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TX: Would-be robber gets ambulance ride but no cash
Submitted by: jac

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A 20-year-old suspect who was shot Friday night while trying to hold up a Katy-area restaurant is expected to be charged with aggravated robbery, a spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said.

The suspect was taken to an area hospital in stable condition after being shot by the manager at Cici’s Pizza, 3154 N. Fry Road, Deputy Thomas Gilliland said.

The would-be robbers ran to the front of the store and confronted the manager as he was getting ready to gather the night’s receipts, Gilliland said. The manager reached down as though getting money but grabbed a weapon instead, firing twice at the 20-year-old.

The suspect threw down his gun and tried to flee but collapsed near the front door

NY: Passing Bill for Fifth Time Requiring Microstamping of Handguns
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Together with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Codes Committee Chair Joseph Lentol, we announced on June 20 passage of the Crime Gun Identification Act of 2012 that would require all new semiautomatic handguns sold in New York State, by 2014, to be microstamped with a unique code which is transferred to shell casings when the gun is fired.

NY: Black bear crashes the wrong barbecue in Stony Point
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A black bear that wandered into a family’s backyard barbecue wound up being the meal Saturday. Richard Wheeler and his family were inside their home prepping for a casual afternoon cookout when the bear showed up in the yard about 10 feet from where his two young sons were playing, a family member said. When Wheeler spotted the bear, he got his .22-caliber rifle and killed the animal with one shot, said his brother-in-law, Chris Dabreau.

TX: Texas man gets 40 years in stand-your-ground case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Retired Texas firefighter Raul Rodriguez, armed with a handgun and video camera, had claimed he was standing his ground and had no choice but to use deadly force when he fatally shot his unarmed neighbor after confronting him about a noisy party.

A jury decided otherwise Wednesday, sentencing Rodriguez to 40 years in prison for killing the neighbor, Kelly Danaher, a 36-year-old elementary school teacher.

FL: Trayvon Martin killed 'because of his own doing', George Zimmerman's attorney says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, introduced a 911 tape that includes a scream that Zimmerman’s father said was his son’s, medical records that show damage to Zimmerman’s face and head, and testimony from a paramedic who said blood covered nearly half of Zimmerman’s face on the night of the shooting. The evidence, Mr. O’Mara said, was intended to suggest that the state’s case for second-degree murder is so weak that it should play a role in whether the judge should further “punish” Zimmerman by letting him stay in jail until the trial.

TX: Killings deemed justified are on the rise in Texas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For $20.29 stolen from the tip jar of a Houston taco truck, 24-year-old Benito Pantoja was shot with a .357 Colt and killed.

The owner of Tacos Del Indio, parked near the Ship Channel, ran him down as he tried to escape with the cash, fired into the getaway car and hit Pantoja in the back.

The death was ruled a justifiable homicide, one of 48 involving citizens across Texas in 2010, with 27 in Houston, according to a Houston Chronicle analysis of FBI data.

PA: Erie Group Walks to Demonstrate Second Amendment Right
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group on Sunday afternoon walked through parts of downtown Erie, demonstrating their Second Amendment right of bearing arms. Around twenty individuals met for this Open Carry of Fire Arms walk, organized by Justin Dillon.

GA: Athens crimes stopped by armed residents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Athens-Clarke police said people should call 911 in times of danger. Capt. Clarence Holeman said police are always on patrol and can quickly respond to problems so residents are not in harm’s way.


On June 21, Dennis Terry said he was driving when he saw a man beating a woman who caught him breaking into her car.

Terry said he ran toward the man and threatened to shoot him.

“I got within about 15 feet of them and told him to ‘get down or I’ll shoot’ two or three times, and when he saw I meant business he turned her loose and ran,” Terry said.

Ed.: Don't save a woman from getting pummeled, just call 911 then watch her suffer for the several minutes or longer until the police show up.

NJ: NJ Slaps Gun Owners in Face in Right to Carry Case – Again
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Squandering an opportunity to redeem the Garden State for its long disparagement of the Second Amendment – and in particular, the right to carry – New Jersey’s newly appointed Attorney General has instead slapped gun owners in the face in the latest set of papers in a federal lawsuit brought by ANJRPC and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) to overturn New Jersey’s unconstitutional handgun carry laws.

FL: Issa’s pointless inquisition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rep. Darrell Issa’s joke of an investigation into Operation Fast and Furious needs a name.

Operation Plodding and Pointless might do.

The probe into the failed federal effort to track U.S.-purchased guns trafficked to Mexican drug cartels has reached a new height of dudgeon. Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives (along with a handful of Democrats) have found Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding documents subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee, chaired by Issa.

FL: Call it the Gunshine State: Florida ladies are packin' heat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Debbie Torrence is a grandma, seamstress, and a gun owner.

"Once I learned how to shoot my gun, I got over my fear of a gun," she told Fox 13 News.

She's part of a growing number of women who are fired up about owning a gun.

IL: Gun group takes 'junk' guns to Chicago for trade-in
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last weekend, members of a downstate Illinois pro-gun group drove to Chicago, handed in about 60 weapons to the city's trade-in program and walked out with more than $6,200 in gift cards.

While the city program is meant to reduce the number of deadly weapons in Chicago, the guns traded in were rusted, damaged and, according to the group, pretty much useless.

Gun-grabbing U.N. treaty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Regardless of how it’s couched, the United Nations’ Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) treats the constitutional guarantee of U.S. gun ownership, let alone self-defense, as a cultural failure.

FL: Unintended consequences wrought by the NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Greyston Garcia pretty much owed his freedom to the political might of the National Rifle Association. And maybe his death.

In March, in one of the more perverse applications of the infamous Stand Your Ground law that the NRA pushed through the Florida Legislature in 2005, a Miami-Dade circuit judge granted Garcia immunity from prosecution.

The ruling kept Garcia from going to jail on a second-degree murder charge. He might have been safer behind bars: The 26-year-old Miami man was gunned down Tuesday night, collateral damage in yet another Liberty City gang shoot out.

Justice Department will not prosecute Holder over gun scandal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Justice Department said on Friday it would not prosecute Attorney General Eric Holder for refusing to turn over to Congress documents about a gun-running scandal to Mexico.

Arms trade treaty negotiations begin, Syria casts shadow
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Delegates from around the world gather in New York on Monday for the start of month-long U.N.-hosted negotiations to hammer out the first-ever binding treaty to regulate the global weapons market, valued at more than $60 billion a year.

Arms control campaigners say one person every minute dies as a result of armed violence around the world and that a convention is needed to prevent illicitly traded guns from pouring into conflict zones and fueling wars and atrocities.

Most U.N. member states favor a strong treaty.

IL: Chicago gun buyback unknowingly raises money for NRA kids' gun camp
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Chicago’s firearm buyback program, titled “Don’t kill a dream, save a life,” aims to get dangerous weapons off the street. But a pro-gun rights group gleefully says it used the program to turn in “non-firing junk” to raise money for a National Rifle Association youth shooting camp.

Guns Save Life, based in Champaign, Ill., three hours south of Chicago, turned in dozens of guns and BB guns it had collected – “rusty scrap metal,” the group called the load – taking home $6,240.

Of the 5,500 guns turned in on June 23, 60 came from Guns Save Life.


Police spokeswoman Melissa Stratton was not amused, according to the Sun-Times.

Boehner says House will likely file suit within weeks to get Fast & Furious documents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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GOP House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday the chamber will likely file a lawsuit to compel the Justice Department to release more documents related to the investigation into the federal government’s Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation.

Boehner, R-Ohio, said the suit could be filed within the next several weeks, following the GOP-led House approving two resolutions Thursday that put Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to provide additional documents to congressional investigators.

VA: At age 19, monthly 1-gun purchase limit is gone
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After 19 years, the one-handgun-a-month law that ended Virginia's reputation as the East Coast arsenal for criminals has passed quietly into history.

The law, a legacy of former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, faded into oblivion at midnight Sunday, the moment the Republican-run General Assembly appointed for its permanent repeal.

Now, rather than being limited to just one of the latest models from Glock, Sig Sauer or Smith & Wesson per month, you can walk out of a licensed Virginia gun shop with an armload if you have the money and can pass an instant background check.

DC: D.C. arrests vet for unregistered ammunition (part 1)
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Washington, D.C.'s restrictive gun laws are being used to persecute soldiers. The pattern is disturbing, as what follows is the third case I’ve uncovered of a veteran being unfairly prosecuted under laws that should not be on the books.

Gun control behind Democrats' lies on U.S. guns in Mexico
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.

Democrats will never stop trying to take our guns away. They see something more lethal than a salad shooter and wet themselves.

The Two Faced NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is no doubt that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a terrible and damaging scheme, but who was really behind it, responsible for it and knew about it, still remains unknown. What is obvious is that the NRA saw it as a tremendous opportunity to convince Congress to find Attorney General Eric Holden in contempt, implying that the Obama Administration was lax in curbing gun flow to the Mexican drug cartels.

 QUOTES TO REMEMBER disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380.

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