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Newslinks for 7/20/2024

President Trump’s Pick Of U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance a Solid 2nd Amendment Choice
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former President and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump announced U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as his vice presidential nominee on the first day of the official Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Sen. Vance has been in the U.S. Senate since 2023 and was well-known prior to running for office for his 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy.

In naming Sen. Vance his running mate for the 2024 election, former President Trump has tapped a strong Second Amendment stalwart and someone who proudly stands with the firearm industry and law-abiding Americans from coast-to-coast who believe in exercising their Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.

Joe Biden: “Time To Outlaw” Semiautomatic Rifles. Response: ‘It’s Not The Tool, It’s The Evil Fool’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms would like to remind President Joe Biden, who has exploited the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life in a renewed push to ban so-called “assault rifles,” that “It’s not the tool, it’s the evil fool.”

Biden was in Las Vegas, addressing the NAACP National Convention, when he declared it is “time to outlaw” semiautomatic rifles like the one reportedly used by the 20-year-old gunman in his deadly attack.

“Is he personally going to go door-to-door and confiscate peoples’ firearms,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, asked.

Fact Check: The Founding Fathers *DID* Know About Repeating Rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many people try to claim that the Founding Fathers couldn’t have conceived of repeating rifles when they drafted the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. However, the story of Joseph Belton and his correspondence with the Continental Congress proves otherwise.

Belton, an inventor and gunsmith from Philadelphia, claimed to have devised a new flintlock musket capable of firing as many as sixteen consecutive shots in as little as twenty seconds. After the gun had fired its consecutive loads, it could then be reloaded individually like all other traditional firearms of that era. He first wrote to Congress about his new invention on April 11, 1777, letting them know he could demonstrate it to them at any time.

DE: Biden’s hometown AG cares less about the Constitution than he does
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To understand what would happen to our Second Amendment rights if the Constitution unburdened Joe Biden, the Supreme Court, or any political opposition, look no further than his deep-blue state of Delaware.

Democrats control Delaware’s entire General Assembly, the governor’s office and most boards, commissions, judgeships and appointments. It shows.

ARs and scores of other popular semi-autos are banned, as are standard-capacity magazines. Delawareans must obtain a state permit to simply purchase a handgun. There are red flags, universal background checks, homemade firearm prohibitions and don’t even think of standing your ground. Everytown ranks The First State 12th nationally in terms of its anti-gun laws.

ME: FPC Sets Maine Governor Straight On Freedom Of Speech
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Apparently, someone within the Mills administration didn’t appreciate FPC’s sentiment on the topic and decided to make waves. Mills’ press secretary forwarded a link to the offending X post, noting that the post was “making the rounds.” Another staffer immediately forwarded the post to the Maine State Police employee responsible for protecting the governor, as if it were somehow threatening Mills.

If Mills and her henchmen thought such an intimidation tactic would be enough to shut FPC up, they don’t know the organization well, or its dedication to all freedoms—not just the Second Amendment. On Thursday, FPC President Brandon Combs sent a letter to Gov. Mills and Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows clarifying the situation.

House Republicans, Veterans Affairs Department at odds over gun bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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House lawmakers and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are at odds over the "Veterans 2nd Amendment Restoration Act."

The dispute was on full display on Capitol Hill last week.

"Is it your position that you will not comply with an act of law passed by Congress?" asked Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Montana)

Kevin Friel, VA Deputy Director of the Pension and Fiduciary Service replied: "Yes, I guess, based on what you have before you in testimony, yes sir."

Rosendale fired back: "That you would not comply?"

Friel responded: "Yes sir."

WA: Seattle clerk shoots knife-wielding burglar in self-defense, police say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who broke into a Seattle business overnight was shot by a clerk who was asleep when the burglary occurred, according to Seattle Police.

The armed clerk fired in self-defense, as the suspect was believed to be armed with a knife.

The suspect suffered significant injuries to his hand. Police say he left a long blood trail as he fled the scene.

MT: Man shoots and kills grizzly bear in Montana in self defense after it attacks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 72-year-old man shot and killed a grizzly bear in Montana after it charged and attacked him on Friday. He has since been hospitalized.

The man was reportedly out picking huckleberries when the confrontation occurred, according to a release from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

He used a handgun to kill the bear in what officials say was a "surprise defensive encounter." The incident occurred approximately 2 miles north of Columbia Falls in Flathead County.

Guns Aren’t as Good for Self-Defense as America Thinks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A couple of hours before a young man shot an AR-15 rifle at former President Donald Trump, killing one bystander and wounding others, I had been finishing a column about gun violence as a public health threat. It was an eerie coincidence but not an unlikely one: More than 100 people die from gunshots on an average day in the United States.

In June, the surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis. Data show it’s now the leading cause of death for American kids 17 and under. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2022, there were 48,000 deaths from firearms, about 40% of which are homicides. Many more people were disabled or maimed. And yet many Americans believe owning a gun makes them safer.

NE: Omaha Homeowner Shoots Former Roommate Acting Erratically in Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Omaha police have identified Nicholas Gomez, 40, as the man killed in a shooting early Tuesday at a residence near 51st and Q Streets. Officers responded to the scene at approximately 2:20 a.m. after reports of gunfire.

Inside the home, police discovered Gomez with a fatal gunshot wound. The homeowner, present during the incident, was questioned and subsequently released from custody. According to his statements to KETV NewsWatch 7, the homeowner acted in self-defense, claiming Gomez was behaving erratically and he feared for his safety.


MI: Justified Self-Defense DRT Shooting in Orion Township: Stepson’s Quick Action Saves Lives
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a dramatic incident Wednesday morning, a 67-year-old man was fatally shot after breaking into a home with the intent to attack his ex-girlfriend. The shooting, carried out by the woman’s stepson, has been deemed a justified act of self-defense by local authorities.

The suspect, identified as Galen Gavitt of Unionville, had a history of violent threats against his ex-girlfriend, a 62-year-old woman he lived with for 17 years in Tuscola County. She had recently sought refuge at her stepdaughter’s house in Orion Township after obtaining a personal protection order and an extreme risk protection order against him due to his threatening behavior.

How marketing made AR-15 rifles iconic in America
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Conservative politicians pose with AR-style rifles for Christmas card portraits. Churches in deep-red states give them away at raffles. Demonstrators on both sides of the political divide tote them at protests.

A bill in Congress supported by conservative representatives even wants to designate the AR-15-style rifle as “the National Gun of the United States.”

The AR platform of rifle—used in several of the most notorious and deadly mass shootings in American history in the past two decades—is in the spotlight again because a would-be assassin used one last Saturday to shoot former President Donald Trump, grazing him on the ear.

UT: Federalism versus gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many Utah Republican politicians promote federalism and gun rights, apparently unaware that the two are completely antithetical. Federalism prioritizes state power over individual rights and liberties. It bestows upon state governments the power to intimately control the lives of those entering the state: It is premised on the idea that individuals enjoy their rights at the pleasure of their state.


ME: Firearms Policy Coalition Responds to Janet Mills with Elegant, Classy Acrostic Poem
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The FPC is also notable for their pugnacious — and hilarious — presence on social media, where “F*ck you. No.” has become something of a pro-Second Amendment motto for the group and its supporters.

After the Maine Wire exposed the Mills Administration for wetting their pants over the FPC’s X post, FPC President Brandon Combs responded with moving, impassioned letter reiterating the groups view that would-be authoritarians should keep their hands off American civil rights. Keen readers will observe a touching acrostic poem** embedded within this work of art.

Ed.: **Read the first character of each line in the body of the letter.

Report Demonstrates Critical Importance of #GUNVOTE® to Safeguard Hunting, Recreational Shooting Traditions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new report from a grassroots voter registration group demonstrates the tremendous importance of registering to vote and the heightened impact hunters, recreational shooting sports enthusiasts and other law-abiding American gun owners could have on federal, state and local elections if they were only to register to vote and do so on Nov. 5, 2024.

That includes making sure the more than 22.3 million new first-time gun owners since 2020 are registered and make the effort to get to the ballot box on election day.

J.D. Vance Eases Gun Owners’ Concerns About Trump
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-rights advocates expressed nervousness and concerns when the Trump/GOP platform relegated mention of support for the Second Amendment to seventh place on its list of 20 promises. That nervousness increased when there was not a single 2A speaker among the many who addressed the RNC’s convention in Milwaukee over the last four nights.

And that nervousness was reinforced when they remembered Trump’s bump stock ban, along with his support of “red flag” laws despite their infringement of the Fourth Amendment.

They began to suspect that, like Jacob Sullum noted in Reason, “Trump has never been a true believer” in the Second Amendment.


IA: Mason City reviews potential guns in schools policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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School districts across Iowa now have to consider whether they want to allow staff members to carry firearms.

It comes after a new law went into effect July 1, permitting school employees to carry guns on school grounds, in the wake of the Perry school shooting.

At the Mason City school board meeting on Monday, this was one of a record number of policies board members discussed ahead of the new school year.

Board members are all in agreement; they don’t think arming school staff is the right way to keep students safe.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Gun Stocks Before November
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the aftermath of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, investors have renewed their interest in gun stocks. And if you’re one of them, I’m here to share some historical evidence that says you shouldn’t buy gun stocks now if you think Trump is going to win.

Because the prices for gun stocks have surged since that fateful day. But historical evidence suggests that if Trump takes the White House, gun stocks will suffer a massive sell-off. And that’s when you should pick them up, when those gun stocks all go on sale…

WI: Wisconsin DNR’s ‘no guns for fishing’ rule challenged in court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) has challenged a DNR administrative rule that states no person may, “Possess or control any firearm, gun or similar device at any time while on the waters, banks or shores that might be used for the purpose of fishing.”

Skylar Croy, a WILL lawyer, says that rule – Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 20.05(2) – violates the Second Amendment. The rule goes back to 1966, according to Croy, when a regulation went into effect that banned the shooting of muskies. That regulation, however, did not address something such as carrying a pistol for self defense.

Harvesting fish with a firearm is still illegal in Wisconsin, which is not the crux of the issue, according to Croy.

VA: 4 men acquitted on charges of bringing guns onto school property in Gloucester County
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The law says guns are barred from any preschool, or elementary, middle or high school in the state, including the building and grounds. Guns are also banned from “the property of any child day center,” the statute says.

But the law also says that the provisions on “child day centers” — as well as private or religious preschools — “shall apply only during the operating hours” of that facility.


The defense lawyers repeatedly flashed a copy of the Gloucester Head Start’s “child day center” license from the Virginia Department of Education.

“This isn’t from Jeff’s rent-a-license,” said Jeffrey Everhart, an attorney for Cordasco, as he held the Education Department license up for jurors to see.

OH: Blessed are the peacemakers: Festival melts down guns, turns them into gardening tools
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There are an estimated 393 million guns in the United States.

On Sunday, 60 of them will be melted down and turned into gardening tools.

The initiative is a part of the Festival of Nonviolence and Peacemaking, put on by peacemaking initiative group Together NEO. The festival is taking place throughout Northeast Ohio and ends Sunday in Canton.

Author and activist Shane Claiborne will conduct a RAWtools ceremony, melting disassembled guns and turn them into gardening tools.

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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