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Newslinks for 7/15/2014

Event photo proves police aware of potentially lethal gun ‘buyback’ dangers
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... It shows a police officer at the event clearing a semiautomatic handgun to ensure there is no round in the chamber that can be negligently discharged, meaning authorities did not just blindly trust that those turning in guns knew what they were doing, and acknowledged the activity was potentially lethal." ...

ATF's notional resource shortfall raises new questions about 'Project Gunwalker'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Regardless of what is done about the BATFE's problems, it's interesting to look at this supposed resource shortfall through the lens of the 'Project Gunwalker' (more officially known as 'Operation Fast and Furious') atrocity, in which the BATFE deliberately facilitated the trafficking of rifles to brutally violent Mexican drug syndicates. Wait a second--you mean that despite (supposedly) not having the resources to investigate 'improper' gun sales already happening, the BATFE deliberately pushed more so-called 'assault weapons,' to people they knew were violent criminals?" ...

Big push beginning for Wash. gun control initiative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The push is on for Washington State’s 18-page gun control scheme, Initiative 594, with the Seattle Times publishing a Jerry Large column this morning that strongly suggests the measure is about tracking firearms and that the 'universal background check' at the heart of this measure is to reveal 'when guns change hands, whether it’s a sale or a family member borrowing a gun, and makes failure to have a check done a crime.'" ...

Confessions of a Liberal Gun Lover
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun nuts aren't always creatures of the political right. Consider your heavily-armed author's position: I say gun ownership is a necessary line of defense against investment bankers, Wall Street lawyers, big business, the corporatized wing of the Democratic Party, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, ALEC, Nazis, gangbangers, meth fiends, cops and politicos who cut welfare and education programs while refusing to downsize the military or raise taxes on the rich. ... I was briefly a believer in Obama's hope-change lines. I want single-payer healthcare and free public higher education and a carbon tax and the end of the warfare-surveillance-killer drone state – and I want the Second Amendment protected." ...

Both sides should leave cars out of gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's an all-too-familiar pattern: A person wielding a gun opens fire and kills innocents. A national news network picks up the story. A Facebook friend shares a link and asserts it's time to do something about gun violence in America. A 40-comment thread ensues, at the end of which no one has changed their original position."

"When this happened last week, a high school friend included this in the discussion: 'More cars on the road result in more traffic deaths. Which FAR outweigh gun-related violence. I don't see you demanding laws making it harder to drive.'"

"A common assertion, but are the facts supportive?" ...

ISO a rational discussion about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a state repeatedly rocked by mass shootings, guns are an emotional subject."

"Two words alone evoke separate tragedies with international impact: Columbine. Aurora."

"So it's not surprising that people would quickly try to turn Lauren Boebert into a caricature, even though she's a mother of four, a wife and an entrepreneur whose new restaurant in rural Colorado provides jobs for several dozen people. What people see is a gun owner who wears her weapon while she works."

"Shooters, Boebert's restaurant in Rifle, earned national prominence this month after local and national news coverage of the eatery, where cherry pie is served by women wearing Berettas and Rugers. ..." ...

NRA Freedom Fridays & NRA Country Celebrate Second Seasons on Pursuit Channel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association and the Pursuit Channel, America’s most widely distributed hunt, fish, shoot network, have announced the 2014 renewal of their partnership to NRA Freedom Fridays presented by Cheaper Than Dirt! and NRA Country Sundays, high-value content blocks designed to promote, strengthen and perpetuate America’s traditional outdoors lifestyles." ...

Gun Thoughts: SIG SAUER P320
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chris and Nick have it bad for the SIG P320. Apparently our readers did as well based on the enormous amount of submissions in our P320 contest. ... For those who don’t know, the SIG P320 is a brand spanking new pistol that deviates from the norm in the same way the P250 does, with the trigger pack being the serialized part. This allows the user to change calibers, grip size (diameter and length), and slide length. And while our boy Chris loved the DAO hammer fired P250, the market demands a striker fired gun and SIG has delivered. There’s been a lot of talk in the comments sections of every P320 article about how that level of modularity isn’t exactly necessary in this modern world, a viewpoint I think is slightly short sighted . . ." ...

Gun Review: Primary Weapons Systems MK107 Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Firearms Act of 1934 is possibly the most outdated body of firearms regulations in the United States. There, I said it. And I stand by it. The improved shooting experience of using a silencer notwithstanding, the rules and regulations surrounding short barreled rifles (SBRs) is downright criminal. I was never a fence-sitter on the issue, but having the PWS MK 107 AR Pistol in my grubby mitts for a few months has done more to convince me of the asininity of the regulations imposed on the citizens of this fine country than anything else has. Truth be told, I never really understood the appeal of SBRs until PWS put this gun in my hands. It’s a very effective tool and a downright blast to shoot and here’s why . . ." ...

FoD Reviews the ARX 100
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not entirely sure I like what Des has done with her hair, but what she’s done with her reviews are great. On-camera accuracy testing? Mixing static workbench review components with live fire demonstrations? Keeping the running time under that of ‘Titanic’? Looks to me like she’s hitting on the right formula for a good video review. ..."

The Zealot: Larry Pratt Is the Gun Lobby's Secret Weapon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Today, Pratt, who declined to be interviewed for this piece, holds the power to derail and delay gun legislation enjoying broad public support, and quickly inject falsehoods and amplify paranoia among a growing network of gun activists. With the rise of the Tea Party scene, Pratt has discovered new constituencies and new platforms for spreading his message of a Biblically mandated rollback of all gun regulation. He has also found new champions in the forms of his favorite senators: Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. He believes this November offers a chance to further grow the 'Second Amendment Absolutist' bloc in Congress." ...

What the Second Amendment intended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What about today’s gun-rights debates? Surprisingly, there is not a single word about an individual right to a gun for self-defense in the notes from the Constitutional Convention; nor, with scattered exceptions, in the transcripts of the ratification debates in the states; nor on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives as it marked up the Second Amendment, where every single speaker talked about the militia. James Madison’s original proposal even included a conscientious objector clause: 'No person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Nice editing Mike. The full text of 'Madison's original proposal' was: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country but no person religiously scrupulous [etc.]"

Revolving Shotgun Concept Suited for 3D Hybrid Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This homemade revolving shotgun design seems well suited for a 3D printed/hybrid metal manufacture. While the version pictured uses cut off chambers from cast off 12 gauge barrels, the same effect could be accomplished by using sections of the appropriately sized water/gas pipe or tubing. The same tubing/pipe could be used for the barrel. The concept would be that the 3D printed parts would comprise the cylinder into which the chambers would be fitted and glued, and which would have the more difficult mechanical details to revolve the cylinder . . ." ...

Petition to Remove SBRs from NFA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rifle pictured above is perfectly legal. Take off the stock and the barrel, and replace them with a two-inch shorter barrel and the pistol grip, and it’s completely legal. Leave the stock on, and put on a shorter barrel, and you have just committed a federal felony with a potential five year jail sentence. The rifle pictured above is a single shot. The two semiautomatic handguns and the revolver have more power, more capacity, and are easier to conceal, but their possession is constitutionally protected . . ." ...

Enemies Trilogy Free on Kindle Through Wednesday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The popular 'Enemies' trilogy is available on Kindle, free, here."

"The Matt Bracken trilogy are action adventure novels set in a dystopic future where the second amendment has been effectively eliminated in the United States. I found them hard to put down. Best to start reading on a Friday night."

"They are available free through Wednesday, 16 July. If you go to the link, you will see the Kindle edition listed as 0.00 to buy." ...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Why I Carry In Hotels Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I travel quite a bit for TTAG, and as a result I have spent a good number of nights in hotels. Thanks to budget restrictions, those hotels haven’t always been the nicest, and as a result I have come up with a personalized rating system for how nice and safe a hotel feels: do I keep the safety on or off for my nightstand gun. A story out of my home base of San Antonio shows that even when you’re staying in a 'safety on' hotel, it pays to always be ready . . ." ...

Inhofe: It’s time for these games to end
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'Majority Leader Reid once again shut down the Senate floor and blocked Senators from providing bipartisan input by voting on amendments to the Sportsmen’s Act,' said Inhofe. '... since July of last year, Reid has only allowed us to vote on 18 amendments total. In an effort to give a Democrat in election year an easy boost with a vote on this bill, Reid’s political game to block amendments backfired when 11 Democrats joined Republicans in a vote against cloture. It’s time for these games to end.'"

"Sen. Inhofe introduced amendment no. 3483, the Federal Lands Freedom Act, that would return power to the states to control hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation and energy production on most federal lands." ...

NRA warns ivory ban will make gun owners ‘criminals overnight’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners are taking on the Obama administration over a new rule they say would trample their Second Amendment rights by banning the sale of antique firearms that contain endangered elephant ivory."

"The National Rifle Association (NRA) announced Friday it is joining the fight to rollback the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s controversial ivory ban, just months after musicians began complaining about the policy."

"The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) says the rule is intended to protect endangered African elephants, but Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s lobbying arm, says it would be 'disastrous' for gun collectors." ...

MA: Gun owners group seeks changes as Massachusetts Senate plans debate on gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate on Thursday will take up its version of legislation aimed at reducing gun violence as the local chapter of the National Rifle Association hardened its position on the bill just days after calling the House version a 'victory' for the second amendment."

"The House passed its version in a 112-38 vote last week, after picking up support from anti-gun violence activists and a gun owners’ group."

"The Senate bill, which is similar to the House version, requires Massachusetts to join the national instant background check system, authorizes licensed gun dealers to acquire criminal offender information and requires them to obtain the information prior to hiring new employees." ...

AZ: Ex-ASU QB Andrew Walter offers booze, cigars and guns in exchange for campaign donations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With only a few weeks left before the Republican primary, an Arizona House candidate hopes he has landed on a formula to attract new donors."

"Andrew Walter, who played at ASU from 2001-2004, is hosting an 'Evening of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' Friday night at a gun club in Scottsdale. Contributors who buy the 'expert package' at $1,000 each will get 250 rounds of ammunition and the chance to fire from three weapons. Those donating $250 get a single box of ammo for the opportunity to shoot a Glock 18, a handgun typically used by law enforcement." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually I don't know of any LEOs who use the full-auto capable Glock 18.

WY: GOP rifts show in Wyoming House primary races
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Throughout the 2013 session, the 14-or-so far-right Representatives — many of them in their first or second term — introduced a flight of bills on social issues and gun rights that Democrats, most mainstream Republicans, and the Wyoming Senate voted down." ...

"In this year’s House primary, the far-right Republicans seek to unseat a number of established GOP politicians, while rallying support for their own key incumbents who face challengers. Often their campaigns seek to harness anti-federal sentiment and discontent over a few high-profile state policies. Many incumbents consider themselves to be Second Amendment supporters, social conservatives, and fiscal hawks in their own right." ...

IL: Chicago Politicians Have Taxpayers Pay an Expensive Lesson Regarding Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While litigants generally bear their own costs in the American legal system, certain provisions of federal law allow parties who prevail in 'proceedings in vindication of civil rights' to be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees."

"NRA has once again used these provisions to recoup attorney’s fees from the City of Chicago."

"You would think that Chicago’s disarmament-focused politicians would have learned their lesson after being court ordered to pay NRA over $600,000 in legal fees for work done by NRA attorneys on McDonald v. City of Chicago."

"Nevertheless, Chicago has once again been court ordered to pay NRA’s legal fees, this time $940,000 ..." ...

OH: Gun Control: Cleveland Law Would Strictly Limit Gun Buys And Create Registry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleveland gun control laws will be perhaps the most strict in the United States if the city council approves Mayor Frank Jackson’s ordinance proposal. Cleveland recently celebrated the return of Lebron James and scored the Republican National Convention, a big economic boom to the northern Ohio town. But now the city is incurring backlash from gun owners and Second Amendment groups."

"The gun control ordinance would make it illegal for an individual to buy more than one gun every three months, if passed as written. The Cleveland ordinance, which some feel is a complete infringement upon the Second Amendment, would also prohibit having guns in an area accessible by children. It would also create a gun registry." ...

WA: Fourth District Dem candidate reportedly pulls offensive shotgun ad
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Yakima Democratic congressional candidate reportedly pulled an advertisement over the weekend that showed him firing a shotgun at an elephant-shaped piñata that even drew criticism from the group founded by former Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle 'Gabby' Giffords of Arizona for being 'irresponsible and offensive,' according to Newsday." ...

VA: Target security officer fired after reporting shoplifting [deputy]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Dallas Northington spent nearly eight years working for Target in loss prevention, roaming the stores and scanning the surveillance cameras. In an episode at the Leesburg Target store in May that he said was typical, a man was allegedly captured twice on video shoplifting, and Northington responded as he said he always did: He called the Leesburg police, made a report and provided them the videos of the two incidents."

"But the man in the video may have been a Fairfax County sheriff’s deputy, Northington said he soon learned. And within days, two things happened: The deputy retired from the sheriff’s office and Target fired Northington, 29, a married father of two with a third child on the way." ...

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am. — Clarence Darrow (1857-1938)

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