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Newslinks for 7/21/2015

Obama Gun Grab on Social Security Recipients Part of Long-Term Citizen Disarmament End Game
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others,' The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday. 'There is no simple way to identify that group, but a strategy used by the Department of Veterans Affairs since the creation of the background check system is reporting anyone who has been declared incompetent to manage pension or disability payments and assigned a fiduciary.'" ...

Sporting Purpose – Just One of Many Problems with the 1968 Gun Control Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The term 'sporting purpose' is imbedded throughout U.S. gun control laws, and its use is a violation of the Second Amendment."

"That has been my position for decades. My brother Chris raised the issue in a speech before the Gun Rights Policy Conference some three years ago, and our dad Neal Knox was making an issue of the language in the 1980s."

"The 'sporting purpose' language has been a plank in federal gun laws dating back at least to the National Firearms Act of 1934. The 1968 Gun Control Act, down to its current incarnation, institutes broad restrictions and prohibitions on a variety of firearms and ammunition, then exempt items that are deemed to be 'particularly suitable for sporting purposes,' ..." ...

Where Guns Are The Issue, Data Is As Data Does
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Science is supposed to be objective and data-based. Unfortunately, findings aren’t always fact-based and can be skewed, intentionally or not. Premises, like their conclusions, may be questionable. What is the risk that reports that dazzle with brilliance disguise attempts to baffle with bull—-? Pretty high, when they come from gun control advocates . . ." ...

OMG! A Christian! With An Assault Rifle! Talking About Gays! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'An evangelical Christian suggested in a video posted to Facebook that Christians should fight against gay rights with firearms.' That’s how‘s Gay Voices editor Hilary Hanson sums up Joshua Feuerstein’s message, which has gone viral in the gay community – and beyond! We’re talking more than 244k shares and counting. [Click here to view.] After highlighting a couple of inaccuracies in Feuerstein’s evidence of the left’s war on Christianity – ignoring his factual examples – Hanson reveals her alleged anti-gay money shot . . ." ...

Open-carry is legal, but won't always make sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bryan Scott Wolfinger had a completely reasonable plan. But he forgot to consider the unintended consequences - which turned out to be pretty dramatic."

"The 25-year-old 82nd Airborne infantryman wanted some professional photos of himself in combat gear. That included an assault-type rifle and a ballistic panel. A good plan for a soldier who sees his next career as a model and film actor."

"But wearing that gear and carrying that rifle into Cross Creek Mall - the location of the photo studio - created an uproar among shoppers and shopkeepers. No surprise, given our steady diet of reports on mass shootings in public venues."

"It didn't matter that the firing pin of Wolfinger's rifle was removed and it was unloaded. ..." ...

In Nevada, bogus background check argument surfaces
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At issue is the claim, as published in today’s on-line editorial, that, 'With some exceptions, the proposed law would require every person who buys a gun from an unlicensed, private seller — they account for about 40 percent of all gun sales and typically are found at gun shows and online — to undergo a computerized FBI criminal background check. In many cases, it can be done very quickly.' Nice try, but no cigar, because this estimate was discredited more than two years ago by the Washington Post fact checker, and that newspaper has never been friendly toward the Second Amendment." ...

History In My Hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The atmosphere is hectic. People, hundreds if not thousands of them, are milling around the giant expo center, a place that could more accurately be described as a humongous warehouse differently preoccupied. They are of every stripe and origin, pale and swarthy, male and female, old and young, local and foreign. They navigate around the tables like river trout navigating rocks. I am just one of them on this lazy, wintry Sunday afternoon . . ."

"But why are we all here? If we are so different, what single thing could possibly join us all in one mass of humanity?"

"The right to defend life and home in the gravest extreme, the right to keep and bear arms. ..." ...

What I think about when I carry my gun around town
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "My words are for the folks who think they will feel empowered by walking around town with a semi-automatic pistol that can accommodate 20 rounds ... They are designed to do one thing — remove a threat quickly and efficiently. In other words, to kill."

"I do not feel empowered, to be honest. I feel sick in the pit of my stomach as I walk out the door with my weapon ... I know that people of all ages will see I’m carrying, and some people will be wondering if I’m nuts or not. If I have to use my weapon, I may be arrested. I may shoot an innocent person by mistake. If I have to use it, I could be sued ... My life as it has been will never be the same, but it also would not be the same if the actor seriously harms me." ...

Sara Tipton: Wounded Vets – Do NOT Look Away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m still nervous about going out in public. Since my infection, the left side of my face is noticeably different from my right. My left eye is slightly smaller than my right eye, now. I have quite the gnarly scar on the left side of my nose. But what I have gone through is nothing compared to what some of our vets have experienced, as illustrated by photographer Michael Stokes . . ." ...

Sometimes You Just Have to Take the Beating
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I used to work for a major gun company back at the turn of the century. My job as a regional sales manager consisted of driving around a three-state area, going to gun shops. (It sucked, but someone had to do it.) I had taken over the North Carolina,Virginia and Tennessee territory and moved to central North Carolina from Florida. I was in western North Carolina and had a meeting scheduled at a shop first thing in the morning. Best thing to do when you have a early meeting is to bring doughnuts . . ." ...

A Time For Mourning – And Then Time To End The Military Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again, a tragic shooting — this time at the two military locations in Chattanooga, Tennessee — has gripped the nation."

"And here at Gun Owners of America, our thoughts and prayers are for the families of the victims."

"Sadly, the Brady Campaign announced — just hours after the shooting — that this massacre requires additional gun control. They went so far as to say that, 'We owe it ['it' being more gun control] to the men and women at our military installations.'”

"Really? Is that what our servicemen are clamoring for? Hardly. What a disgrace to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our country." ...

After Chatanooga shooting, Congress weighs arming troops on bases (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Armed Services chairmen are working together to 'do more to protect our troops' following a deadly shooting on July 16 in Tennessee, according to a statement released Friday."

"A recent shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn. which claimed the lives of four Marines at military recruiting stations, has rekindled debate over rules prohibiting members of the military from carrying concealed weapons on military bases." ...

MS: The NRA endorses Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves (R) for re-election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association today gave Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves an A-plus rating for his work to strengthen Second Amendment Rights and endorsed his re-election."

"NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox stated, 'Under Tate Reeves’ leadership, the State Senate has taken critically important steps over the last four years to protect our Second Amendment rights and to recognize the key role that Mississippi sportsmen play in wildlife conservation. Thanks to his work, self-defense options have been expanded for law-abiding Mississippians and hunters will enjoy savings when purchasing equipment before heading into the field this fall.'" ...

IA: Santorum Visits Brownells to Discuss 2nd Amendment Issues with Employees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former Pennsylvania senator and winner of the 2012 Iowa GOP caucus touted his support for the 2nd Amendment and the revitalization of American manufacturing as he toured the facility with company CEO Pete Brownell. Brownells is the world’s largest supplier of gun parts, gun smithing tools and ammunition."

"Brownell, who had previously met Santorum backstage before a speech at a NRA conference, introduced Santorum to his employees as 'one of the presidential candidates who has it right on the second amendment issues.'" ...

SAF Rips Obama Plan To Strip Millions Of Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation today responded to published reports that the Obama administration is pushing to prevent citizens collecting Social Security benefits from owning guns if they have problems managing their own affairs as proof the president wants to strip as many people as possible of their Second Amendment rights while he remains in office."

"'This could possibly disqualify millions of people from owning firearms and might prevent many others from seeking help,' said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, himself a U.S. Army veteran. 'It’s unconscionable that someone who might have problems balancing a checkbook ... would suddenly find himself or herself stripped of their right to keep and bear arms.'" ...

SC: SC AG Wilson slams Columbia’s emergency gun ban in opinion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A court would find unconstitutional an emergency ordinance Columbia City Council passed earlier this month banning weapons around the S.C. State House, the S.C. Attorney General said in an opinion issued Monday."

"Attorney General Alan Wilson’s opinion came in response to the temporary measure, passed July 9 by council, banning weapons in a 250-foot exclusion zone around the capitol. Members said they were heeding the advice of law enforcement officials, who warned that armed and possibly dangerous people were headed to Columbia July 10 for the removal of the Confederate flag from the State House." ...

VT: How the National Rifle Association helped get Bernie Sanders elected
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A few days before Election Day in 1990, the National Rifle Association sent a letter to its 12,000 members in Vermont, with an urgent message about the race for the state’s single House seat."

"Vote for the socialist, the gun rights group said. It’s important."

"'Bernie Sanders is a more honorable choice for Vermont sportsmen than ­Peter Smith,' wrote Wayne LaPierre, who was — and still is — a top official at the national NRA, backing Sanders over the Republican incumbent."

"That was odd. Sanders was the ex-hippie ex-mayor of Burlington, running as an independent because the Democrats weren’t far enough left. He had never even owned a gun."

"But that year, he was the enemy of the NRA’s enemy."

"Smith had changed his mind about a ban on ­assault weapons. ..." ...

TX: Cop Fired For Maliciously Modifying Another Cop’s Weapon To “Teach Him A Lesson”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officer George Bermudez was fired from the Georgetown police department after it was discovered that he intentionally and maliciously tampered with a fellow officer’s weapon. The situation began on February 2nd when Bermudez was asked to pick up another officer’s weapon from the Williamson County Firearms Range where they were practicing."

"The rifle was left behind by Officer David Lanier, but instead of picking the weapon up and doing him a favor, Bermudez took the rifle to the Guns Plus gun shop in Georgetown and requested that the clerk make very specific and dangerous modifications to the gun. Bermudez had asked the clerk to adjust the sights and the firing pin so they would not work properly." ...

AZ: Arizona officer 'illegally' enters woman's home, arrests her while she is naked (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman handcuffed naked by a Chandler, Arizona police officer who entered her home illegally is planning to file a lawsuit against the city."

"'I felt helpless. I felt violated. And honestly, I felt molested,' said Esmeralda Rossi."

"Chandler Police launched an internal investigation after the incident. One of the officers involved retired in the middle of that investigation." ...

CA: Retired King City police chief goes to trial on charges of perjury and embezzlement of a police car.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since six King City police officers were arrested in early 2014, three have entered into plea bargains. Retired Chief Nick Baldiviez is the first to go to trial, with arguments scheduled to begin July 16."

"He is accused of illegally signing DMV paperwork and transferring a souped-up police car to Officer Mario Mottu, Sr., then lying to investigators about it. Baldiviez maintains the signature is a forgery." ...

NJ: No parole for former Middlesex County sheriff in prison for corruption
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Former Middlesex County Sheriff Joseph Spicuzzo will remain in state prison at least another 14 months after the New Jersey State Parole Board turned down his request for parole."

"Spicuzzo's attorney, Steven Altman, confirmed a report on that the parole board turned down Spicuzzo's parole request two weeks ago."

"He was sentenced two years ago to nine years in prison for corruption charges and forfeited his right to public office and pension." ...

TX: Texas authorities release jailhouse video amid controversy over woman's death
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Texas authorities on Monday released a three-hour video taken from outside a jail cell where an Illinois woman arrested during a traffic stop was found dead."

"The video from a motion-operated camera shows there was no activity for 90 minutes in the hallway leading to the cell where authorities say 28-year-old Sandra Bland was found hanged on July 13, three days after her arrest."

"Authorities also said dashcam video of Bland's arrest is expected to be released Tuesday. Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis said Monday the video is consistent with information the officer has provided about the traffic stop. The Texas Department of Public Safety has said Bland was arrested after she allegedly kicked an officer." ...

NJ: West Deptford teen says he was punched by cops for not giving his name
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 18-year-old township man claims that police used excessive force against him while breaking up a party last weekend."

"West Deptford police arrived at an apartment on Apple Lane at about 2 a.m. on Saturday after receiving complaints of a loud party and possible underaged drinking. Video of the incident posted to YouTube shows two officers, James Creedon and Charles Svenson, asking Chris Cuneo, 18, of West Deptford, to identify himself as partygoers leave the residence." ...

SC: 3 things to know as you head out the door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "3.) Is Gun Ban Illegal? Tonight, Columbia City Council is expected to reconsider a temporary ban on carrying weapons on or near State House grounds. The council passed the ordinance on July 9th ahead of this past weekend's rallies. The ordinance bans weapons within a 250-foot zone around the State House for 30 days. ..." ...

TN: Local gun sales spike after attacks on military sites in Chattanooga
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The messages started rolling in around 11 p.m."

"How can I protect my family? Where do I sign up for classes? What should I do? They came through emails, over Facebook, the phone."

"More than 25 questions later, Kristi Manning started to feel guilty. After Thursday's violence, the gun-shop owner didn't want to pull attention from the shooting, didn't want to dishonor the fallen."

"But the community needed protection."

"'I am including the link to anyone who wants to sign up for classes,' she wrote early Friday morning on Carter Shooting Supply's Facebook page."

"Since then, the phones haven't stopped." ...

NJ: Ringwood police still taking inventory of gun stash
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A few days after police allegedly seized a large assortment of guns and 40,000 rounds of ammo from a "bunker-type" room under the basement floor of a Skyline Drive house, authorities continue to inventory a "whole trailer load" of items that were confiscated from a 35-year-old local gun collector, Police Chief Joseph Walker reported."

"'We have not yet inventoried everything. We have literally thousands of items,' Walker told Suburban Trends on Monday."

"He explained that while serving a Domestic Violence Restraining Order to Mariusz Cebula at his home, police discovered numerous high capacity magazines in violation of New Jersey law, along with an Uzi machine gun, and a firearm silencer, both also prohibited. ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S NOTE: Mariusz Cebula's big mistake (in addition to marrying his current wife) is keeping his "stash" in the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey instead of moving it to America.

NV: Mystery deepens: Who left 130-year-old rifle in NV desert?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 130-year-old rifle found in the Nevada desert last year is fully loaded with mystery—and some of the questions surrounding it might never be answered."

"The Winchester 1873 rifle was discovered in the Great Basin National Park leaning against a juniper tree in November. But the strange discovery has triggered more questions than answers." ...

"... There was never a recorded fire in the region, which would help them date the gun's presence at the tree ... Archaeologists scoured the nearby soil for related clues but found nothing—especially not a body."

"The Winchester rifle is currently being preserved and is on display at the Cody Firearms Museum, where it sits among 7,000 other guns. Hlebinsky said the Winchester is the star of the show." ...

For those that will fight for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected shall never know. --L/Cpl Edwin L."Tim" Craft, February 1968, Khe Sahn Combat Base

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