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Newslinks for 7/18/2012

Requests to investigate anti-gun Philly top cop’s ‘gun crimes’ ignored
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Commonwealth and municipal legal authorities have punted and ignored requests to investigate Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey for misdemeanor and felony violations of Pennsylvania's Uniform Firearms Act, attorney Joshua Prince informed Gun Rights Examiner over the weekend."

"'[Ramsey] has openly carried a firearm in the city of Philadelphia but is neither a certified police officer, nor does he have a license to carry firearms,' Prince informed Attorney General Linda L. Kelly in an April 17 letter ... 'Furthermore, he wears a uniform and displays a badge, but is not a certified police officer, in violation of Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Program… Accordingly, he is also not entitled to compensation.'" ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "You people need to figure out who your enemies are and you better do it right quick. It's not people who shoot Modern Sporting Rifles. It's not mall ninjas, tac-tards, military arms enthusiasts, gun school attendees or makers of 'ugly guns' with 'standard capacity' magazines (standard for the design of the piece)."

"Your enemies are the ones smiling at you at the cocktail parties, telling you that the kind of trash who'd own an AR15 is doing nothing but taking your sport down. 'They stand in the way of 'reasonable gun controls.'" ...

Carry your weapons openly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A right not exercised is a right lost." ...

"Forty of the 50 states allow the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding adults, but there are only a small number who lawfully open carry."

"Why? Many say it's because they're afraid they will be shot by police. Others say they don't want to be hassled by the cops. Still others simply don't know the law allows the open carrying of firearms."

"I say if a criminal sees my weapon openly displayed he will think twice about committing a crime in my presence." ...

New York Times Misrepresents Facts On Florida’s “Stand-Your-Ground” Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent editorial, The New York Times offered an array of Florida crime statistics to support the view that Florida’s Stand Your Ground law is 'nonsensical,' a 'dangerous disaster,' and 'a Wild West farce.' The editors cited a study of more than 200 cases by The Tampa Bay Times."

"But a further review of the statistics indicates the NYT may not be factually correct in it’s interpretation of the numbers.

"For starters, it’s never a good sign when your source, an allegedly authoritative study, caveats itself with: 'The [Tampa Bay] Times relied on available information, some of which may not tell the whole story.'" ...

Wind Energy Producer Blows An Ill-Wind Toward Sportsmen (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Larry Keane – General Counsel – National Shooting Sports Foundation about an article blaming hunters and lead ammunition for impacting bald eagle populations ..." ...

ATF Publishes 2011 Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives published its 2011 interim Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report."

"John Richardson of the pro-firearm blog, 'Only Guns and Money' put together this helpful table comparing last year’s production numbers to 2010. The table shows both the absolute and relative changes by category in firearms production." ...

Rifle Shooting Techniques From Ryan Cleckner (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation released this video with Ryan Cleckner today. In it, he goes over some of the basics for good rifle shooting such as sight alignment and trigger control." ...

Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational: Night One (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a saying that no plan survives initial contact. 3-gun is known for being a sport where the way you planned it and the way you run it are completely different, but when you throw in the element of darkness things can get a little insane…"

"Let’s start with what worked. The flashlight strapped to the shotgun with duct tape worked flawlessly, and my lighting solution for the rifle could not have been more ideal. The handgun could have used a touch more illumination, but the light from my hat was more than enough to see what I was doing for the most part." ...

Interview: Gregg Garrett of Comp-Tac
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve been doing a lot of Comp-Tac holster reviews lately and one or two of our readers have asked why I love plastic so much. I figured it might be best to let the founder of Comp-Tac, Gregg Garrett get his feelings out in the open. Make the jump to read Gregg’s thoughts on the ups (and the downs) of working with Kydex . . ." ...

Quick Draw vs. Slow Draw
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s article is actually being written for my father-in-law, but I thought you’d find it interesting. Let me explain:" ...

"... Well, apparently, the other day he was reading a gun article where someone was saying it was better to draw the gun slowly and that quick drawing was bad because it drew attention to the person, etc. etc. etc…. And my father-in-law asked me to find the statistics on this and wanted my opinion about which draw I thought was better."

"And even though he’s committing the sin of living in California, he did play a pretty important part in producing my wife, so I decided to see what I could find out for him regarding quick draw vs. slow draw." ...

New from Colt Competition: AR-10 in .308
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colt Competition is the brand of Colt products designed specifically for the competition shooter. Until now they’ve only hand the 5.56 AR-15 style rifles, but they’ve just introduced a rather nifty design in .308…" ...

Cheaper Than Dirt’s Most Popular Gun is Cheaper Than Dirt (And Made in China)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Our most common sellers are usually home defense shotguns, semi automatic .22s, and .380 pistols,''s Rob reports. 'I pulled our sales data from the last six months and made an interesting discovery. A relatively obscure shotgun is outselling the rest of the guns we sell by a large margin. The Interstate Arms Hawk Model 982 literally flies off the shelves and we have a hard time keeping them in stock. It is currently our number one selling firearm. This is due in no small part to its very low price tag—but how does it measure up in quality and performance?' No points for guessing what CTD has to say about their best seller . . ." ...

Not so fast, not so furious
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Stunned and stung by the totally unexpected Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the GOP wasted no time before retaliating. That same day, House Republicans, with most Democrats walking out in protest, cited Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress. The irony is that this obstructionist Congress is held in contempt by the American people, with disapproval ratings exceeding 80%." ...

Submitter's Note: Amazingly prescient of the committee to vote out the contempt citation a week before the SCOTUS ruling.
Oh, and their disapproval rating on 6/29 was 76.5%. Libs, math, go figure.

The NRA — 140 years of change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has changed dramatically since its formation in New York state in 1871. Its original charter allowed it to promote rifle practice on suitable ranges, and promote the introduction of a system of target firing for the National Guard of New York and the militias of other states."

"According to Josh Sugarmann ... in its early years the NRA 'endorsed and even drafted gun controls it opposes today.' ... [A]uthor Robert Spitzer writes that things began to change in the 1970s as a result of the Gun Control Act of 1968."

"It was then that the NRA began to reinterpret the Second Amendment, thus giving birth to its political agenda, which eventually spawned the extremism of today." ...

Gun ban groups threaten to sue CA Att. Gen. for not altering English language
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That Yee has lowered his sights in his attack on citizens' liberties speaks well of the efforts by CalGuns Foundation and others to stop his bill. The anti-gun groups mentioned above have evidently noticed that the grassroots pro-rights efforts are making a legislative approach to their agenda untenable, so they are now calling for a gun ban via fiat, having written California Attorney General Kamala Harris, urging her to claim that magazines that cannot be removed by hand are still (somehow) 'detachable,' and thus subject to California's 'assault weapons' ban:"
"We urge you to promptly initiate the regulatory process to fix the state’s unlawful assault weapons regulations, which jeopardize the safety of Californians statewide. ..." ...

NY: Sen. Peralta Discusses Microstamping Push (video story)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gun control advocates are making another push for microstamping legislation. The goal is to make it easier for police to trace any bullet back to the gun it was fired from. But it’s being met with strong opposition from the Senate Republicans, who are not conviced microstamping is effective enough to justify the added cost to manufacturers. ..." ...

FL: Charges unlikely against man who shot robbers (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Internet cafe patron who shot and injured two men as they tried to rob the business will likely not face any criminal charges."

"'Based on what I have seen and what I know at this time, I don't anticipate filing any charges,' said Bill Gladson of the State Attorney's Office for 5th Judicial Circuit." ...

Growing state budget cuts show why Americans need guns and Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As President Obama and Congress begin to debate gun rights for Americans in preparation of the U.N.'s passing of a Small Arms Treaty, a growing occurrence in many states is providing justification that now, more than ever, Americans need the Constitutional right to own guns and defend themselves in accordance with the rights granted[sic] under the Second Amendment."

"The event that is leading citizens to become their own line of defense against criminals is the growing number of budget deficits in states and municipalities, and their dwindling funds available to house prisoners and to fight crime. ..." ...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Cyberspace Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two guys tried to rob an internet cafe in Ocala, FL. A patron pulls a .380 and pops a couple shots off at them and they rethink their plans, falling over each other on the way out the door. State Attorney’s representative says, 'Based on what I have seen and what I know at this time, I don’t anticipate filing any charges.' Straightforward self defense, right? Well . . ." ...

Did the DoJ hide whistleblower memos that prove officials lied to Congress?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"So says the Washington Guardian, uncovering at least one of the targets of Rep. Darrell Issa’s subpoenas, and it might be a game-changer. According to the Guardian, which says they have a copy of the memos, the ATF knew full well that guns had been walked across the border before Congress started demanding answers. They had already begun to put whistleblower-protection processes in place to address agents who had complained to Congress over those actions before assuring Congress that no one knew about the practice:" ...

Fast and Furious will prove worse than Watergate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few days ago Obama spokesman Jay Carney tried to tie Bush era operations like Wide Receiver with Operation Fast and Furious. If you watch something other than MSNBC you would know there is little in common between the Bush era operations and what Obama/Holder did."

"The fact is, in the other cases they were run like any other classic police show set up you have ever seen. ... Not so with Fast and Furious and make no mistake - Fast and Furious started in 2009. This is a wholly Obama/Holder run operation, only halted when outraged ATF whistleblowers took the story to the media. This White House thinks you are stupid enough that you will buy their lies and not research this." ...

Fast and Furious Is Not a D.C. Law Firm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most Americans don't care about whether Attorney General Eric Holder is hiding Fast and Furious documents because they don't understand the story."

"Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals' argument for gun control."

"Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation — criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point — Republicans refuse to make it." ...

Memo shows ATF recognized red flag of F&F whistleblowers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A newly-revealed memorandum to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives supervisors about whistleblower protection – sent several days after Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) warned the agency against retaliation – suggests the ATF knew it had a problem with the gun walking scheme." ...

A tale of two cities and a Justice Department double standard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn were a law-and-order, pro-gun moderate or conservative, he just might tell Eric Holder’s Justice Department to pound sand on its reported demand that the city adopt police reforms by July 27 to avoid a civil rights lawsuit."

"Attorney General Holder, in 'the other Washington,' has not met any of his deadlines to provide Congress with documents relating to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. Why should his agency expect a city in the Real Washington to be any different?"

"The subject of a blistering video produced by the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Holder should be the last guy on the planet to insist that anyone else meet a deadline." ...

Complaint Seeks Revocation of Disgraced AG Holder’s Law License
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The D.C. Office of Bar Counsel did not immediately return a request for comment, but a staff member at the association said the office typically does not either confirm or deny whether an investigation is ongoing."

"Discussing the complaint, Vanderboegh, who runs the pro-Second Amendment Sipsey Street Irregulars blog, suggested that he would not be giving up anytime soon. 'Eric Holder believes that he will escape serious consequences of the congressional investigations of the Fast and Furious scandal simply by running out the clock on his tenure,' Vanderboegh noted in recent a report. 'We intend this ethics complaint to place him on notice that his lies and malfeasances will follow him until justice is done.'" ...

Mexico Attacks American Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Mexico emerged as the leader in spearheading the effort to internationally regulate civilian firearms at the UN 'Small Arms Treaty' meetings in New York City."

"The delegation from Mexico has said, 'This treaty must cover all type of conventional weapons, without differentiation on its supposed use.'" [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: Translation: They want it to cover civilian arms in addition to military sales.

More Guns Equals Less Goons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Leave it to the anti-freedom goons at the United Nations to put forth a treaty to restrict access to guns."

"The United Nations is flea-infested, hygiene challenged hellhole of soulless despots, tyrants, anti-freedom, human-rights violating global gangbangers who wish to shore up their power by having the United Nations put forth a treaty that would restrict the access to guns by their people, thereby ensuring the tyrants can continue to kill, control, rape and plunder innocents with impunity.
Let’s get one thing straight: more access to guns leads to more freedom. Limiting access to guns leads to more innocent death, destruction and tyranny."

"Once again, the United Nations is on the wrong side of freedom. ..." ...

N.M. Senators Studying U.N. Arms Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" A proposed global small arms trade treaty under negotiation at the United Nations has American gun advocates warning of an erosion of the Second Amendment rights, while New Mexico’s senators are taking a wait-and-see approach."

"The 193-member U.N. General Assembly began discussions this month for the first legally binding global treaty that would regulate the international arms trade and try to prevent the transfer of weapons to armed groups and terrorists." ...

UN Arms Trade Treaty Not a 2A Threat? Really?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over and over again I’ve heard the antis trying to placate people paying attention to the UN’s latest antic, the Arms Trade Treaty. They point out that the UN passed a resolution explicitly recognizing 'the right of States to regulate internal transfers of arms and national ownership, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership, exclusively within their territory.' So if all of us gun nuts think our weapons are under any sort of threat from this treaty, we must be even squirrelier than usual, right? Not so fast . . ."

"That certainly is an interesting resolution, but I notice one glaring exception ..." ...

Questions gun owners should ask of political candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Barack Obama is slinging mud in order to avoid running on his record, Mitt Romney is not enthusiastic about releasing his tax forms and politicians down the political food chain are looking for a campaign issue on which to hang their hats, gun owners should be asking some questions."

"Here in Washington State, one might inquire of the two gubernatorial hopefuls – Republican Rob McKenna and Democrat Jay Inslee – if they think rifles like the one being held in the photo above should be registered or banned. ..." ...

AZ: NRA Endorses Congressman Paul Gosar for Re-Election in Arizona’s Congressional District 4
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Paul Gosar’s support of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners earned him an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association-Political Victory Fund. And now the NRA is recognizing Gosar’s hard work by endorsing his campaign." ...

NY: Meng Going After Guns in Campaign
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York City voters have a different relationship with guns than those in the rest of the country. While standing up for gun control legislation could torpedo a campaign in the Midwest, the South, even Upstate New York, in New York City, gun violence leaves an indelible mark, even in years when crime is down." ...

"On Monday afternoon, Assemblywoman Grace Meng took a strong position in favor of gun control and microstamping legislation, which would make it easier to tie handgun shell casings left at crime scenes to the weapons used." ...

NY: Councilman’s Answer to NYC Gun Violence: Hold Another Buyback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That the best response a New York City councilman can manage after a triple murder is to call for a gun buyback really isn’t news. Just another hack politician grabbing a little pub, wanting to be seen as 'doing something.' Yawn. But when the local DA – not to mention a public radio outlet – questions the effectiveness of the, um, strategy, that’s something worthy of note. The response to Councilman James Sanders’ bold brainstorm seems to be a resounding 'meh.' Which in one of the most anti-gun cities in the country counts as progress. A baby step, sure, but one in the right direction . . ." ...

TN: Whose rights matter? NRA targets GOP legislators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s usually the 'liberal Democrats' who take heat over Second Amendment issues, but now it’s GOP legislators in Tennessee who are feeling the wrath of the nation’s highest-profile gun rights organization, the National Rifle Association."

"The NRA learned of a problem in Oklahoma several years ago when some co-workers had planned to go do some target shooting one day after work. When their boss learned they had guns in their cars, they were fired, due to workplace rules against weapons on company property. ... It’s a conflict between the property rights of the business owners and the Constitutional rights of their employees." ...

OH: Attorney General Mike DeWine uses occasion of annual ice cream social to publicly announce support for HB495
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The many gun owners who accepted Buckeye Firearms Association's invitation to thank Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) for his work for gun owners in the AG's office by joining him and wife Fran at their Greene County home for an Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social on June 24 enjoyed more than an old fashioned country picnic complete with ice cream and homemade pies."

"During comments made publicly at the event on his work in the Attorney General's office, DeWine spoke about concealed carry reciprocity and announced his support for HB495, 'current legislation that passed the Ohio House.'" ...

DHS – Praise Lord Obama and pass the ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following chart demonstrates the frequency, quantity, and variety of ammunition the Department of Homeland Security has awarded to a variety of providers since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Solicitation and award notifications are available upon request." ...

"In April of this year, the DHS awarded Heckler and Koch another $143,500 for 100 more UMP machine guns, and another 300 magazines."

"The weapon weighs 4.6 pounds and can empty it’s 30 rounds in only 3 seconds. Now we know why Janet Napolitano needs 650,000,000 rounds of .40 caliber S&W ammunition. Machine guns are offensive weapons and in the hands of a tyrannical government, will be used to subdue masses of people ..." ...

DC: FOIA docs reveal Treasury officials cited for soliciting prostitutes, accepting gifts
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Treasury Department officials have been cited for soliciting prostitutes, breaking conflict-of-interest rules and accepting gifts from corporate executives, according to the findings of official government investigations."

"The revelations of unethical behavior at Treasury are detailed in little-noticed documents posted this month on, which publishes agency responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests." ...

KABA Note: The 15.8MB .pdf document can be found here.

Submitter's comment: Unethical behavior at Holder's Treasury?
I'm sorry to say it doesn't surprise me in the least.

NY: No charges in ATF agent's friendly-fire death after LI pharmacy shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"No criminal charges will be filed in a friendly-fire shootout that left an ATF agent dead after he tried to intervene in a New Year's Eve pharmacy shooting, a prosecutor announced Monday."

"Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice issued an 11-page report noting that two bystanders who ran to the pharmacy - an off-duty New York City police officer and a retired Nassau police lieutenant - were justified when they used deadly force." ...

KABA Note: Blue on blue shootings are a tragic (but entirely predictable) unintended consequence of strict gun control that the antis don't like to talk about; if only BGs have guns then anyone with a gun must be a BG.

FL: Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Bang.
Submitted by: DTayls

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"It doesn’t appear that Andrew Lee Scott had heard many knock knock jokes before because he forgot to ask who was there last night. Unfortunately for him, it was deputies from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office looking for someone suspected of attempted murder. Two problems: first, they didn’t identify themselves and second, it was 1:30 am. Both facts go a long way toward explaining why Scott answered the door with a gun in his hand. You probably know where this is going . . ." ...

Submitter's Note: Answer your door armed or unarmed: get killed for "resisting." Hope the family wins a huge lawsuit.

CO: Denver council OK's police settlement amount
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Denver City Council approved a $60,000 payment divided between two plaintiffs and their attorneys Monday in a lawsuit with the Denver Police Department alleging police misconduct." ...

"The lawsuit alleges that police pulled Wortham over about 11 p.m. while Campbell ate dinner in the passenger seat. They 'were subjected to a barrage of blatantly racist comments, forcibly removed from their car, patted down without reasonable suspicion, and forced to sit without proper clothing on the sidewalk for 45 minutes,' according to the lawsuit." ...

RI: North Providence police chief to retain pension despite theft conviction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Providence Police Chief John Whiting will be able to keep his pension despite a conviction for stealing $714 from a stripper, according a published report."

"The Valley Breeze reports that Whiting, 58, a North Attleboro resident, stands to receive a pension of $5,131 per month and cost a living increases of 3 percent each year from the city of Pawtucket, where he previously served on the police force for decades. He is not due any pension from North Providence, where he had served as police chief since 2008."

"The newspaper reports that Pawtucket officials determined there is no legal basis to take away Whiting’s pension." ...

IL: 10 days in the police academy, 14 years on disability
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On his 10th day in the Chicago Police training academy, Donald E. Barnes Jr. went outside for his first physical training class — 'a slow jogging exercise.'"

"It was a hot summer morning exactly 15 years ago. The 30-year-old trainee made it just five blocks into the three-mile jog. He collapsed on Adams near Damen around 11 a.m. on July 16, 1997."

"An ambulance rushed Barnes to a hospital, where he was diagnosed with heat stroke and placed in intensive care due to kidney and liver failure."

"He never finished his police training, never worked a day as a Chicago Police officer — but, now 45, he has collected nearly $500,000 in tax-free disability payments." ...

WI: What Price Perfection? Huge Milwaukee Glock Buy Draws Criticism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It can’t be easy running a public entity in a time of austerity. With a stagnant economy, fewer taxpayers employed and home foreclosures rampant, tax receipts are shrinking. What’s a dedicated public servant to do? Short of laying off staff, they have to find creative ways to do more with less – stretch their dollars by squeezing every bit of useable life out of the assets they have. Unless you’re running a law enforcement agency in Wisconsin, that is. With a few extra bucks in the budget and the end of the fiscal year just around the corner, the Milwaukee County Sheriff decided he needed to look for ways to kit up . . ." ...

OR: Disciplining Portland police proves challenging task
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the past three decades, Portland police chiefs have fired officers who were convicted of driving drunk off duty, leaving dead animals outside a black-owned business, and selling 'Smoke 'Em, Don't Choke 'Em' T-shirts to officers after a man died in police custody from a neck hold."

"The chiefs had to bring them all back." ...

IA: Bobby Jindal to Speak at Iowa Firearms Coalition Summer Rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowa Firearms Coalition is pleased to announce Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as the keynote speaker at their 3 rd Annual IFC/NRA Second Amendment Rally at Brownells Big Springs Shooting Complex just outside of Searsboro, Iowa on August 25 th , 2012." ...

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. — H.L. MENCKEN

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