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Newslinks for 7/24/2012

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Cites Surge in NYC 'Gun Violence', Ignores City's Draconian Gun Laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Liberals like Melissa Harris-Perry savor vigorous debate about guns, provided that it excludes what they don't want to talk about. For example, whether gun laws they hold so dear make our lives less safe.

Obama demagogued guns in 1999
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As Barack Obama meets--appropriately--with the victims of last Friday's shooting and as his press secretary promises that Obama respects "Second Amendment" rights, it's worth recalling Obama's long-running campaign for gun control. In 2000, Obama, then a state senator, pushed anti-gun legislation--hard--after a 84-year-old woman had been gunned down by three gang-bangers who thought she had won the lottery.

Obama actually unveiled his anti-gun plan at a rally near the woman's house. "This home invasion is another example of how violence came close to home and we must have congressional action to help reduce gun deaths. Congress has been slow to act on these issues," he said. Rest assured, once elected to federal office, he would ac

Don’t Let Aurora Shooting Curtail Right of Self-Defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even if we concede that tighter gun laws would have stopped the Aurora shooting those laws also would have cost innocent lives, because people who would have used guns to defend themselves would have been unable to do so. Why are those lives less important than the others?

People are not interchangeable. Even if gun control could save one life — or a hundred — in one place, that would not justify putting other people at the mercy of criminals somewhere else. People have a right to defend themselves, and handguns are by far the best way for smaller, physically weaker innocent people to protect themselves from larger, stronger bad people. (If all guns were to disappear, who would gain the advantage?)"

Daily poll: Should presidential candidates endorse ban on assault weapons?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Friday's shooting in Colorado at a showing of the new Batman movie, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has come out firing at President Obama and Mitt Romney, daring the two presidential candidates to take a stand against the selling of assault weapons." ...

NY: Making Microstamping a Top Priority
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Assemblywoman Grace Meng, a candidate for Congress in Queens recently called on me as a chief sponsor of legislation to microstamp semi-automatic pistols, to join her on the steps of Queens Borough Hall on Monday, July 16. Ms. Meng called for immediate action on the part of state and federal elected officials to require all new semiautomatic pistols to be capable of microstamping ammunition.

IL: Prosecutor: Teens killed man in ‘knock ‘em down’ game
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Three teenagers accused of killing a 62-year-old father-of-12 in West Rogers Park were playing a game called “Pick ‘em out and knock ‘em down” when they videotaped themselves punching him in the face, prosecutors say. ...
The three were playing a “game where the offender picks an innocent victim and knocks him out by striking him and likely robbing him as well,” Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Terry Clancy told Judge Israel Desierto in court Monday.
Similar attacks — some resulting in death — have previously been reported in Missouri, New Jersey and Decatur. The game also goes by the name “Knockout King,” and experts say it is a grab for attention.

Submitter's comment: Needless to say, the Chicago victim was not armed.

NY lawmakers say recent gun violence highlights the need for tighter gun laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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New York state politicians are taking action to make microstamping a priority in light of the shooting in Colorado and the gun violence plaguing New York City this summer. Assemblywoman Grace Meng, D-Flushing, invited her colleague Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, D-Great Neck, to join her in calling for immediate action on the steps of Queens Borough Hall on July 16.

OK, Let's Debate Gun Control!
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Last week's horrific crime in Aurora, Colo., has, predictably enough, prompted many leftist politicians and commentators to call for more antigun laws. Actually, that's not quite right. Rather than directly call for more antigun laws, some of them are complaining about the absence of a debate over gun control.

Rapper Ice-T defends gun rights: “The last form of defense against tyranny”
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Huh. Quite a cogent argument from Ice-T, the self-described “godfather of gangsta rap,” defending Americans’ gun rights following the shooting in Colorado on Friday.

OK: Second Amendment bounds overstepped at gun shows
Submitted by: Anonymous

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James Holmes obviously has deep psychological issues.
Witnesses reported when he went on his shooting spree inside of a movie theatre in Aurora, Colo., he seemed calm and collected. ...
While all of that will make for exiting news I’m sure, I’m much more interested in talking about why anybody needs to be able to legally purchase assault rifles and body armor, if not for killing crowds of people.
In spring of 2012, I went with a friend to a gun show at the Oklahoma City fairgrounds. I brought with me a Springfield .45 model 1911 that I purchased when I was in the military years earlier. I hoped to sell the pistol, as I never really shot it anyway and at the time I was out of work.

Political Figures Weigh In On Gun Laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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We asked your representatives or those who want to represent you for their position on assault weapons. Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said this on Sunday in relation to the Colorado massacre. "If the assault weapons ban were in place, he wouldn't have been allowed to have the AR 15, which was on the banned list. He couldn't have had a 100 round clip, the likelihood, fewer people would have been killed and injured," said Senator Charles Schumer.

FAA Has Authorized 106 Government ‘Entities’ to Fly Domestic Drones
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Since Jan. 1 of this year, according to congressional testimony presented Thursday by the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Aviation Administration has authorized 106 federal, state and local government “entities” to fly “unmanned aircraft systems,” also known as drones, within U.S. airspace.
“We are now on the edge of a new horizon: using unmanned aerial systems within the homeland,” House Homeland Security Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) said as he introduced the testimony.

Reporting Colorado-style shooting unlikely in Philippines belies brutal reality
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman, Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo Jr., said the Philippines has stringent measures regulating the sale of firearms,' the story reports. 'He added that it is unusual in Filipino culture to engage in such violent activity.'”

Don’t hold your breath for new gun laws
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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We’ve already seen the sadly inevitable rush to capitalize on the tragedy in Colorado as an excuse to start passing strict gun laws, ranging from Bloomberg to Rendell and more. But as we sort through the aftermath of the disaster and the victims begin to pick up the pieces, is this opportunism going to result in any new legislation along those lines? One study linked by the AP seems to indicate that the gun grabbing crowd may wind up being disappointed.

Marine Corps creates law enforcement battalions
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations.
The Corps activated three such battalions last month. Each is made up of roughly 500 military police officers and dozens of dogs. The Marine Corps has had police battalions off and on since World War II but they were primarily focused on providing security, such as accompanying fuel convoys or guarding generals on visits to dangerous areas, said Maj. Jan Durham, commander of the 1st Law Enforcement Battalion at Camp Pendleton.

President Obama and Mitt Romney are too afraid to take on the National Rifle Association because they fear it will hurt their chances for victory in November's election
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, who stands up to guns and the National Rifle Association and the lobbyists who pimp themselves out for the NRA, called out the President and Mitt Romney yesterday on television, saying they don’t do enough about guns in America because so few politicians do. “Where are they now?” Bloomberg said.

White House: Obama focused on fighting gun crime with ‘existing law’
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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White House press secretary Jay Carney on Sunday said President Obama was committed to preventing gun crimes by relying on “existing law,” two days after a mass shooting in Colorado sparked renewed debate about gun control.

How Much is 6,000 Rounds? Not Much, Gun Advocates Say
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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When suspected gunman James Holmes was apprehended following a deadly shooting spree at the midnight showing of the “The Dark Knight Rises” in Aurora, Colo., Friday, police also recovered four guns and 6,000 rounds of ammunition at the scene. The amount of ammunition, while large, may not be that uncommon according to some area gun owners and gun rights advocates.

CO: Suspect Bought Large Stockpile of Rounds Online
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Unhindered by federal background checks or government oversight, the 24-year-old man accused of killing a dozen people inside a Colorado movie theater was able to build what the police called a 6,000-round arsenal legally and easily over the Internet, exploiting what critics call a virtual absence of any laws regulating ammunition sales.
With a few keystrokes, the suspect, James E. Holmes, ordered 3,000 rounds of handgun ammunition, 3,000 rounds for an assault rifle and 350 shells for a 12-gauge shotgun — an amount of firepower that costs roughly $3,000 at the online sites — in the four months before the shooting, according to the police. It was pretty much as easy as ordering a book from Amazon.

NY: Dutchess County gun-owners react to Colorado theater shooting
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The Colorado shooting rampage provides ammunition to critics in the debate over stricter gun control, but local concealed carry holders say safety comes from the second amendment and more good guys sitting in the right place at the right time. "If maybe somebody had a pistol or firearm on them in the theater, it may have turned out quite differently," said John Cole, a Dutchess County resident and member of the Dutchess County Pistol Association. "And that could have happened at Columbine, it could have happened at Virginia Tech."

Analysis: Why gun controls are off the agenda in America
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The terrible events of Friday morning’s shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., have left that community, as well as most of America, still in a state of shock and numbness. However, this shock will soon abate and with it will come the inevitable debate about gun control. Regrettably, as we have seen in the past with the Virginia Tech and Gabrielle Giffords shootings, the debate will be nothing more than grandstanding by both gun control proponents and dissenters. Nothing will change because neither side can offer a real answer, nor will either side consciously admit as much.

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