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Newslinks for 7/23/2001

Switching Weapons on Gun Control
Submitted by: skypod

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"Democrats suffer from the misconception that if they don't talk about guns, some gun advocates might support them. They are wrong. The true believers won't -- ever. But a vast middle ground of people in vote-rich urban and suburban areas will support gun-control candidates, especially when their opponents have toed the gun-lobby line. Those are the votes that can be won." --Joseph P. Sudbay, former Political Director for Handgun Control, Inc.

Submitted by: skypod

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""Who the blazes does the UN think it is, trying to tell a sovereign nation under constitutional law what it can or cannot do inside its own boundaries? Its handy-dandy little U.S. world-police that is paid for by American tax dollars and in American lives? ... The way the UN is acting, it would encourage freedom-loving Americans to gather up all the weaponry they can find ... just in case the UN comes in and tries to take over...." --Dorothy Anne Seese

Study Recommends Gun Removal Education for Parents
Submitted by: skypod

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"Parents do a reasonably good job of making their homes safe for children, with one major exception: they don't lock their guns away where children can't get them. ... The safest way to avoid a firearm injury in the home is to remove guns from the home."

--That's interesting, since more children die each year from parents leaving POISONous chemicals where children can reach them, and from drowning in swimming pools and 5-gallon buckets, than from gunshots.

Website Offers Small-Arms Destruction Advice
Submitted by: skypod

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The Internet site of the Bonn International Center for Conversion ( was developed as a "help desk for practical disarmament."

The BICC recommends that surplus stocks of weapons be destroyed after a conflict so they can't be recycled and used in other fights. The center also suggested that peacekeepers offer cash, food vouchers, or farm tools as incentives for people to turn in weapons.

Every 26 seconds a woman is raped in South Africa
Submitted by: skypod

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Jean Saul was at home when four men broke in, robbed her at gunpoint, tied her up, and raped her. Her husband was tied up next to her during the whole thing. "They told my husband 'We've got AIDS and we're going to rape your wife,'" Jean Saul remembers.

Now ... when she drives at night, she carries a gun. "I can carry it in my hand when I am driving. I don't feel that if I am hijacked I'd have to fiddle around for a gun. I've got it in my hand and there's no surprise."

Fixing A Fatal Flaw?
Submitted by: skypod

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*Gun Owners Had Accidental Discharge Of Remington's Model 700 Rifle
*In Some Cases, The Discharge Proved Deadly
*Bill Now Pending To Regulate Firearms Like Other Consumer Products

~ The fact is, the user failed to adhere to the most basic of safety precautions: she wasn't pointing the muzzle of her loaded gun in a safe direction -- she was pointing it at the torso of her son.

The WashingtonTimes: UN Conference: U.S. wins on guns
Submitted by: skypod

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"The Americans refused to accept any language that could halt the sale of weapons to foreign militias, citing the need to keep open the option of aiding groups fighting genocidal regimes. The United States, citing the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, also demanded that the document be stripped of limits on the civilian ownership of guns."

~ And the UN conceeded. Imagine that!!

Associated Press: U.S. Constitution guarantees individual right to guns
Submitted by: skypod

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UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- "The United States, whose Constitution guarantees an individual's right to own guns, made clear from the outset it would oppose any UN plan that even hinted at interference with that right."

~ If the Associated Press said it, it's GOTTA be true ;)

Ashcroft takes steps to make Second Amendment official policy
Submitted by: skypod

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The KansasCityStar -- Gun-control proponents fear that Ashcroft's broader interpretation may encourage legal challenges, on constitutional grounds, of federal laws denying certain types of guns to certain types of people.

"The NRA is certainly getting their money's worth from the last election," said Amy Stilwell of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ["formerly Handgun Control, Inc.]

Did overzealous SWAT team kill their own officer?
Submitted by: Denny Rosson

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"The deadly standoff July 13 raises important questions about police policies that need to be addressed... This is too good of a man for this to happen to. If it can happen to Dick, it could happen to anybody. I just thank God that we have him back."

Go to this web site and get the latest on excessive force by a swat team. Pretty scary reading when you think of it happening to you. The local media had him convicted of capitol murder before he was even charged.

McCain's Obsession With Teddy Roosevelt
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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McCain's Obsession With Teddy Roosevelt Has GOP Worried He Will Bolt in 2004 And Run as an Independent

~ As far as I am concerned the Republican Party would be a better party without McCain. They should refuse to give him any support in the next election. As far as I am concerned John McCain is a Democrat.

There is no doubt in my mind that millions of lives could have been saved if the people had not been "brainwashed" about gun ownership and they had been well armed. Hitler's thugs and goons were not very brave when confronted by a gun. Gun haters always want to forget the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which is a perfect example of how a ragtag, half starved group of Jews took up 10 handguns and made asses out of the Nazi's. — Theodore Haas, former prisoner of the infamous Dachau prisoner concentration camp

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