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Newslinks for 7/25/2012

CCRKBA to Bloomberg: 'Maybe you should go on strike Mr. Mayor'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for American police officers to 'go on strike' in an effort to force Congress and state legislatures to push his gun prohibition agenda is 'a new low in demagoguery,' the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today." ...

Bellevue v. Bloomberg: Did the mayor trip on his tongue?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s suggestion to CNN’s Piers Morgan that the nation’s police go on strike to coerce state legislatures into adopting the mayor’s anti-gun agenda has Bellevue’s Alan Gottlieb calling for Bloomberg to go on strike, instead."

"'Mayor Bloomberg has gone from bluster to blackmail with his extremist gun ban campaign,' Gottlieb said in a press release from the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. 'He would have police officers quit their posts and abandon their public safety missions in what would amount to an exercise of national extortion.'" ...

Massad Ayoob: On Gun-Free Zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When you make potential rescuers unwelcome, do not blame those potential rescuers for not being there when the disaster happens, and the death toll mounts because what could have stopped the killing has been banned from your establishment."

Do you own a gun? Share a photo and tell us why.
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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... "If you're a gun owner, we want to hear from you. As the conversation around gun control gains national attention, where do you stand?"

"Share a video explaining your perspective, or an original photo of you and/or your gun, along with your story. Why do you own a gun? What do you use it for? Has your opinion on gun ownership changed at all? Your stories could be part of CNN's coverage."

Outrage Is Not an Argument
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Whether you accept the premise that something must be done about guns, of course, might be influenced by where you stand on the Second Amendment and where you stand on guns. But according to Bloomberg, even people who object to gun control on practical or constitutional grounds are morally obliged to support it. Such arrogant illogic may help explain why public support for new gun restrictions has been falling for two decades." ...

Open carry movement achieves policy trifecta
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the last two weeks the open carry movement scored a number of policy wins across America. From South Dakota, to Kansas, and Michigan, the right to open carry firearms is gaining political and legal traction." ...

The Philosophy of the Technology of the Gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Does the old rallying cry 'Guns don't kill people. People kill people' hold up to philosophical scrutiny?"

"The tragic Colorado Batman shooting has prompted a wave of soul-searching. How do things like this happen? Over at Wired, David Dobbs gave a provocative answer in 'Batman Movies Don't Kill. But They're Friendly to the Concept.' I suspect Dobbs's nuanced analysis about causality and responsibility won't sit well with everyone."

"... But what about 'normal' people? Yes, plenty of people carry guns without incident. Yes, proper gun training can go a long way. And, yes, there are significant cultural differences about how guns are used. ..." ...

Question of the Day: What do you Want in a Gun Review?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If there’s one thing that we here at TTAG do well, its gun reviews. That’s the #1 people come to the site, and after meeting countless readers over the last few months it seems like we’re pretty much the gold standard these days for impartial and honest reviews. Which is awesome, since that was the whole idea. But I want to make the reviews even better, and one idea Chris and Joe had that I brought up to the boss was the idea of standardizing the reviews to ensure that we don’t let the quality slip as we bring on new writers. He rewarded my enthusiasm for the idea with a promotion to 'Gun Test Editor' and a HUGE raise which tripled my salary (from $0 to $000), and told me to get on it. …" ...


It’s On: 1st Annual World Zombie Shoot 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sure, it may not be quite as prestigious as the Midnight 3-Gun Invitational, but the targets should be easier to hit, right? Or so you’d think. Anyway, organizers have just announced the first annual World Zombie Shoot on October 13 and 14. And God help me, it’s not all that far away from my top-secret underground bunker location here in the Midwest. Proximity and dedication to keeping the Armed Intelligentsia apprised of the latest information regarding the outbreak may require that I document this event in some way. Make the jump for the press release . . ." ...

Search Guns For Sale On Gun Forums With
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun forums are a great place to buy and sell guns online, I’m a member of many of the popular gun forums out there and sometimes I cruise around the for sale section to see if there are any deals to be had. But browsing all the gun forums online can be pretty time-consuming, enter" ...

Mike Bloomberg’s Suicide Cult
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"If there is one particularly virulent strain of self-loathing that runs throughout contemporary leftist thinking — and so vividly illustrates the true nature of this fundamentally fascist political theology — it’s the implicit insistence that citizens of the United States ought to have little or no right to defend themselves." ...

Despite Colorado theater massacre, a discussion of guns is off limits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"[name redacted], the alleged shooter in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre, was lucky to be living in the U.S.A. People who want to kill people find guns are very handy and, thanks to America's gun lobby, they can buy them easily in this country, along with all the ammunition needed to get the job done."

"If the alleged gunman had been living in Norway, a place with much stricter gun regulations, he would have had to work harder to amass an arsenal. Still, there is the inconvenient fact for liberals that Norway's tougher laws did not deter right-wing racist [name redacted] from gunning down 69 young people at a leftist youth camp last summer." ...

'We're Not Going to Protect You'
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Last night New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg made an extraordinarily dangerous and radical pronouncement. He was appearing on CNN's 'Piers Morgan Tonight' when the host asked him: 'Why do so many Americans not feel angry enough to demand further gun control?' Here's his answer:"
"'Well, I would take it one step further. I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say, we're going to go on strike. We're not going to protect you. Unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe. '" ...

NRA can’t resist taking cheap shots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Instead, in an Arizona Daily Star opinion essay the president repeated his support for the Second Amendment and called for stricter enforcement of gun laws that are already on the books. That stance perfectly matches the position of the National Rifle Association, the nation’s leading advocacy group for gun owners."

"But if NRA leaders were pleased, they are not about to show it."

"Quite the opposite: There are too many votes to be won, money to be raised and new members to be enlisted by tagging Obama as 'anti-gun' for the NRA — or for other gun lobbyists to be deterred by mere facts." ...

Too many bullets -- Outlaw high-capacity magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columbine. Virginia Tech. Tucson. Now Aurora. All of these mass shootings share a common element that made them more deadly: high-capacity ammunition magazines. These cases, and many others, argue loudly for banning the sale of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds." ...

New Poll Of NRA Members By Frank Luntz Shows Strong Support For Common-Sense Gun Laws, Exposing Significant Divide Between Rank-And-File Members And NRA Leadership
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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... "Mayors Against Illegal Guns today released the findings of a survey by GOP pollster Frank Luntz showing that NRA members and gun owners overwhelmingly support a variety of laws designed to keep firearms out of dangerous hands, even as the Washington gun lobby prepares to spend unprecedented millions supporting candidates who pledge to oppose any changes to U.S. gun laws. The poll also dispels the myth among many Washington pundits that there is a lack of public support for common-sense measures that would help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and keep Americans safe." ...

There’s no need for citizens to own sophisticated guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The only two reasons for a citizen to own a firearm are for hunting or defense of the household from intruders. In either case, ownership of a handgun, shotgun or rifle is more than adequate to satisfy these purposes. There is absolutely no need for any U.S. civilian to own any weapon more powerful or sophisticated than these." ...

The Second Amendment is misunderstood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the tragedy in Aurora, neither the president nor the Congress is prepared to make any significant change in gun laws, citing (as well as misrepresenting) the Second Amendment. The National Rifle Association and others will continue to maintain that people, not guns, kill, and, as usual, will be half-right. The truth: people with guns kill."

"For the past 30 years the NRA and other gun lobbies have stayed true to a misinterpretation of the Second Amendment that has allowed this country and it's citizens to be placed in almost a constant danger. ..." ...

Time to repeal Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yet we let anybody with a charge card or a pocketful of cash assemble a private arsenal for whatever purpose a twisted imagination can design. Then feign surprise when those plans are carried out with all the deadly efficiency 21st-century arms technology can guarantee."

"And we don’t do a thing to stop them."

"Again and again, we’ve used the Constitution to wipe the blood from our hands ... but it doesn’t work any more."

"If the Second Amendment protects the right of [CO Shooter] to equip himself for mass murder, it’s time to repeal the Second Amendment." ...

Submitter's Note: 300 million guns, 8 million permit holders, hundreds of thousands of "cold dead hands" type of people, and he thinks there will be less blood if they try to "repeal" the Second?

Batman's Gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... In no other country in the world is there a rate of civilian gun ownership approaching that in the U.S.: a gun for every American. ..."

"It hasn’t always been this way. Americans used to hold a different set of beliefs about guns. So did Batman, who started out with a gun—until he got rid of it. The nineteen-thirties, the golden age of comic-book superheroes, was a time of landmark gun legislation. In 1934, the National Rifle Association supported the National Firearms Act—the first federal gun-control legislation—and, four years later, the 1938 Federal Firearms Act. ..." ...

Submitter's comment: Like many anti-gun writers, this one is out of touch with the facts. Machine guns are not "banned" under federal law.

Time's Halperin Admits: 'Most Major News Organizations' Want Stricter Gun Laws (video and audio available)
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Appearing on Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, Time magazine editor-at-large Mark Halperin confessed a broad media consensus to curtail gun rights: 'If you walk the halls of most major news organizations or of the [Old Executive Office Building] at the White House or West Wing, I think you'd find overwhelming sentiment that there should be stricter gun control laws in the United States.' ..." ...

CT: 67 Year Old CT Homeowner Shoots Naked Home Invader Who Tried To Bite Him (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CT homeowner investigated sounds coming from his living room. When he did, he was confronted by a naked man inside his home."

"The intruder then attacked the elderly homeowner and tried to bite him. During the struggle the homeowner managed to shoot the intruder in the chest." ...

PA: Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Early Morning Burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PA homeowner, who is a Warminster Township police officer, awoke to loud noises in his home around 3:50am. Two men had broken into the 2 story home through a ground floor window. The homeowner’s wife and four children were also in the home. The homeowner confronted one of the burglars in an upstairs bedroom where he shot the suspect multiple times. The other suspect escaped in the family’s minivan. The suspect who was shot was immediately declared dead by responding officers. ..." ...

WA: Homeowner Fires Shot Through Door After Intruder Tries to Break In (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A WA homeowner armed himself after a man ignored repeated warnings while banging on the homeowner’s door. When the intruder attempted to break down the door, the homeowner fired a single shot through the door, striking the suspect."

"When police arrived they arrested the suspect and transported him to an area hospital where he is being treated for non life threatening injuries." ...

OH: Paraplegic man kills intruder during Johnstown home break-in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Newark Advocate is reporting that a paraplegic man is alive today thanks to the .357 revolver he keeps near his bed." ...
"John Mutter was asleep in his bed on Sunset Drive when an intruder poked him in the head with a shotgun."

"Mutter, a paraplegic who keeps a gun nearby for protection, fatally shot the intruder, early Sunday, Licking County Coroner's investigator George Ridgeway said."

"The man was pronounced dead at the scene, Ridgeway said."

"It appears that he was looking for medication or money, Ridgeway said. Johnstown police are investigating whether someone else was involved in planning the burglary, Licking County Prosecutor Ken Oswalt said." ...

Mother of Armed Robber Killed by Armed Kroger Employee Suing Kroger for $75k
Submitted by: Guns Save Lives

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"The mother of Jeremy Atkinson, who attempted to rob a Kroger in Indianapolis 6 months ago and was shot by an armed store employee during that robbery, is suing Kroger. She says Kroger is liable for her son’s death because Kroger failed to properly enforce its policy that forbids employees from carrying guns while working." ...

Examiner exclusive: U.N. releases proposed Arms Trade Treaty text
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The proposed United Nations international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is out, and it is already running into trouble as many of the tenets are apparently contrary to United States law, to say nothing of the collision they might have with the Second Amendment." ...

N.R.A. Proposes Sweeping Ban On Movies
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Saying it was 'high time to take action against the number one cause of violence in America,' the National Rifle Association issued a statement today urging a sweeping ban on movies."

"Tracy Klugian, an official spokesperson for the gun-lobbying organization, said that the N.R.A. had taken this extraordinary step because it 'could not stand idly by and watch movies tear apart the fabric of our civil society.'" ...

"... [T]he White House said that the Speaker's proposal was 'a good first step, but does not go far enough,' arguing that Congress had to 'take a hard look at whether superhero costumes and masks should continue to be legal.'" ...

Submitter's comment: Fake news from Andy Borowitz.

How Aurora and other shootings are made in Europe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans mourn the victims of the Aurora, Colo., shooting. In Europe, too, there is grief, mingled with incomprehension. The media chorus: How many more massacres before America adopts European-style gun control?"

"Christoph Prantner of Austria's Der Standard bemoans American insistence on Second Amendment rights, 'even when this freedom occasionally has a very high price and, in a bloody perversion, fatally impairs the freedom of others.'"

"I can't disagree. I just wish Prantner had noted that James Holmes was allegedly wielding Austrian weaponry when he barged into that darkened theater: specifically, a .40-caliber semiautomatic Glock pistol." ...

A Way Out of the Gun Stalemate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Liberals have to deprive the National Rifle Association of its core argument, that the real aim of all gun control measures is to strip Americans of their right to have and use firearms. Gun-control supporters must make clear that they accept that Americans have had this individual, common-law right since Jamestown and the Plymouth Colony; that this right was recognized in the Second Amendment to the Constitution in 1791; and that the Supreme Court affirmed its constitutionality in 2008. Liberals should accept that the only realistic way to control gun violence is not by keeping guns out of the hands of as many Americans as possible, but by keeping guns out of the hands of people we all agree should not have them." ...

Gun sales spike 41 percent after Colorado shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Denver Post is reporting today that gun sales in Colorado have spiked 41 percent since the shooting at the Century 16 theater in Aurora last Friday. And the Colorado Bureau of Investigation reports that its approval of background checks for new firearms purchasers jumped 43 percent within the last four days." ...

Gunman depraved, immoral and evil (second item)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"Recently a horrible massacre of innocent people commenced in Aurora, Colo., perpetrated by a godless, depraved, immoral and evil gunman. Too, this is only the latest in a number of previous serial shootings by deranged cretins who have no regard for innocent human life, society and decency."

"Am I as an individual gun-owning citizen upset, depressed and beside myself because of this gross injustice? As well as many others also, of course I am! Why do people perpetrate such evil?" ...

Mayor Bloomberg: Police Should Strike Until Public Pushes for Gun Control (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"One of the few points that President Obama and Mitt Romney agree on is that they're both determined not to let gun control become an issue in the election ... However, their attempts to dodge the issue have only emboldened Mayor Bloomberg, who was rather bold to start with. After warming up on Monday's Morning Joe, Bloomberg ended the day by suggesting on Piers Morgan Tonight that law enforcement should take a drastic stand on the issue. 'I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike,' Bloomberg said. 'We're not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe.'" ...

How many more deaths will it take?
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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... "As we lurch from one shooting tragedy to the other, it is becoming ever more evident that those disposed to such acts of violence can come from all walks of life and socioeconomic levels. There is no shortage of people near the ends of their ropes who can snap and commit horrendous, sometimes random rampages that snuff out innocent lives." ...

What journalists need to know about guns and gun control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"I am a gun owner and have been since I was 13. When I do journalism workshops around the country, I often ask journalists how many of them own guns. Even in places like Texas and Oklahoma, a tiny percentage of the journalists I talk to own a gun or say they know much about them, but they cover stories that involve guns all the time." ...

Rebuttal to Mayor Bloomberg
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNy

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"Once again I find myself having to open a blog entry with this disclaimer: the opinions stated are solely those of Frank Borelli and do not in any way represent the opinions or thoughts of Cygnus Business Media,, any of its employees, associates or representatives. Now let me dive into the meat of this blog: a rebuttal to Mayor Bloomberg and some stupid things he's said." ...

Mayor Bloomberg and Ice-T
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Mayor Bloomberg is rowing back his statement encouraging the police to go on strike over the failure of our democratic institutions to take a tougher line in respect of gun control. The mayor’s call for a police strike, made on a broadcast with Piers Morgan, must be one of the most bizarre statements ever to issue from a mayor in the whole history of the city. ... Later the mayor told reporters that that he hadn’t meant the police should go on strike 'literally.'" ...

Aurora victim’s brother to MSNBC host: Why, no, I don’t want to talk about gun control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Via Greg Hengler, we’re late to this but it’s still a must-post, simply because it’s one of the great narrative derailments you’ll ever see on cable. If ever there was a dynamic primed for a gun control cri de coeur, it’s DNC TV nudging a relative of one of the shooting victims while he’s still grieving. No one would have faulted him for responding emotionally; instead, he came back at them with this. His composure and insistence on sticking to principle under the circumstances are remarkable." ...

OMG! Ammunition! From the Internet! 1000's of Rounds! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On yesterday’s Kilmead & Friends radio show, Brian ranted on and on and on about how the Midnight Movie Massacre had nothing to do with gun control. Gun control couldn’t have prevented the spree killing. 'We have to identify the psychos amongst us,' he railed, blaming Holmes' mother—and other mothers, fathers, sons, friends, colleagues and acquaintances—for not dropping the dime on a potential psycho killer. Brian also called for laws that require people to buy ammunition in person, rather than via the Internet. In fact, ban internet ammo sales! Just like they do in California. Oh wait . . ." ...

Hickenlooper: Tougher gun laws wouldn’t have stopped Aurora shooter
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The Colorado governor said this on CBS' 'Face the Nation,' Sunday but it's worth flagging a) because the utterly predictable gun-control discussion is ongoing and Hick is another guy with a less-than-utterly-predictable position and b) what are the chances you watched 'Face the Nation?'"

"And, because Hickenlooper’s a Democrat in Colorado, his absolute moral authority shield is engaged:"
"'This person, if there were no assault weapons available, if there were no this or no that, this guy’s going to find something, right? He’s going to know how to create a bomb. Who knows where his mind would have gone. Clearly a very intelligent individual however twisted,' Hickenlooper said during an interview on CNN’s 'State of the Union.'" ...

‘The NRA can go to hell,’ says candidate Burner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perennial congressional candidate Darcy Burner jumped onto the gun control bandwagon in the wake of the Aurora movie massacre by writing in the Daily Kos that, among other things, 'The NRA can go to hell.'"

"Burner, a Democrat with a losing track record in her challenges of 8th District Republican Congressman Dave Reichert, declared just hours after the carnage in Colorado that 'It’s time we had an adult conversation about guns in this country.'"

"She was particularly harsh toward the National Rifle Association, which is rather surprising to many in the firearms community, considering the NRA has been silent since the shooting. ..." ...

Defending yourself against a spree killer like the one in Aurora, Colorado
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before I share some thoughts on how to survive a spree killer situation such as the one in Aurora, Colo., last week, I think it's important to talk about one piece of information I'm hearing likely is true: The Century 16 movie theater where 12 were killed and 59 wounded by a heavily armed man is a 'no-gun' zone." ...

NV: Lessen gun control to reduce crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If we had much less gun control in our country, it is unlikely that the deranged gunman in Colorado would have been able to wreak as much havoc as he did. Someone would have been shooting back." ...

CO: Aurora theater shooting: Gun sales up since tragedy -- Firearm interest spikes as some seek protection
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Background checks for people wanting to buy guns in Colorado jumped more than 41 percent after Friday morning's shooting at an Aurora movie theater, and firearms instructors say they're also seeing increased interest in the training required for a concealed-carry permit."

"'It's been insane,' Jake Meyers, an employee at Rocky Mountain Guns and Ammo in Parker, said Monday."

"When he arrived at work Friday morning — just hours after a gunman killed 12 and injured 58 others at the Century Aurora 16 theater — there already were 15 to 20 people waiting outside the store, Meyers said." ...

PA: Yes, blame gun laws for Aurora massacre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"With frightening, rapid-fire frequency, gunmen wielding combat-style weapons keep forcing Americans to face the consequences of our irrational acceptance of the nation's too-easy access to guns."

"How many mass murderers will it take before lawmakers from Congress on down break the National Rifle Association's grip?" ...

Submitter's comment: Another blast of hot air from Filthydelphia, the chancre on an otherwise fine state.

Rwanda: It Is Time for the Sane to Take Back America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While I'm unable to wrap my head around his eerie Theory of Relativity, I can certainly comprehend what Mr. Einstein meant when he defined insanity. Interestingly enough, you'd think that some of the most intelligent people in the world would be able to see insanity if they met it, but alas. A prime example of this insanity is the refusal of the American people to even contemplate life without their trusty guns. In fact, if you want to lose an election fast, talk about gun regulation. This despite the fact that there were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centre for Disease Control." ...

Submitter's Note: Yep, much easier to get rid of those annoying Tutsis when they aren't armed.

Romney Panders To NRA, Anti-Gunners. Simultaneously.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Actually the law that we signed in Massachusetts was a combination of efforts both on the part of those that were for additional gun rights and those that opposed gun rights, and they came together and made some changes that provided, I think, a better environment for both, and that’s why both sides came to celebrate the signing of the bill.' Mitt Romney, CNBC, July 23rd, 2012." ...

Rep. Jackson Lee will seek meeting with NRA about Colorado shooting
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said late Monday that she would seek a meeting with the National Rifle Association (NRA) to see if there are any ways to find an agreement on how to prevent tragedies like the one last week in Colorado, where one shooter killed 12 and wounded nearly 60 others in a movie theater."

"'I'm going to invite the National Rifle Association to one of my meetings,' she said on the House floor late Monday. 'I want to sit down and talk to them about how we can work together.'"

"Jackson Lee said she hoped to understand whether the NRA could agree to new rules that would require retailers to notify authorities whenever one customer is buying excessive amounts of weapons or ammo ..." ...

Reid says he has no plans to bring gun bill to Senate floor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Tuesday that he does not plan any action on gun control despite calls to pass an assault weapons ban and other measures."

"Democratic lawmakers such as Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) have renewed calls for an assault weapons ban, but Reid has called for a moratorium on action."

"'I think we have to wait and see how this plays out,' Reid told reporters when asked if he would bring any gun control legislation to the floor." ...

Federal Judge Lifts Ruling Making it Easier for Marylanders to Obtain Handgun Permits (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone interested in getting a handgun permit application can pick one up at any Maryland State Police barracks. Stop at the barracks and they will take your fingerprints, which kicks off the background check needed for a permit. However, one key element in that background check has been changed, and supporters call it a good move."

"Nathan Woltman is among those who climb the steps at the Continental Arms Gun Range in Timonium for lessons and practice. Woltman knows guns and the law that applies to them." ...

Maryland concealed carry permit rules to relax next month
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It will become a lot easier to obtain permits to conceal and carry guns in Maryland as of Aug. 7 under a court order filed Tuesday by a federal district judge."

"The order signed Monday by Judge Benson E. Legg gives state officials two weeks to implement his March ruling striking down a requirement that concealed carry applicants show a 'good and substantial reason' to transport a firearm."

"The requirement prevented many from applying for permits, according to gun proponents who expect tens of thousands of state residents to seek — and be granted — such licenses. There are about 12,000 active carry permits in Maryland." ...

Lawyer Cary Hansel of Baltimore, Md., whose client was denied renewal of gun permit, says ruling gives Maryland same rights as most of the U.S. (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge this week ruled the State of Maryland has no constitutional right to require its citizens to provide 'a good and substantial' reason for wanting a permit to carry a concealed and loaded weapon in the state." ...

"'As of 14 days from now it lifts the prior stay on the ruling by the judge and allows us as Marylanders to enjoy the rights that most of the country has long been enjoying,' said Cary Hansel, the lawyer for a Baltimore County man who was denied renewal of his permit because the state did not find he had a good and substantial reason for wanting that renewal." ...

DC: D.C. Police Officially Declare Photography Is Not a Crime
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Last week, two years after Washington, D.C., cops told Jerome Vorus to stop taking pictures of a traffic stop in Georgetown and to stop recording his encounter with them, the Metropolitan Police Department issued a general order against such illegal interference with citizens' exercise of their First Amendment rights. ..." ...

MA: Some Humarock Residents Discuss Seceding From Scituate In Bonfire Dispute
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The anger hasn’t subsided in Humarock after 4th of July celebrations were cut short due to safety concerns."

"The neighborhood met Sunday morning to plan their next move in a quarrel with the Town of Scituate." ...

" At the meeting, some residents went so far as to call Scituate town officials 'Fascists,' and say Humarock needs to break away."

"The latest aggravation began earlier this month, when residents claim the town was heavy-handed in enforcing a ban on bonfires."

"'That was a full military operation… I mean hummers up and down the beach, state police helicopters, horseback, bomb squad, [and] a command post up the center,' said Fred Hayden, who owns a summer home in Humarock." ...

NC: Gun-rights group pressures TV station after report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over guns often sparks raw emotion and lays down a sharp dividing line, but for a Raleigh TV station, it has become personal and financial."

"In response to a WRAL report on concealed-weapons permits that included a searchable database, a North Carolina gun-rights organization has launched a campaign against the reporter and his supervisors and applied pressure to the station’s advertisers."

"The incident demonstrates the prickliness of examining gun-related issues even before the shooting in Colorado stirred fresh debate. It also exposes tensions that can arise between advocates of the First Amendment and its protections of free speech and supporters of the Second Amendment with its right to bear arms." ...

Submitter's Note: The First Amendment protects the right to free speech, not a right to no consequences for your speech.

What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don't like something to saying that the government should forbid it. When you go down that road, don't expect freedom to survive very long. — Thomas Sowell

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