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Newslinks for 7/29/2015

Christie’s Bullying Tirade Deflects from Having to Answer Tough Questions on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Pointing out bills he did not support does not tell us what he does favor. Likewise, dismissing a 1995 campaign ad by asking if his questioner had not changed his mind in 20 years does not answer what Christie changed his mind to. What he avoided with all the skill of a seasoned political animal, was explaining – unequivocally — where he stood on the right to keep and bear arms and how he has shown leadership promoting the Bill of Rights." ...

WaPo, MSNBC choked: Americans support gun rights, carrying sidearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post must have choked yesterday when it published a blog headlining the fact that Americans 'increasingly see more guns as the solution, not the problem,' while a new Quinnipiac poll released yesterday – and covered by the Denver Post – shows Colorado voters oppose tougher gun laws by a 56-39 percent margin."

"This comes on the heels of an MSNBC on-line – and unscientific – poll asking whether people should be allowed to carry guns in public. An overwhelming 92 percent said yes." ...

Should America Subarm its Citizens?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a point between fully armed and disarmed that is subarmed. Being subarmed is dangerous. Officials would never stand for it themselves. It’s the point where you don’t have a very good gun, or certainly not the type you’d prefer, or not the type your police prefer for their own safety, and not the right ammo, or certainly not enough of it. It isn’t the caliber you want, and the magazine is too small. You’re subarmed."

"It seems there are people at work in the government and the euphemistic gun-control movement who have figured out if they can’t disarm the public ... they can subarm the public (that’s you) a little at a time. If you’re subarmed, and they’re fully armed, that’s pretty much victory for them ..." ...

Gun laws don't deter the bad guys
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday's movie theater shooting in Louisiana reaffirms the belief about dealing with the armed and violent: One of the most effective ways to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

"In this case, the good guys at Lafayette's Grand 16 theater were the police. Their intervention after two people were fatally shot prompted the gunman -- who police say had intentions to flee the scene -- to turn his pistol on himself."

"But the good guy easily could have been a legally permitted, concealed-weapon-carrying theatergoer, if not for Grand 16's stated policy prohibiting firearms 'of any kind regardless of whether openly or concealed, with or without a permit.'" ...

Poll: more Americans see guns as part of the solution, not the problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As with every such tragedy, the recent shooting in a Lafayette, Louisiana theater has brought yet another round of calls for increased gun control measures from liberal politicians. (And, sadly, a few Republicans as well.) Gun rights advocates have had to once again trudge out in front of the cameras and explain why this is precisely the wrong sort of thinking when dealing with the problems of madmen and violence. The job really shouldn’t be all that hard, particularly in light of yet another poll which shows that Americans increasingly seem to agree that a good guy with a gun will do more to handle a bad guy with a gun than any number of politicians with yet another gun grabbing bill. (The Washington Post)" ...

ATF Re-Classifies Certain Flares and 40mm Chalk Rounds as Explosives, Begins Confiscation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ATF is on a bit of a hit streak when it comes to random reclassifications. First they arbitrarily and capriciously changed their collective mind on the pistol stabilizing brace. Then they tried to ban M855 ammunition by branding it as 'armor piercing.' Now it seems that they are turning their gaze upon some of the less common items and applying their similarly capricious thought processes. The latest targets are types of projectiles which can be fired from 40mm grenade launchers, specifically parachute flares and chalk practice rounds. And their ruling could soon be expanded to include all ammunition bigger than 1/2 inch in diameter . . ." ...

Sara Tipton: De-Gunning My CA House for Sale
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Moving is a pain. It almost feels like punishment. In my case, the rewards of freedom and liberty and reduced taxation will drastically outweigh the hassle of making my house 'California ready' in the real estate market. It isn’t like I spray painted guns on my walls or have giant animal heads decorating the bedrooms. My husband is a hunter, but he hunts for meat, not for sport, so he has no trophies. But I was still told by my real estate agent to do a few things to make my home more 'presentable' to other Californians . . ." ...

When ‘crazy’ becomes reality: why we need gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About a week ago, a body was found decomposing in a car in Pacific Palisades ..."

"The police investigating the man’s death uncovered over 1,200 firearms (estimated to be worth $5 million), 6.5 tons of ammunition and $230,000 in cash. The police also found 14 vehicles that the man had in storage ... The man, later identified as a 60-year-old man named Jeffrey Alan Lash, told neighbors that his name was Bob Smith and that he was an undercover government operative."

"He told his fiancée and her personal assistant that he was a half-human-half-alien hybrid who was sent to Earth to work with the CIA and save the human race."

"Stories like Lash’s strongly indicate a need for gun control." ...

Watch what happens when regular people try to use handguns in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, the [NRA] proposed putting more guns in schools. After a racist shot up a Charleston prayer group, an NRA board member argued for more guns in church. And now predictably, politicians and gun rights advocates are calling for guns in movie theaters after a loner killed two people at a theater in Louisiana."

"The notion that more guns are always the solution to gun crime is taken seriously in this country. But the research shows ... that guns are rarely used in self-defense."

"Now a new study from researchers at Mount St. Mary's University sheds some light ... As it turns out, knowing when and how to apply lethal force in a potentially life-or-death situation is really difficult." ...

Gun zealots shooting blanks: There's no good argument against robust background checks, but that doesn't stop Republicans from toeing the NRA line
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It took three horrific mass shootings in barely five weeks for a Republican presidential candidate to finally say something halfway sensible about gun violence."

"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal — reacting to a slaughter in one of his state’s movie theaters — called for bolstering background checks by the FBI to keep firearms out of the hands of the dangerously mentally ill." ...

TX: Pro-Second Amendment Pastor Shoots Church Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pastor shot and injured an intruder at the Church of New Beginnings in Baytown, Texas sometime after 6 a.m. Tuesday, police say."

"Pastor Benny Holmes was sleeping in his office when he woke up to the sound of someone attempting to break into the church. Holmes then armed himself and shot the burglary suspect in the right shoulder ..." ...

OH: Concealed-Carry Holder Protects Family In Gunfight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A civilian with a concealed-carry permit provided a clear, real-life example of why an unfettered Second Amendment can be a good thing, when he responded in kind to a man who unleashed a hail of gunfire at four people, including a toddler."

"Thomas McCary, 62, and Jeaneta Walker were arguing outside an apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, when McCary began shooting from a .38-caliber handgun."

"Walker was outside with her brother, Patrick Ewing, and her 1-year-old son at the time."

"Ewing has a concealed carry permit and returned fire. Ewing fired three shots, hitting McCary in the leg, police said." ...

This Is Why We Carry: Maine Police Stand By During Murders, Arson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Civil society is based on one thing and one thing alone: the rule of law. We abide each other, our neighbors, and strangers all upon the basis that the law will be enforced to protect us and enable good commerce. A lot of gun control advocates will tell you all about how the police are sufficient to protect you. They’ll say that if you’re robbed or mugged or attacked, just roll over and play dead. The police will fix everything. There’s no need to own a gun or carry a gun on you – that’s barbaric. And then we run into cases like this one . . ." ...

Christie's lies about his gun record are just a click away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is now clear that the 2016 Chris Christie presidential campaign is the first one predicated entirely on the hope that nobody knows how to use Google."

"Because every time the voters assemble to bask in his awesomeness, our governor seems to think he has no political record that anyone can actually consult."

"The latest example was Saturday in Iowa, where a gun enthusiast accused Christie of being a faux-Republican who does not really worship at the One True Church."

"Christie in turn challenged this fellow, a proud member of 'Iowa's only no-compromise gun group' — why compromise when they only kill 32,000 Americans a year? — to 'produce just one fact about me being anti-gun.'" ...

No Trace Of Truth | Smearing GOP Candidates With Gunpowder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, The Trace’s Adam Weinstein took on the entire field of Republican presidential candidates in a feature entitled, 'The Big Shift in How 2016 Republican Candidates Talk About Their Personal Guns.' He not only mocks the GOP contenders for expressing their support for the Second Amendment, he 'enhances' their positions in the subhead: 'What it means when would-be presidents tout their rights to shoot another American in self-defense.'"

"Apparently, Weinstein attended the Brian Williams School of Journalism."

"Writing floridly, Weinstein strains to find something—anything—in the candidates’ positions to justify his apoplexy at their support for the Second Amendment. In his opinion:" ...

Gun nut Rick Perry reaches a new low
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In response to the Lafayette massacre, Mr. Perry, who continues to poll in the low single digits with those who remember him as being too dumb to be president in 2012, displayed his usual acumen for saying the absolute wrong thing. 'These concepts of gun-free zones are a bad idea,' he said. 'I think that you allow citizens of this country — who have been appropriately trained, appropriately backgrounded, know how to handle and use firearms — to carry them.'"

"When Mr. Perry was a governor, he used to go jogging on the dusty roads around Austin with a laser-sighted .380 Ruger, just in case a coyote or rattlesnake crossed his path." ...

LA: Edwards stands by pro-gun stance, vows budget reforms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the Sportsman’s Paradise, it’s not even safe for a Democrat to embrace gun restrictions when running for statewide office."

"State Rep. John Bel Edwards, the lone announced Democrat in Louisiana’s governor’s race, has emphasized his Second Amendment credentials from the start, and he hasn’t altered his position following last week’s mass shooting in Lafayette where two victims died." ...

NRA prepares to fight against Obama’s ‘largest gun grab in American history’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA is mustering its biggest guns on Capitol Hill to defeat a White House maneuver it calls the 'largest gun grab in American history.'"

"And one aimed squarely at some of the nation’s most vulnerable people."

"As part of President Obama’s plan to expand gun control through executive action, the Social Security Administration is finalizing a plan to strip Second Amendment rights from millions of law-abiding citizens." ...

Wave of gun carry deregulation sweeps USA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s gun rights policy grid-lock in the nation’s capital, where the Administration keeps proposing restrictions on gun rights through executive action, and Congress members primarily introduce pro-gun bills."

"But the several states are another matter. Five states this year have sharply eased gun carry regulations, improving gun rights for over 38 million residents, and many more potential visitors." ...

OH: Bill would give gun holders more rights in the workplace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Joseph Uecker has said the right to meaningful self-protection and recreation should be preserved regardless of where citizens park their vehicles."

"To that end, the Loveland Republican has filed a bill into the Ohio General Assembly that would prohibit an employer from discharging or otherwise discriminating against an employee who exercises a constitutional or statutory right within the individual’s private real property or motor vehicle."

"Uecker stumped for the measure, Senate Bill 180, before the Senate Civil Justice Committee." ...

CA: Los Angeles Bans Possession of “High Capacity” Magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The State of California has had a law on the books for years now banning the purchase, manufacture, or importation of new 'high capacity' magazines within the borders of their state. This hasn’t stopped California from leading the United States in firearms related fatalities. Despite the impotence of the existing amazingly strict firearms related laws on the books to stop the 'gun violence' in the state, the city of Los Angeles just passed a brand new ordinance that goes a step further and bans the mere possession of 'high capacity' magazines . . ." ...

Submitter's Note: As David Codrea points out: I'm sure that M-13, the Bloods and the Crips will all turn theirs in now.

FL: After Chattanooga Shooting, One of the Country’s Largest States Is Taking Dramatic Action Involving Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials in Florida are vowing to expedite concealed carry permits for active duty military personnel and veterans, weeks after a gunman opened fire on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing four Marines and one sailor."

"The move was announced Monday amid a heated national debate on whether service members should be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves if another similar tragedy ever occurs, Florida Today reported." ...

CA: Fresno Police Officer Resigns, Accused Of Arranging Fresno Prostitution For Bunny Ranch Hooker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Fresno police officer has been caught up in a prostitution investigation -- with connections to the world famous bunny ranch. The officer resigned from the department last week."

"Officer Robert Knight has not been arrested or charged with any crime, but the hooker he identified as his girlfriend has. Police got her for prostitution after going through the officer to arrange for sex." ...

NY: NYPD officers seen punching and pinning man to ground during arrest for trespassing at Brooklyn Target (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police arresting a 25-year-old man who refused to leave a Brooklyn Target punched the man as they pinned him to the ground, a video posted online shows."

"As four officers pin the squirming Alando Brissett down on the floor of the Flatbush store, a male and female officer punched him in the back several times, the tense 14-minute video shows."

"'Stop f---ing hitting him,' one woman yelled as a crowd gathers during the Saturday night incident, which happened around 7:20 p.m., police said."

"A woman in a blue shirt who walked toward the melee, pointing and apparently scolding the officers, is shooed away as more police arrive on scene, the video shows." ...

OH: Police: Vermilion officer in trouble after showing up to gun range under the influence of alcohol (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alcohol and guns. Alcohol and driving. They are never good combinations. A local police officer found himself in trouble after his supervisors say they discovered him doing both."

"On Monday, May 18, Vermilion police Corporal Daniel Shupe reported to work, jumped in his cruiser and drove to a police shooting range in Sandusky, where he was to be a range officer. In that role, he’s responsible for the general safety of officers and weapons handling."

"'I was standing near Officer Shupe, it was just a light breeze, caught a slight odor of alcohol mixed in with some cologne,' said Vermilion police Capt. Mike Reinheimer." ...

KS: On guard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men with loaded AR-15 rifles 'on guard' outside the recruiting center, certainly makes a statement to me! Once again, thank you, Gov. Brownback. All is perfectly legal and the police literally wish you a good day. But stand down fellow Lawrencians. Their parents were in the military, so they must be good people. And I’m sure as can be that they have had oodles of training with their military assault armaments, and what a good choice for the occasion."

"Now I’d like to make a statement. I say, as a state and society we are trending downward. Guns are not a solution, they are a problem ..." ...

NY: Protect military in U.S. with firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The editorial 'Another shotgun solution,' July 23, fails to realize America is at war and the battle has come home leaving our brave servicemen and women woefully unprotected from terrorists whose crazed ideology seeks to destroy our way of life, freedom and liberty."

"That’s why I asked Gov. Andrew Cuomo to issue an executive order to enable New York National Guard members to carry a sidearm while on the job and in uniform."

"We know groups like ISIS are radicalizing people to target our military. Chattanooga, Tenn., was not the first attack at home on a military facility and, if we fail to arm our service members ... then it may not be the last." ...

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government. — Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (#28)

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