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Newslinks for 7/29/2001

Full text of officer Redfield's Speech in Klamath
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Read the whole letter. Here is one juicy excerpt:

"As the extremists and out of control federal agents continue to push...their frustration will undoubtedly escalate to the point of boiling over. It won't take much from Andy Kerr or Wendell Wood or their like to spark an extremely violent response. I am talking about rioting, homicides and destruction of property like dams that hold the precious water from the agricultural community."

The feds better wake up.

UK: Criminals are buying gun parts from the U.S. on the Net!
Submitted by: skypod

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My my my! Doesn't this sound naughty!

Funny how this "horrible occurrence" has been "discovered" after the U.S. refused to bend over for the UN.

FL: The writing of the New Gun Records Policy
Submitted by: skypod

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Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and three of his counterparts have been tapped to make recommendations on how long the records of guns bought at pawnshops should be kept in a statewide database. The call for an oversight committee came last week after Attorney General Bob Butterworth issued an opinion that the records do not have to be deleted within 48 hours.
"It's ludicrous that law enforcement would be hampered by any time restrictions." --FL Police Chiefs Pres. Lionel Cote

Angry echo follows shootings? How about responsibility?
Submitted by: skypod

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"Why aren't ministers, members of the NAACP and the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement protesting the shooting of Davis?" Russ asked.

"I don't think there's enough being done by the religious community," Sykes said.

~ How about taking some responsiblity for YOURSELVES and organizing a Neighborhood Watch?

MN: Legislators propose lifetime ban on weapons for felons
Submitted by: skypod

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Sen. Satveer Chaudhary and Rep. Barb Goodwin said Minnesota needs "to get into the 21st century" and join 37 other states that either ban gun ownership by violent felons or require a governor's pardon for them to own firearms.

KABA NOTE: Contact your state legislators and let them know if they should support or oppose the bill.

Weapons of Military & Urban Warfare at a Gun Store Near You?
Submitted by: skypod

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"Our police officers are becoming outgunned by the ever increasing lethality of the firearms that gun companies are pedaling to the public," said Bob Williamson of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. "We don't need weapons of military warfare, such as the .50 caliber sniper rifle, or weapons of urban warfare, such as the pocket rockets, sold at a gun store near you."

~These people are just plain NUTS! Either that, or they live in a different country than I do!

Houston -- Increase in Violent Crime Puts Community On Red Alert
Submitted by: skypod

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"a fairly new group called the Pink Pistols participates in various self-defense training programs, ranging from firearm usage to physical combat.

Dan Weiner, founder of Pink Pistols, said even a little knowledge of self-defense in dangerous situations could be invaluable. "Any attempt at defense you make at protecting yourself is helpful," he said.

[they] meet on the second Monday of each month and can be contacted at"

Tell Others about the Bill of Rights
Submitted by: SaveOurGuns

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Stop reading (for a little while) and go do something that will tell others about the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment. Use very few words and a photo to catch their eye. Run off copies and distribute. Single Action Shooting Society provided the great looking inset photo. Tell them thanks.

Who needs gun control? Maybe our politicians...
Submitted by: Mark Stehly

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When a goverment is funding, arming and managing both sides of a conflict, it's a sure sign it's leaders need reeling in and a reaming out. Lots of information here that will leave you outraged and incredulous. Gun control for Congress anyone?

KABA makes Daily Press' Jim Spenser Whine
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Good day. Unarmed B**** here. I used to be called Jim Spencer. But because I believe that the National Rifle Association has promoted the deadly myth that guns make you safe, a son of the Second Amendment has given me a new name."
"I think my new name explains the mindset of many of the people to whom Americans have ceded the gun control agenda and to whom too many politicians, like George Bush and John Ashcroft, have sucked up."

--Jim Spencer can be reached at 757.247.4731 or

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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