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Newslinks for 7/19/2001

Escalante Residents Tangle Over Gun Law
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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UTAH -- "The townspeople here are not up in arms about a proposed mandatory gun law, but fisticuffs are not out of the question."

"Impassioned gun owners and constitutionalists at a public hearing Tuesday cited the Founding Fathers, Adolf Hitler and their consciences in arguing for or against an ordinance that would require every head of household to keep a firearm and ammunition."

Sounds like they had some fun. Worthy read.

LAWSUIT? This one tops the gal with the coffee in her lap
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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Suicide-Attempt Survivor Sues -- Ex-cop says, "I shouldn’t have had a pistol!"

ANY excuse for a lawsuit beats taking responsibility for one's actions. Think it'd work to file a lawsuit against DAFT (Oops! BATF) for causing extreme anxiety because one's home MIGHT be invaded by them some night? Maybe a class action suit by KABA members? What the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Any attorneys interested????

Sun-Sentinel: Lawmakers, FBI officials criticize agency
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Post Comments | Read Comments -- "In the wake of the FBI's admission that it cannot find hundreds of its weapons and laptop computers, several bureau officials joined lawmakers in strongly criticizing the agency's structure, technology and institutional culture during a Senate hearing Wednesday."

"Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee said the disclosure Tuesday that 449 firearms and 184 computers were missing represents the latest in a string of recent FBI failures that expose the agency's many flaws."

No, Really?

Moran Amendment Fails! (FBI now has 24 hours to dispose of gun purchase records.)
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"The Moran Amendment, requiring records of approved NICS purchases to be kept at least 90 days, was overwhelmingly defeated, 161-266 tonight."

"My Congressman, Frank Wolf, chairman of the Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary Appropriations Subcommittee, led the opposition (which was a bit of a surprise, and perhaps indicating the amount of 'encouragement' he's been getting)."

"Rep. Wolf told the House that he had met with career FBI officials who assured him...24 hours."

Read UN Civilian Disarmament proposals for yourself
Submitted by: Mitchell J. McConnell

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I got this at Neal Boortz.

It is stunning to read this. I find it funny that they are so concerned about "conflict". Gee, there wouldn't be any conflict if the sheeple just obeyed their masters! Also, keep in mind that NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) can include groups such as HCI, VPC, etc.

KABA NOTE: In a United Nations document entitled "Removing Military Weapons from Civilian Hands," we find a disturbing quote. In refering to small arms, the UN writer says, "Such weapons distort societies ... they make it harder for the State to regain the legitimate monopoly of force ... compromising the effectiveness of police forces and encouraging law-abiding civilians to arm themselves for protection..."

"Monopoly of Force" by government is good? Your ability to defend yourself is bad? That says it all.

The Second Amendment: My Favorite Relic
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Usually your correspondent has to make do with writing about other relics of the American Revolution, like the rusting hulk of the First Amendment or the confounded bicameral legislature. As it happens, the Second Amendment is one of my favorite pieces of detritus left over by the framers. More than any other, it illustrates the enduring principle that the original intent of the Founding Fathers was to annoy the modern-day liberal." --SETH LIPSKY

CNN: FBI reports missing firearms, laptops
Submitted by: BobL

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Post Comments | Read Comments -- The FBI has lost at least 449 guns. At least one of them was used to commit a murder.

That means the FBI's guns have been used in more murders than mine.

Then INS has lost 539 firearms.

Ain't government great?

An NRA foreign policy? (Why Europe loves to lecture US)
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"A country's foreign policy should be determined by its interests. It seems the Bush administration believes, however, that America's foreign policy should be dictated by the National Rifle Association." --A clueless Dennis Jett, who served as US ambassador to Mozambique and Peru, provides more proof that becoming an ambassador depends more on political connections than intelligence.

CCRKBA awards Kofi Annan the "Civil Liberties Infringement Prize"
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms on Tuesday awarded Annan its "Civil Liberties Infringement Prize."

John Michael Snyder, a spokesman for the group, said Annan deserves the mock honor "because he uses his international position at the United Nations as a platform from which to undermine the traditional, individual Second Amendment civil right of law abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms."

Congrats, Kofi, on this well deserved "honor."

Feinstein says Kalifornians support UN weapons controls
Submitted by: Mitchell McConnell

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KABA readers in Kalifornia need to contact Senator Feinstein's office, pronto, to correct her misunderstanding.

No Progress On Gun Resolution At UN Conference
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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Post Comments | Read Comments -- Facing a Friday deadline, conferees at a United Nations conference on the world's illicit small-arms trade continued working behind closed doors to forge a consensus on a "program for action."

One UN official who did want to be named said the sticking point appears to be that conferees can't agree on how to prevent and/or eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons without trampling on individual nations' freedoms.

UN Conference Strengthens Draft Document; U.S. Delegates May Walk
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

There are no comments on this story
Post Comments | Read Comments -- The United States delegation to the U.N. conference on small arms reacted in dismay on Monday to a revised Program of Action written by the conference's president, Ambassador Camilo Reyes Rodriguez of Colombia...

The source in the U.S. Mission told NewsMax: "Basically the UN is sticking it to us. This new draft is worse than it was as far as the U.S. is concerned."

Freeing your Inner Outlaw
Submitted by: Carma Lewis

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~Excellent article by Claire Wolfe, Editor of This article is a gentle nudge toward civil disobedience.

Plaque will replace gun in honoring former officers
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"A badge and a plaque, rather than a badge and a gun, have been agreed upon to honor police officers whose careers are cut short by disability or injury."

"That's the compromise...reached after the mayor vetoed an ordinance that would have given the prematurely retired officers a firearm."

Two sides to this: 1) If cop disarmed citizens, why should he get a gun paid for by them? 2) If the cop was a Real American, he earned the gun by serving well. Arm him.

ABCNews: Seems the FBI is a gun supplier for crime
Submitted by: Andrew M

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[CLICK HERE FOR THE ARTICLE] -- Justice Department officials are investigating the disappearance of 449 firearms and 184 laptop computers — at least one containing classified information — from the FBI.

Where's the Trip Wire?
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"For years now I have wondered what will be the defining act that leads Real Americans to take back their country. That old dog called freedom, cowering in the corner, has been kicked repeatedly. When will he have enough and bite the tyrant that abuses him?" --Michael Gaddy

BOOK REVIEW: "A Nation of Cowards" by Jeff Snyder
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Another review of Snyder's book.

"Poetry. There is no other way to describe Jeff Snyder's new book on the ethics of gun control called "Nation of Cowards" ... But if you think you'll find detailed statistical arguments about why the gun control lobby is out to lunch you'd better think again. In fact, if you think this book is really about gun control at all then you'll be disappointed. Snyder says - It's not about the guns, people, it's about liberty and responsibility." --Scott Carpenter

BOOK REVIEW: "Tethered Citizens" by Sheldon Richman
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Walter Williams: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free." That captures the essence of "Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State," written by Sheldon Richman.

...Yes, we can think of ourselves as free, but only relative to the rest of the world. In terms of the founders' vision of freedom, we're little more than serfs."

Gun Control Kills
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Jon E. Dougherty: "Well, well, well, well, well. Score another defeat for the world's fascist gun controllers and their hapless, helpless, hopeless "less guns equals less crime" theory."

School Shooters aren't Impulsive
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Most students involved in school shootings discussed the attacks beforehand and could have been stopped if authorities had been notified, a Secret Service study has found."

"...two agents discussed a Secret Service report to be released this summer that looks at 41 children involved in 37 school shootings since 1974."

"There was no instance where the attack in a school was impulsive," said agent Bryan Vossekuil, co-director of the agency's Safe School Initiative.

HCI is wrong again.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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