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Newslinks for 7/29/2003

MN: Misfiring on the Second Amendment (Letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his July 14 opinions piece 'Ban Concealed Weapons at the U,' Earl McDowell asserts 'the people' do not have individual rights guaranteed to them by the U.S. Constitution. This is a very common error, and I am surprised McDowell repeats it."

"In fact, Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist stated in 1990 that the phrase 'the people,' as used in the First, Second, Fourth, Ninth and 10th Amendments, clearly includes all persons in our national community."

MN: The right of self-defense is inherent in the people (Letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Minnesota’s laws of self-defense do not grant the right of self-defense. Those laws set, or define, the outside limits of the circumstances, nature and extent of the use of force. They act as a necessary limitation on the exercise of the right of the individual to use force for personal protection, for 'self-defense.' Only when the individual exceeds the limits and crosses the boundary does the individual become possibly liable for the commission of a wrongful act. The boundary varies with the sum total of the circumstances and perceptions deemed reasonable: a gray area if there ever was one. As long as the individual stays within those outside limits, the actor is well within his rights to act."

LA: Shooting out with assault weapons caught on tape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gang-style ambush in which three men attacked a pair of victims with automatic weapons was caught on a video surveillance camera at a car wash."

"The two victims were hit multiple times but escaped and were hospitalized in time, it appears, to save their lives."

"The tape shows three gunmen walking boldly onto the lot of TCL Carwash, each holding what appeared to be AK-47-style assault rifles at his side."

70 years after passage of the NFA. Gun control doesn't work!

FL: FBI probes accused officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now Rodríguez and López, along with Officer Allen St. Germain and Sgt. George Alvarez, are being investigated by the FBI, the state attorney and their own department after Peter Daniel accused police of beating him after a traffic arrest. They have all been suspended with pay."

"Daniel underwent surgery to his spleen and kidney after, he said, police punched and kicked him at the police station."

And these are the only men Sarah Brady wants to have access to firearms.

NV: Rachel Resident Waits for Return of Confiscated Items
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Nevada man whose home was raided last month by the Joint Terrorism Task Force says he is still waiting for the return of his property."

"Chuck Clark ...says FBI agents and other lawmen used a sealed warrant to seize his property, including computers and personal files." ...

"Clark hasn't been charged with anything, but he hasn't been given his property back either."

"The use of the terrorism task force typical of the civil rights excesses now allowed under the USA Patriot Act."

In the old days we used to call this "theft."

House Lawmakers Limit Scope of Patriot Act Powers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The strongest attack yet on the Patriot Act is coming from the American Civil Liberties Union (search), but 309 House members have now joined the ACLU in opposing part of the terror-fighting powers granted to law enforcement by Congress shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks."

" 'I think [law enforcement officials] are trampling on our rights and they are doing it in the name of trying to protect us from domestic terrorism,' said Rep. Butch Otter (search), R-Ind."

Michael Moore, Humbug
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Mr. Moore was humble. He giggled disarmingly at his own jokes. He blushed and looked at his feet during the standing ovation. He told how he was so inexperienced when he made his first movie that, during an interview, Jesse Jackson had to show him how to use his sound equipment. He was also full of concern for the little guy. ...He was upbeat and inspirational. 'Americans are far more progressive than you think. . . . Change this world. Make the playing fields level for everyone. One person can make a difference!' "

"It was a great act--the operative word here being act." ...

"Then there are what we might call artistic lies. 'Bowling for Columbine' opens in a branch of the North Country Bank, with Mr. Moore supposedly receiving a free gun in exchange for opening an account. At the end of the scene, he asks a bank employee, 'Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns in a bank?' before he runs out with the gun in his hand to the beat of a punk rock tune. It is a dazzling opening, full of energy and Strangelovian absurdity. The only problem: It was staged." ...

NY: Shooter's goal is Olympics
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As you read this, Pratt should be on the firing line in Elysburg, Pa., dusting one clay pigeon after another in the Amateur Trapshooting Association's Eastern Zone championship. And just as soon as he and the rest of the Groton Rod and Gun Club's Junior Novice trap team return from that meet, they'll start getting ready for an even bigger event - the ATA Grand American, slated for Aug. 7-16 in Vandalia, Ohio."

NAACP loses gun suit, but wins a battle
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Despite losing its lawsuit against the gun industry in federal court last week, the NAACP still earned an important and encouraging victory for public safety."

"Judge Jack B. Weinstein said gun industry practices have put the public at risk with careless marketing and sales practices. Too often, he said, manufacturers and retailers allow multiple guns to be sold to the same customer. And manufacturers take too few measures to eliminate or help reduce the problems that guns present. He's right."

No, he's wrong. Guns don't present a problem. Criminals do.

NY: City Hall's Gun Folly
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"After the shooting at city hall on Wednesday, banning citizens with guns from public areas seems more necessary than ever. Yet, many other city halls across the country take a radically different approach. In two neighboring states, Pennsylvania and Vermont, as well as states across the nation from Virginia to Washington, concealed handgun permit holders are allowed to take their guns with them when they attend city council meetings."

Gun maker takes battle to Congress
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Richard Dyke of Windham is a tough advocate for his business and the gun-manufacturing industry. He's also a well-connected one."

"And Dyke, owner of Bushmaster Firearms Inc., is using as much congressional influence as he can muster these days to fight what he says are direct threats to his industry's survival: civil lawsuits."

Number Of Prisoners Rises as Crime Drops
Submitted by: Russ Hawver

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"America's prison population grew again in 2002 despite a declining crime rate, costing the federal government and states an estimated $40 billion a year at a time of rampant budget shortfalls."

More criminals in jail, drop in crime rate; I wonder if there's a connection.

NY: New York City’s Security Myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"But Bloomberg’s one-man show signified nothing. When he got to his office after his metal detector photo op, he didn’t push through any new city laws. He didn’t round up owners of illegal guns for a high-profile bust."

"After all, passing through a metal detector is easy; but doing something bold that could actually save someone’s life—like banning guns, for example—is tough. Davis was killed with a handgun bought legally."

Actually Askew was already prohibited from purchasing guns by the Brady law. And all this pathetic sack of misinformation has to do is look at England and its ever-rising rates of violent crime to see how well banning guns works. Email him at:

Researchers help define what makes a political conservative
Submitted by: m1tanker

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"Four researchers who culled through 50 years of research literature about the psychology of conservatism report that at the core of political conservatism is the resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:"

*Fear and aggression
*Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
*Uncertainty avoidance
*Need for cognitive closure
*Terror management

Berkeley decided to "study" conservatives as one would a mass murderer. As usual, they did not study much reality, since they again lumped "conservatives" with the socialist/fascist murderers Hitler and Mussolini.

"They also stressed that their findings are not judgmental. " And I have a bridge to sell you too!

NY: Fools here shouldn't rush in after N.Y. shooting
Submitted by: David Adams

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"It was inevitable, I suppose."

"On Wednesday, a killer assassinated a politician in New York City. By Thursday, politicians in Hampton Roads were talking about the need for more metal detectors."

"That's right. No sooner had news of a shootout in New York's City Hall broken than local hand-wringers started worrying about what they could do to prevent such violence here."

Media and guns: NY Times Shoddy Journalism And Fraud
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The New York Times is the leading advocate for gun control in America. In his book, The Gospel According to The New York Times [© 2000 – Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville], William Proctor, a former journalist and reporter for the New York Daily News offers in the book’s preface, '…it has become increasingly apparent to me that the Times is pursuing a highly potent, largely clandestine, and unnoticed strategy to promote a particular worldview – not only in editorials, op-ed columns, or other opinion pieces, but also in news stories. In many instances, news stories, pictures, reviews, op-ed pieces and editorials actually seem orchestrated to promote deeply held values that are an integral part of the Times corporate culture.' "

164 muggings a day in London
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"The extent of street crime in London is revealed in new figures showing there are 164 muggings in the capital every day."

"A report by independent watchdogs shows that, although street crime has come down from its record high levels of early 2002, it is still higher than at any other time in recent history."

"It will say that the massive effort to reduce muggings and robberies, involving hundreds of thousands of hours of police time, has produced only a 15 per cent reduction in London."

Solomon Islands: Police gun crackdown in Solomons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rogue police officers in Solomon Islands were being forced to surrender their illegally held firearms or risk arrest yesterday in the first major crackdown of the Australian-led intervention forces."

"The Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Ben McDevitt, who yesterday was sworn in as a deputy police commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) said all police who did not have written permission of the police commissioner to be holding a firearm would be arrested."

TX: Jail Inmate Kills Self With Deputy's Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jail inmate killed himself with a deputy's gun during his interrogation Sunday, officials told News2Houston."

"The prisoner was brought to the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office Sunday, after he was accused of stabbing a man along Highway 59 in Beasley, officials said."

"He was not handcuffed, investigators said, because he was calm and did not appear to be a threat."

To Stop Gun Violence, Go to the Source
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In between going to work and teaching my sons to duck and cover, I never paused to think about gun-control ordinances, and I doubt the predators who tormented our block did either. It was hard to get worked up about such laws, which clearly had little relevance where we lived. In one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in one of the nation's most dangerous cities, it was easier to buy a pistol than to purchase fresh produce." ...

"All this debate tends to overshadow a distressing fact: it is not firearms that disproportionately harm black people; black people disproportionately harm black people. I can't help concluding that folks who really care about the health of besieged communities should concentrate on the shooters instead of the guns."

MO: Gun bill makes biz owners sweat bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In September, Missouri state lawmakers will consider approving legislation providing, for the first time, permits for individuals to conceal and carry firearms in public places."

"The bill's champions say that allowing concealed weapons could make things safer because criminals would have second thoughts about holding up a store. Opponents foresee a Wild West mentality and warn against the increased presence of firearms in the workplace."

And when the streets don't run red with blood like the paranoid hoplophobes are predicting, will they retract their prognostications of doom, or simply try to obfuscate and lie their way out of the issue?

Canada: Fearful gun owner says he's target for break in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun aficionado Alex Mark is accusing police of endangering his family when they seized his firearms collection last week while investigating a domestic disturbance."

"A police spokesman told The Sun the weapons were confiscated from Mark's Toronto Street home for safety reasons and he 'will probably end up getting everything back.' "

NM: Company sees light with smart gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New technology that senses subtle differences in people's skin might make an Albuquerque company a prominent player in the handgun industry."

"Albuquerque's Lumidigm makes what's known as a biometric sensor. Using intense light, it can perceive who's who and lock out people who shouldn't be using a specific device, such as a handgun."

I'll believe it's fool-proof when the cops get them.

OH: Study Sheds Light on Reasons Behind Teenage Gun Toting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More African-American teenagers die from firearm homicide than by any other cause, a sobering fact driving researchers to ask why some teens choose to carry a gun."

"In a new study of African-American youths at risk of dropping out of school, nearly one out of five students reported that they had carried a gun at some point during their high school years - one in six did so only occasionally, while one in 20 carried a gun regularly." ...

"Teens who carried guns were more likely to be involved with selling drugs or fighting. How often a teen carried a gun depended on his level of involvement in either activity, Steinman said."

OK: Gun in luggage leads to arrest at Tulsa airport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Tulsa man could face charges after an X-ray machine turned up a handgun in his luggage.

Tulsa Police say Frank Hart told them he'd forgotten to remove the gun after going squirrel hunting.

Jail records show Hart was arrested on a felony complaint of carrying a concealed weapon. He has been released.

CA: Sniper weapons should be restricted
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A .50-caliber BMG sniper rifle, in the wrong hands, would be terrorism unleashed."

"The gun is powerful enough to punch a hole in an oil tank or take down a civilian airplane. Its 5 1/2-inch long bullets can pierce an inch of armor 40 yards away and hit a target a mile away. A massive weapon, with some models weighing in at 28 pounds, it's ill-suited for hunters -- it would take out a deer and the tree behind it -- but ideal for assassins." ...

"McPherson has it backward. The burden should be on those who want .50 caliber sniper rifles to explain why, not on government to justify restricting them."

Since when do law-abiding citizens need to justify anything to a horde of dimwitted bureaucrats?

Canada: New West man shoots himself as police seize gun collection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"His collection on June 19, when the RCMP came with a search warrant to seize it, consisted of 84 firearms (some antiques, some replicas) and two rocket launchers."

"As police carted off the arsenal from a home on Victoria Drive in Coquitlam, where friends were caring for him, he sneaked inside and turned one errant handgun on himself, says RCMP Cpl. Tom James."

UK: Armed Thugs Hold Gun to Girl's Head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenage girl had a gun held to her head yesterday during a terrifying attack by 15 thugs armed with baseball bats and golf clubs."

"Police are investigating a sectarian motive for the attack which took place in a vacant supermarket car park in Queen's Way, Dunmurry, at about 5:30pm."

"The gang, who wore balaclavas and claimed to represent the UDA, made the girl, a 14-year old boy and a 26-year-old man lie on the ground. They then pointed a handgun at the girl's head."

Togo: Crime Rate in Togo Gallops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the mid-eighties, Togo was a proven haven of peace, the Switzerland of Africa, and a paradise free from the menace of crime."

"Today, the galloping and menacing crime wave in Togo has become a frightful menace." ...

"Crime experts have also expressed regret that existing laws do not allow for firing squads or permit armed robbers to be shot on sight. They argue this has brought the influx of hardened criminals from neighbouring countries where such laws exist, into Togo."

TX: Man kills wife, self
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Taylor told his brother that he'd just killed his wife and was going to turn the gun on himself, police said." ...

"Stephanie Taylor said her parents had just left a marriage counseling session when they drove to the park Carol Renee Taylor had filed for divorce and obtained a restraining order against her husband on July 15, according to court records."

Another victim of paper protection.

AK: Give bears their due
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We started down the trail, and I had a hand on the butt of the gun the whole time. In my mind, I envisioned a bear coming after us and me whipping out that pistol in Wyatt Earp fashion. I'd spin it a couple of times on my pointer finger, jack a few shells into the bear and whirl the pistol back into the holster, all in one motion, just like they do in the old Western movies. I'd stand over the bear, knowing I had saved lives. Clint Eastwood would play me in the straight-to-video movie account."

"The 'reality' version would have been much different however. If a bear would have charged us, I probably would have shot off an appendage -- hopefully not that appendage -- before I could figure out the shoulder holster thing. It would have been hard to shoot straight through the tears that would have been coming down my face, just like my 2-year-old daughter's tears after we don't buy a chocolate bar at Wal-Mart."

VA: Gun report's worth at issue -- Misleading, ATF says of findings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal officials have called misleading a report by a national gun-control group that lists 10 gun dealers, including one in Chesterfield County, among the nation's worst in selling guns linked to crimes."

"Using government statistics, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence this month released a list of licensed gun sellers it regards as 'the worst players in the gun industry - gun sellers that recklessly operate their businesses and allow criminals to get guns.' " ...

"The group cited Southern Police Equipment at 7609 Midlothian Turnpike as the third-worst in the nation."

"Karen Allan, owner of Southern Police Equipment, said the Brady campaign is deliberately distorting the facts to further its gun-control agenda."

" 'It's total slander to us,' Allan said."

Maybe it's time to give Brady a taste of her own medicine and start suing the Brady Bunch out of existence.

Solomon Islands: Drunks, thieves in police ranks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Australian sworn in as a deputy chief of the Solomon Islands police yesterday immediately labelled some of his officers drunkards, thieves and extortionists."

"The blunt assessment was delivered by Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Ben McDevitt."

"Mr. McDevitt said there many excellent officers in the Solomons police."

Australia: 'Race hate' caused league murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Murdered rugby league player Kane Mason was the victim of a vicious race hate crime after a night out with his mates, a court heard yesterday."

"A teenager charged with Mason's murder allegedly waved a shortened shotgun in the air and laughed 'Let's blow-up some cars, we'll kill some n***ers' during a drinking session on Friday night."

D.C.: "Million" Mom March Urges Action on Petition Opposing S. 1414
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington, DC Chapter of the Million Mom March has organized an online petition in opposition to S. 1414, a bill introduced in July by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT). The 'DC Personal Protection Act' would repeal the District's ban on handguns, end strict registration requirements for ammunition and other firearms, and lift prohibitions on the possession or carrying of weapons at homes and workplaces. It would also repeal the District's ban on semi-automatic firearms, allowing military-style assault weapons back into Washington's neighborhoods."

"The petition is located on the Internet at:


PA: Crime-Deterrent Ad Campaign Launched
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors in Philadelphia today unveiled an advertising campaign intended to deter convicted felons from committing gun crimes by threatening federal prosecution and longer prison terms."

"The campaign is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods, a Bush administration program that seeks to federally prosecute repeat offenders who are caught carrying a gun. Officials say the two-year-old program has resulted in a national increase in federal firearm prosecutions."

More of your tax dollars at work to promote unconstitutional programs.

CA: Man is accused of firing into party
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman was injured by flying glass after a man who had been expelled from a party returned with a gun and fired, police said. The shooter was arrested."

"After being kicked out of the party, the suspect returned with a gun and fired into the crowd, police said. No one was hit. The gun was wrested from the suspect, and he was beaten."

"The man fled, but returned with another gun and fired into the group a second time."

But California has such strict gun laws!

UT: Utah law tests limits of gun culture in West
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supporters of a new law that loosens restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons in Utah assert that allowing teachers, janitors, and other staff to carry such weapons will add to school security. It will deter or prevent Columbine-like tragedies, they say, even though those carrying concealed weapons aren't required to have any special training."

"Opponents say it's just as likely that letting untrained persons carry guns in schools will lead to accidents or the theft of weapons."

Zimbabwe: Chinhoyi police descend on unlicenced firearm holders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Chinhoyi last week cracked down on 33 unlicenced firearm holders in a bid to curb cases of armed robbery rampant in Mashonaland West province."

"The illegal firearm holders were arrested and the weapons impounded by the State in a Southern African Regional Police Chief Co-ordination Organisation operation launched two weeks ago."

South Africa: Paralysed victim seeking his own justice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"She was an alcoholic, suicidal, had homicidal tendencies and was declared dangerous. Yet the police gave her the go-ahead to legally own a gun."

"Erna McArdell shot a student at during a dispute over a parking spot."

"The student, Ian Hamilton, was left paralysed for life."

"Hamilton is suing the minister of safety and security for R19-million in the Cape High Court, and won the first part of his case when the court ruled that he had a valid claim against the South African Police Service."

South Africa: SAPS faced challenge before
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ian Hamilton's case against the minister of safety and security is the latest in a series of legal challenges regarding the right to be free from violence, legal experts say." ...

"In 1994 Van Duivenboden was shot and severely injured by his neighbour Niel Brooks during a domestic-violence dispute during which Brooks killed his (own) wife and children as well."

"The court found that the SAPS knew that Brooks was prone to domestic violence and unfit to possess a firearm."

NJ: Safety Director Says Atlantic City Violence 'Extremely Unusual'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A crime wave has been hitting Atlantic City casinos."

"Several times in the last month, gun-toting robbers have pulled off holdups right on the casino floor. The last robbery took place at the Trump Plaza. In the past two weeks, robbers have targeted the Sands, Ballys and the Trump Plaza."

"Police said the suspect in the Ballys robbery made off with $6,000 after handing a note to a cash cage employee and showing her a gun. A similar holdup happened at Trump Plaza." ...

FL: Shooting at Boynton nursery leaves 2 dead, 2 injured
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man with a history of domestic violence went on a shooting rampage Monday, killing his estranged wife and one of her co-workers and injuring two other employees at a wholesale nursery west of Boynton Beach, authorities said."

"Sheriff's officials said that Andres Casarrubias of Lake Worth entered the nursery where he fatally shot his wife and another man." ...

"Court records indicate a history of domestic violence charges against Casarrubias dating back to 1993."

"His wife had recently moved out of the Lake Worth home they shared with six children and moved into another home with her boyfriend, authorities said."

Knowing this man's history of violence, why wouldn't this woman arm herself?

MI: Woman Pistol-Whipped In Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 51-year-old woman was babysitting her 3-year-old grandson at her home on Penrod Street on Detroit's west side when two armed men forced their way inside the home, Local 4 reported."

"Police said the men pointed a gun at the woman's face and said, 'If you look at us, we'll kill you.' "

"The two men pistol-whipped the woman in the back of the head and stole an undisclosed amount of money from a safe in the home, according to police."...

"There wasn't nothing going on and then just like seconds … the ambulance was here. The police cars pulled up," said Patricia Wooding, a resident in the area.

Ambulance beats the cops again.

The 456 Stupidest People on Earth
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"How does this work in a real world environment? In Tulia, Texas, it was recently discovered that an undercover cop named Tom Coleman gave false testimony in 38 drug-related cases. According to USA Today " Coleman worked alone for 18 months…. He kept no written records, wore no wire, filmed no video, produced no other witnesses or corroborating evidence. No drugs, paraphernalia, or money was seized during the arrests."

"So Coleman and the prosecutor in were able to convince 456 jurors that the defendants were guilty. What was Coleman? In the minds of the jury, a person of perceived authority. Does anyone think that a fully informed jury-advised of it's duty to judge both the law and guilt-would have come to a different conclusion?" ...

"What is the future of trial by jury? I do not know the answer to that question. I do know that as details of injustice increase the faith in the court system will decrease..."

India: Extortionists gun down trucker in 2nd attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Extortionists gunned down a truck owner yesterday in the second attempt within a month while he was sleeping at his residence."

"Sohrab Hossain, who drove his own truck, was killed as he refused to pay money."

WY: Johnson County history lives by the gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At a long-used crossing on Clear Creek at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains, the town of Buffalo (named after the New York city, not the animal) grew up with a pistol on its hip and a rifle on the saddle."

"Buffalo, which found its beginnings in a hole in the ground at a camp on the Bozeman Trail, has a long and storied history which touches both fact and fiction. From the Wagon Box Fight to the Fetterman Massacre to the Johnson County War all taking place within miles of the town, Buffalo knows what the 'Wild West' was all about."

UK: A victim, not a hero
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The farmer is already reported to be intent on becoming a crime victims' champion. Will politicians be able to resist his call? In April 2000, William Hague, who was then Tory leader, used the Martin case to indict the criminal justice system for punishing victims not criminals. Will Iain Duncan Smith follow suit?"

"Before the show gathers further momentum, here are some facts to calm pub justice. The current law already provides substantial protection to people who inflict harm or kill while defending themselves, their property, or other people. Only if the prosecution is able to show the force used is unreasonable, will victims be liable. This is in line with the central principles of the criminal justice system, which is there to replace lynch law and blood feuds."

UK: Gang interrogate 18-year-old girl at gunpoint for over an hour
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An 18-year-old was held at gunpoint for over an hour and ordered to reveal birth dates, phone numbers and other information as three armed and masked raiders attempted to break the combination of a safe in her parent’s home."

"Gardaí in Athlone have appealed for help after the gang broke into the home of a businessman in an estate in the centre of the town. They tied up three people who were in the house at the time and threatened them after demanding they open a safe."

UK: High security as Martin tastes freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tony Martin, the reclusive farmer whose shotgun killing of a teenage burglar provoked a national debate about victims' rights, was freed from jail yesterday."

"Mr. Martin, 58, was set free on licence after serving two thirds of a five-year sentence for the manslaughter of Fred Barras."

"He was held at a safe house over the weekend after being moved for security reasons from Highpoint prison, Suffolk, after reports there is a £50,000 contract on his life."

And yet, the British government still claims he's a threat to burglars, and he is still disarmed.

Attorney General Ashcroft promotes antiterrorism law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday used the occasion of a conference on the response to the September 2001 terrorist attack on the Pentagon to decry critics of an antiterrorism measure enacted later that year." ...

"Unfortunately, some Americans have been told myths about this law, a myth that [police] can unlawfully visit local libraries and check the reading list of ordinary Americans..."

Is privacy making a comeback?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What the Justice Department also didn't mention last week is that it had been lobbying for the power to conduct 'secret searches' for at least four years, long before the Sept. 11 attacks took place and terrorism became a convenient justification for it. As far back as 1999, the FBI had used a secret search warrant when installing a keystroke logger in the office computer of alleged mobster Nicodemo Scarfo. He had used Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption software to encode confidential business data--but with the keystroke logger, the FBI was able to glean his pass phrase."

Let's talk sedition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" 'Presently there is a bill in Congress called the Freedom to Read Protection Act,' she said. 'Have you heard of it?' "

" 'Well, uh, yeah. It's a proposed amendment to the Patriot Act. It would repeal a provision of the anti-terrorism law that enables the government to secretly inspect the records of libraries and bookstores.' "


"Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can monitor the reading materials of any individual without any indication that a crime has been committed."

UK: Police injured in Belfast riot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two police officers are recovering from gunshot wounds after rioting erupted in a sectarian flashpoint area of Belfast."

"They were hit by shotgun pellets during rioting in the Limestone Road area of the city but their injuries were not thought to be life-threatening, the Police Service of Northern Ireland said."

As an individual, I believe, very strongly, that handguns should be banned and that there should be stringent, effective control of other firearms. However, as a judge, I know full well that the question of whether handguns can be sold is a political one, not an issue of products liability law, and that this is a matter for the legislatures, not the courts. The unconventional theories advanced in this case (and others) are totally without merit, a misuse of products liability laws. — Judge Buchmeyer, Patterson v. Gesellschaft, 1206 F.Supp. 1206, 1216 (N.D. Tex. 1985)

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