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Newslinks for 7/28/2016

So You are Afraid to be on a Government List?
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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My friend told me he didn’t want to get a concealed carry license because that might put him on a government list. I had to think for a minute before I said anything.

My friend has strong political beliefs. He should probably stop donating to politicians if he wants to stay off a government list. My friend should probably stop donating to his church. Maybe he should turn in his guns too.

I do have a question for him. Let us say he, and millions of others, did all these things. Does that make us safer.. or are we at a greater risk of our government abusing its power?

What do you think? I'm asking for a friend.

NRA goes on air to rebut Democrats on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association is going on air to rebut a night’s worth of calls to tighten the nation’s gun laws at the Democratic National Convention.

The spot argues that Clinton would take away individuals’ right to self-defense, and it features a rape victim who says she embraced firearms after her attack. It will start running on national cable on Thursday, according to the NRA, and digitally in “key battleground states.”

Michael Bloomberg’s Speech Could’ve Been a Gary Johnson Endorsement, if Bloomberg Weren’t a Big Nanny Statist
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"We can only solve our biggest problems if we come together and embrace the freedoms that our Founding Fathers established right here in Philadelphia," said the man who is a leading advocate of stripping Americans of their right to self-defense, and blamed Republicans for "standing in the way of action" on gun violence in his speech. Those freedoms onto which Bloomberg imposes terms and conditions, "permitted our ancestors to create the great American exceptionalism that all of us now enjoy."

KS: Range event brings in more competitors
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Trigger Guard range recently hosted a Glock Sport Shooting Foundation match, with shooters making their way from around the area to include shooters from outside the state.

The two-day event has seen increases in the number of attendees over the years.

In 2013, the first year hosting, there were 175 entries in the three event match. This year 420 entries placed lead onto targets with hopes of being the top shooter.

FL: Endorsements continue to pile up in NE Florida races
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) and the Unified Sportsmen of Florida weighed in on candidates in House Districts 11 and 16, backing Terrance Freeman and Jason Fischer respectively.

“We sincerely appreciate your strong support of Second Amendment, self-defense, and anti-crime issues,” said Marion Hammer, executive director of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida and past NRA President, according to Freeman’s press release.

TX: The Campus Carry Debate Isn’t as Simple as Guns Versus No Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To these people it makes no difference that the armed citizens who caused confusion for Dallas police were carrying rifles, not handguns; that the guns were carried openly, not concealed; that the guns—at least some of which were purportedly unloaded—were carried as a form of protest, not as a measure of self-defense; that proponents of campus carry have never claimed that the licensed, concealed carry of handguns offers defense against a sniper firing from a concealed position; that concealed carry is about personal protection, not public protection; or that Texas license to carry (LTC) holders are taught to move away from the sound of gunfire and stay out of the way of police.

MA: Second Amendment needs a second look
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I believe that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is one of those provisions, like the Electoral College and the District of Columbia, which may have made sense in colonial America, but is obsolete today. The second amendment says: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

MA: Lawmakers Push Back Against Lawless Gun Ban by AG Healy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is partly how checks and balances are supposed to work. The legislators are jealous of their power. They openly say so. They say that if Healy had come to them, acknowledged their power, and asked, they might well have accommodated her.

But, that is not the way she wanted to work it.

Healy’s diktat is a completely new “interpretation” of settled law that has been in place for 18 years, 22 years if you include the Clinton “assault weapon” law the Massachusetts law mirrored, before the Clinton national ban sun set.

‘Butler’ Director Lee Daniels Inflates ‘Gun Violence’ Numbers By 66% in DNC Gun Control Plea
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Top Hollywood producer-director Lee Daniels inflated “gun violence” numbers by 66 percent when he claimed that “33,000 people each year die from gun violence” during his speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night.


The actual number of gun violence-related deaths is literally one-third of that, roughly 10,000 to 11,000 a year, on average.

But Daniels did what Hillary Clinton and other gun control proponents have done throughout this election cycle —he quoted a figure that one can only reach by combining “gun violence” deaths, accidental gun deaths and suicides, then applying the term “gun violence” to the sum.

Mark Kelly at DNC: Lack of Gun Control One of America’s ‘Greatest Moral Failures’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During his July 27 speech at the Democrat National Convention, gun control proponent Mark Kelly described the absence of new gun laws as one of America’s “greatest moral failures.”

Mark Kelly has been campaigning to require a background check for every would-be gun purchaser ever since his wife, Gabby Giffords, was attacked by a man who passed a background check to acquire his firearm. Giffords’s attacker — Jared Loughner — passed a background check for the Glock he used to attack innocents in Tucson on January 8, 2011.

MA: Rep. Naughton: AG overstepping authority on copycat assault weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Baker also asked Healey for clarity after Public Safety Secretary Daniel Bennett raised the possibility of some pistols being banned under Healey's new directive, but not even the Republican governor questioned Healey's authority to enforce the law as she interprets it.

"I support the assault weapons ban that has been in place for nearly twenty years here in Massachusetts and support our country's Second Amendment," [Governor] Baker wrote in his letter. "I also believe that if gun makers are intentionally subverting the law then they should be held accountable."

Ed.: Another gun-grabbing republican governor, just like Governor Weld who originally passed the ban, and is now running for VP on the Libertarian ticket.

Washington and Oregon groups push to ban high-powered rifles, to create a ‘West Coast Wall’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In light of the mass shootings across the country, gun control groups feel they have the momentum to make some sweeping changes regionwide.

On Wednesday, several Washington and Oregon groups announced a new campaign pushing for a ban on high-powered rifles. They hope to follow California’s lead, calling it the ‘West Coast Wall.’

But gun rights advocates say the other side is focusing on the wrong thing.

OR: Portland Reverend Spends $3,000 in Church Funds to Win AR-15 to ‘Destroy’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jeremy Lucas, reverend of Christ Church Episcopal Parish in Lake Oswego, Oregon, spent $3,000 in church “discretionary funds” to win an AR-15 so he could “destroy” it.

The rifle was being raffled for a girls’ softball team composed of players from Centennial, Gresham, and Milwaukie high schools, with the goal of raising money to fund their travels to a tournament in California.

MO: Police say Charleston man was shot in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police in the southeast Missouri town of Charleston say a man found dead was killed in self-defense.

The Southeast Missourian reports that 28-year-old Christopher Flannigan of Charles was found dead Saturday morning from an apparent gunshot wound. The suspected shooter was at the scene and taken into custody.

Trump It Is
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For GunVoters there is only one option. With the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recent comment that she would like to see the Court overturn the landmark Heller decision, the next President will decide the fate of the individual right to arms for generations to come.

Congress vs. Liberty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While it is not surprising that Republicans scored much higher, on average, than Democrats in the economic liberties category, their significantly higher scores in personal liberties might be less expected. As Mr. Thies explained, this is likely because “our approach embraces the entire Bill of Rights,” including Second Amendment gun and self-defense rights and the, unfortunately, now largely ignored Ninth and Tenth amendments, which preserve individual rights not enumerated in the Constitution and reserve powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or the people, respectively.

CA: FACT CHECK: California Congressman Brad Sherman Talks Gun Control with CNN
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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CLAIM: “You don’t need 30 bullets in a magazine to bring down a deer, and if you do, you shouldn’t be hunting.”

FACT: This comment completely misses the point. The primary purpose of the Second Amendment is self-defense – not deer hunting. The government cannot make arbitrary limitations on the best available means for providing for your own self-defense.

Gun Rights Are the Solution for Europe’s Terror Threat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After every terror attack, politicians and pundits rush to the microphones to pass judgment. Some call for stricter gun control measures. Other politicians target specific groups of people, such as Muslims. Rarely do any proposals advance liberty.

However, Interpol had a suggestion in 2015 that rings as true today as it did then. What’s more, it serves to both advance freedom and curtail terrorism. Per, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble had called for citizens to arm themselves to prevent terror attacks.

In Noble’s opinion, our options to stop terrorists are, “either create secure perimeters around the locations or allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves.”

Aussie Comedian Mocks 2nd Amendment on Conan
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jim Jefferies’s Australian homeland implemented nationwide seizure of 650,000 guns. He’d love to have that in the USA.

On Monday, late show host Conan O’Brien invited the Australian comedian on to the show for a gun-control love fest. Jefferies originally made waves when he went on a 14-minute anti-gun stint in his 2014 Netflix show Bare. Every time there’s another mass shooting, that video resurfaces, helping to make Jefferies the face of gun-control in the comedy world.

He told Conan that he said “common sense things” in that video. Common sense things like comparing the 2nd amendment to slavery. His common sense could use a little help though, because the “right to bear arms” has nothing to do with human bondage.

WI: Mike Pence tries to woo wary Republicans in Wisconsin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence played up his self-effacing Midwestern persona in a Wisconsin campaign appearance Wednesday, introducing himself as a "B-list Republican celebrity" while urging the crowd to vote for Donald Trump.

"For the sake of our Constitution, for the sake of the sanctity of life, for the sake of the sanctity of our Second Amendment and all our God-given liberties we must make sure the next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the U.S. is Donald Trump," Pence said.

Alison Parker's mom calls for stricter gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Barbara said she never thought this would happen to her.

"But when it did, we realized we had to speak out," Parker said.

Now, a year after her daughter's death, Barbara said she is spending a lot of her time advocating for stricter gun laws.

"There's a culture in our country now among our legislatures that it's collateral damage, it's acceptable," Parker said. "But it's not acceptable to us."

Late-Justice Scalia's Faint-Hearted Support of Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In his final sections, Scalia's robust commitment to an individual right to bear arms virtually evaporates. He is not the strong advocate for gun rights he is made out to be.

Scalia starts his Section III by stating that no right is absolute. He then provides a major setback to gun-rights enthusiasts by establishing potentially broad-reaching criteria for limiting the reach of Second Amendment protections:

UK: 'It's a matter of survival': the black Americans fighting for gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Randall’s group may be in a radical minority, but he is part of a much larger body of African American opinion which is pro-firearms and pro-second amendment. Not everyone in that category shares Randall’s broader political views, but many see guns as a way of being safe in a country that is dangerous for black citizens.

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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