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Newslinks for 7/16/2003

FL: Questions Over Jailed Man's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four months after a medical examiner determined that a jailed man's death was not a police beating, federal officials are reviewing the case."

"A U.S. Justice Department spokesman said the FBI began an investigation into the death of Willie Kimbrough last month."

"Kimbrough, 36, died Dec. 4, five days after his arrest by Cocoa police officers who said he tried to break into a car. Family members say officers beat him, then denied him medical help at Brevard County Detention Center."

IN: Dead Inmate's Family Sues Sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of an inmate who was beaten and choked to death in the Marion County jail has filed a civil rights lawsuit against Sheriff Anderson."

"Kenneth Carpenter remained in a coma for six days after being attacked by another inmate. He was removed from life support and pronounced dead July 7." ...

"The lawsuit points to unsafe and unconstitutional conditions in the jail. Because of overcrowding, inmates have to sleep on the floor and become more anxious and aggressive, the lawsuit states."

NV: Event chief praises Reno; negotiations set to resume
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Deeann Blasey, 41, of Reno and her son Hunter, 9, attended Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

" 'Everything’s geared towards the kids and it’s free,' Blasey said. 'There hasn’t been one vendor that hasn’t been cool. Every single booth there was something for the children to do.' "

"Deeann enjoyed the shotgun events the most. Hunter liked the chainsaws and the interactive bungee trampoline, bass fishing simulator and rock climbing wall."

TN: Old West-style shoot is for a worthy cause
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cole drove up from Anderson, S.C., on Saturday to attend a benefit cowboy action shoot for Melinda Rea Kelly of Knoxville and her husband, 'Curly' Bill Kelly, a member of the Knoxville-based Smoky Mountain Shootist Society."

"Melinda Kelly was diagnosed with cancer in December, and the Smoky Mountain Shootists decided to hold a benefit to help the family out."

UK: Fears as DNA database passes 2m mark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Civil liberties campaigners last night claimed the government was intent on building a national DNA database 'by stealth' as police prepared to enter the two-millionth genetic profile on to the system later today."

"The police minister, Hazel Blears, who will load the sample on to the system, claimed last night that since 1995 the national DNA database has transformed the fight against crime, helping to catch not only serious criminals but also more minor offenders such as burglars and car thieves."

Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty. -- Benjamin Franklin

CA: Father Of Brutalized Teen Sues Inglewood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The father of a 16-year-old boy who was allegedly manhandled by police during an arrest caught on videotape last July has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the City of Inglewood seeking unspecified monetary compensation."

"Coby Chavis and his son, Donovan Jackson, already have a federal civil rights lawsuit against former Inglewood Officer Jeremy Morse, Officer Bijan Darvish, the City of Inglewood and Los Angeles County. Chavis' most recent lawsuit, which was filed in early July in Los Angeles Superior Court, names the same defendants as the federal action."

MI: Detroit lawsuits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Detroit has paid $3.4 million to settle lawsuits by more than 30 people detained under a now-abandoned police practice of jailing uncooperative homicide witnesses -- and it could face payouts of millions more."

"More than 100 people have sued, claiming their civil rights were violated under the policy. Attorneys for about two dozen others have filed two federal lawsuits and are seeking class action status, which could mean hundreds of claimants."

CT: Trial Over, Conflict Remains
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Slowly, they snaked their way to Main Street in East Haven - more than 30 vehicles with their flashing lights and beeping horns."

"Many of the drivers talked about the justice they believed had been accomplished in the Jones case. Last week, a federal jury awarded Jones' mother $2.5 million to be paid by the town of East Haven, saying a white East Haven police officer had violated the young black man's civil rights by shooting and killing him after a car chase."

"Others in the convoy talked of the need to stop racial profiling by police officers."

Kenya: Terror Bill is a Recipe for Human Rights Violations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The on-going war on terrorism threatens to claw back on the gains made in the human rights front, especially when one considers the details of the Suppression of Terrorism Bill. Human rights activists are even more concerned that, as the government makes moves that could take away the gains already made, it also seeks to compromise the civil society by appointing its key leaders into government."

"The government has launched a massive security operation in the country in an effort to counter terrorism. These include increased border security and improved surveillance at key government installations and key tourist destinations."

UK: Striking balance between civil liberties and terrorism fears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"September 11 opened up a Pandora's box of civil rights issues which has culminated in the holding of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay... The problem lies in calibrating the right level of response in suspending civil liberties, but balancing this with safety."

"There are implications here at different levels in different countries. However, the important thing is to bring together human rights people who work in counter-terrorism and try to bridge that."

LA: Court Rejects Davidian Claim Against U.S.
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"A federal appeals court rejected an attempt by survivors to collect damages from the government for the deadly 1993 confrontation outside Waco, Texas, between federal agents and members of the Branch Davidian cult."

"Without dissent, a three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late Monday turned aside contentions that a lower court judge who ruled against the survivors was biased." ...

"In September 2000 in Waco, U.S. District Judge Walter Smith rejected their lawsuit, backing the government contention that agents did not use excessive force in their tear gas assault on the compound. Smith found the Davidians themselves set the fire that killed nearly 80 men, women and children."

UK: Two Charged After Human Catapult Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"British police charged two men with manslaughter Tuesday following the death of an Oxford University student who was flung from a giant catapult."

"Bulgarian Konstadin Yankov, 19, died last November when the stunt near the West Country town of Bridgewater went wrong." ...

"Yankov was on an outing with the Oxford Stunt Factory, an unofficial club at Oxford University where he was studying biochemistry. He had been the sixth person that day to be launched from the 'trebuchet' catapult."

How long before a month-long "Catapult Amnesty" is implemented?

UK: British girl returns home alone, French police say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 12-year-old girl who went to Paris with a former U.S. marine flew back to England by herself, French police said Tuesday. British police, however, said they do not believe the returning passenger was the missing girl."

"The saga began when Shevaun Pennington left Britain on Saturday with Toby Studabaker, 31, whom she apparently met through the Internet, British police said."

There are those who say only law enforcement and military should have guns. Is this the man you'd trust with your 12 year old child?

VA: Stun Gun Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A woman in Chesterfield County says she and her stepson were robbed and shot with stun guns over the weekend. Three men reportedly approached them on Saturday afternoon near the park at Lakewood apartments. The attackers used the stun gun on the pair and then searched them for money. When they found none, they fled on foot. Officials say it's unusual for stun guns to be used in hold-ups.

But in the absence of real guns, they make handy substitutes.

WI: Newspaper's ban on quoting Scripture in columns is distressing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For years newspapers have been stout defenders against all those who advocate censorship, sometimes even at the slightest suggestion of it. That’s why it’s so surprising – and distressing – when one of our own not only advocates censorship, but makes it newspaper policy."

"The Daily Journal in International Falls, Minn., recently did just that when it banned columnists from quoting Scripture in their work." ...

Do they ban gun ads as well?

MA: Vacation, Money No Excuse for Suspending Gun Rights in Taunton, Mass
Submitted by: MichiganShooter.cOm

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"The curious timing of Taunton, Mass. Police Chief Raymond O'Berg's vacation in the midst of a flap about renewing gun licenses for city residents is ample proof that the state's gun law is not simply in need of an overhaul, it is insidious."

"That was the opinion of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), after Chief O'Berg went on vacation as his decision to stop issuing new gun licenses was reversed by the Taunton City Council. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said his absence allowed the police to continue following his order, despite the council's mandate."

WI: Concealed carry of guns and the Wisconsin Constitution (Blog)
Submitted by: David Adams

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"The court essentially held that people may be barred from carrying guns concealed on the street, but that they have a constitutional right to carry them in the businesses that they own (and, it seems likely from the reasoning, in their own homes). It's possible that the right extends only to businesses that are in high-crime areas, but I doubt that this is how the decision will be read. Wisconsin had an unusually broad concealed carry ban, which applied everywhere, including in people's homes; even the California law isn't that broad. The Wisconsin Supreme Court's decision essentially put Wisconsin more or less in the mainstream of the non-shall-issue states, where licenses to carry on the street are either entirely unavailable, or available only to those to whom the police wants to give licenses, but where people may carry concealed at home or in the businesses that they own. So on balance this is mostly a defeat for the gun-rights forces, who had hoped that the Wisconsin provision -- 'The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose' -- would be read as protecting the people's right to have guns reasonably available when they need to defend themselves, whether the need arises on the street, in the business, or in the home. But it's not a total defeat, and compared to the current Wisconsin statutes (as opposed to what one might have hoped for from the new constitutional amendment), even a step forward."

Ashcroft defies Moussaoui case order
Submitted by: Paul.Parker

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft refused Monday to obey a court order that would allow accused terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui to question a captured al-Qaeda operative." ...

"The decision sets the stage for a showdown between the executive branch and the courts, pitting national security against a defendant's right to a fair trial."

Canada: Gun registry travel bill totals $13M: Firearms centre unable to explain spending over last six years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Canadian Firearms Centre spent $13 million on travel over six years and nearly $500,000 on hospitality during the same period, a government financial statement shows." ...

"The statement, obtained under the Access to Information Act, shows the centre spent $318,084 on hospitality in one year, 1997-98, when the Firearms Act took effect. In total, the centre spent $493,287 on hospitality between 1995-96 and 2001-02."

UK: Hooded gun gang shoot man in the leg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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POLICE are appealing for information after a paramilitary-style shooting in Monkstown.

A 23-year-old man was wounded in the left leg during the incident.

The victim was walking through Hollybank Court at around 9pm yesterday when a white van pulled up beside him and two men, who were wearing balaclavas, bundled him into the vehicle.

He was then shot and left at the scene.

Detectives at Newtownabbey are appealing for anyone with information about the shooting to contact them.

UK: 'I thought gunmen were coming for me'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Strabane SDLP councillor today spoke of his terror as two masked gunmen walked up his street and planted a suspect device, forcing the evacuation of more than 100 people." ...

"But the gunmen walked past a shocked Mr. McMenamin to place a device sprouting wires on the windowsill of a nearby house."

"The gunmen then banged loudly on the living-room window to alert the occupants."

More mayhem in the "gun free" haven of the UK.

Canada: Gun law opponents gather in capital
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A small group of gun owners showed up at the provincial legislature hoping to be arrested for refusing to register their firearms."

"The rally was part of a cross-country campaign to protest the country's gun laws. The gun owners were armed with evidence, including papers and home video proving that they've broken federal law."

"They want to be arrested so they can challenge Bill C-68 in court."

Canada: Provincial budgets slashed five per cent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barely two months after promising millions in election promises, the Lord Tories have announced sweeping cuts for virtually every government department."

"Finance Minister Jeannot Volpe hopes the savings will total $49 million. Every department except health and education has two weeks to find ways to trim five per cent from this year's budget. Health and education have been spared the axe."

Why not just take the $1 Billion spent on that completely worthless gun registry, and pass it out to the provinces?

NY: Teacher Arrested for Selling Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Brooklyn high school teacher was arrested Monday for selling a gun to an acquaintance, police said.

Patrick Nelson, 36, who teaches at Prospect Heights High School, was charged with criminal facilitation, criminal sale of a firearm and weapons possession, police said.

The alleged crime had no connection to his role as a teacher, police said.

Police learned about the alleged gun sale in the course of a separate investigation. No further details were available. Nelson was arrested at his home around noon Monday, police said.

And if he had sold a car that was used in a robbery, he would have been charged with . . . ?

WI: Court OKs Concealed Arms Exception
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Supreme Court carved out an exception to Wisconsin's ban on concealed weapons Tuesday, ruling that owners of homes and businesses can carry guns on their own property."

"The court overturned the conviction of a Milwaukee grocery store owner who was arrested in 1999 when police found he had a loaded gun in his pants pocket. His case was sent back to circuit court."

"Justice David Prosser wrote for the majority that 'a citizen's desire to exercise the right to keep and bear arms for purposes of security is at its apex when undertaken to secure one's home or privately owned business.' "

'Smart' Guns: Dumb Idea!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It seems that when you marry a firearm and a computer, the result is something that's less than 100 percent reliable. A handgun, with its shocks, vibrations and corrosive emissions, is not the best environment for a piece of sophisticated electronic hardware. In a life-or-death confrontation with a bad guy, a cop doesn't have the option of saying, 'Timeout, I have to reboot.' It's interesting that the group that smart guns were targeted for--law enforcement officers--is the one rejecting the concept."

CO: Black bear mauls two campers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A black bear mauled two campers over the weekend, leaving them with torn scalps and forcing rangers to shut down a number of backcountry camping sites." ...

"Finan and Schuett were attacked as they slept in separate tents early Sunday, officials said Monday." ...

But the Park Service won't let you carry in a park.

Canada: B.C. man dead shot by officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a case of apparent road rage that spun out of control, a man who attacked a car with a machete in a Vancouver suburb yesterday died moments later in a hail of bullets from the gun of a plainclothes policeman."

New Zealand: Six More Arrests In Taneatua
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have made more arrests in Taneatua in a follow-up raid to last week's gang clash."

"The shoot-out resulted in three gang members being treated in hospital, while members of the public fled for their lives as guns were fired between two rival gangs."

"Today, a team of 40 officers, including armed police and detectives, took part in raids on a number of houses in the eastern Bay of Plenty township."

"Six Mongrel Mob members have been arrested this morning. It follows the arrest of seven rival Black Power members last week over the shooting."

UK: £1.5m stolen from London gem vault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jewellery and cash worth £1.5m was stolen from a vault in London's diamond dealing area by a thief pretending to be a wealthy businessman, Scotland Yard said yesterday."

"He gained access to the high-security Hatton Gardens Safety Deposit centre by the simple device of renting a deposit box for eight months in the false name of Philip Goldberg. Last Saturday morning, in a scene reminiscent of the film The Thomas Crown Affair, the thief, dressed in a black suit and black hat, walked in with a black holdall and, unnoticed, rifled through several other boxes. The theft was not discovered for two days."

MD: First shots fired on city's proposed ban on toy guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alderwoman Cynthia A. Carter reached below her desk. Out came a black Uzi."

"Or rather, a squirt gun that looked like one of the submachine guns. Mrs. Carter produced the toy gun at last night's City Council meeting, where her bill banning realistic-looking toy guns in Annapolis was formally introduced. A vote should come this fall."

A government official uses histrionics and scare tactics to take away citizens' freedoms a little at a time.

New Guns Of The Old West
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, the single-action (you have to cock the hammer for each shot) six-gun is really smokin', triggered in large part by the fairly new sport of cowboy action shooting. In this sport for grown-ups, players don period costumes, and fire away at metal silhouettes using period, or period replica, six-shooters. It's rapid fire against the clock."

MO: Boyer announces run for 107th District
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Outlining another major issue, especially with Holden's recent veto of a concealed weapons bill, Boyer said he supports 'Right to Carry' legislation."

"In the interview, Boyer, who is a hunter, said he personally doesn't want to carry a handgun every day. There are times, though, when Boyer would feel safer if he was armed, such as when leaving a remote business late at night, which he sometimes does because of his job."

" 'You can count on me to protect those (gun) rights,' Boyer said."

UK: Brother's horror at armed raid on store
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The brother and friend of four men attacked by masked armed raiders at a Cannock shop has spoken out about the harrowing experience."

"Haroon Rashad left Broom Stores in High Town, near Cannock, just 10 minutes before it was struck by the five-strong gang brandishing a pistol, hammer and iron bar."

Philippines: Vigilante killings popular in Mindanao
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vigilante executions as a means of ridding a place of criminality has become popular in this city and in the many neighboring areas, the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said here Tuesday." ...

"The disclosure came as a warning to local governments, 'especially to the prosecution arm of government' that residents and law-enforcers have become unmindful of the rule or law as the legal means to effect law and order."

UK: Trio jailed for store terror
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two crooks who kidnapped employees from Argos in Wimbledon in a bungled plot to rob the store have been jailed with their getaway driver for a total of 30 years."

"An Old Bailey jury heard that Anthony Graves abducted two terrified shop workers at gunpoint on November 24, 2002. They then demanded the security codes to disarm the shop's alarm system."

NY: Cop, Girlfriend's Deaths Murder-Suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nassau detectives say that a preliminary investigation into the deaths of a New York City police lieutenant and his long-time girlfriend point to a murder/suicide."

"Bouillon and McHugh his companion of 22 years were found lying on a bed in a pool of blood in their home, said Homicide Squad Det. Sgt. Barry. Both had been shot in the head and Bouillon was still holding the gun, Barry said. The gun was a department-issue semi-automatic handgun, he said."

NY: Man, 22, Shot Dead Near Party
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Malcolm Roland was trying to begin a new life."

"The 22-year-old from West Hempstead had been released from jail in September and since then had been searching for a steady job. His past mistakes made that a discouraging pursuit, but recently he had made it past the second interview for a job at UPS and was hopeful his luck would change."

"But Roland never had the chance to realize his hopes. He was gunned down early Sunday morning after he got into an argument at a party in Lakeview."

Being a convicted felon, he would have not been allowed to legally defend himself with a firearm. Sounds like he may have needed it.

Philippines: Philippines fear JI break-out was an inside job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Australian Federal Police stood ready and willing to help hunt escaped JI terrorist Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi - who may have escaped with political connivance."

"Prime Minister John Howard reacted with dismay to news that the leading Jemaah Islamiah operative had escaped through open doors from the top security Camp Crame prison, located in police headquarters in Manila."

"Police Inspector-General Edbane said he believed 'money changed hands.' "

The Philippine government has disarmed its citizens, forcing them to depend on its agents for protection - the same agents who can apparently be bribed to allow a terrorist to walk free.

NY: 15-year-old girl abducted, sexually attacked by 2 men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Queens men armed with a fake gun raped a 15-year-old girl after trailing her and a friend through Coney Island, forcing them into a livery cab and taking them and the driver on a terrifying ride that ended five hours later in East New York, authorities said yesterday."

How nice that New York has outlawed armed self-defense, leaving a teenager at the mercy of thugs armed with a fake gun.

UK: 44,000 guns handed in during amnesty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The final total of firearms handed in during the two-month amnesty was 43,908."

"The total includes more than 6,500 prohibited firearms."

" 'The amnesty was a great success and these items are no longer at risk of falling into the hands of criminals,' said the minister."

"Figures revealed some anomalies. For example, the response to the amnesty was better in some rural areas than in inner-city forces."

That's not an anomaly. Urban dwellers know they need a piece for protection!

AK: Patriot Act defiance mulled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Anchorage Assembly could join Fairbanks, the Legislature and other Alaska cities in standing against the USA Patriot Act, which grants federal authorities broad snooping and surveillance powers."

WV: Glenville police officer facing arraignment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glenville city police officer will be inside the Gilmer County Circuit Courtroom this morning. Not to keep the peace, but to be arraigned on a nine-count criminal indictment.

"That indictment charges Sgt. Michael Kendall with one count of attempted voluntary manslaughter, three counts of wanton endangerment, three counts of kidnapping, a count of burglary and one count of destruction of property."

"Glenville Police Chief John Moss said Kendall had been on paid suspension since April, but returned to work a week ago where he has been restricted to office duty."

UK: Police amnesty nets 4000 weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A month-long guns amnesty produced a haul of more than 4000 weapons across Scotland, it was revealed today."

"Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson said the surrender of so many weapons helped make Scotland a safer place, but warned there was no room for complacency."

"A total of 3393 firearms were handed in to police during the amnesty in April this year, including 279 banned weapons."

Australia: Sydney's crime like NY says Brogden
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NSW Opposition Leader John Brogden today compared Sydney's crime problem to old-time New York." ...

"These are worrying days and there needs to be a complete re-commitment by the Carr government to go after these illegal guns and this illegal gun culture."

So if the commitment to gun control is by its nature ineffective, simply recommit to the same absurd notion, and see if it works next time.

RI: Indian Tribe Sues State After Smoke Shop Closed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Narragansett Indian Tribe is suing the state of Rhode Island after a heated confrontation with police."

"When the shop opened on Saturday, business was booming. Customers were parked down the road waiting to get into the store." ...

"They said that state police never showed a search warrant when they stormed the shop, confiscated products and roughed up employees. The state said that they were illegally selling the products."

The Essential Hurdle for Libertarians
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Libertarians who are reading this might be pretty worried by now, but I can explain. First, let me distinguish between liberals and statist/socialists, in my usage. To me, liberals are people who care about the things and people I've been talking about. I left out the environment (because my mom wasn't huge on that issue), but that should be added too. They want those things and people protected, supported, etc. Statists are folks who believe that government should be the main means of accomplishing most anything, and socialists are people who envision a commune-like setup (enforced benevolently by government), where everyone gets an essentially equal ration of what everyone (altogether) has."

WI: Hunting Planned For Lion's Den Gorge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hunting will be allowed in an Ozaukee County park for the first time if the county's Parks Commission approves a plan to allow deer hunting in the Lion's Den Gorge Natural Area beginning this winter."

Clinton Whitewater costs won't be paid by taxpayers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An appeals court in Washington, D.C., today rejected a request by former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton that the federal government reimburse them for legal fees incurred during the Whitewater independent counsel investigation."

"According to news reports, the three-judge panel OK'd only the reimbursement of one item, totaling $85,312, while rejecting the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for over $3.4 million in legal fees."

CA: LAX shooting victims sue city, gunman's estate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The families of two people killed by a gunman at Los Angeles International Airport on July 4, 2002, filed lawsuits Monday seeking a total of more than $85 million from the city and the gunman's estate, the families' attorney said."

"The suits were brought for wrongful death and terrorism against the estate of Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, 41, who shot two people at the ticket counter of El Al, Israel's national airline, and wounded several others before being fatally shot by a security guard."

ID: Boise Public Library To Warn Patrons About Patriot Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The USA Patriot Act was created from the fiery explosions of the September 11th terrorist attacks. But many now worry its reach has gone too far -- even to the shelves of local public libraries."

"And next month, the Boise Public Library will put up signs, warning patrons their check-out records and internet search logs can be seized by the federal government without their even knowing about it."

CO: GJ City Council takes no action on Patriot Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At least one defender of the U.S. Constitution considered it a blow when the Grand Junction City Council chose to not address the Patriot Act's implications Monday night." ...

"The Grand Junction chapter of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee asked the City Council to enact a resolution upholding the U.S. Constitution."

FBI And DOJ Move To Subvert Political Process
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With over 100 cities having voted nonsupport for the Patriot Act, the government has swung into action to influence the votes in jurisdictions that are considering such a vote, or those that might do so."

"Obviously the pressure is beginning to mount. How can they expect to push Patriot II at us when so many have caught on to the game and are rejecting Patriot I?"

Funding for TIA All But Dead
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Senate's $368 billion version of the 2004 defense appropriations bill, released from committee to the full Senate on Wednesday, contains a provision that would deny all funds to, and thus would effectively kill, the Terrorism Information Awareness program, formerly known as Total Information Awareness. TIA's projected budget for 2004 is $169 million."

AL: Minority Report
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Of course, the government gave assurances at the time that the only people scanning your license would be the police, and they could check your info anyway--this would just be a time saver. No merchant would ever scan your license. Well, it's six years later, and guess what!"

"At least one bar in Tuscaloosa, The Houndstooth, on the Strip, is using a scanner to read the bar codes on Alabama DL's. What happens to this information is unknown."

OH: Some Thoughts For Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a gun owner and I’m going to admit there are times my blood just boils."

"On too many mornings, I’ve awakened to find stories in my local newspapers about kids who were killed while playing with loaded guns in their homes." ...

"Delete mystery from the equation. Squelch curiousity. Take the kids to a shooting range. Show them the potential deadliness of guns. Many will find shooting an enjoyable and safe sport. Others will come away disliking guns and want nothing more to do with them. Either way, fine. At least they’ll all have learned a valuable lesson in safety."

South Africa: Church massacre survivor releases book
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Government's Firearms Control Act has come in for renewed criticism as a survivor of the St. James Church massacre releases a book detailing the attack almost exactly 10 years after the event."

"Charl van Wyk, who fired back at the Azanian People's Liberation Army (Apla) cadres as they sprayed the church with bullets, told Sapa the book, titled 'Shooting Back - the Right and Duty of Self-Defence', was a way to oppose the Act."

The False Dichotomy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Congress reacted to the events of 9/11 by passing the 'Patriot Act' just weeks later, many Representatives agreed to support it only because the most drastic expansions of government power were made temporary. Those provisions will not expire until 2005, but the Bush administration is seeking not only to make them permanent (without evaluating their effectiveness or consequences) but to further expand police power."

"Inevitably this will generate renewed debate on 'striking the right balance' between freedom and safety. But to have meaningful discussion, the premise that American freedom either enabled the crimes of 9/11 to occur or hinders the effectiveness of terrorism prevention should be scrutinized."

NY: Teach Busted In Gun Sale (Alternate Report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police said Nelson sold the weapon to a previously convicted felon, who used it in a crime. But they declined to say what kind of gun Nelson allegedly sold, to whom he sold it, or how much he got for it."

Bahamas: Parked driver shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A noonday shooting following a botched armed robbery attempt on Monday has left a man in hospital."

"Audley Miller, 55, of Elizabeth Estates was shot in the thigh while inside his purple Ford truck parked outside John Chea No. 6 on Wulff Road. Miller reportedly sought help from persons in the food store after he was shot, leaving a bloody trail at the entrance of the store."

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave. — Andrew Fletcher 1698

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