Coefficient of Cool: Appearance & Aesthetics in Gun Design
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Like many other gun folks, I sometimes develop interest in obscure gun topics that misses “obsessive,” but not by much. In this regard, I see the American Rifleman article by Dr. Leonardo M. Antaris as one of the best gun-related things I have read in quite a while. It’s called “In The Beginning” and deals with the range and characteristics of early (late 1880s and forward), primarily European self-loading pistols. |
Brett Kavanaugh’s Defense of Second Amendment Is Hardly ‘Extremist’
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Mark A. Taff
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From the moment President Donald Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s Supreme Court seat, gun control advocates have presented a seemingly endless string of accusations about Kavanaugh’s “dangerous views” on the Second Amendment.
Taken together, the denunciations of his jurisprudence spell out a parade of horribles that make the judge appear primed to personally hand out grenade launchers to preschoolers. |
Kavanaugh for SCOTUS: So how f---ed are we?
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Mark A. Taff
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Kavanaugh believes that the Second Amendment cements the people’s right to own semi-automatic rifles. He expressed this opinion in his dissent to a ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court upholding the District of Columbia’s ban on most of those rifles. “Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses,” he wrote. |
NC: Second Amendment Supporters Prepare for Rally in Hillsborough
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Mark A. Taff
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Second Amendment supporters and gun owners are expected to stand together on the Old County Courthouse lawn Saturday morning. The Orange County Second Amendment Rally is being held to advocate for gun rights and create discussion within the community.
Rally organizers Ashley Campbell and Daniel Johnson are Orange County residents who were inspired to create the event due to a Facebook poll of local residents on gun rights. |
WI: 2nd Amendment has become obsolete
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Mark A. Taff
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If we examine the Second Amendment in the light of changed times and modern reality, we can see it from a new perspective.
Today the National Guard is considered our militia. They practice a few weekends or a couple of weeks a year. They use rifles, not handguns. When they come home from duty, they leave their rifles in the barracks. They don't bring them home.
In the event of a military coup in our country, the idea that men with handguns could protect us from the military might of the Pentagon is laughable. The Second Amendment is obsolete, and needs to be rescinded. |
KS: Which candidate for Kansas governor loves guns the most?
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Mark A. Taff
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Yes, the National Rifle Association’s surprising endorsement of Gov. Jeff Colyer spurred intriguing speculation this week. Is the powerful gun rights lobby making a political calculation? Do NRA officials think Colyer has the edge in the GOP primary?
Apparently, the NRA wasn’t persuaded by Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s use of a replica machine gun at area parades.
Kobach quickly pushed back, touting his own gun-rights bona fides, which were never in doubt. He labeled the NRA’s nod to his Republican rival “incumbent protection” and highlighted his endorsement from the Gun Owners of America. |
GA: Trump endorses Kemp in Georgia GOP runoff
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Mark A. Taff
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President Trump tweeted his support for Brian Kemp in the Georgia governor’s race Wednesday afternoon.
“Brian Kemp is running for governor of the great state of Georgia. The primary is on Tuesday. Brian is tough on crime, strong on the border and illegal immigration. He loves our military and our vets and protects our Second Amendment,” Trump tweeted at 3:25 p.m. “I give him my full and total endorsement.” |
Come and Take It!
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Mark A. Taff
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Neither Tapper nor Eisgruber seemed to have a sense of history. Heston did — and so, too, did our Founding Fathers. They were students of history, especially Classical Antiquity. They understood that a people once disarmed were slaughtered or enslaved or made serfs or vassals. An armed citizenry was essential to protect all other freedoms.
The Founders were also aware that the link between disarmament and subjugation was widely understood throughout recorded history, to the extent that cultures, including, especially, American culture, typically honored those who defied disarmament and tyranny — especially if they fought when the cause seemed lost. |
AZ: Arizona state Senate candidate stuns gun control advocates, says he fatally shot mother in self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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Wilson wrote about these events in his 2010 book "Bobby's Trials" and also mentions them on his website biography. But they caught public interest when he appeared at a Moms Demand Action forum in Tucson earlier this month. Wilson told the crowd he was "living proof" that the only one who can stop someone trying to harm somebody is a "good guy with a gun."
He didn't say at that event that the person he shot was his mother.
Rep. Daniel Hernandez, a Democrat who represents the same district Wilson is running in, was at the forum. He said Gabby Giffords, the former congresswoman who was shot in Tucson in 2011, and other gun violence survivors were in the audience. Many were shocked, he said. |
IA: 'You take the guy's word for it': Police say shooter's story was credible
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Mark A. Taff
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An auto body shop owner's account of what happened before he opened fire and fatally wounded a burglar at the shop last week was sufficiently credible for investigators to decide not to seek criminal charges, a police spokesman said.
Surveillance cameras at the business were not positioned to record the fatal confrontation outside, and there were no witnesses. Some physical evidence supported the owner's story, police said. |
Founders’ gun intent clear
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Mark A. Taff
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But let’s examine history: The Constitution’s Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, which is 15 years after Vermont’s Bill of Rights, which held that “the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the state.” And it was ratified 11 years after Massachusetts declared that “the people have a right to keep and bear arms for the common defense.” It was ratified one year after Pennsylvania’s Declaration of Rights which declared “the right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be questioned.” All are plain statements making no mention of militias, but certainly mentions “the people.” |
How entertainment shows have become vehicles for gun control propaganda
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Mark A. Taff
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This April, an episode of “Taken” (Season 2, Episode 11) tried to convey to viewers that gun-free zones work because the criminals obey the bans.
Santana (Jessica Camacho) asks agent Bryan Mills (Clive Standen), if he is “OK with this whole no-guns thing” as they enter a hospital. Mills replies that it is OK because the gun-free zone means that “bad guys won’t have them either.”
Do viewers really believe that a group of professional killers couldn’t find some way to get guns into a hospital? Mass public shootings actually almost always occur in gun-free zones. Since 1950, that’s been true of 98 percent of incidents. This happens precisely because criminals prefer unarmed victims. |
MA: Run, hide, fight
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Mark A. Taff
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While a spate of school shootings across the country have grabbed their share of media attention, almost half of all shootings take place at work.
And Beverly police Lt. Richard Russo said the same advice officers give students and school staff in an active shooter situation — how to run, hide, and fight — applies to employees at the workplace.
Russo and Beverly police Officer Brian Long spoke about ways people can keep safe in the workplace and in their day-to-day activities Wednesday morning in a free active shooter defense program at The Cabot. About 50 business people and residents attended the talk, which was sponsored by Connolly Brothers, Beverly construction firm, and The Cabot. |
Why the Kel-Tec PMR-30 Is One Deadly Firearm
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Mark A. Taff
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The Kel-Tec PMR-30 is a rarity among handguns on the market today: a pistol with a magazine holding more than seventeen rounds. The PMR-30 actually holds thirty rounds and does so with some clever engineering that reduces it to a lightweight package attractive to casual shooters, backcountry shooters, or people interested in a firearm for home defense. |
CO: Inside New NRA-Backed Attempt to Kill Boulder's Assault Weapons Ban
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Mark A. Taff
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Jon Caldara's federal lawsuit against Boulder's assault-weapons ban isn't the only attempt to shoot down the ordinance. A fresh complaint filed by the Colorado State Shooting Association, among others, and backed by the National Rifle Association takes aim at state court in an attempt to double the prospects of the ordinance being killed.
"We're trying on another front," notes Richard Westfall, the attorney behind the latest lawsuit, filed in Boulder County District Court, "and hopefully, one of us will be successful. We support their effort, but we focus on the state preemption issue." |
Nine Lives of the 10 mm Auto
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Mark A. Taff
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Anyone in search of a candidate for the title “Comeback Kid of the Cartridge World” should take a serious look at the 10 mm Auto. Though ballistically the 10 mm is known for its flat trajectory, its arc through history has seemed more like the peaks and troughs of a heart monitor readout. Touted as the “ultimate,” lampooned as a “dud,” ensnared in problems and mired in controversy not of its own making, no other cartridge in the modern era has teetered on the brink of obscurity and clawed its way back as many times as this proverbial cat. |