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Newslinks for 7/29/2020

Z-MAX Ammo: Z-MAX Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Hornady Zombie Max (Z-MAX) ammunition was a special line created for killing zombies. Yes, that’s right – zombies. No longer in production, this specialty ammo was basically a fun gimmick with surprisingly good performance. Paired with a cool packaging design, Hornady Z-MAX made for a great conversation piece and was very popular among shooters – mainly because nobody knew how long it would be in production. Here are some of the features and uses of these fun zombie bullets (other than zombie control, of course). The official webpage also has a fun video and a great disclaimer that’s worth a read..

Levergun Loads: .44 WCF
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In 1860, B. Tyler Henry received a patent for a truly landmark rifle. With a lever-operated action using a copper cartridge case, the Model of 1860 (or “.44 Henry”) was born. This first true levergun, chambered in .44 Rimfire, offered previously unheard-of firepower. When Oliver Winchester lent his name to a levergun, the first Winchester came forth as the 1866, or as it was soon called due to its brass frame, the Yellow Boy. Winchester set the stage for a whole line of great leverguns. The 1860 and 1866 were both great steps forward but the best was yet to come — the 1873 Winchester.

An Ode to the 28-Gauge
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Being candid, I was reluctant to follow the recommendation of my fellow gun writer. As a longtime admirer of the ubiquitous 20-gauge, I knew it capabilities—well. To me, it made little sense drifting from the known for the then-unfamiliar, and the thought of doing so made me uncomfortable—especially when abroad. He was adamant, though, and through positive peer pressure convinced me that the petite 28-gauge would sacrifice nothing to the 20 in those Cordoba, Argentina, fields. He was right. When targeting the seemingly limitless doves, pigeons and other crop raiders at realistic ranges, there wasn’t one that was safe from over-under barrels of the 28-gauge Beretta I clutched.

Below the Radar: H Res 1013
Submitted by: David Williamson

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You may wonder why we are taking time from actual bills to instead cover a House resolution. We did cover one House resolution and one Senate resolution at times earlier this year, though, and we did so because while they didn’t have the force of law, they could still tilt the playing field – and voting for or against them means elected officials are taking a stand.

How to Choose a Hunting Bullet
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Choosing the correct bullet for the game at hand may be a daunting task for the beginning hunter. But it doesn’t have to be, despite the critical nature of the choice. We seek information from a variety of sources: ads in magazines that make their claims about their products, articles about successful hunts, conversations with more experienced hunters and the Internet, where some blogs are rife with unsubstantiated opinions. It’s no wonder some hunters may be confused. With so much conflicting information, what can we believe? It’s really not that complicated, despite the importance of the decision.

AG Barr: Portland Protesters Using ‘Knives, Rifles, and Explosive Devices’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Attorney General William Barr told House Judiciary Committee Members Tuesday that rioters in Portland, Oregon, brought “knives, rifles, and explosives” as they gathered outside federal property every night during the last two months.

He made clear they are bringing other more rudimentary weapons as well.

TX: Gun Sales Up 50 percent for Some Lubbock Vendors
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun sales in Lubbock have increased drastically since March, according to license to carry instructors from West Texas Justice and Lone Star Shooting. The United States has seen a lot of unrest over the past few months, and many have attributed the pandemic and riots to this recent increase. A Girl and a Gun is a shooting club established on woman-on-woman firearm training. Christina Scott, their facilitator and license to carry instructor, said there has been a rise in women interested in taking up the sport since the pandemic started.

AK: A conversation about an old gun sparks memories of a childhood spent outdoors
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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“Looking for anything in particular?” inquired the elderly fellow who worked the used-gun section of the store. It seems I never realize in the moment that I, too, am an elderly fellow.

“Mostly I look for old stuff,” I said. “You never know when an old Parker or L.C. Smith might get drug out of a mothballed closet, forgotten until the grandchildren decide to sell the home.”

The wistful look that drifted across his face replaced the spoken words that both of us stood maybe a long pistol shot from that mortal certainty.

“My grandfather had a Lefever,” he said.

Daniel M. Lefever introduced American wingshooters to the first American hammerless side-by-side shotgun in 1878.


WA Gun Prohibition Lobby Group Does Gun Rights Voters a Favor
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying group, has done Evergreen State conservatives—especially gun owners—a huge favor by publishing its “2020 Legislative Score Card.”

That this information is available right before the Aug. 4 primary election is no small thing. One glance up and down the list tells gun owners who not to vote for in state legislative races, and the formula is easy.

The Importance of Awareness and Avoidance for Personal Defense
Submitted by: David Williamson

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If the armed citizen takes personal defense seriously, there is a lot to learn. They certainly have to learn to shoot their chosen defensive firearm accurately and efficiently. They have to learn defensive tactics and techniques that will help with surviving a deadly encounter. In spite of all of this, our goal should be to avoid a confrontation with criminals whenever possible. Now I can’t speak for the ladies, but I do know that many men daydream about doing heroic things—the hero to the rescue, if you will.

FL: Fatal Calhoun County Shooting Under Ivestigation
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Investigators are trying to determine if Calhoun County man acted in self-defense when he shot and killed his uncle over the weekend. Calhoun County Sheriff’s investigators say 43-year-old Jonathan Maybin shot and killed Steven Shiver after multiple confrontations.

Below the Radar: H Res 1013
Submitted by: David Williamson

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You may wonder why we are taking time from actual bills to instead cover a House resolution. We did cover one House resolution and one Senate resolution at times earlier this year, though, and we did so because while they didn’t have the force of law, they could still tilt the playing field – and voting for or against them means elected officials are taking a stand.

Smith & Wesson Is Fully Loaded for Power-Packed Returns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson Brands (NASDAQ:SWBI), formerly known as American Outdoor Brands Corporation, is one of those companies that’s almost a political statement. Owning SWBI stock can be an expression of a particular set of beliefs or viewpoints about gun ownership or constitutional rights.

American Tactical Adds FDE to FXH-45 Pistol
Submitted by: David Williamson

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American Tactical expands the color options on its FXH-45 pistol, adding Flat Dark Earth to the list of available styles. The FDE model sports a black 416 stainless steel slide paired with black polymer grips for a stylish look. The FXH-45 pistol features a single-action, 1911 design built on a Commander-sized frame, chambered in .45 ACP. Boasting an 8+1 capacity, the FXH-45 opts for a 4.25-inch match-grade barrel made of 416 stainless steel with an overall length of 8.7-inches. Weight comes in at just over 27-ounces unloaded.

Now Gun-Control Activists Want to Preach from the Pulpit?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It can be difficult to keep up with the politically correct rules these days. Can we follow the evidence wherever it leads, or may we simply reject it, as the anti-Second Amendment groups do, when it is inconvenient to our politics? Are we permitted to bring religion into politics, or must it be shunned completely? All too often, the answers to questions like these, according to the mainstream media, seem to be: “Whatever helps the gun-control movement at any given moment.”

Shooting Straight with Mark Robinson
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In this hyperbolic age of Twitter memes, Instagram-polished images and one-sided mainstream media narratives, it is refreshing to know that honest outrage—sometimes a real breath of fresh air—can still rise right through the loud, partisan demagoguery of our current politics to give us Mark Robinson’s four-minute, tell-it-like-it-is speech to, of all the American forums, the Greensboro City Council in North Carolina.

WY: Magpul Wyoming Governor’s Match Slated in Cody This Weekend
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The fourth annual Magpul Wyoming Governor’s Match will return to Cody on Friday. Presented by Vortex Optics, the match continues through Sunday at the Cody Shooting Complex. “Here in Wyoming, we cherish our right to own firearms and deeply respect what this means,” Gov. Mark Gordon said in a news release last week. “Our Second Amendment, responsible and safe firearm ownership, and a true love of the outdoors all combine at events such as this and provide an excellent showcase for the rest of the world.”

California Legislature Reconvenes With Gun Control Back in the Budget!
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Yesterday, July 27th, the California Legislature reconvened from the extended summer recess. As you recall, just prior to recess, the California Assembly sent AB 88, the Public Safety Budget Trailer Bill that was riddled with anti-gun language, back to the Senate for additional work. Unfortunately, when it comes to gun control and the California Legislature, some things never change. The Assembly is expected to vote this week on SB 118, another Public Safety Trailer Bill with identical anti-gun provisions.


Senator Tammy Duckworth Parrots Gun Control Talking Points In Everytown Veepstakes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) knows more than most about firearms and how they operate. That didn’t stop her, however, from joining Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts on Everytown for Gun Safety’s Veepstakes to peddle misstatements and untruths about guns. She’s trying out to be presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s running mate and Watts played along.

Remington Arms Declars Bankrupcty Despite Surging Gun Demand
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Firearms maker Remington Arms Co. filed for bankruptcy protection for the second time since 2018, weighed down by more debt than it can repay even as fearful Americans buy more guns than ever. Remington, which supplies weapons for hunting, shooting sports, law enforcement and the military, sought chapter 11 protection and will try to sell its business at a time when civil unrest and worries about personal safety have driven firearm sales to record highs.

MN: Gun Club Application Creates Controversey Near Courtland
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It was a full house at The Nicollet County Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesday morning as the board took up a proposed expansion to the River Ridge Gun and Archery Club. The club historically has been a shotgun and archery range, but its new owners have applied for pistol and rifle shooting as well. Many showed up to voice their concerns about safety, noise and environmental impacts.

GA: Georgia Hunting Season Regulations Available
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Online, on the app, and in print, the 2020-2021 Georgia Hunting Seasons and Regulations Guide is available, announces the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. This guide provides important information on season dates, bag limits, hunting licenses, wildlife management areas (WMAs), quota hunts, youth opportunities and much more.

MN: Bemidji Council Considers Hunting Options for Rural Areas
Submitted by: David Williamson

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New land annexed into the city of Bemidji this year has diversified the municipality, adding more rural property to the mix. As a result, former township residents are no longer able to hunt the way they used to. That was the subject of a Bemidji City Council work session Monday, where officials responded to an inquiry from new residents about the possibility of hunting. Currently, there are two types of hunting allowed inside the Bemidji area.

...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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