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Newslinks for 7/20/2018

AK: Alaska trapshooter Cogdell-Unrein collects World Cup gold
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Alaska trapshooter Corey Cogdell-Unrein, a two-time Olympic medalist, found a new way to win a medal Wednesday.

The Eagle River woman teamed up with Jake Wallace of Castaic, California, to win the mixed team event at a World Cup competition in Tucson, Arizona.

The triumph marked the eighth time Codgell-Unrein has claimed a World Cup medal, and the first time she's earned one in the mixed team event.

Cogdell-Unrein is a three-time Olympian who won bronze medals in women's trapshoot at the 2008 and 2016 Summer Olympics. In May she teamed up with Wallace for the team event, which became a World Cup event last year and will make its Olympic debut at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

TX: If Texans can carry guns for protection, they should be able to carry this key chain
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There’s a not-so-new self-defense weapon that needs its own defenders in Texas. And you can count us in.

That’s because it’s pretty clear that Texas law discriminates against the pink kitty key chain, especially popular among women who carry it for protection when they’re walking to their cars at night, or into a dark parking garage.

In Texas you can be thrown in the county jail for a year or be fined up to $4,000 if you’re caught with this 3-by-2 inch plastic item dangling from your steering column.

That’s ridiculous when it’s legal to openly carry a loaded handgun or long-bladed Bowie knife capable of fatally slicing and dicing an adversary.

CO: Pit Bull Shot Dead After Attacking Man
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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College Park, Ohio, police report a man shot a dog that bit him while he was walking through College Hill, police said.

Authorities said a man with his wife were walking their two dogs just before 9 p.m. Tuesday on Bobolink Drive.

While on the walk, the pair was confronted by a pit bull, not on a leash. The dog bit the man twice on his lower leg.

The owner of the pit bull came out and tried to calm the dog down, but when the owner was unable to calm the dog, the man who was bitten shot it dead.

CA: The Ninth Circuit Protects Gun Rights and Stops Confiscation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every now and then the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals — arguably the nation’s most progressive federal circuit — can offer up a legal surprise. Yesterday, it gave us a legal shock, when a divided panel of its judges affirmed last year’s federal district-court injunction temporarily blocking enforcement of California’s confiscatory ban on so-called large-capacity magazines.

Under California law, any person who possesses a legally purchased magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition must either remove the magazine from the state, sell it to a licensed firearm dealer, or hand it over to law enforcement.

USVI: GOP Reps Send Letter Demanding Answers From Virgin Islands Governor on Gun Confiscation Order
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Utah Rep. Rob Bishop announced on Wednesday the issuance of a letter from himself and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte demanding answers from Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp for last year’s executive order authorizing the seizure of guns and ammunition before the arrival of Hurricane Irma.

The order, issued in September 2017 and renewed several times since, allows the National Guard to seize firearms and ammunition from ordinary citizens, and uses a “state of emergency” as its premise.

KS: Self defense: Prosecutors decline charges in McLoud teen’s death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pottawatomie County prosecutors announced today they have declined to file any charges against a McLoud man who fatally shot his younger brother, citing this was a case of self defense.

Pottawatomie County prosecutors announced today they have declined to file any charges against a McLoud man who fatally shot his younger brother earlier this month, citing this was a case of self defense.

NV: Armed and Ready: Shooting instructor focuses on self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assaults happen daily, but — according to firearms instructor Jairus Duncan — defending oneself is only a class away.

“Most people are looking into this for some form of self-protection,” he said.

“I started shooting when I was about 11,” said Duncan, owner of Briarpatch Defense Systems, a business recently licensed in Elko. “I still have my first rifle. A neighbor owned it and was out shooting and jammed it up and brought it over for my dad to work on it. He said, ‘I don’t know what to do. Give it to the kid and let him fix it.’”

Kavanaugh, Trump's Supreme Court Pick, Could Trigger Shift on Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the addition of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court could have a conservative majority to strike down bans on semiautomatic weapons in liberal states and to decree that law-abiding Americans have a right to carry a gun in public.

Although the fight over Kavanaugh's nomination has mostly focused on abortion and health care, President Donald Trump's second nominee to the court could have a rapid impact on the national debate over gun control _ a topic the high court repeatedly has avoided wading into in recent years.

The ACLU Has Basically Quit Defending The Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, for example, one of its senior policy analysts came up with an imaginative rationalization for limiting gun rights. “The wide availability of guns and their misuse is leading to restrictions on Americans’ freedom,” the organization tweeted this week, “and that needs to be part of the firearms debate.” The piece the tweet links to makes a, “A Pro-Liberty Case for Gun Restrictions,” which, though it’s become a tediously misused cliché over the years, can only be described as Orwellian.

MD: Hogan should break with the NRA at Saturday's gun violence rally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This newspaper has long been a moderate voice on gun control. We recognize the validity of the Second Amendment, while simultaneously acknowledging that reasonable measures are a good way to keep guns out of the hands of those who would do evil.

We do not believe that gun control measures alone will prevent the next mass murder. As almost every police official will tell you, anyone can find a gun in this country without searching very far and without having to observe the niceties of permit requirements or waiting periods.

Yet we are convinced more can be done.

Shooting Competition Draws Record Number of Youth
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the not-so-distant past, there was a time when the only fake news were the tabloids at the supermarket checkout aisle. Today however, we are sifting through our so-called mainstream media trying to decipher truth from deception. Corruption drives the spin on stories and liberal propaganda is being forced upon us from every direction. The Second Amendment is under fire like never before. Distortion of gun facts is so blatantly obvious, it leaves us shaking our heads. One of those so-called facts would be that the number of youth who support the Second Amendment is on the decline.

IL: President of NRA visits Effingham
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Illinois Republicans aim to shake things up in Springfield, starting with a coalition of reform conservatives called the "Reform Illinois Pact". Recently, the governor, Bruce Rauner, signed the "red flag" bill into law. Basically, police cam take away a gun from someone who'd judged in court to pose as a threat. A law many Illinois conservatives didn't agree with.

"At the minimum, one of the bills just violates a person's civil rights and duties," Dale Halbrook said, who's a state representative who's district is part of Central Illinois.

FL: With an eye toward Parkland massacre, NRA grades 2018 candidates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another Central Florida Republican shrugged off his poor grade.

Incumbent Orlando Republican Rep. Rene Plasencia voted for the gun control bill and received a C. He’s facing a primary challenge from George Collins, who received an AQ, which the NRA says indicates “a pro-gun candidate” based solely on their answers to its questionnaire, and who doesn’t have a voting record on gun issues.

“I didn’t know about the grade. Some people have told me but I haven’t seen it,” Plasencia said. “It’s not something I look at or look for.”

NRA Tallahassee lobbyist Marion Hammer said Plasencia was “lucky to get a C. He made commitments to support Second Amendment rights, then broke his word.”

What An Originalist On The Supreme Court Means For Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We in the firearms industry are right to be concerned about who sits on the bench of the highest court in the nation. We should also be concerned about the heated rhetoric that drowns out reasonable conversations. Much like Justice Neil Gorsuch, we look to Judge Kavanaugh’s public comments, writings and judicial record to understand the sort of jurist he is and what his addition to the bench would mean for Second Amendment rights.

VT: Running scared? School shooting drills in VT spark debate on safety approaches
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Principal Kate Torrey pitches her voice to sound high and encouraging, but the request of her Morristown Elementary students belies its serious value.

At this K-4 grade school in quiet Morrisville, the playground has turned into a training ground for active shooter drills.

“Imagine we’re in a classroom, and we’re with kids, and you hear a gun going off in the hallway,” Torrey says. Rimless glasses sit on the bridge of her nose, short hair brushed softly across her forehead to frame her face.

ID: Locals are learning how to use knives for self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A local man is teaching people how to use a knife to protect themselves from being attacked.

Adam Boyce is an instructor for Martial Blade Concepts. On his trip around the state, he stopped in Idaho Falls Saturday, July 14, to teach a class of 30 men and women at the Martial Arts Academy in Idaho Falls the basics of stopping an attacker.

“We focus more on the logical aspects of using a knife,” Boyce told “Instead of waiting for someone to bleed out, we focus on targets. So, I’m going to focus on the quickest methods to stop the attacker.”

Trump SCOTUS Appointment & Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yet, past Supreme Courts have cowardly looked the other way as our Second Amendment rights as Americans have been the contemptuously infringed, essentially abolished in some states and cities.

To be fair, SCOTUS has at times audaciously stood-up for our rights, but not very often.

Who naively expect the government to provide them with everything they need, should not be astonished when the government first “defines,” then dictates, “needs.”

Gun Store Owner Who Kicked Cohen Out: He's 'Mocking The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“When he walked in, that disguise — he looked stupid. Tight pants, big boots, that beard, a dumb-looking hat. And then, you know, he didn’t say much. He wouldn’t make eye contact with me,” Norris Sweidan, the shop owner, said.

Back in 2017, Sweidan was contacted about a documentary being filmed in his shop centering around an immigrant purchasing a firearm. He realized something was off when the comedian in disguise wouldn’t look him in the eye. After a while, Sweidan realized it was a ruse and called them out.

IL: Rauner touts gun legislation during area stop
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Bruce Rauner made a sudden stop in Effingham County on Tuesday to speak about political change as he runs for reelection.

On Monday Rauner had signed a law extending the waiting period in Illinois for all firearms to 72 hours. Previously, the limit was 72 hours for handguns and 24 hours for other firearms. Rauner called it a common-sense reform that respects the Second Amendment and improves public safety.

FL: School custodians doubling as soldiers? Our Founding Fathers are reeling.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hammer is distressed over what she says is harassment, threats and cyber-stalking by people who apparently believe her "we get everything, you get nothing" Second Amendment argument is a big reason why it is ridiculously easy for deranged people to shoot up schools.

No one should be stalked or harassed. But Hammer is the face of guns in this state, and when she speaks, Republican lawmakers lock n’ load.

Hence, the need for drills like the one at Strawberry Crest.

FL: State Rep. Jared Moskowitz Receives an F- Grade from the NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The grades are in and State Rep. Jared Moskowitz has earned an F-.

However, he doesn’t mind. After all, it’s a grade that he’s proud to have achieved through a grading system with the National Rifle Association.

As the only politician in the state of Florida to receive an F- grade from the NRA, Moskowitz, who represents Coral Springs, Tamarac, Sunrise and parts of Plantation said he’s wearing it as a badge of honor.

He believes he received it because NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer holds him personally responsible for the passage of the Marjory Stoneman Public Safety Act signed by Governor Scott in March.

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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