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Newslinks for 7/28/2006

Hurricane Katrina Inspired Gun Bill an Assault on Common Sense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Statement of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy on HR 5013, legislation that would tie the hands of law enforcement by not allowing apprehension of those wielding guns in public areas following a natural disaster or terrorist attack. The bill would also allow guns in emergency relief shelters. The legislation passed the House by a vote of 322 to 99"

"'Once again, this Congress is waging war on common sense. And once again, the gun-lobby is using police officers as a prop in another pre-election fear-mongering campaign.'"

"'While House leadership accuses the New Orleans police department of going door to door confiscating guns in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the superintendent of the department states that was not the case. ...'" ...

Guns and crime
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"One proven way to reduce urban crime is to choke off the supply of guns on the street. [KABA Note: Proven by whom? Please cite the source for your assertion.] And one sure way to do that is for police to track where the guns are coming from. That information helps law enforcement target black market and rogue dealers."

Yet incredibly, a bill in the House could turn the tables on police officers everywhere by making it a federal crime for them to share information about firearms with one another. The proposed legislation is yet another indication of the power the gun lobby wields in Washington. No surprise there. But it is unsettling that such an outrageous proposal could even find a sponsor, much less begin to wend its way through the legislative process." ...

U.S.A. dodges U.N. axe again (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the first week of this month ... the UN (United Nations), meeting on American soil, was busy trying to finalize a treaty that would strip all citizens of all nations of their right to self-protection, and strip you and me of our rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. The good news is that the [Conference] ended in deadlock with no formal conclusions or recommendations, and without a worldwide ban on civilian firearms ownership, which was their real goal. ... They do not understand that our freedoms are not to blame for the worlds problems; and, while the UN ignores slavery, genocide, and mass murder in other countries, they persist in their attempts to infringe on our sovereignty. ..."

Bullish on Bearing Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Sure enough, now, a whimsical, serendipitous fate has brought the issue of gun ownership rights for citizens before the U.S. House of Representatives ..."

"Our duly elected reps 'represented' boldly yesterday when they passed by a wide margin a measure preventing law enforcement officials from confiscating legally owned weapons during a period of emergency. The roots of this law are in the post-Hurricane Katrina hullabaloo in New Orleans last year. At that time, in an effort to maintain order -- or, better said, to reimpose it -- the embattled chief of police, Eddie Compass, ordered all firearms to be confiscated. Naturally, the onus fell mostly on legal owners, their title being duly recorded." ...

CA: Man arrested in shooting death won't be prosecuted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man, initially identified as a 17-year-old, who was arrested in connection with a shooting death last weekend in Antelope will not be prosecuted ..." ...

"According to investigative reports, a fight broke out when Argueta showed up at his wife's home with his new girlfriend in tow. The divorcing couple had been arguing over who should be making payments on a Ford Expedition that was registered in both their names, O'Mara said."

"At some point, Portillo obtained a 40-caliber handgun that Argueta's wife had bought for protection. He apprently shot Argueta in self-defense, O'Mara said. Argueta had made death threats and he had a 'long history' of domestic violence, the prosecutor said." ...

New Zealand: Gun dealer 'upset and stressed' after shooting intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Auckland gun dealer who yesterday shot an intruder armed with a machete says he is 'upset and stressed' about the incident."

"Greg Carvell shot a 29-year-old in the abdomen with a handgun when the man burst into his gunshop in Penrose about 10am."

"Mr Carvell, who spent most of yesterday with police, said this morning: 'I am just upset and stressed and that is all I can really say at this stage.'"

"He said he appreciated the support he had been getting."

"Police were continuing investigations at the scene today and had yet to decide if any charges would be laid." ...

"A legal expert last night said he would be surprised if police laid charges against Greg Carvell." ...

South Africa: House owner kills burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two burglars were shot dead and one escaped after a householder ... opened fire on them ..."

"... [T]he owner of the house, 49, and his wife were entertaining a visitor on Wednesday night, when he noticed movements through the window. He immediately went for his firearm, and went outside."

"On looking through a window he saw the three robbers inside the house. One had his wife at gunpoint, and the other had a firearm pointed at the visitor."

"Mazibuko said the robbers knew there were three occupants in the house, and one of them went to search for the owner."

"On confronting the owner, the robber was shot twice in the head."

"The second one heard the shots and went to investigate. He was also shot twice in the head. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Excellent shooting!

OH: Cincinnati should ban handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The billboards that are planned to address gun violence in Cincinnati will not stop bullets and will not stop the killings, not one of them, but it will remind us of what else desperately must be done."

"We need a gun control ordinance like they have in Morton Grove, Ill., that bans the possession and ownership of handguns. We need a buy-back program where the city will buy back handguns. We need the churches to go out in the neighborhoods and beg people to bring their handguns and anonymously drop them off at the church office. We need to get some of those for whom guns are important symbols and means of livelihood to come on our side and preach the way of Jesus and Mohammed and Abraham, and not the way of the gun. ..." ...

OH: Editorial Calls for Cincy Gun Ban (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A July 27th editorial in the Cincinnati Enquirer entitled 'Cincinnati Should Ban Handguns' called for legislation to do just that. ..." ...

"Amidst this editorial's many illogical conclusions, it neglects to clarify one important point: How would the enactment of a city-wide ban of handguns convince criminals that are robbing, raping, and murdering the citizens of Cincinnati to finally turn their lives around and abandon their weapons?"

"If current laws forbidding the illegal use of firearms are not a deterrent to those criminals (even if it is their first time), why would this legislation be any different? ..." ...

GA: Man wounds ex, then kills himself
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 21-year-old Athens man shot and seriously wounded a former girlfriend at her southeastern Clarke County apartment around 2:45 a.m. Wednesday before killing himself with a gunshot to his head, Athens-Clarke police said." ...

"An Athens-Clarke Magistrate Court judge ordered in May that Burgess have no contact with Smith after he was charged with simple assault. Smith complained June 12 that Burgess continually violated the order by calling and threatening her, according to police."

"Police hadn't arrested Burgess because Smith failed to keep appointments with the detective to make a formal statement, according to Athens-Clarke police Capt. Clarence Holeman of the Criminal Investigations Division." ...

NY: Cuomo's 1st TV ads tout fights vs. guns and KKK
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Handguns, former President Bill Clinton and cross burning all turn up in Democrat Andrew Cuomo's first TV commercial in his bid for state attorney general."

"The commercial highlights Cuomo's attempts to curb gun violence and the Ku Klux Klan as federal housing secretary." ...

OH: Is The Strickland Campaign Spamming Gun Owners? (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the internet spamming is known as the act of sending unsolicited emails ... Some might argue that a commercial component is necessary for unsolicited email to be spam, while others would consider unsolicited email seeking votes and financial contributions ..."

"Recently Ohioans For Concealed Carry was contacted by Brian Berry, an OFCC member, who asked if we'd received or seen the letter from Frances Strickland praising her husband and seeking support for his campaign, both financially and by voting for him in the General Election. While nothing in the otherwise generic message was pro-firearm this OFCC member had very strong reason to believe his gun-owner status caused him to be targeted." ...

OH: Congressional votes on gun seizures don't change need for HB508 (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"On Tuesday, the United States House of Representatives voted 402-23 for H.R. 5013, legislation that bars federal officials or local law enforcement agents that get federal money from confiscating legally owned firearms during a natural disaster."

"A separate bill preventing the use of federal funds for the confiscation of lawfully possessed firearms during an emergency or major disaster passed the United States Senate with a final vote margin of 84-16 earlier this month." ...

"Assuming Congress sends a bill to President Bush, this should eliminate the need for Rep. Ron Hood's Ohio House Bill 508, right? WRONG." ...

NY: Rochester Mayor Robert Duffy Endorses Andrew Cuomo For Attorney General
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Today, New York State Attorney General candidate Andrew Cuomo won the endorsement of Mayor Robert Duffy and Assemblymembers Joe Morelle and David Koon to discuss the fight to protect New Yorkers from gun violence."

"'As a Mayor of Rochester, I know I need a partner in the Attorney General who has made protecting New Yorkers and fighting gun violence a top priority and Andrew Cuomo is the man for the job,' said Mayor Robert Duffy. 'Andrew Cuomo will be our toughest advocate to fight to get illegal guns off our streets and out of the hands of criminals. He will fight to hold reckless gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for the products they sell and will make sure the federal government is doing everything they can to empower law enforcement to solve crimes and protect our families.'" ...

NE: Council voted prematurely on gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City Council's sudden decision to kill Mayor Coleen Seng’s proposed ban on concealed weapons short-circuits the democratic process."

"A public hearing on the proposed ban, which already had prompted lively debate on the Journal Star's opinion page and elsewhere in the community, was to have occurred only seven days later."

"The purpose of a public hearing is to give citizens a fair opportunity to provide their views on an issue. Public hearings help elected officials make sure that they have fully examined an issue from all angles. The process helps ensure better decision-making."

"The proposal to ban concealed weapons in Lincoln already had gone through all the requisite preliminary steps. ..." ...

NE: Concealed-carry plans emerge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Short of banning concealed weapons in Lincoln, Mayor Coleen Seng and several City Council members will propose reducing the number of people who can carry them." ...

"Three years ago the city council made it unlawful for anyone convicted of a list of violent or serious misdemeanor crimes to possess a firearm in the city."

"Those crimes included stalking, violation of a protection order, third-degree sexual assault, resisting arrest, obstructing government operations, concealing a death and others."

"The proposal from the mayor’s office would expand that list to include assaults, making menacing threats, contributing to the delinquency of a child, public indecency and second-offense driving under the influence." ...

MD: Court Says Lending Weapon Not Covered by Gun Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Marylanders can lend a gun to a friend without going through the seven-day waiting period and background check required by state law before guns can be transferred or sold to a new owner, according to a ruling by the state's highest court."

"The Court of Appeals, in a 4-3 decision, said lending a gun to another person does not constitute 'transfer' of a weapon and therefore is not covered by the gun control law dealing with the waiting period and police background checks of potential buyers."

"The ruling came in an appeal filed by a D.C. police officer who had lent a handgun to a friend. The friend's guns had been confiscated by police because he had a Glock pistol in his car but did not have a permit to carry it." ...

OH: Ohio Officer Must Apologize for On-Duty Accident
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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"A township police officer will keep his job but must publicly apologize tonight following an investigation into a March auto accident."

"According to the agreement, Jason Bates, 27, of Carlisle agreed to apologize to the Clearcreek Twp. Trustees and the Clearcreek and West Carrollton police departments for his involvement in an auto accident in March where he and another officer were found smelling of alcohol after their vehicle crashed."

"Bates was cited for failure to control by West Carrollton police. Bates and John Majercak, a probationary patrolman since fired, were later charged with obstructing official business, according to records." ...

Submitter's Note: What would happen to the rest of us?

FL: Deputy accidentally fires gun inside justice center
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An apparent case of multitasking ended with a bang for one Lee County sheriff’s deputy."

"Cpl. Ross DiPasquale was working a security shift July 14 at the Lee County Justice Center when he accidentally fired his Glock .45 caliber pistol, Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott said. DiPasquale was sitting in the restroom and decided to give his gun some extra attention. As he sat there with gun in hand, a bullet suddenly fired from the weapon’s barrel."

"DiPasquale, 49, was not hurt in the incident, sheriff’s officials said. No one else was in the restroom."

"'He decided to do something, cleaning or checking or whatever he did with that gun, there was an accidental discharge,' Scott said. ..." ...

TX: Ex-St. Mary's cop guilty of assault with a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former St. Mary's University police officer was found guilty Wednesday on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for an incident at a bar last summer in which he held a gun to a man's throat." ...

"During the trial's punishment phase, Aponte — who resigned from the St. Mary's force shortly after the incident — said he was sorry for what he did and that he had never done anything like that before."

"But Municipal Court records show that Aponte was convicted on April 11, 1997, of two misdemeanor counts of assault against two boys while he was an officer with the Harlandale School District police force. In that case, he was ordered to serve 180 days probation and pay a $200 fine." ...

CA: ATF Seizes Firearms, Santa Barbara Gun Dealer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Special Agent in Charge John A. Torres, Los Angeles Field Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), today announced the execution of a seizure warrant for all firearms from the Dodge City gun dealership in Santa Barbara and served the dealer with a Notice of Revocation of his federal firearms license."

"Torres said Richard Allen Dodge, owner of the gun shop at 4010 Calle Real in Santa Barbara, 'has consistently and repeatedly violated the Gun Control Act and its implementing regulations by failing to account for the acquisition and disposition of hundreds of firearms in violation of federal law and the transferring of firearms in violation of California State law." ...

WA: Washington Transit Force Faces Heightened Criticism
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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"King County's Metro Transit police force had its share of aggressive behavior by officers before three undercover bus cops tackled and manacled bicyclists participating in a demonstration three weeks ago."

"The sheriff's commuter unit has, among other things, arrested a veteran Metro tunnel supervisor who argued with deputies; used a Taser on a teenage girl who ran off without paying her fare; charged a Good Samaritan with a crime when she reported three unidentifiable undercover officers beating a man at a bus stop; and ogled female pedestrians through a security camera in a downtown department store." ...

NJ: Cops: Shot by own gun accidentally during frisk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jersey City man being busted for drug distribution was shot in the foot by his own gun, which a cop dropped while frisking him, according to police reports."

"Dayton Jackson ... was arrested ... Tuesday and charged with numerous drug distribution charges and weapons offenses after cops reportedly saw him sell cocaine."

"A cop frisking Jackson found 32 vials of suspected heroin as well as a .22-caliber revolver in Jackson's back pocket. The cop attempted to pull out the gun, but it got snagged on the pocket flap and fell to the ground. When it hit the sidewalk, the gun went off, reports said."

"'I'm shot in the foot!' Jackson shouted as cops saw blood spurt from his right foot." ...

NY: Buffalo officer arrested after gunshots fired on highway
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A Buffalo police officer was arrested on a charge she fired a gun out the window of her car while driving on the Thruway.

Dawn Lopez, 37, was pulled over in suburban Cheektowaga early Wednesday after state troopers in the vicinity heard the shots, state police told WKBW-TV.

Police said Lopez fired her gun into the air several times and a passenger, Megan Corcoran, 39, fired at least one shot.

Lopez was charged with reckless endangerment.

Both women were issued appearance tickets for Cheektowaga Town Court.

NC: Dog shot by sheriff's deputy is put to sleep
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"The owners of a dog shot Friday by a Buncombe County sheriff’s deputy saw their Saint Bernard for the last time this morning, leaving her to be put down at an animal hospital."

"Through tears, Pamela Goodson said she doesn't want to go through the long and expensive surgery and recuperation Shay would need to have even a chance of survival."

"She learned at 1:30 a.m. today that the family would need surgery by a specialist to keep Shay alive. ..." ...

"Sheriff Bobby Medford said the deputy reported shooting the dog in self-defense while serving legal papers. Details were not available over the weekend."

"But the family says the deputy was at the wrong home, and had intended to serve the papers on a neighbor." ...

UK: Ashley family to 'put police on trial'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE family of a man shot dead by a police marksman has made legal history by winning the chance to prove he was 'unlawfully killed' in a civil court."

"Appeal Court judges ruled that the father and son of 39-year-old James Ashley can sue Sussex Police not just for negligence, but also for 'battery' and 'misfeasance in public office' over his January 1998 shooting during a police raid."

"The court's ruling opens the way for a High Court hearing ..."

"Mr Ashley, a suspected drug dealer originally from Liverpool, was shot in a police raid on his St Leonards on Sea flat. He was said to have been naked in bed with his teenage girlfriend when armed police entered the property." ...

Trap, skeet valuable as practice or for fun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Once the month of August arrives, fall is just around the corner. Many hunters use this time of the year for a little badly needed target practice, tuning up the eye for the coming season."

"One form of target shooting which has been around a long time is trap and skeet, and these shotgun sports are great for waterfowl hunters or upland game-bird hunters. Trap and skeet are also practiced regularly by many people just for the fun of it. In fact there are a lot of folks participating in this form of shooting practice who never venture out to hunt in the fall." ...

MS: We already have the right to arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We were taught in school that the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution was pretty much set in stone. But apparently, the U.S. Congress feels it needs to slather some epoxy on top of that stone in an effort to make it more solid." ...

"This week the U.S. House, following the lead of the Senate, passed a measure making it illegal for law officers to confiscate firearms during a national disaster or emergency."

"It's one of those well intentioned, but inane laws. We don't need another law protecting our rights to bear arms. We need better education for law enforcement officers to know and apply the laws of the land already on the books."

Submitter's Note: And we need long prison sentences for the cops who ignore those rights.

NY: Suffolk DA seizes weapons arsenal, including 50 rifles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two Vietnam veterans have been arrested for harboring more than a hundred illegal weapons, including more than 50 assault rifles, in their West Islip and Bayside homes, Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota announced today." ...

"Both men have a prior conviction for criminal possession of a weapon, stemming back to 10 years ago, when they were caught firing arms at sand dunes in Babylon, officials said. As a result of the conviction, they were not allowed to possess any weapons."

AZ: Jensen's N. Side gun shop closes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jensen's Arizona Sportsman, once known as the largest firearms store in Arizona, has closed one shop and may shut the other after years of financial troubles and new problems with its firearms dealer license." ...

"Then on June 25, 2004, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives took action against both local stores, revoking their federal firearms dealer licenses. The bureau cited numerous record-keeping problems, including thousands of instances of incomplete entries in a required log book and several sales after incomplete or incorrect background checks, according to court records."

"The bureau deemed the violations willful, but the company argued the record-keeping problems were mistakes and asked a judge to review the bureau's decision. ..." ...

CA: Gunning For The Ladies (3rd Special Event)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Saturday, July 29, 9am-5pm. The Ojai Valley Gun Club is pleased to announce its third annual Ladies Handgun Seminar. Safety and one-on-one instruction will be stressed throughout, and participants may bring their own pistols if desired. All the instructors are NRA-certified and have conducted previous seminars. A delicious BBQ lunch will be provided, followed by a short lesson on cleaning and caring for your pistol. Pre-registration and payment is a must. $15-20. Rose Valley Range, Los Padres National Forest.

PA: For Guns In Schools, It's Federal Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new initiative to track adults who sell guns to juveniles, particularly students, was announced yesterday at a press conference at the Philadelphia School District, bringing federal law enforcement into the gun-control fight here."

"'Under Project Safe Neighborhoods, federal law allows us to prosecute the adults who traffic firearms to kids,' said U.S. Attorney Pat Meehan, who called the conference. 'We'll have a system in place so that, when a gun is recovered, the school district can immediately reach out to both A.T.F. and Philadelphia police, who can then expedite the trace on the firearm and find the seller. This will help us disrupt the flow of guns to juveniles and ultimately make our schools safer.'" ...

Canada: Bear hunting may help cub survival rates: study
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regulated bear hunting may actually improve a newborn cub's chances of survival, suggests new research from the University of Alberta."

"The finding contradicts theories that hunting creates higher rates of ursine infanticide as adult male bears, chased from their regular range, kill cubs they have not sired."

"The research, being reviewed for publication by the bear biology journal Ursus, found that cubs had a 25 per cent better chance of survival in an Alberta area where black bear hunting is allowed than in a neighbouring region where it is forbidden." ...

Canada: Gary Mauser Letter to the National Post
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roy Cullen uses statistics very selectively in an attempt to mislead readers. It's difficult to believe his cost claims when the true figures are still a cabinet secret. ..."

"He claims the firearms program is responsible for the decline in the criminal misuse of firearms. This is unlikely since homicide and robbery rates have declined faster in the United States over the past decade than they have in Canada, and the US allows citizens to carry handguns to protect themselves."

"He boasts that the gun registry gets 2,000 queries daily, but he doesn't say this is almost exclusively due to the registry bureaucrats themselves, trying to clear up mistakes, not the police." ...

UK: Have you seen gun man?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DETECTIVES were today hunting this armed robber pictured aiming a pistol at building society staff."

"A security camera captured the moment the gunman threatened cashiers at the Nationwide Building Society in Stalham, Norfolk, yesterday."

"The robber, dressed in a dark glasses and a baseball cap, was photographed pointing the handgun as a customer looked on."

"'This was a very serious and nasty incident,' said Detective Inspector Andy Guy."

"'We would urge anyone who recognises the offender in the photo or who saw him leave the premises to get in touch with us as soon as possible.'"

"Police said the robber was wearing a one-piece boiler suit and held the gun in his right hand." ...

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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