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Newslinks for 7/29/2016

Critics shoot holes in widely cited gun study
Submitted by: jac

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The study by Adam Lankford, a criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama, has been cited by media outlets -- including The New Yorker, The Washington Post and Time magazine -- since January, when it was published in the journal Violence and Victims. But the more the study, formally published earlier this year after a draft was released in academic circles, gets cited, the more critics raise questions about what they consider dubious methodology.

“The Lankford ‘study’ is nothing more than junk science disguised as research, and never should have been published in a responsible scholarly journal,” Florida State University criminology professor Gary Kleck told

Lockdown: A Teacher's Thoughts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The "gun violence" and Sandy Hook speakers at the Democrat Convention reminded me of a recent event that took place in my own school. Toward the end of the school year, an announcement came over the loudspeaker that I had never heard: "we are in lockdown. This is not a drill." A teacher stuck her head in my classroom. "Lockdown."

This Beating Of Ice Cream Man Should Have Resulted In Gunfire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What may surprise some people is that Bah is not the only person who had the option of using a firearm to defend him from this attack. Third party self-defense, though rarely implemented, is legal in most jurisdictions. A legally-armed citizen in the same vantage point as the cameraman would be legally justified almost anywhere in shooting the bat-wielding criminal through the side or back to save Bah from this attack.

CO: Support Darryl Glenn, Help Defeat One of Obama’s Favorite Senators
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Darryl Glenn, a great friend of the Second Amendment, surprised the pundits with a resounding win in the Republican primary.

He was vastly outspent, but what Darryl lacked in money he made up for with grassroots supporters and an all-volunteer campaign staff.

Now he represents one of the few opportunities to turn a U.S. Senate seat from anti-gun to pro-gun.

And he’s taking on one of Barack Obama’s favorite Senators — Michael Bennet.

‘Leave the Wolf Alone!’…Cried the Sheep
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Frank Lloyd Wright once said, “I’m all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools…let’s start with typewriters.” Although the technology used by “journalists’ has improved, their tendency towards foolishness…and outright idiocy… has only worsened. As Wright also wrote, “There is nothing as uncommon as common sense.”

So let’s remove the knee-jerk hysteria that the liberals/progressives/socialists or whatever they’re calling themselves today always introduce, and discuss the topic of guns from a common sense perspective. Author Tiffany Madison wrote, “Our Founders grasped that self-defense is three-fold: every free individual must protect themselves against the evil will of the man, the mob and the state.”

CA: California man guards neighborhood from wild fire looters via AR-15
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the Sand Fire burning more than 37,000 acres in Santa Clarita Valley this week, one resident stayed behind to watch over his deserted neighborhood with a black rifle for companionship.

The Santa Clarita Valley Signal stumbled across Robinson Ranch resident Jim Dematte as the fire burned in the hills in the distance.

HI: The Second Amendment Doesn’t Exist in the Aloha State
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Over the last decade every single attempt made by law-abiding, upstanding citizens to obtain a concealed carry firearms permit on Hawaii’s Big Island has been denied.

Hawaii Police Department Chief Harry Kubojiri, who has helmed the department since 2008, has so far denied every application received by his department. His department is being sued over this clear abridgment of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Kesha At DNC: 'We Can Control' Who Gets Weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We as a nation, we can’t control who feels hurt, we can’t control who feels pain,” she said.

“You can’t control every single person and know how they’re going to deal with things and know if they’re going to pick up a weapon — you don’t know that,” she continued. “But what we can control is who we give the f---ing weapons to.”
The crowd cheered loudly.

Rape Survivor Hammers Clinton’s Obsession With Gun Confiscation In NRA Ad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The NRA’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has released a damning new ad featuring rape survivor Kimberly Corbin* blasting Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s extreme views on the Second Amendment.

Democrats do not recognize the Second Amendment as a right and have written it out of their 2016 platform, and a DNC delegate recently admitted that the “gun safety” rhetoric is merely a smokescreen for the Democrat Party’s true goal of banning all guns.

DNC Part 2: More Big Lies From Philly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Clinton was caught and recorded at a closed-door political event late last year saying, “The Supreme Court got it wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.” Of course she was talking about the 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller. What’s the big ruling that Clinton finds oh so “wrong”? The court simply ruled that Americans have a right to keep a firearm in their homes for self-defense.

If that decision was “wrong,” it means Clinton believes Americans do not have a right to keep a firearm in their own homes for self-defense. No matter what Kelly says, that would certainly represent a “change” in the Second Amendment as we know it.

OH: Give Founding Fathers credit they deserve
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Regarding “Founders also couldn’t anticipate technology” (July 23): Lee Oliver commented in his letter that the Founding Fathers couldn’t anticipate technology or foresee the technological improvements in firearms, so the Second Amendment right to bear arms should be infringed upon.

He doesn’t give the Founding Fathers the credit they deserve. Most people forget that among their number were brilliant men of science and technology.

These are men of vision, not your run-of-the-mill day laborers. They risked their lives and fortunes to create America, a social experiment in democracy.

Just In Time For His Party’s Convention, Obama Administration Releases Latest Executive Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This time the bad news came via the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), which is primarily responsible for administering the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing rules, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The upshot is that DDTC is labeling commercial gunsmiths as “manufacturers” for performing relatively simple work such as threading a barrel or fabricating a small custom part for an older firearm. Under the AECA, “manufactures” are required to register with DDTC at significant expense or risk onerous criminal penalties.

CA: This Veteran Officer Faces Felony Charges For Thinking He Lives In Free America
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thomas Abrahamsen, an 18-year veteran of the San Francisco Police Department, was arrested on felony charges for building and possessing the most popular rifle sold in the Free United States.

Ed.: One wonders how many times in 18 years this officer enforced unconstitutional gun laws against his fellow citizens.

TX: At UT, Debut of Texas Gun Law Intersects with Tower Shooting Anniversary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday, when the University of Texas at Austin commemorates the 50th anniversary of sniper Charles Whitman’s murderous on-campus shooting spree, many of the routines of public mourning will be followed: Flags at half-staff, a solemn speech from the university president and the unveiling of a new memorial honoring the 16 adults and one unborn child Whitman killed that day.

But there will be one unusual specter looming over the day. On the same day the school mourns a seminal moment of gun violence in American history, a new state law known as campus carry will go into effect, allowing students, faculty and visitors to carry their guns into university buildings.

More Gun Control Laws Will Not Reduce Crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new study released by the University of Pittsburg finds that nearly 8 in 10 gun crimes are committed with illegally-possessed guns. The findings are summarized in this Washington Post headline: “New Evidence Confirms what Gun Rights Advocates Have Said for a Long Time about Crime.” What the NRA has been saying all along is that criminals, by definition, don’t follow the law. As a result, new gun control laws will do nothing to prevent crime and make us safer.

How Tim Kaine Helped Teach Democrats Not to Fear the NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last night, Kaine accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination amid a slate of convention programming that for the party amounted to an unprecedented embrace of gun reform. Sixteen years after the NRA took credit for Al Gore’s loss in his home state of Tennessee — a loss that helped cost him the White House — Hillary Clinton began this cycle by boasting in a Democratic debate that she was proud to have the gun lobby as enemy number one. Now, with Kaine aboard as running mate, the Democrats feel confident that they can turn the tables by topping the NRA-endorsed Donald Trump in the group’s backyard and putting Virginia’s 13 electoral college votes into their column.

IL: How the concealed carry law fares: Illinois gets positive reviews, violence prevention group urges caution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three years ago, Illinois became the last state in the nation to legalize the concealed carrying of firearms. Since then, the Illinois State Police has distributed more than 181,000 licenses, according to a recent report by the organization Reboot Illinois.

A number of Southern Illinois counties appear high on the list of per-capita concealed carry license holders, and Pope County leads the group, with 42.3 license holders per 1,000 residents.

Reached by the Southern last week, Pope County Sheriff Jerry Suits said, “We haven’t had any troubles down here at all with it (the concealed carry law), and I don’t expect any troubles with it. It’s a good thing for Illinois, and I think it’s a good thing for Pope County.”

MN: MN Lawmakers Ready to Push for Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nash says if he returns for the next session he will be introducing gun legislation covering “Stand Your Ground” and “Constitutional Carry” issues. Nash says, “You should be able to defend yourself without having, by what says Minnesota law, having to retreat, in all practical situations.”

Representative Nash says that current law can be summarized down to “if you’re able to retreat, you should.” In 2012 Governor Dayton vetoed a stand your ground bill the legislature passed.

Anyone falsely portraying this gun control debate is ‘trying to sell you something’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Brady Campaign has been among the many voices demanding gun regulations in America. KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz wonders if that means gun control and banning firearms.

“There is a very specific type of gun that we want banned – none of them,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign. “All we are trying to do is keep guns out of the hands of people we all agree that shouldn’t have them. Whether you love or hate guns, you agree that a convicted violent criminal, domestic abuser, someone who is dangerously mentally ill, or a would-be terrorist should not be able to get their hands on guns.”

NRA Candidate Ratings & Endorsements Now Posted Online for the Primary Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Election day is approaching fast.

The NRA Political Victory Fund has rated, and in some races, endorsed pro-gun/pro-hunting candidates for the Florida Primary Election and others. These candidate ratings and endorsements can now be found at the NRA-PVF website.

Why Do Democrats Think Renaming Gun Control Is A Winning Strategy?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pollster Anna Greenberg, who works with the gun-control group Americans for Responsible Solutions, tells supporters to talk about “the gun lobby,” but not the National Rifle Association, which in many voters’ minds is about hunting and sport. Talk about closing loopholes, not about stricter gun laws. Talk about background checks, not a national gun registry. And never promise that anything is a fix-all or use the loaded phrase “gun control.”

The New York Times Knows Florida's Self-Defense Law Is Bad but Can't Figure Out Why
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But as it typically does, The New York Times zeroes in on the wrong aspect of Florida's supposedly benighted law, which it says "makes it easier for people to claim self-defense if they have a reasonable belief that their lives are threatened, whether the threat proves real or not."

A similar standard applies throughout the country—even in New York, where the use of deadly force is legal if "the actor reasonably believes that [the] other person is using or about to use deadly physical force."

TX: Police Spokesperson Commends Elderly Man Who Shot ‘Attempted Intruder’ Dead
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Douglas Greene is commending an elderly man for his interactions with police and for defending his wife and home by shooting an “attempted intruder” dead.

The actual shooting occurred on July 21, around 10 a.m. in San Antonio, TX.

CO: The Spectator: 'Open carry's' theater of the absurd
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recent events remind me of the only lasting memory remaining from having poked my head inside a long-ago gun show at the Astrodome: Metal detectors were at the entrance.

Yes, even a gathering of gun nuts didn’t want nuts with guns joining the day’s congregation.

I use that example to illustrate why people who denounce gun control need to define their terms. After all, stationing metal detectors outside a gun show clearly is gun control.

But what about our freedoms?

Welcome to a national nightmare.

TX: Attorney General Ken Paxton sues Austin over City Hall gun ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The city of Austin violated state law by banning people from bringing handguns into City Hall, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton charged in a lawsuit filed Thursday.

City officials have refused to allow guns into the building, claiming that occasional meetings of the Downtown Austin Community Court, which addresses low-level offenses primarily committed by the homeless, meant City Hall was exempt from allowing guns in.

“I will always make sure that governments do not trample on the Second Amendment rights of Texans,” Paxton said in a statement, “and if they do, we will sue.” The attorney general’s office said this is the first such suit it has filed.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. — PERICLES (430 BC)

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