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Newslinks for 7/17/2013

Capture of Los Zetas chief highlights problems with 'gun control' narrative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The head of the Zetas cartel has been captured by the Mexican navy ..."

"Also captured by the Marines, along with two accomplices, was '$2 million and eight automatic rifles.'"

"If that’s true, and ignorant or intentionally-spread media and political confusion (it’s increasingly difficult not to suspect deliberate and manipulative intent) is not at play in this report, it means that if the rifles were not converted after being smuggled into Mexico, chances are they will not be sourced to U.S. gun shops. And what that means is, the cartels are more than able to get all the military-grade weaponry and ordnance they want from other sources." ...

A Living Document? Well, that Depends
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The present day 'living document' crowd has evidently determined that Madison, Hamilton, and Jay were really only kidding, and the things that they also set down on paper should be ignored. Meanwhile the presumptive séances that must be going on in the White House and the DOJ, which allows them to channel the thoughts of these Founders, should hold sway."

"A great deal of the discussion about just how 'living' our Constitution really is swirls around the 2nd Amendment. That famous Constitutional scholar, and semi-famous actor, Jeff Daniels recently opined on Piers Morgan's nightly tribute to his own colossal ego on CNN ..." ...

Daily Digest: Stupid Is As Stupid Does Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "No discussion of stupid behavior would be complete without some mention of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. His latest cause célèbre is 'stand your ground' laws. From up on high comes these words of enlightenment: 'But one fact has long been crystal clear: 'shoot-first' laws like those in Florida can inspire dangerous vigilantism and protect those who act recklessly with guns… Last year, I joined a broad coalition of civic leaders to shine a light on the impact of 'shoot-first' laws and work to eliminate them… We will continue that work – and the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed child attempting to walk home from the store, will continue to drive our efforts.' Excuse me for a moment while I look for a barf bag." ...

Adam Kokesh raided by 'storm trooper' assault team, while journalist David Gregory goes free for similar 'crime'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you're getting the impression that the Obama 'Justice' Department tends to pick and choose which crimes it wants to pursue and which crimes it wants to ignore, for purely political reasons, I'd have to say your analysis is spot-on. More to the point, political allies get a pass while political enemies are demonized, targeted, attacked and pursued." ...

Letter to the Editor at Chicago Tribune: Illinois Armed and Dangerous
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone who believes that the lack of gun control created 'the Wild West' should be forced to watch Gangs of the New York. There’s your 19th century mega-violence. As points out, 'In the real Dodge City of history, there were five killings in 1878, the most homicidal year in the little town’s frontier history. In the most violent year in Deadwood, South Dakota, only four people were killed. In the worst year in Tombstone, home of the shoot-out at the OK Corral, only five people were killed. ...' A myth that gun grabbers use today to argue against armed self-defense. To wit this letter to the editor at . . ." ...

Inside the Beltway: Emily’s covered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In just more than six weeks, Emily Miller’s powerfully personal book 'Emily Gets Her Gun — But Obama Wants to Take Yours' will be published. Her story? The Washington Times senior opinion editor was taken aback at her own challenges while trying to legally purchase a gun in the nation’s capital — and found her experiences revealed what could happen on a national level if President Obama gets the gun control policy of his dreams. While she explored the complexities of policy, Second Amendment rights and the threat of Capitol Hill 'gun grabbers,' Emily also discovered the very real, distinctly American experience of gun ownership." ...

New from TASER: StrikeLight Stunning Flashlight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t think TASER is using 'stunning' in the Kirsten Weiss sense of the word. Still, the StrikeLight‘s a stunning development: a powerful flashlight that doubles as a time and meth-head-tested means of personal defense. It’s not the first nor the only nor cheapest stun gun flashlight but . . . given that plenty of America’s Armed Intelligentsia wouldn’t leave home without a flashlight, given that there are plenty of places where a concealed carry permit is harder to get than an engineering degree, given that carrying a flashlight stun gun is way more acceptable (and discreet) than carrying a TASER ... the dual purpose StrikeLight is destined to be a huge hit. Only not with the bad guys. Shocking, I know. ..." ...

Two Problems with the NSSF’s Ten Firearms Safety Tips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of its campaign to focus attention on the importance of safe and responsible firearm handling and storage, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) announced its Top Ten list of safety tips. Generally speaking, there’s nothing wrong with the list. Specifically, I’ve got nits to pick. Starting with 'Always keep the firearm’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction.' According to the gun industry lobby group, a 'safe direction' means that the 'gun is pointed so that even if an accidental discharge occurred, it would not result in injury.' The problem here . . ." ...

What’s Wrong (If Anything) With This Picture: Militia Edition (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We recently discussed the ins and outs and whys and wherefores of civilian militias. (For more perspective, check out this link.) I wouldn’t return to the subject so soon if not for this most excellent video, which A) doesn’t have anything to do with George Zimmerman and B) is the single best example of militia training I’ve ever seen. ..."

New from Gaston Glock: Extreme Performance Shooting Shirt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple of days ago, Austin hit 108 degrees. And yet there I was, cool as a cucumber [roasting in a convection oven] in my T-shirt, sandals, RKBA holster (with sweat guard) and Caracal C. In terms of not dying, I reckon the T-shirt was the most important part of my wardrobe. Which is why I welcome GASTON J GLOCK’s Extreme Performance Shooting Shirt with COOLMAX® fiber-based moisture management system. With one caveat. Tone it down dude. ..." ...

The U.S. v. Trayvon Martin: How the System Worked
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But when George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed, teenage pedestrian returning home one rainy February evening from a neighborhood convenience store, the NRA went mute. Neither NRA officials nor the pro-gun wing of the Republican Party argued that had Trayvon Martin been armed, he would be alive today. The basic facts are indisputable: Martin was on his way home when Zimmerman began to follow him ... Martin knew he was being followed and told his friend, Rachel Jeantel, that the man might be some kind of sexual predator. At some point, Martin and Zimmerman confronted each other, a fight ensued, and in the struggle Zimmerman shot and killed Martin." ...

St. Louis escalating 'War on Toy Guns' (Video)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Back in March, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner noted that for some gun prohibitionists, the 'War on Guns' is not enough, with local 'gun control' advocates encouraging parents to confiscate their children's toy guns, and trade them in for something more politically correct. A bit more than three months later, that effort seems to have accelerated, with another toy gun 'buy back' last Saturday offering three places at which to turn in the toys, for parents who wish to forcibly disarm their children's imaginations." ...

Maker of Gun Owner Tracking App Now Claims it Was “A Honeypot”, a Fake and a Social Experiment
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"According to a recent blog posting, Brett Stalbaum, the creator of the app, has said the release of the app, which encouraged users to mark the homes of 'dangerous gun owners' anonymously, was actually a 'honeypot' designed to draw criticism from 'a smaller component of the [gun] community that sees any attempt at improving gun safety' which will now somehow by used in a documentation project."

"Seeing as how the app was universally condemned by every gun blog, forum, and gun owner (that we spoke to) we fail to see how the criticism was coming from a small component of the gun community and not the overall gun community itself." ...

IN: Group challenges Starbucks policy on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Indiana woman is leading a charge to keep guns out a popular coffee shop."

"Indiana law allows Hoosiers to legally carry a gun if they have a permit. A Zionsville mom says Starbucks should join other businesses to ban guns at their stores, regardless of the law."

"'This picture of a man at Starbucks with his Glock and two cups of coffee and a scone,' said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America." ...

"'I did not realize that I was taking my kids to Starbucks and they could be standing next to someone with a loaded weapon,' said Watts." ...

Submitter's Note: Well then Shannon, you are an idiot! According to the US Census website, Indiana has an o

PA: Robber With BB-Gun Thwarted By Clerk With Real Gun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say a western Pennsylvania store clerk with a real gun thwarted a robbery by a suspect armed only with a BB-pistol." ...

What if Ed McMichael had shot his unarmed attackers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As people angered over the not guilty verdict handed down by the jury to George Zimmerman continue their demonstrations across the country including Seattle, one wonders how they would have reacted in 2008 if Ed McMichael had been armed and was able to defend himself against the thugs who fatally beat him."

"McMichael was otherwise fondly known as the 'Tuba Man.' He was an iconic fixture, setting up shop as a street musician outside of Seattle sports events. He died several days after being beaten by three unarmed teens ..." ...

Self-defense opponents don’t care about victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and local NAACP President James Bible – quoted yesterday by KING 5 News – to protesters in Sanford, Fla. demanding a 'review' of 'Stand-Your-Ground' laws in the wake of George Zimmerman’s acquittal, gun rights advocates across the map are suspicious that none of these people cares about the rights of victims, they just don’t want perpetrators getting shot." ...

PA: Bar Owner Shoots the Gun Out of Armed Robber’s Hand (follow-up with video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to ABC, early Sunday morning, a bar owner in North Philadelphia was followed home after closing his bar by three armed men who tried to rob him."

"The robbery plan went awry when the owner drew his own weapon and opened fire on the trio, striking one of the suspects in the arm, and actually shooting the gun right out of his hand." ...

Rep. Waxman hopes to ban 80% complete rerceivers: What about 79% complete?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just over a month ago, St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner predicted that the Santa Monica College shooting on June 7, in which five people were killed and several more injured, would provoke efforts to regulate the '80% complete' lower receiver market. This is because the shooter, who ... could not legally buy guns, had apparently built his AR-15 from such a receiver."

"The lower receiver of an AR-15 is the gun, for legal purposes, so all the remaining necessary parts can be bought without background checks or the government's permission (or even knowledge). An incomplete lower receiver, though, is also not considered a gun, so it too can be bought and sold as just what it is--an inert hunk of metal." ...

Harry Reid Maneuvering to Change Senate Rules That Would Allow Gun Control to Easily Pass
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is up to his old tricks once again."

"According to an Associated Press report, Reid is Maneuvering to remove the ability for senators to filibuster which would remove certain 60 vote requirements from some pieces of legislation, such as the gun control bills which were defeated in the Senate back in April." ...

NY: Get Involved
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The message was clear Tuesday night at the Mayville VFW, if you don't agree with the SAFE Act, get involved."

"On Tuesday, the Chautauqua County chapter of SCOPE - Shooters Committee on Political Education - met at the Mayville VFW Post 8647, 10 Memorial Drive, to discuss Second Amendment rights with state Sen. Catharine Young, R-C-I Olean."

"Sid Compton, SCOPE spokesman, said members need to get involved by finding like-minded politicians that are against the SAFE Act and work on getting them elected to state government." ...

OH: Lebanon state rep seeks to expand concealed carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans would be able to carry concealed guns in churches, daycares, private airplanes and government buildings under a new Ohio bill introduced by Rep. Ron Maag, R-Lebanon."

"The bill would maintain prohibitions on concealed weapons in airports, police stations and schools. Colleges would be allowed to permit concealed guns on their campuses, if they wanted to." ...

WA: I-591 backers’ website now open for business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Protect Our Gun Rights (POGR) coalition’s Yes on 591 website is up and running, and has been for several days, and like all such sites has a link for gun rights supporters to contribute to the cause, and in this case, every dollar will count considering the war chest they’re facing from the Seattle group now pushing a 15-page gun control measure." ...

IL: Almost all gun bans fail Monday evening
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looks as though Sheila Simon’s supporters sucked wind last night."

"Thanks, in large part to gun owners showing up at these meetings to make their voices heard."

"One thing that should be at the forefront of these politicians is the expensive lawsuits that gun owners are going to bring against municipalities who pass these gun bans on commonly held guns. And the AR-15, ladies in gentlemen, is America’s favorite rifle." ...

MD: Proud to be represented by Sen. Nancy Jacobs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was surprised by the recent announcement from my Senator, the Honorable Nancy Jacobs, that after 20 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Harford County, she would not be seeking re-election for another term. I am proud to have had her as my representative in Annapolis, and she should be commended for her tireless efforts to help make a difference."

"As a fierce defender of the Constitution, Nancy Jacobs supported the Second Amendment. She understood that this freedom needed to be upheld, as it was vital in defining our country, and it should not be infringed upon by our government. ..." ...

GA: Holly Springs to vote on pro-gun resolution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In similar fashion to neighbors Kennesaw and Nelson, Holly Springs soon could be the next north Georgia city to show its support for the Second Amendment and encourage residents in the city to own guns."

"During the Holly Springs City Council meeting Monday night, Mayor Tim Downing announced the council will vote in August on a resolution to 'recognize the importance of the Second Amendment' and show the city’s support for residents who wish to own guns." ...

IL: Morton Grove Writes Assault Weapons Ban Ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In order to comply with a 10-day window of time in which Illinois towns are legally permitted to pass an assault weapons ban, the village of Morton Grove on Tuesday afternoon wrote and released an ordinance. " ...

IL: New law carries more grief than guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plainfield gun owners who want to take advantage of the state’s new firearm concealed carry law are finding it may be nearly a year before they can legally carry a gun."

"Although Illinois legislators voted July 9 to override Gov. Pat Quinn’s amended concealed carry bill, the mechanisms for applying for the permit are not yet in place. Illinois State Police have six months to set up a system and three months to approve or deny applications after that." ...

WV: Manchin a straight shooter; NRA off target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington is full of politicians. The word 'politician' should not be a pejorative term, but lately it is. To many it represents manipulative, power-hungry folks who will say and do almost anything to get elected or re-elected."

"Not all politicians conform to the current negative stereotype. Some actually care about issues and their constituents. A few are even willing to support an issue they see as vital, despite pressure to not do so."

"Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who clearly states his fondness for gun ownership, advocates clear background checks for gun buyers. He's a straight shooter about the merits of this, despite the National Rifle Association's (NRA) effort to gun him down." ...

CO: Elect Colorados Jaxine Bubis & Retire Anti-Gun Senator Morse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rocky Mountain Gun Owners-PAC officially endorsed Jaxine Bubis to be the Republican candidate in the recall of anti-gun Senate President John Morse (D)."

"Not only has Jaxine been a longtime advocate for the Second Amendment, she is also a fellow RMGO member who scored a perfect 100% on RMGO’s candidate survey." ...

WA: Washington gun initiatives square off
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whether you are for or against stricter background checks on gun sales, you’ll have a chance in the coming months to support your position by signing an initiative to next year’s Legislature."

"If both Initiative 591 and Initiative 594 get the required signatures, they’ll likely be on the 2014 ballot if the Legislature follows its recent pattern of punting such measures to the voters ..."

"I-591, a one-page proposal that bans government confiscation of guns and any background check that isn’t part of a national system, started its signature-gathering campaign about two weeks ago ..."

"'We knew what the other side was going to do. We filed before they did,' said Alan Gottlieb, campaign manager for Protect Our Gun Rights." ...

CT: Torrington attorney asks Rockville judge to recuse himself after comment about Second Amendment supporters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Torrington attorney is seeking to have a Rockville Superior Court judge disqualified from a trial, after what she calls, 'reckless, demeaning and defamatory,' comments about her work with Second Amendment-related claims."

"Attorney Rachel Baird moved for recusal and disqualification of Judge Edward J. Mullarkey from the trial of Christopher Peterson, of Winchester, for which the jury was recently selected. Peterson is currently a defendant facing two second-degree false statement charges and one count of disorderly conduct stemming from an alleged June 2012 incident in Vernon." ...

Green Berets Take On Anti-Gunners at Annual Meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Special Forces Association held its 2013 annual National Convention in San Antonio Texas."

"With over 1,000 active-duty and former U.S. Army Green Berets in attendance it was resolved to ensure politicians understood the Association’s membership’s steadfast support of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ...

Survey Finds Law Enforcement United Against Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" released today the results of an extensive survey of about 15,000 active and retired law enforcement officers of all ranks and from departments ranging in size from less than 25 to more than 1,000."

"These results strongly show that law enforcement officers do not support President Obama’s gun control agenda. They do, however, strongly support the Right-to-Carry by law-abiding Americans. The survey respondents are united in their desire for politicians to focus on keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill and to reject unconstitutional gun control measures that infringe on Second Amendment rights." ...

"The following are some key findings:" ...

Justice Department Sets Up Email Address to Get Tips About Zimmerman to Build Civil Rights Case
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"The Department of Justice (DoJ), under control of Attorney General Eric Holder, who reports directly to President Barack Obama, has setup an email address in which concerned citizens can send tips which help prove that George Zimmerman is racist, so they pursue civil rights charges against him." ...

TX: State trooper fired for roadside cavity search (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state trooper has been fried for performing a body cavity search on two women wearing bikinis driving back from the beach. She is the second trooper fired this year for cavity searches." ...

OK: Former officer accused of stealing drugs from department (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a Stillwater police officer discovered seven pill bottles with different names in the patrol car he shared with Sgt. Tom McConaghy, it raised some red flags."

"Captain Randy Dickerson confronted McConaghy."

"'The answers I got at the time were certainly not enough to lead me to believe that there was no wrongdoing at the time,' Dickerson said. 'So based on that we decided we needed to investigate both internally and criminally.'" ...

TX: Laredo police officer charged with 21 counts of theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Laredo Police Department officer has been arrested for allegedly stealing and pawning 20 LPD weapons."

"The officer, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, 46, was also accused of selling a privately owned weapon to a pawn shop." ...

MN: Mpls. Cop Sentenced to Prison after Bar Punch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Minneapolis cop was sentenced Thursday, July 11, to more than three years in prison for punching a man at an Andover bar, causing the man severe brain damage."

"An Anoka County jury found David Richard Clifford guilty of three assault charges for injuring the 44-year-old man. Clifford, 48, was a Minneapolis police SWAT team leader." ...

NV: Court had deemed gun buyer in Reno mentally unstable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A young man who bought a handgun from a Reno police sergeant was adjudicated as mentally ill by a judge and prohibited from purchasing a weapon, but his name was never entered into a background check system because of a coding error ..."

"Although background checks are not required for private gun sales, a coding error by the Washoe County clerk’s office prevented his name from being entered into state and federal databases. That means the 19-year-old would not have been flagged even if a background check had been conducted." ...

CO: Colorado Sheriffs’ Lawsuit Forces Changes to Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are plenty of problems with the magazine ban enacted by the Colorado legislature, so much so that two of the Democrats who spearheaded the effort are now facing recall elections. But two of the worst provisions have now been de-fanged thanks to a lawsuit (Cooke et al. v. Hickenlooper) brought by 55 elected sheriffs against Governor Hickenlooper . . ." ...

Trial an argument against concealed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my eyes the events leading to the Zimmerman trial are a good argument against everyone being allowed to carry a concealed weapon."

"I am sure in Mr. Zimmerman's mind he was carrying out his duties as a conscientious citizen. I too belonged to a neighborhood watch program, but I never felt my duties stretched beyond being the eyes for the police, and calling 9-1-1 when I saw something I considered suspicious."

"I can't help but wonder if Mr. Zimmerman hadn't been armed if he would have been more likely to let the police do their business ..." ...

It Wasn't Just Skittles Trayvon was Carrying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Conservative Treehouse ... earned Zimmerman’s grateful acknowledgement because of its extraordinary investigative work undertaken throughout the saga, particularly in obtaining through Freedom of Information Act and publishing public records that revealed the corruption and racism connected to the charges and the trial itself ..."

"Among its reports, Trayvon Martin’s drug use, explaining how the Skittles and Arizona Watermelon ... drink he carried that night are ingredients that, when mixed with dextromethorphan (DXM) cough syrup, create 'Lean', a concocted high which can cause psychosis and aggression over the longer term. According to the autopsy report, Martin’s liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse." ...

Zimmerman Trial’s Real Goal: Destroy the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Destroying the Second Amendment and the people’s right of self-defense was the real goal of the George Zimmerman prosecution. Liberals hoped to scare gun owners, regardless of the eventual verdict. Traumatizing and intimidating people from using a firearm to defend themselves were what this case was really about." ...

'Gun control' pushers hope to exploit Zimmerman verdict for more oppressive laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, that didn't take long. Within hours of the jury returning a verdict of not guilty of either second degree murder or manslaughter in George Zimmerman's trial for the killing of Trayvon Martin, forcible citizen disarmament, anti-self-defense groups made the claim that not only is the verdict wrong, but that it illustrates a need for more draconian gun laws. The hysterical press release from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:" ...

When It Comes Down To a Jury Of Your Peers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If any doubt exists, hold your gun silent. Act to the standard to which you will be judged."

"Those are the words we teach each and every student in our firearms training classes when it comes to the use of deadly force to protect innocent life. Why is that? As the George Zimmerman case proves, even the most noble and legitimate use of deadly force may be followed by the most despicable and unethical prosecutors filing charges against you . . ." ...

Ted Nugent: Self-Defense Vindicated by Zimmerman Verdict
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rock-n-roll legend and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent says the 'not guilty' verdict in the case against George Zimmerman vindicates 'self-defense.'"

"Writing in, Nugent walked through the events of the fateful night on which Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman." ...

CO: Year after Colo. theater attack, gun debate rages
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last time Colorado enacted gun control measures was in the wake of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, and once the laws were on the books there was little acrimony."

"The state's latest batch of gun control laws — coming after a gunman's deadly rampage at a suburban Denver movie theater a year ago — has sparked a struggle over guns that shows little signs of fading. Gun rights advocates are trying to recall two state senators who backed the package, and dozens of GOP county sheriffs are suing to overturn it." ...

MN: Conservative candidates get warm reception at Tea Party picnic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What’s old is new again when it comes to Tea Party conservatives in Duluth after listening to speeches at a picnic at Bayfront Festival Park on Tuesday."

"The Northern Liberty Alliance, a second-wind name for the area’s Tea Party that raised public cries against big government in 2009, hosted what is being called an annual 'Liberty Picnic' that featured candidates for federal, state and local offices." ...

CO: NRA News Commentator, Colion Noir, to be Featured at Republican Senators’ Event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You are invited to attend an event hosted by Colorado Republican Senators featuring NRA News Commentator Colion Noir."

"The event will take place on Thursday, July, 25, at the Inverness Hotel located at 200 Inverness Drive West in Englewood. A reception begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by a dinner at 7:30 p.m." ...

MN: Second Amendment rally set Saturday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Crow Wing County Republicans are sponsoring the Rally for the Second Amendment on Saturday at Mills Indoor Shooting and Archery Center in Baxter." ...

Holder speaks out against 'Stand Your Ground' laws after Zimmerman verdict
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Attorney General Eric Holder took aim Tuesday at "Stand Your Ground"-style laws — such as the one that figured into the George Zimmerman case — saying they may encourage violence and 'undermine public safety.'"

"'It's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods,' Holder said in a speech to the NAACP in which he again called the death of Trayvon Martin 'unnecessary.'"

"'These laws try to fix something that was never broken,' he said." ...

Eric Holder Tells NAACP, We Need to Get Rid of “Stand Your Ground” Laws (video story)
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"United States Attorney General Eric Holder, today, in a speech at the NAACP annual convention, essentially blamed 'Stand Your Ground' laws for the death of Trayvon Martin and essentially suggested that we evaluate and remove those laws from the books." ...

Stevie Wonder Says He Now Refuses to Perform in “Stand Your Ground” States (video available)
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"Muscician Stevie Wonder has announced will no longer perform in states that have 'stand your ground' self defense laws."

"Here is a transcript of the statements made by Wonder in the above video ..." ...

Holder condemns ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. strongly condemned “stand your ground” laws Tuesday, saying the measures 'senselessly expand the concept of self-defense' and may encourage 'violent situations to escalate.'"

"The statutes, which have been enacted in more than 30 states, have become the focus of a complicated national debate over race, crime and culpability since the shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17-year-old, by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla. The volunteer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted of murder charges Saturday." ...

Submitter's comment: "Stand Your Ground" was not used in Zimmerman's defense.

KABA Note: In fact "Stand Your Ground" was completely irrelevant to the Zimmerman case; there is no "duty to retreat" when you have no ability to retreat, like when someone is sitting on your chest bashing your head against the ground.

Bloomberg – Get Rid of Self Defense Laws
Submitted by: Dan Cannon, Guns Save Lives

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"In the wake of the not-guilty verdict delivered in the trial of George Zimmerman, anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg is following the Democratic strategy of not 'never waste a tragedy' by calling for the end of stand your ground laws."

"Bloomberg, of course, can’t call the laws by their common names, and has to, instead, call them 'shoot first' laws." ...

KY: Lexingtonians gather for forum about Trayvon Martin case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scores of people turned out Tuesday night for a town hall-style forum on the case involving Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman — and what it means for Lexington."

"'This meeting was organized with the hopes that we can build on the outcome' of the trial, said local poet Bianca Spriggs, who hosted the event. 'We are not here to change your mind. We are here to learn how to better coexist with our neighbors.'" ...

Man Charged in NYC Shooting of 9 to Be Extradited
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maine law enforcement officials say a man wanted in connection with the shooting that injured nine people in Brooklyn will be extradited to face charges." ...

IL: Five Killed in Weekend Shootings, but Top Cop Sees Progress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shootings from late Friday into Sunday night left five people dead and more wounded across the city."

"Chicago Police spokesman Adam Collins pointed out there were fewer non-fatal shootings this weekend compared with last year. There were 16 shootings during this weekend compared with 21 during the same time last year." ...

IL: CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: All wilding charges dropped by Cook Co. SA’s office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Police racked up a bunch of overtime, working undercover and generally working their tails off to investigate the attacks. The were able to identify a handful of the offenders."

"Maybe one when to jail. The rest got probation."

"Probation for savagely beating the hell out of another man, unprovoked."

"Cook County just skipped the 'go to court' aspect of this faulty way of dealing with senseless violence and just dropped charges without even having them plea bargain the charges down." ...

Tyranny is always better organized than freedom. —THOMAS PAINE

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