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Newslinks for 7/21/2018

How to Create Second Amendment Allies
Submitted by: GunLove Blog

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Our Second Amendment allies aren’t given a voice because it doesn’t fit the control-new narrative. What will help our fight? Widening the tent and showing the country how diverse gun ownership is. It isn’t a partisan issue. It’s a rights issue. Here’s how we do that…

Philippines: Davao councilors ask for gun ban exemption
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Members of the Philippine Councilors’ League (PCL) are seeking exemption from the firearms ban implemented here because of martial law in Mindanao.

Davao City Councilor Danilo Dayanghirang, PCL national chairperson, has asked Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana to exempt PCL members from the gun ban in Mindanao in the light of the recent killings of politicians in differrent parts of the country.

NY: Moms Demand Action Reportedly Told Candidate Not to Talk about Support for Gun Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Making clear that this lack of candor with voters was a coordinated effort by Cobb and her gun control advocate backers to deceive the public, the candidate explained that her order had come from New York Moms Demand Action activist Tricia Pleau. Cobb stated, “I said Moms Demand says, and Tricia Pleau said, ‘Do not say that you want an assault rifle ban because you will not win.’” Moms Demand Action is a subsidiary of the Michael Bloomberg-bankrolled Everytown for Gun Safety gun control conglomerate.

Download a gun: Settlement legalizes firearm plans for 3D printers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It will soon be legal to post plans for 3D-printable guns online.

The government has reached an agreement with a gun rights activist that will allow the plans to be posted Aug. 1. Anyone with an internet connection and a 3D printer could conceivably make themselves an unregulated and untraceable gun.

Cody Wilson, who described himself as a post-left anarchist, put his plans for a 3D-printable gun online in 2013, CNN reported. The government ordered him to remove it, arguing the plans could violate international traffic in arms regulations.

Researcher Watches Gun Videos, Develops Empathy with Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A criminal justice researcher from New Jersey recently wrote an article that encouraged people who were reflexively for more restriction on gun ownership to explore the online gun culture. She had done so. Her view of gun ownership and of legislation involving guns was transformed.

CA: Liberal 9th Circuit surprises with pro-2nd Amendment decision blocking California ammo ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Second Amendment activists were given a surprise boost this week when the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals backed a lower court’s decision to suspend California’s ban on the possession of large magazines.

Activists, supported by the National Rifle Association, have argued that the state's ban on ownership of magazines holding 10 bullets or more is unconstitutional. They won a preliminary injunction by a San Diego district court last year, and a three-judge panel on the Ninth Circuit backed that injunction Tuesday.

NC: Critics blast 'appalling' speaker invited to 'family-friendly' Hillsborough gun rally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The group Hillsborough Progressives Taking Action is denouncing the event. They say not because of the gun-rights slant but because of the list of invited speakers.

Mark Robinson is the most well-known face scheduled to speak. He went viral in April when he addressed the Greensboro City Council over a debate on whether to cancel a gun show there.

FL: Risk orders are a risk to our liberty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Risk Protection Order issued by a judge for law enforcement to seize someone’s firearms can be based on anyone’s report that anyone else might be a threat or risk to themselves or anyone else. It is not just based on perceived mental proble,ms but can be based on someone’s false interpretation, vindictiveness, or anger at someone else.

The person whose firearms are seized must then prove in a hearing that they are not a risk or a threat in order to get their firearms back.

Furthermore, the accused will most likely have to hire an attorney at their own expense and, if proven not a risk or threat, will have to go through a lengthy bureaucratic process to retrieve their firearms.

WA: NRA, others sue Seattle over gun-storage law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation and two Seattle residents are suing the city over its new gun-safety law.

The lawsuit filed Friday in King County Superior Court says that the safe storage requirement violates Washington state law, which prevents cities from regulating guns, the Seattle Times reported .

"Seattle simply can't break the law to adopt an ordinance as a political statement," Bellevue, Washington-based Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb said in a statement.

WA: I-1639 breaches 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Perhaps some RCW’s need to be changed/implemented that prevent big money from acts like this in I-1639 and what transpired in I-1491. Say perhaps limiting any single contributor to a thousand dollars and must be a state resident and state registered voter to contribute to ANY state initiative? Add a $100,000 fine and five years in prison if anyone gives money to anyone else to contribute towards an initiative. No funds from any PAC are allowed.

Also ask why Ferguson was allowed to write the ballot synopsis when he had already stated (in public) he supported the initiative. How is that being impartial and unbiased?

CA: Federal Appellate Court Upholds Decision to Block California’s Magazine Surrender Requirement
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the judge in that case had put it: “On July 1, 2017, any previously law-abiding person in California who still possesses a firearm magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds will begin their new life of crime.” That was a bridge too far, he decided, and blocked enforcement of the law’s dispossession requirement. California appealed that ruling, and now over a year later a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the lower court’s ruling. The case, Duncan v. Becerra, is supported by both the NRA and the California Rifle & Pistol Association.

Anti-gun Propaganda Infiltrates History Channel’s Navy SEAL Drama “Six”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This sort of anti-gun propaganda doesn’t happen by accident. In the 2000s, Entertainment Industries Council worked with the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center to inject anti-gun messaging into television programs. Today, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety employs a “Director of Cultural Engagement,” who described his position on his linked in page by explaining that “He oversees Everytown's storytelling efforts, partnerships with the creative community and develops cultural assets that mobilize Americans to support common sense reforms...” Similarly, the Brady Campaign has consulted for writers from CBS’s “The Good Wife” and ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy.”

IL: The fallacy of judicial 'originalism'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If what the original authors of the Constitution meant guided today’s originalists and if the Constitution is a dead document, then the right to keep and bear arms would mean today the kind of arms prevalent in the 18th century. Also “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” would be constitutionally limited to members of “a well regulated militia.” That is clearly not the case.

Ed.: I guess the author thinks only the National Guard (a select militia) should have guns, and even then only 18th-century muskets.

FL: Lawsuit over weapons ban heads to court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A lawsuit brought by a gun rights advocate group that questions the city of Gainesville’s authority to ban weapons during controversial events is starting to heat up.

Last year, Florida Carry, a not-for-profit organization, sued the city and City Manager Anthony Lyons over a banned list of items in downtown Gainesville on Oct. 18 and 19, the day that white nationalist Richard Spencer had a speaking event at the University of Florida.

A judge is set to hear the case Aug. 3.

Leading up to the event at UF, tensions were high as local government and university officials prepared, fearful that Gainesville could see violence like Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed after a rally organized by Spencer and others.

WA: NRA and SAF File Lawsuit Against City of Seattle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday, July 20th, the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation filed a lawsuit against the City of Seattle, Mayor Jenny Durkan, and others, to invalidate the mandatory firearm storage ordinance that was recently passed by the Seattle City Council and signed by Mayor Durkan. This ordinance, which would unquestionably restrict the self-defense rights of Seattle residents by imposing a one-size-fits-all method of storing firearms, was passed by the City Council in clear violation of Washington's state preemption statute.

This marks the end of gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The federal government has finally recognized the obvious – that sharing instructions on how to make guns with 3D printers counts as constitutionally protected speech. Despite little fanfare, this is an important victory for First Amendment rights. It also represents a real blow to the increasingly futile cause of gun control.

The U.S. Justice Department announced a legal settlement and its surrender to the First Amendment arguments July 10 made in a case brought by Cody Wilson, founder of Defense Distributed. Wilson, 25, created a ruckus in May 2013 when he announced his successful design of a plastic gun. In just two days, 100,000 copies of the handgun blueprint were downloaded from Wilson’s website.

MD: Capital shooting once again highlights gun law deficiencies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rifles, shotguns and handguns should be held to the same standard in every state. Assault rifles and other military-grade weapons’ legality would be much less of an issue if they all required stringent background checks and permit laws. Anyone who desires a firearm for self defense over a specific age limit would be allowed to apply for a permit, just like the issuance of driving permits.

Gun Rights are Part of Civil Rights Movement
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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David T. Beito and Linda Royster Beito are no slouches when it comes to understanding American history, especially as it pertains to the civil rights struggle. It can even be said that they know quite a bit about T.R.M. Howard, a Mississippi surgeon and a leader for mass equality under the law—after all, they have written several books about the man.

IL: Illinois GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner Signs Gun Confiscation Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) signed legislation empowering police to confiscate firearms from citizens and extending the wait period for gun purchases to 72 hours.
The new waiting period means a single woman being pursued by a stalker now has to hide and/or live behind locked doors for three days while she waits to get a gun for self-defense.

FL: Law of Self Defense: Just because it’s lawful to present the gun doesn’t mean it’s lawful to press the trigger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As often happens when a gun is presented in self-defense, however, here the initial aggressor (McGlockton) decided that he’d goofed in bringing his fists to a gun fight, and he immediately began moving backwards, distancing himself from Drejka. This ought to have been apparent to McGlockton during the two second pause between his pointing the gun and shooting. Had McGlockton maintained his position, and particularly if he had made any movement apparently consistent with continuing to attack Drejka, the fired shot may well have been warranted.

NC: No charges will be filed against shooter in fatal May incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No charges will be filed against the person who fatally shot a Wilmington man in May.

According to a news release from the District Attorney's Office, the shooter acted in self-defense when he fired a shot at Fuquan Wright in the 1000 block of Martin Street. Wright later died from the gunshot wound.

"The Wilmington Police Department and my office have worked hand-in-hand throughout the investigation into the shooting of Mr. Wright," District Attorney Ben David said in the news release. "After reviewing all of the evidence and the applicable law, I have determined that the shooting of Mr. Wright was done in self-defense and was legally justified.

For, in principle, there is no difference between a law prohibiting the wearing of concealed arms, and a law forbidding the wearing such as are exposed; and if the former be unconstitutional, the latter must be so likewise. But it should not be forgotten, that it is not only a part of the right that is secured by the constitution; it is the right entire and complete, as it existed at the adoption of the constitution; and if any portion of that right be impaired, immaterial how small the part may be, and immaterial the order of time at which it be done, it is equally forbidden by the constitution. [Bliss vs. Commonwealth, 12 Ky. (2 Litt.) 90, at 92, and 93, 13 Am. Dec. 251 (1822)

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