told the Seattle Gun Rights Examiner today." ...

'Gunwalking' to forcible citizen disarmament tyranny--compelling new evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some in the gun rights advocacy community don't buy the official story, that 'Project Gunwalker' was intended ... to 'bring down a drug cartel.' We believe instead that the real motive was to pad statistics which would then be used to bolster the foundering 'U.S. commercial gun market is arming Mexican drug cartels' myth. In taking that position, we have opened ourselves up to the ridicule of such journalistic luminaries as Media Matters and Jon Stewart, who apparently really do believe both that senior government officials are stupidly incompetent enough to take such a harebrained approach to combating drug war violence, and that such massive incompetence isn't a pretty dire indictment of the current government" ...

Guns Gone Wild -- ATF's Good Intentions Gone Bad
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... [I]n early 2009, the Obama administration determined that the original purpose of Gunrunner could be altered in order to provide a new mandate for implementing their gun control rationale: Stopping the flow of 'assault weapons' into Mexico. To facilitate that agenda, Attorney General Eric Holder authorized operation 'Fast and Furious,' that set into motion an ATF plan to encourage and enable 'straw purchase' firearm sales to arms traffickers, and allow the guns to make their way into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartel assassins."

"Holder determined that he could manufacture a case that guns purchased in the U.S. were responsible for all the violence in Mexico. ..." ...

Obama Executive Order Cannot Legally Enact Rifle-Reporting Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The effort by the Obama administration to establish new gun law by executive order is not a legal method for enacting law in the United States, according to Alan Korwin, a national expert on gun law and author of nine books on the subject. Other experts agree that such a measure requires an act of Congress, and cannot legitimately be implemented by executive order, as Mr. Obama is attempting to do."
"'We already have rapid-reporting requirements for multiple firearm sales, for handguns,' Mr. Korwin notes, 'and this required Congress to draft and enact a statute ... It's not legal to create another similar law for long guns without Congress,' Korwin says." ...

Giuliani takes stand on firearms rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If he decides to run again for President, Rudy Giuliani promises he will stick to his guns and protect your right to own them."

"The former New York City mayor and 2008 presidential candidate admitted Thursday that voters continue to ask him whether he fully supports the constitutional right to bear arms."

"Introducing him at Manchester Harley-Davidson, owner Steve Talarico said he wanted to help clear the air of any misconceptions. 'The mayor seems to be probably one of the most misinterpreted politicians on the Second Amendment,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: Misunderstood or understood all too well? Which Rudy should we believe? The one who said that the Second Amendment was an "overstated argument"? The one who sue gun manufacturers? Or the Rudy who pulled out the now classic "What works in New York City might not work elsewhere" tapdance? Or the Rudy who supported the Brady Law and the AWB? Or the one who now claims to support the Second Amendment and your right to keep and bear arms?
Which is the real Rudy?

Giuliani sounds like a candidate in N.H. remarks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has been coy about whether he'll jump into the 2012 presidential contest. With one failed race behind him, he has cautiously insisted that he is surveying the field and will make a decision on whether to enter by summer's end."

"... But as Giuliani stepped out Thursday for his fourth trip to New Hampshire this year, he sounded as much like a candidate as any of the other Republicans already in the race."

"From a luncheon engagement before an audience of Republican women on the seacoast to a Second Amendment discussion with bikers at a Harley Davidson dealership in Manchester, Giuliani repeatedly assailed President Barack Obama's agenda ..." ...

Rick Perry bans guns! (From prayer festival)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why doesn't Rick Perry respect the Second Amendment rights of his constituents? The Texas governor and possible 2012 candidate is having a huge prayer-and-fasting party at Reliant Stadium in Houston, and ... guns will not be allowed ..." ...

"... the governor's office is assigning blame for this travesty to the event organizers, who are passing the buck to the operators of the stadium. What ever happened to personal responsibility? If guns are banned at Reliant Stadium ... why not hold the event somewhere that respects the wishes of our Founders?"

"If Rick Perry won't even allow guns at his prayer festival, which will be attended by Good Christian Texans, what will he do with our guns if elected president?"

Democrats to Introduce Gun Control Legislation Tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrat Representatives Maloney, Cummings and McCarthy, all members of the Minority on the House Oversight Committee chaired by Republican Congressman Issa, plan to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce new gun control anti-gun trafficking legislation in light of Operation Fast and Furious. The 'Stop Gun Trafficking and Strengthen Law Enforcement Act,' is designed to 'keep high powered firearms out of the hands of dangerous criminals, including Mexican drug cartels.'" ...

House Vote Derails Obama Gun Reporting Scheme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"BATF, on its own, does not have the authority to expand reporting on the sale of semi-automatic rifles." ...

"Whether the Obama administration and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder believed this could be done by executive decree or not is an unknown but the possibility was cut off at the pass today in Congress."

"A Republican backed amendment to the 2012 Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill was offered by Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg. The amendment prohibited the use of Justice Department funding to enforce this new mandate. The amendment passed 25-16." ...

NJ: City Mandates Small Restaurants Hire Armed Guards…or They Must Close Down Early
Submitted by: none

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"A new Newark, New Jersey, city council law will require small restaurants to have an armed security guard posted at night. The move — which is already yielding controversy — comes after William, Johnson, an off-duty police officer was killed in a drive-by shooting at the Texas Fried Chicken and Pizza restaurant back in May. ..." ...

"He was apparently caught in the crossfire of a gang dispute.
This new regulation, which passed unanimously, says that any restaurant that serves 15 or fewer people must hire an armed guard after 9 p.m. If they do not comply or if paying someone to stand guard is not a financial possibility, food establishments must close by 10 p.m. each evening. ..." ...

CA: State bill would make open carry of handguns a misdemeanor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill to prohibit people from openly carrying unloaded handguns in California, AB 144, heads for a vote in the state Senate soon ..."

"The bill would make it a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in jail and a steep fine, to openly carry an unloaded handgun 'on one’s person or in a vehicle.'"

"The California Police Chiefs Association, the Police Officers Research Association of California and other advocates for AB 144 contend that a loophole in the current concealed gun law creates a nuisance for the public and for police." ...

Submitter's Note: For those not familiar with the term "Loophole" is a political term of art meaning "some little bit of your freedom we have not yet squashed".

The Battle Over Buckaroo: Suit Challenges Congress’ Right to Regulate Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawsuits about gun rights typically involve a close parsing of the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"But Montana gun enthusiast Gary Marbut is trying to expand gun rights through a different prism: a lawsuit claiming the Tenth Amendment limits the federal government’s authority to regulate gun sales." ...

WV: WVCDL Responds to Supplemental Briefing Requests in Charleston & Martinsburg Lawsuits
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"We reported in our last update that, on June 17, 2011, in WVCDL's ongoing lawsuit challenging the City of Martinsburg's city building gun ban, U.S. District Judge John P. Bailey requested supplemental briefing ..."

"On July 1, 2011, in WVCDL's separate lawsuit challenging city property carry bans in the cities of Charleston, South Charleston, and Dunbar, and Charleston's restrictive handgun sales ordinances, U.S. District Judge John T. Copenhaver, Jr., issued a similar supplemental briefing order."

"Today, WVCDL filed its responses to both orders. ..." ...

WI: Wisconsin Concealed Carry draws fire from Sheboygan District Attorney DeCecco
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wisconsin Concealed carry law again attracted controversy when Sheboygan County District Attorney Joe DeCecco released a statement supporting police officers right to access information on permit holders for minor or routine assignments."

"Declaring that not allowing police officers to access the names of concealed carry permit holders in the course of routine assignments was 'outrageous,' he went on to claim that those who support the ban were paranoid. ..." ...

DC: D.C. wants to open gun shop in police facilities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"D.C. Mayor Vince Gray's administration is asking for a zoning change that would allow a gun dealer to set up shop in police headquarters and other police facilities." ...

VA: Virginia Tech Responds to AG Opinion on ‘No Guns’ Policy
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Following last week's opinion by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli that state university policies are trumped by state-issued concealed handgun permits while properly promulgated regulations are not, Virginia Tech has announced their intent to transform their 'no guns' policy into a regulation." ...

"Hincker went on to add that it was a simple matter of changing policy into regulation. ..." ...

"Next session, it is imperative that Virginia voters support the Virginia Citizens Defense League in expanding preemption to apply to state agency action to prevent these types of abuses of agency power."

AZ: View on gun laws incorrect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Laurel Adair's declaration in her July 4 letter to the editor that Arizona and Utah have the least restrictive gun laws in the nation is incorrect."

"Utah requires a permit, for which one must take a class before exercising one's right to carry a concealed firearm. In contrast, Vermont, which perennially has one of the lowest crime rates, according the annual FBI Uniform Crime Report, has never required a permit to carry concealed." ...

If The Hughes Amendment And NFA Didn't Exist....
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I would want this!"


The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;... — Thomas Jefferson to Justice John Cartwright, 1824. ME 16:45.

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