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NJ: The "one-a-month club" for guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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We have long supported gun control legislation in a belief that limiting the number of guns in society makes it safer, primarily by curtailing accidental and impulsive shootings. That does not mean every bill placing controls on guns is a good one.

The state Senate last week passed a bill establishing a one-gun-a-month limit for purchasers of firearms. Due to timing quirks, that would mean a gun buyer would be able to buy only 13 guns a year. An initial reaction would be to say, "This is a great idea. After all, why does anyone need to buy more than 13 guns a year?" The National Rifle Association has a clever response, saying that many gun owners have as many guns as they need, but not as many as they want.


AZ: Fish gets a new trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 62-year-old retired schoolteacher who shot and killed a Payson man four years ago at a trailhead north of Strawberry is getting a new trial.

The Arizona Court of Appeals granted the new trial for Tolleson resident Harold Fish in a 110-page opinion that said, in part, the original trial judge — Mark Moran of Flagstaff — erred in not allowing the victim’s past behavior to be introduced into evidence. The court also ruled that the three dogs the victim, Grant Kuenzli, had with him could have been classified as “dangerous instruments” as de­fense attorney Melvin McDonald asked.

DC: The Gun I Didn't Have
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I was walking home a few weeks ago when two young men, one with a knife in his hand, blocked the sidewalk and demanded my wallet and camera. I’m accustomed to having a means of defense other than my fist and an umbrella at hand. I’ve been in Washington, D.C. for three months and had almost gotten used to not having a weapon handy. At home in Arizona, I regularly, and legally, carry a concealed pistol and reluctantly left my guns at home and trusted on instincts and awareness to stay out of trouble.


TX: Alerted by dog, Sugar Land man shoots intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man shot and wounded an intruder at his apartment Wednesday in Sugar Land, police said.

The shooting happened at the Fairmont Apartments in the 2300 block of Long Reach about 12:15 p.m.

An apartment resident said he feared for his life when a strange man rushed him in is apartment, said Doug Adolph, Sugar Land Police Department spokesman. The resident fired his gun and shot the man, Adolph said

No charges have been filed against the resident. The case is under investigation..

"At this point it appears to be self-defense," Adolph said.

Gun Saint Society Honors Kentucky Pastor for July 4th and 2nd Amendment Commemoration
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"We commend Pastor Ken Pagano for his celebration last weekend in Kentucky of American Independence and the Second Amendment," said John M. Snyder, President of the interdenominational St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc. (

"We're sending him a St. Gabriel Possenti Society Honor Medallion as evidence of our esteem," he continued. "Pastor Pagano knows that religious people own firearms and know how to use them in a responsible manner. His gun carry service was a fine commemoration of our Declaration of Independence and the Second Amendment constitutional right to keep and bear arms."

Heller Ain't No Bad Place to Be
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week was the first anniversary of the District of Columbia v. Heller, where the Supreme Court for the first time declared that the Second Amendment indeed protects an individual right to own guns in the home for self-defense. It was a great victory for individual rights, but by no means a final one.

The lawyer who successfully argued that case, Alan Gura, has remained a dedicated opponent of all sorts of gun regulations that still stand post-Heller. Senior Editor Brian Doherty talked to Gura by phone earlier this week about the various legal challenges Gura is fighting against state and local gun laws. (The Second Amendment Foundation is backing all of the challenges where Gura is serving as counsel.)

AL: Man forces open front door, gets shot by brother-in-law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man shot and killed his brother-in-law, apparently in self-defense, late Wednesday at a home just east of the Loxley area, officials with the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office said.

David Daniel, the homeowner, shot Andrew "Andy" Buettner of Robertsdale in the chest after Buettner kicked in the front door, Sheriff Huey "Hoss" Mack said. Buettner thought his wife and child were staying at the home, but they were not, Mack said.

Buettner's wife had left him earlier in the day over long-term domestic abuse, Mack said. The dead man has an extensive criminal history including assault, harassment and resisting arrest, according to court records.

WA: Minors, the Second Amendment, and incorporation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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My attention has been brought to the case of The State of Washington v. Christopher Sieyes (pdf file). The gist of it is that in 2007, Sieyes, then 17 years old, was charged with illegal possession of a firearm (a Bersa .380 ACP pistol) by a minor, after a traffic stop. An excellent summary can be found at the Supreme Court of Washington Blog--here's a brief excerpt:

ID: Murphy is uninformed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Before you allow Pat Murphy to go on an uninformed rant regarding the National Rifle Association and its support of those of us who are responsible, law-abiding Americans who choose to accept the responsibility of carrying concealed weapons, please have him first take the time to check his facts.

Mr. Murphy stated: "Where does the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"—grant unrestricted "rights" to gun owners?" The individual right to keep and to bear, i.e. carry, arms was recently affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States in Heller vs. the District of Columbia.

Gun lobby annoyed with GOP lawmakers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun Owners of America is lambasting eight GOP senators who helped secure the nomination of the State Department's new top lawyer, an avid proponent of gun control.

Last week, the Senate voted 62-35 to confirm Harold Koh as legal advisor to the State Department. Although only five Republicans supported Koh in that final confirmation vote, eight voted to prevent a filibuster of the nominee. The eight Republicans were Lamar Alexander (TN), Susan Collins (ME), Judd Gregg (OH), Orrin Hatch (UT), Richard Lugar (IN), Mel Martinez (FL), Olympia Snowe (ME), and George Voinovich (OH).

Rasmussen poll confirms: People fear government that fears guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new Rasmussen poll released earlier this week reveals that 57 percent of Americans believe gun sales have skyrocketed in this country over the past several months because of fears that the government – now under control of the Obama administration and a Democrat Congress – will move to restrict gun rights.

Ed.: Dave Workman also reports on a USFS shooting closure along I-90 in Washington State.

Should U.S. assault weapons ban be reenacted?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There exists a special class of firearms called “assault weapons.” They have a superficial outline simulating army-style fully automatic arms.

For some reason, many shooting enthusiasts are enamored with them. The NRA is fighting tooth and nail for their continuance on the gun market. A ban existed on the “assaultweapon” until President Bush’s administration had the ban removed.

They’re legal, at present, but it is expected that with the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Government now in democratic, anti-gun hands, that the ban should be reenacted.

Personally, I’m not taken with them, but I respect the enthusiasm other gun owners have for them, and I’m on their side.

TN: Witnesses Dispute Claim That Shooting Was Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"I called 911 and I told them there was an officer back there with a gun drawn on a kid, and there was a lot of cussing and a lot of yelling going on," Ann Johnson said.

"The yelling never stopped, the cussing and that ‘I'm going to kill you. I'm going to blow your brains out,'" she said.

The next thing they know, they heard a shot and Tim Alumbaugh was dead.

"That was a senseless killing, that's all that was," said John Johnson.

"A security guard on a power trip. I don't know," Ann speculated.

A Revolution
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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A revolution lived, in pictures. Why RKBA is important.

Undeniable Proof That Gun Control Works
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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Remember Great Britain? It's that civilized and enlightened liberal paradise where a decade ago and in the name of public safety people were asked to surrender their guns?
It was "for the children" of course. But how's the liberal anti-guntopia worked out so far for the Brits you may ask?

From UK's Telegraph:

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

Continues at the link

The world according to Brady (Part 3)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In a previous article, we examined how the Brady Campaign’s agenda is aligned with civilian disarmament. Now let’s finish this series with a few more examples of how little Brady cares about you, a regular American who simply wants what the Declaration of Independence promised us:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Praxis: Principles of Tactical Defense
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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This is something I wrote up a couple years ago that outlines the use of the RT in defense up to and including company and even battalion sized defensive positions. It's also very much in line with Poole's treatise on what US troops have run into before and also face now with Eastern opponents. . .

Any place your fire team, squad, patrol, platoon, or larger unit stops for any reason, or is placed with an objective to hold their position, is comprised of and surrounded by something called “Vital Ground”. It’s vital because of several reasons, the first two of which are: A: You are on it and you are vital to the mission, and B: The area is vital to the overall mission of your command and control structure.


Government dismisses charge against gun owner
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"So where does this leave us? After years of harassment, including holding him for 23 days, confiscating his property, ordering him not to possess firearms, forcing him to surrender his passport and to post a $250,000 bond, and spending--exactly how much in legal costs for both sides?--the government simply files a motion to dismiss the indictment?"

"And that's supposed to be it?"

"Will anyone be accountable to explain to us just what the hell happened here?"

The government has dismissed its indictment against Albert Kwan for possession of a short barrel rifle. Naturally, the media that was so quick to demonize him is silent on this development.

Post includes embedded court documents.

Unlocked: the secrets of schizophrenia (and...gun control?)
Submitted by: xqqme

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Scientists have discovered a remarkable similarity between the genetic faults behind both schizophrenia and manic depression in a breakthrough that is expected to open the way to new treatments for two of the most common mental illnesses, affecting millions of people.

Submitter's note: Here's a prediction. When the all-mighty federal government has your health care records, they will be using every bit of the data to restrict your rights, including your 2nd Amendment Rights...

Dollars to donuts, some policy wonk is RIGHT NOW in a back room somewhere writing up a proposal suggesting this kind of genetic data be used to pre-emptively cut off people from their firearms because they're more likely to be commit criminal acts.

NJ: One Gun a Month Bait and Switch
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In a disappointing turn of events Senator Fred Madden, who previously expressed in a letter to a constituent dated Feb 2009 that he voted against the One Gun a Month bill on three separate occasions, somehow concluded that the fourth time this zombie legislation risen from the grave would be as good a time as any to reverse himself and vote in favor of it.

Mission Creep at TSA?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As usual, give 'em an inch, and they'll take a mile. It's nice to see a judge give such a ruling... the one actual variable part of the Constitution, as I see it, is the definitnion of "unreasonable". It's a pretty sad state of affairs when we need to take an attorney with us whenever we travel, or for that matter, interact with "The Only Ones", in costume or out.

Lawful gun owners don't shoot up bars
Submitted by: Daniel White

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The anti-gun crowd has their propaganda machine in full gear in Arizona and Tennessee. Tennessee recently overrode their governor's veto of a bill allowing concealed carry license holders to carry their defensive firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol (provided they do not drink themselves) and Arizona is currently considering similar legislation.

TX: The Church is No Sancturary from US Police State
Submitted by: Larry

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Pastor Jose Elias Moran was preparing for an early Wednesday prayer service yesterday (July 1) at the Iglesia Profetica Peniel in Webster, Texas when he was informed that a member of his congregation had been stopped by the police.

Out of concern for the church member, Pastor Moran went out to inquire what had happened, only to have the officer, Raymond Berryman, snarl at him to go back inside. According to witnesses, when Moran tried to explain, “I’m the pastor,” Berryman grabbed at his shirt.

According to Berryman’s official account, Moran pushed him and then fled into the church and returned with 40 other congregants. Moran, his family, and others present at the scene dispute this version, insisting that the pastor never touched the officer and went inside to enlist some church members to act as witnesses.

Japan: Unloaded rifle on TV triggers controversy
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Given this nation's strict gun control law, were police overreacting when they swooped on a TV broadcaster that had allowed a celebrity to handle a hunting rifle during a live broadcast?

The Shiga prefectural police insist they were perfectly within their rights, but TV networks are outraged, citing the fact the weapon was not loaded.

The incident stems from a show aired Jan. 17 by Biwako Broadcasting Co. Almost four months later, police mounted a search of the premises and confiscated a dozen items, including a script and a DVD of the show.

Critics accuse the police of being overzealous and question their motives, but law enforcement officials remain unrepentant.

Submitter's note: When the globalists rebuilt Japan's government from scratch after WWII, they effectively entirely removed the God given right to own firearms.

A Conversation with Robert D. Kaplan:Lessons from Sri Lanka and an Interesting Take on General McChrystal. The Future of Counter-insurgency in the US?
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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I've been reading Kaplan for years now, and I never fail to learn something from his op-eds. In this extensive interview (only a portion reproduced below) there are two things that stood out for me. Each of them is a grim portent for how the present administration might wage a counter-insurgency in this country.
Read carefully the section on the crushing of the Tamil Tigers by Sri Lanka with the aid of China. Then check out Kaplan's comments on General McChrystal, the new commander in Afghanistan. McChrystal may end up being Obama's Petreaus, and may (I stress MAY) end up being just the SOB who salutes and says "Yes, Sir!" to an Obama request for troops to disarm Americans. I'll have more comments on that subject on the other side.

Ten Years After Chicago Racial Killings, Brady Center Report Cites New Wave of Hate Shootings
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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On the ten-year anniversary of the neo-Nazi shooting spree that terrorized the Midwest over the July 4th weekend in 1999, a new report released by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence points to a new wave of hate-motivated gun violence by extremists armed by our nation's tragically weak gun laws.

'Rasmussen Poll Confirms Americans Fear Obama Gun Control Agenda' - CCRKBA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A new Rasmussen poll reveals that 57 percent of American citizens believe gun sales are up over the past several months because of widespread fears that the government will tighten restrictions on gun ownership. "The poll results confirm what we've been saying," noted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. "American citizens are fearful that the Obama administration and a Democrat-controlled Congress will pass new laws to further erode the individual right to own firearms. This concern was further enhanced by yesterday's ruling in Minnesota that far left anti-gunner Al Franken should be seated as a U.S. Senator representing that state, giving Democrats a 60-member majority."

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. — Thomas Paine

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