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Newslinks for 7/27/2012

Obama floating new semi-auto ban puts administration intent on the radar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "With this as background, Obama ending his self-imposed citizen disarmament discussion embargo, not only before the election, but the day before speculation in some quarters has him signing the ATT, ought to put gun owners on high alert. Why he chose to do this now can perhaps be dismissed as a sop for the frenzy being ginned up by the media. Then again, it could signal he knows something, or has reason to be confident, is no longer afraid to touch the third rail, and is ready to come up from under the radar. If that’s the case, the presidential race will turn into a national referendum, and whose side the militantly anti-gun media will take is a foregone conclusion." ...

The Heart of the Matter - Why We Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Carrying a firearm is a sacrifice, a continual sacrifice."

"We sacrifice money (and a lot of it): to arm ourselves with not only reliable side arms, but the many accessories that are needed to go with them. We pay for training in order to be able to use the sidearm effectively. There is the never-ending cycle of ammunition purchases that eat away at our wallets. And don’t forget all the range fees, protective gear, and targets. All in all, it’s easy to spend thousands of dollars annually on carrying a firearm." ...

60 percent of Americans say fewer guns would not decrease crime (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the tragic shooting in Colorado that killed at least 12 people and injured at least 58 more last Thursday, 41 percent of Americans said stricter gun control laws would have no impact on violent crime."

"The national survey of 1,000 adults, conducted by Rasmussen July 20-21, has a margin of error of three percentage points. Thirty-four percent said stricter gun control laws would decrease violent crime and 19 percent believe violent crime would increase." ...

‘Military-Style Weapons’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yes, the M&P 15 and the AK-47 are 'military-style weapons.' But the key word is 'style' — they are similar to military guns in their aesthetics, not in the way they actually operate. The guns covered by the federal assault-weapons ban (which was enacted in 1994 and expired ten year later) were not the fully automatic machine guns used by the military but semi-automatic versions of those guns." ...

Ten Things To Set The Conversation Straight About Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jim Pontillo, the president of FMK Firearms, just called me. Jim’s first words were 'Did you watch O’Reilly last night?' I had and I listened to some statements that were just flat out misinformed. There are too many uninformed opinions out there and I’m here to set the record straight on a few things."

"1. Show me all these places that are selling fully automatic AK-47’s and putting them on the streets. Seriously, I would like to know where they are located." ...

How To Easily Smear 4.3 Million People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You do it like Oliver Willis does:"
"The NRA is a gang of very strange, conspiracy-theory spewing, racist, bigoted know-nothings who don’t give a damn about the safety of their fellow citizens. They would rather the streets be flooded with all manner of weapons rather than ever allow a single law or regulation that would govern the world of guns."
"Gee thanks Oliver. Glad to know that me and several close friends who are members of the NRA are racist, bigoted know-nothings." ...

‘Thank You, NRA’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Most of the column is devoted to praising the work of the NRA. Liberals tend to say — at least some of them — that they respect the Second Amendment, but only want reasonable regulations on guns. But if they have any respect for the Second Amendment, it is only because the NRA forced them into it. Its work has been a model of democratic persuasion — mobilizing voters, winning elections, changing public opinion. ..." ...

Right to bear arms helps limit government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the problems in discussing gun control is that many people, including many gun-rights advocates, have lost sight of why we have a Second Amendment."

"The Founding Fathers didn’t give it to us to protect our right to hunt, target shoot or collect guns."

"We have the right to keep and bear arms because the Founding Fathers were frightened of centralized government. They spent a hot summer in Philadelphia creating a central government that wouldn’t become too powerful, fearful that someone, perhaps with the best of intentions, would propose the federal government engage in things it wasn’t expressly authorized to do. (That could never happen here, could it?)" ...

Is the damage to society from guns worth the freedom to have guns?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The Question"

"Are we as a country willing to accept hundreds of thousands of horrific situations and incidents when those who mis-use an otherwise legal substance create chaos and harm innocents? Or do we demand that freedom for all be curtailed so that the innocents be saved?"

"A Similar Problem"

"According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism report of December 2000:"

"'…costs of alcohol abuse grew from $148 billion in 1992 to $185 billion in 1998, approximately a 25 percent increase'" ...

Free Men
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"What harm is done to the innocent if a law-abiding and safety conscious citizen owns an assault rifle?"

"I understand that allowing law abiding citizens to purchase assault rifles potentially means that it would be possible for criminals to purchase them as well; note the word 'potentially'." ...

Why gun sales spike after mass shootings: It's not what you might think
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As sure as summer follows spring, gun sales rise after a mass shooting. ... Now, after the killing of 12 people last week at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., gun sales are spiking again - not just in Colorado but around the country."

"'We were overwhelmed Saturday,' says Larry Hyatt, owner of Hyatt Guns in Charlotte, N.C., one of the biggest gun stores in the country. ..."

"Self-protection is part of the reason. But a bigger factor, say gun dealers, is fear of something else: politicians -- specifically, their ability to enact restrictions on gun ownership and acquisition of ammunition." ...

This Is A Change - A TV Station With A Pro-AR Story (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WKRG-TV of Mobile, Alabama ran a story today about the AR-15 and, to a lesser extent, the AK-47. It featured an interview with a local gun dealer as well as local law enforcement and a couple of 'men in the street.' They called it the best-selling rifle in America."

"What I found refreshing about this report is that it didn't treat the AR as an 'evil black rifle'. The reporter cited FBI statistics that no murder was committed in Alabama during 2010 with a rifle. ..." ...

Seeking Common Ground on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One way for liberals to understand those who insist on gun rights might be to think of the Second Amendment as conservatives’ First Amendment." ...

A Reader Asks About AR-15 Scope Mounts And Front Sight Interference
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reader Joe asks:"
"I'm Interested in purchasing the VXR Patrol, but want to make sure that my front iron sight post will not be in the way. Will a standard PEPR mount work, or do I need something else? Note: I’m shooting a Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport."
"Excellent question, Joe . . ." ...

Gun Review: HK P30LS in .40 S&W
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At first I was going to succumb to the Glock gods and indoctrinate myself like the tens of thousands of others who buy a reliable polymer pistol. But if the Glock 23 is the Toyota Camry V6 of pistols, I wanted something a little more towards the BMW end of the spectrum. Don’t get me wrong- that Camry is a wonderfully engineered vehicle. It’s just not for me. Enter the HK P30LS in .40 S&W. So what does double the price get you? Let’s break down those letters. HK still stands for reputable build quality – even if HK hates you and you suck (Google the last six words, noobs). ..." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Ditch the Family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not to mix a metaphor, but drawing a gun against an attacker is a double-edged sword. On one hand, aiming a firearm at a bad guy (or guys) has been known to have a decidedly demoralizing effect (on the perp). Firing bullets into a person posing an imminent, credible and lethal threat increases that effect, dramatically. On the other hand, guns tend to piss off the bad guy. For some reason, they don’t want to get shot. So, like you, they focus their aggression on the guy with the gun. You. And guess what? First responders with a badge have a similar response. There’s no getting around it: armed civilians are bullet magnets. So the last thing you want . . ." ...

Gear Review: Accuracy International Chassis System 2.0 (AICS)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone who’s been around tactical rifles for any amount of time has heard of Accuracy International. Accuracy International, or simply AI, has been around since 1978. It’s a British based company founded by a relatively small team of Olympian shooters, international competitors and weapons designers. ... Aside from extremely reliable and accurate rifles, Accuracy International also makes the AICS, or the Accuracy International Chassis System. The AICS is, as the name implies, a true chassis system (not just a replacement stock) available for short, long, and magnum Remington 700, and Remington 700 based actions only. Which means Savage owners need not apply . . ." ...

Why I Started Shooting with a GLOCK
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cleaning out some old emails today, I came across one from July 13, 2009 from former Team GLOCK Captain Dave Sevigny. Dave was a big reason why I got started in competitive shooting, but not the only."

"While Dave knew my CCW firearm of choice was a G19, I wanted him to tell me why I should shoot a G34 for my competition gun and nothing else. He did a great job selling the GLOCK brand that day!" ...

Winchester PDX1 Defender
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I used Winchester PDX1 Defender .357 Magnum, fired out of a Rossi 971. My target was several phone books (9 inches thick), soaked in water for 18 hours. Distance from shooter to target was 9 yards."

"Just to make things a little interesting, I also taped a quarter to the front. I was really hoping to make a donut out of the quarter, but it didn’t work out that way. At 9 yards, the quarter was completely covered (and then some) by the front sight post." ...

V&C Industries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"V&C Industries, LLC is a veteran owned small business located in Northern Virginia, and they provide a number of services including gunsmithing and Cerakote gun coating. I found V&C Industries on Facebook, and I contacted them about Cerakoting my Smith & Wesson M&P." ...

The National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence: Stop Hiding Behind the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'After looking at what happened in Aurora, Colo., who could be in favor of these high-capacity magazines?' It’s a question posed by Hubert Williams [above], president of the anti-reciprocity (surprise) Police Foundation and chairman of the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence. Posed to the LA Times, a not unsympathetic ear when it comes to gun control. To say the least. Which is what Mr. Williams would have been better advised to say, rather than this: 'We cannot be … hiding behind the 2nd Amendment to justify weapons that the writers of the Constitution never imagined.' Asked about the resistance in Congress to gun control legislation, Hubert cited ... the difficulty in passing civil rights legislation. ..." ...

Jesse Jackson: Cops Should Be Better Armed Than Civilians
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... here we have a civil rights campaigner campaigning for The Man’s 'right' to have more firepower than American citizens. ..."

The time for gun-control debate is now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American debate over stricter gun-control laws is as old as it is tiresome. Passions abound on both sides of the argument: Pro-gun advocates don't want opponents to trample on their Second Amendment rights, and those who believe easy access to guns leads to senseless tragedies (such as the recent incident in an Aurora movie theater) are appalled by what they view as the gun lobby's lack of consideration for the loss of life." ...

Some Constitutional Amendments Are More Equal Than Others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the political debate about gun violence finally sounds out across the country in the wake of last week's Colorado theater massacre, as President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney begin to stake out their positions, I keep coming back in my mind to the ways in which America has treated gun rights differently from other rights since September 11, 2001. On paper, all constitutional amendments may be equal. But in practice, some amendments are more equal than others. And no amendment has been more equal in the past 11 years than the Second Amendment." ...

Aurora Massacre Proves How Far We’ve Strayed on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the recent mass-shooting ... the debate over gun control has intensified, for better or for worse."

"Many pro-gun groups have come out and claimed that perhaps if there was someone else in there with a gun, then the perpetrator could have been stopped, relying on the premise that an armed citizen would have deterred [redacted] or at the very least reduced the death toll. First, as a practical matter, it should be noted that this argument borders on the absurd."

"The suspected murderer ... was wearing protective body-armor from head to toe. Unless the hypothetical armed citizen happened to be carrying armor-piercing rounds, he or she would have been just as much at the murderer’s bidding as any other terrified victim ..." ...

Submitter's Note: FYI Skippy, my regular carry weapon is the FN FiveseveN which was designed to be an AP weapon.
Now if only AP rounds weren't outlawed . . .

Gun control distracts from the city problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Surely there are ways of strengthening federal gun control laws that would do no harm to Second Amendment rights1. But the recent movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colo., and the recent three murders in Bridgeport in three days are generating more hysteria and political evasion than relevant proposals." ...

1Submitter's Note: No, there aren't. By definition, "strengthening federal gun control laws" increases infringement on the peoples' right to keep and bear arms, which is barred by the Second Amendment.

Is America beyond having a rational debate about guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reaction to President Obama's comments about the subject of guns in America was predictable, noting either:
  • His call for a common sense approach

  • Framing it as a call for more restrictions"

  • Acknowledging both sides of the debate

  • To talking tough

  • To playing it safe

  • To ducking the tougher questions entirely" ...

Study history to understand the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second amendment is easily clarified if people would just read a little history. In 1787 the Constitution authorized the President to establish a standing army and navy in 8th article. Many of the leading lights of time, most prominently Thomas Jefferson, had been reading too many 18th century philosophers who believed that a Republic did not need a permanent army or navy. Mr. Jefferson later changed his mind after he had destroyed the Continental navy and then was faced with the depredations of the Barbary pirates and the interference with American commerce by both the English and the French. He had to start building another one." ...

Use Your Brain, And Face Reality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "People kill people, aided by the guns and the enormous amounts of ammunition they can purchase. No other country in the world has a number that is in close proximity to the United States in reference to innocent people murdered by assault rifles and handguns. Deaths by guns of any type are rare in the United Kingdom, and Australia, where guns are virtually outlawed. Arguments that areas of our country that have the weakest gun laws have the least crimes, is, plainly put, bullshit." ...

Submitter's Note: Ah the reasoned and logical discourse of the antis.

Gun control has no easy answers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a society, we accept the fact that although the First Amendment guarantees free speech, we have no right to yell 'fire' in a crowded movie theater."

"We also accept the fact that even though the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, we don’t have the right to bring weapons into the workplace or someone else’s home."

"We agree that there are reasonable limits to most of our basic Constitutional rights, and we’re accepting of those limits because they are in the best interest of society as a whole." ...

Submitter's Note: You want an "easy" answer? Here it is: If you try to take our guns, we will kill you.

DC: Gun control group calls on Obama, Romney to lead
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A prominent gun control group on Thursday called on President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney to lead a search for solutions to gun violence, upping the political pressure on the White House hopefuls to take a decisive stance after the mass shootings in Colorado."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said both candidates owe voters concrete plans, and that tens of thousands of people had already signed a petition urging them to speak up. The group's president, Dan Gross, said it was shameful for political leaders to play politics when lives could be saved." ...

Mayor Bloomberg spouts off for tight gun laws following Colorado movie theater massacre, but records show he's showered thousands of dollards[sic] on lawmakers who drew high marks from gun lobby
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Mayor Bloomberg has been all over the airwaves calling for better gun control following the Colorado movie theater massacre — but he doesn’t always put his money where his mouth is."

"Even as he’s pushed for tougher gun laws, he has showered thousands of dollars on lawmakers who drew high marks from the gun lobby over the past decade, campaign finance records show."

"And, his office announced Thursday that he’ll be hosting an Aug. 15 fund-raiser for Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown in the Bay State — where Bloomberg is from — despite Brown’s long history of supporting gun rights." ...

Book Case: In defense of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The reignited debate over gun control following last week's Colorado shootings sounds a familiarly discordant tone."

"Outraged liberal Democrats in Congress and local officials call for new or renewed bans on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines to prevent future massacres. Equally indignant conservative Republicans slam what they describe as an opportunistic attack on Second Amendment rights at the heart of American freedoms."

"Into this crossfire comes a reasoned new book aimed at defusing the hysteria." ...

Full Text Draft U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The States Parties to this Treaty." ...

The Truth About the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From TTAG contributor GottalovetheUN:"

"Here’s my interpretation of the draft U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (for what it’s worth I am an attorney, but I don’t practice international law. I practice complex commercial litigation). This treaty is designed to prevent the export of weapons to human rights abusers, which is something that I think we can all agree is a laudable goal (whether this will accomplish that goal is another question entirely) . . ." ...

Disinformation Continues as U.N. Arms Treaty Takes Shape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In New York this week, the U.N. Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty continued trying to draft a treaty to impose worldwide controls on small arms, including civilian-owned firearms."

"The NRA has made clear its opposition to any treaty that includes civilian firearms, and continues to note that a majority of the United States Senate stands with American gun owners in opposition to such a treaty. ... Ignoring that reality, U.N. conferees are working to regulate not only civilian small arms, but also ammunition and firearm parts."

"Anti-gun treaty proponents continue to mislead the public, claiming the treaty would have no impact on American gun owners. That's a bald-faced lie." ...

Final ATT draft sets up new U.N. gun control bureaucracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The final text of the proposed global Arms Trade Treaty sets up a new global bureaucracy, called a 'secretariat,' whose job will be to 'assist States Parties in the effective implementation of this treaty.'" ...

Int’l gun control lobby sets sights on ammo, 2A at United Nations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gloves are definitely off at the United Nations as negotiations continue over the proposed global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), where Bellevue’s Alan Gottlieb and Julianne Versnel are raising alarms about a handout distributed Thursday morning by Control Arms, one of the gun control groups pressing for the most extreme provisions." ...

Will you give up America’s gun rights to United Nations Arms Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If the United Nations new Arms Treaty goes into effect, Americans all over the nation may soon after adoption of the treaty, be subjected to United Nations jackboot thug enforcers coming into your community and even into your home to strip away by force your guns, your rifles, and most importantly, your family’s constitutional protection!" ...

Submitter's Note: Never going to happen if for no other reason than the fact that most gunnies will have far less trouble shooting blue-helmeted foreigners than they would American LEOs.

Moran rallies 50 senators to oppose arms treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) corralled 50 lawmakers — including eight Democrats — to signal their opposition to a global United Nations arms treaty currently being negotiated."

"The lawmakers signed onto a letter released Thursday from Moran, which lays out concerns that the U.N. treaty will infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights because it includes provisions to regulate civilian arms." ...

U.N. gun grab flops
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The United Nations‘ drive to gain control of the international arms trade is a mixed bag. The bad news is that it has the potential to infringe on the legitimate rights of American gun owners. The good news is that the treaty drafting process has been so dysfunctional that whatever emerges has little chance of getting through the U.S. Senate." ...

A Response to the Attack in Denver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I got word of the attack after Barb Baird of Women’s Outdoor News notified me and a few others in a message online. The death toll at the time was 12. Like everyone else, I was horrified. First I felt crushing heartbreak, then overwhelming anger. And then, like most gun owners and concealed carry permit holders, the scenario played out in my mind. I wished, for a moment, that I – or dear God, someone – had been there with a concealed firearm and had been in a position to take the gunman down." ...

How long is too long to wait to defend the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year marks my tenth year as a Second Amendment writer. Throughout the years, I've covered far too many multiple victim public shootings."

"Buckeye Firearms Association has always sought to be sensitive to the fact that these aren't just news stories - they are real victims with real families grieving painful losses. Unfortunately, in the hyper ... news cycle in which we live, there no longer seems to be any concern for giving time for the families (and the country) to pay their respects."

"When once we criticized gun ban extremists for seeking to make political points before the bodies had been buried, it is now more accurate to criticize them for exploiting such events before the spilled blood has had time to dry." ...

Tragedy doesn't define Founders' gun intentions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the tragic shootings in Colorado, both sides of the political aisle are fighting a raging online battle over the ever-lurking issue of gun control."

"As always, gun-control advocates are arguing for stricter gun laws, while pro-gun rights advocates are advocating for looser gun laws. The pro-gun debaters posit how many lives may have been saved had a single person inside the Aurora movie theatre been carrying a firearm, while their opponents argue that the return fire would have killed more people." ...

After Aurora
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting many questions have been raised. How could this happen? What possesses someone to carry out such a vicious and senseless act? Could it have been prevented? What does this mean for the future?"

"While we may never find the true answers for the two former, it seems that most in the news, social media and political spectrums have their own for the two latter. Some call for stricter gun laws, others think more people should be packing heat and still more think we should not even be talking about these issues. When you step back and look at the facts of this case, you realize that each of these arguments are flawed." ...

Ted Nugent Says Dianne Feinstein Is ‘Literally Going Berserk’ Over Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rocker and outspoken Second Amendment rights advocate Ted Nugent went after California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday over the issue of gun control. He said her views on firearm ownership were 'lunacy' and that she was going 'berserk,' despite the fact that Sen. Feinstein specifically said that she would not advocate for stricter gun control laws in the wake of last Friday’s mass shooting in Colorado." ...

Is there common ground on gun violence?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is there any common ground on gun violence? Last week's tragedy in Aurora, Colo., where a gunman killed a dozen moviegoers and injured many more, has renewed the debate over gun control in the United States. Cynics say the debate never goes anywhere, and they don't expect it to this time -- the divide between Second Amendment defenders and gun-control advocates is just too wide." ...

In defense of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here we go again. Each and every episode of madness involving a mass shooting brings out the letters from those who would punish the law-abiding public for the crimes of an individual madman. It is almost like suggesting we ban cars or alcohol because some people drink and drive and eventually kill someone with their car."

"Of course most of us see the injustice of imposing such a penalty on the entire population, most of whom have a real need for an automobile and who drink responsibly and in moderation."

"But many people don't seem to see a real 'need' to possess a firearm or at least certain types of firearms and so see no harm in dictating to the people laws designed to make the general public 'safer.' ..." ...

MILLER: The assault on weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gun grabbers wasted no time exploiting Friday’s shooting in Aurora, Colo., by calling for more restrictive firearm laws. Their liberal agenda is off target because, with U.S. gun ownership at its highest level ever, the public sees crime is way down. This blows a hole in the left’s argument, but it doesn’t stop it."

"Despite the House being strongly pro-gun and the Senate marginally so, some Democratic senators want to seize the opportunity to peddle pet legislation. ..." ...

MILLER: Dispelling gun myths
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There is evil in the world, and the face of it was seen Monday when [redacted] made his first court appearance since he allegedly killed 12 innocent people at a showing of the Batman movie 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora, Colo. As he sat with demonic-looking dyed-orange hair and bizarre facial expressions, it was hard to conceive of any law that could thwart such a maniac intent on mass murder."

"That hasn’t stopped those on the left from seizing this tragedy to call for more gun-control laws. ..." ...

A Bit of Advice for Mitt Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Presumptive Nominees Governor MitT Romney is changing his tack on gun control. With a history of gun regulation, Romney is now coming out in favor of more gun rights. I have some advice for you, Governor."

"Be bold on second amendment issues: trust the electorate. Nothing says that trust better than the severe curtailment or a moratorium on gun control." ...

Obama On Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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..."Well, let me say that THIS gun owner does NOT agree with Obama's position on the above weapons as far as these weapons only being in the hands of soldiers or on the battlefield. I think that if you are a non-criminal American who can pass the background check for a gun---that YOU, as an AMERICAN, should be able to buy whatever YOU want." ...

Asked about gun control, Romney evades, Obama delays
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It’s been six days since the horror of the theater massacre in Aurora, Colo., and, on the issue of gun control, President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney have drawn their lines in the sand. The Republican challenger will evade. The Democratic president will delay." ...

Romney: The US doesn’t need stricter gun laws (video available)
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"I think the liberal-leaning outlets are trying to draw attention to the section of the interview in which Mitt Romney tells Brian Williams that 'there are some differences between myself and the NRA,' but I’m honestly not seeing any cause for alarm. I feel like Romney is just leaving himself a bit of wiggle room ... Yes, we know he has a not-as-sterling-as-some-might-prefer past on gun control: He’s signed an 'assault' weapons ban as governor of Massachusetts and supported the idea of better background checks, but as the gist of the interview amounts to, no, he doesn’t think we need stricter national gun laws and just legislating the heck out of things isn’t always a solution, I’m okay with it. (Not overly pleased with it, perhaps, but okay.)" ...

FL: NRA is A-OK with both GOP sheriff candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican candidates for Marion County sheriff have apparently shored up their constitutional bona fides with one constituency — gun owners."

"Both Chris Blair and Undersheriff Dan Kuhn received an 'A' grade on Second Amendment issues, based on responses to a questionnaire submitted to them by the National Rifle Association." ...

WI: Ted Nugent stumps for Tommy Thompson, talks guns in Sturtevant (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rock star Ted Nugent came to town to campaign for former governor and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson on the heels of controversial comments about the Colorado shooting."

"Nugent was in Sturtevant for a Thompson rally, and the Second Amendment took center stage -- just a day after Nugent said what happened in Colorado could have been different if the audience had guns of their own." ...

Obama ‘out of the closet’ on gun control; O’Reilly unrepentant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama, using rhetoric from the gun prohibition lobby, told the National Urban League convention in New Orleans that semiautomatic military-style firearms 'belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities.'"

"Obama went to New Orleans after staying the night in Bellevue, where he attended a pair of high-dollar fund-raisers. His remarks were in reaction to the movie murders in Aurora, Colo., and signal to Northwest gun rights activists that his 'mask is off' where gun control is concerned. ..." ...

Democratic senators offer gun control amendment for cybersecurity bill (video available)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers."

"Shortly after the Cybersecurity Act gained Senate approval to proceed to filing proposed amendments and a vote next week, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a sponsor of the gun control amendment, came to the floor to defend the idea of implementing some 'reasonable' gun control measures." ...

MO: Let ‘legal resident aliens’ carry concealed weapons in Missouri, lawsuit says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun rights group says 'legal resident aliens' should have the right to carry concealed weapons in Missouri."

"The Second Amendment Foundation, a group based in Washington state, filed suit this week in federal court in St. Louis, claiming Missouri illegally prohibits non-residents from obtaining concealed-weapon permits."

"The group is suing on behalf of Edward Plastino, a Canadian who lives legally in St. Charles, Mo." ...

IL: Cop guilty in taped beating of handcuffed teenager
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chicago Police officer was found guilty of aggravated battery and official misconduct Thursday after he was caught on surveillance tape repeatedly striking a 19-year-old man whose hands were cuffed behind his back." ...

MD: Ex-PG officer sentenced in scheme on cigarettes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Prince George's County police officer was sentenced Monday to almost four years in prison for his role protecting shipments of untaxed cigarettes and alcohol, a scheme uncovered as part of a widespread federal investigation into what the sentencing judge called a 'cesspool of corruption' in county government." ...

AL: Huntsville police officer fired after using excessive force during an arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A dash-cam video released by police shows an incident that cost one Huntsville police officer his job and cost the city $25,000."

"The way former Officer Phillip Lee, Junior handled a traffic stop last December got him fire; now he is appealing his termination."

"The report that came out of this internal investigation shows this former officer violated policies on two separate occasions, but the most serious one involves the use of excessive force." ...

LA: 3 New Orleans police officers implicated in unrelated incidents of misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three New Orleans police officers found themselves on the wrong side of the law in recent days, all implicated in unrelated incidents of misconduct. Two cops, including a longtime supervisor, were arrested for alleged crimes occurring outside the city, while a recently resigned detective pleaded guilty to fraud Friday in federal court. In the most serious case, former NOPD detective Tiwana Alexander pleaded guilty Friday to defrauding a federal housing program for the homeless of more than $2,700" ...

IL: Cook County deputy charged in fatal Franklin Park crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Cook County sheriff’s deputy was charged Tuesday with aggravated DUI after a fatal crash in Franklin Park."

"Jamie O’Malley, 37, was charged in connection with a crash early Sunday on Mannheim Road just south of Belmont Avenue, according to Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Andy Conklin." ...

The National Matches are here!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The annual NRA and Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) National Matches are underway. The First Shot Ceremony was July 9 and was attended by dignitaries from across the state. Buckeye Firearms leaders Larry Moore, Sean Maloney and Linda Walker, who is also on the Board of Directors of the NRA, attended the event. Ohio House Representative Ron Maag was among the invited special guests. Maag is well known as a strong supporter of the shooting sports and our Second Amendment freedoms." ...

Ice T Calls Rush Limbaugh a Racist Piece of S*it, After Second Amendment Comments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ice T is not happy with Rush Limbaugh -- or Bill O’Reilly for that matter."

"The rapper, who said in a recent interview 'the right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny,' was sarcastically praised by Limbaugh for defending gun rights and knowing the meaning of the word 'tyranny.'" ...

OH: Buckeye Vintage Skeet Championships: A Step Back In Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vintage is used to describe many things including wine, art, automobiles and firearms. For the Buckeye Vintage Skeet Championship, vintage is a step back in time for skeet shooters. Vintage skeet pays tribute to the heritage of skeet shooting and the fine shotguns of an earlier period. Vintage may define the best and most typical of an age. I like that definition for the sport of vintage skeet shooting because of the fine shotguns and the warm gentlemanly nature of the shooters I met at the championships." ...

CO: The Second Amendment needs to be updated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I believe that sane, non-felon Americans should have the right to keep and bear individual firearms, preferably openly rather than concealed. But the argument that the Second Amendment has anything to do with target practice, gun collecting, protecting oneself from muggers, stopping public massacres or game hunting is utter nonsense! Nor was it intended to defend against foreign invaders."

"The Second Amendment was only intended for citizens to be able to collectively protect themselves from their own federal government. ..." ...

CO: Second Amendment protects us from tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I wish to respond to Tom Schantz's letter (Camera, July 25) and his misinterpretation of the Second Amendment."

"First, state militias, as they were originally conceived, is not a bad idea. We would be far less prone to engage in foreign wars, which we are now up to our eyeballs in." ...

MA: What gun-control agenda?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I must respond to David Dussault’s July 26 letter to the editor, 'Tragedy exploited to promote gun-control agenda.' I am not apart of the anti-gun crowd, but I am part of the common sense crowd. Most Americans are OK with the Second Amendment and we do not want to take away all your guns as the National Rifle Association would like you to believe."

"But we see no need for American citizen to have the right to purchase military level arms (i.e. automatic assalt rifles and 50- and 100-round clips). ..." ...

WI: Gun rights should never be denied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columnist Jerome Christenson is usually very thought-provoking and witty, but his column about the Second Amendment disappointed me (Wednesday’s Tribune)."

"I resent being called stupid for enjoying firearms. ..." ...

FL: Congress' negligence resulted in massacre
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Enough is enough. The senseless massacre of moviegoers in Aurora, Colo., is the direct result of the criminal negligence of the United States Congress."

"The individual members should be personally sued for their continued disregard for human lives in order to placate the National Rifle Association."

"I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. However, all of the intents of this amendment can be met with limited-capacity pistols, rifles and shotguns. ..." ...

MN: In-step with residents about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With regards to the 'out of step' letter from Jerry Horgen [Echo Press, July 25, 2012]: I may not be in step with the metro law enforcement, but I am 'in step' with residents of Otter Tail and Douglas counties who want to exercise the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution."

"As a former sheriff, I agree that law abiding people should be able to protect themselves. ..." ...

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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