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Newslinks for 7/31/2008

Mike Vanderboegh: A Handgun and An Army - Ten Years After
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Almost a decade ago now, I penned 'A Letter From Hagood's Crossroads, Alabama,' subtitled 'What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an Army?'"

"Over the years it has proven to be the single most popular piece I have ever written. To this day, I get emails and snail mails from folks who have stumbled across it for the first time, thanking me for writing it. It is a humbling experience for a scribbler such as myself to realize that he has struck a chord in his audience -- humbling and gratifying." ...

"For now, let me present again, with slight updated revision, 'What Good Can A Handgun Do Against an Army?,' with many thanks to my friends ... for the firm nudge prompting me to do so. -- MBV" ...

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus to meet in Washington
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Students for Concealed Carry on Campus will hold its first national meeting at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 1."

"The student gun rights organization will host a debate, a speaking panel, a legislators' panel and several notable speakers. SCCC anticipates an attendance of between 100 to 150 members, said SCCC Public Relations Director Katie Kasprzac."

"'This meeting is to show that we're an established organization, not just a Facebook group,' Kasprzac said."

"Ken Stanton, Virginia Tech's SCCC campus leader, will receive an award and join a panel on campus efforts to remove gun restrictions." ...

Olofson Incarceration Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Len Savage:"
"On Monday I received a collect call from David Olofson. David says he is doing well. He was assigned to the prison law library and does duties as teachers aide, and helps other convicts look up the subject laws involving their cases. He tells me he helped three so far."

"He has been receiving correspondence regularly and he enjoys it. ..."

"David is very concerned for his family, his wife could use some encouragement. The fact is his family is getting the worst of the punishments according to David. His wife gets up at 4:00am to gather the children together so she can still work, as they have a home, and to make ends meet." ...

Giving 'Em Heller
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Don't say my name out loud.'"

"That's the first thing Dick Heller told me as we stood outside the Supreme Court building on the morning of June 26, waiting for the decision in a landmark Second Amendment case. Heller ... looked like just another enthusiast as he handed out newsletters. But as he lectured me and my friends on the history of the case, we responded with rapt attention rather than casual interest. ..." ...

"One of my favorite aspects of living in Washington and working at a think tank for the summer has been the ability to see and meet famous politicians, celebrated judges, and renowned scholars. But my most enjoyable experience so far has been meeting this ordinary person with an extraordinary story."

DC: DC 'contorts' around 2nd Amendment ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The District of Columbia is being sued again over its gun control laws, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the city must allow its citizens to arm themselves for self-defense."

"The Supreme Court ruled late last month that Washington, DC's, handgun ban and its trigger lock requirement were unconstitutional violations of the Second Amendment. Stephen Halbrook is the attorney for Security Officer Dick Heller ... Halbrook says Heller -- who works as a private security guard in a federal courts building -- is taking the District to court again."

"'They're trying to make it as difficult and be as obstructionist as possible so that people are discouraged from getting guns,' Halbrook argues. ..." ...

SD: Man shoots mountain lion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A late report of a mountain lion that was treed by a rancher's dog and shot near Oral, in far southwestern South Dakota.

The incident took place July 17 when Alan Burg was about to start his pickup and go to work.

After spotting the lion in a tree near his house, Burg shot it with a rifle.

The big cat jumped down and ran into some tall grass.

A game warden was called and dogs were used to track the mountain lion.

The wounded animal was found about 40 yards from the tree and was shot again.

Officials say shooting the cat was justified because of its nearness to the ranch house and the threat to animals and livestock on the ranch.

AR: Burglary suspect shot while choking homeowner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chris Hooten ... is recovering from a gunshot wound to his abdomen after a scuffle ... He reportedly entered a home without permission, fought and choked the homeowner, and was shot in the process. Hooten, and James Gadberry ... reportedly went to the home of Don Brown on Shaw Road earlier in the afternoon Friday and an argument ensued. ..."

"Hooten and Gadberry returned to the Brown home just after 10 p.m. ..."

"... Hooten forced his way into the home, pushing the door open. 'Brown ... went back to the couch where he was sleeping and pulled out a pistol.'"

"... 'Hooten jumped on Brown and started choking him. When he felt like he was going to pass out he fired a shot, hitting Hooten in the abdomen.'" ...

Churches and security measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the tragic shooting at a Knoxville, Tennessee, Unitarian Universalist church, many churches are now asking what they can do to protect themselves from such attacks."

"Jeff Hawkins is a former Chicago police officer who now serves as security chief for Answers In Genesis and the Creation Museum. He says many churches and ministries have adopted the detrimental 'it can't happen here' approach to security." ...

"When violence breaks out and police are not there, Hawkins says a well-trained armed security force is the best protection for a church. But he also says criminals and terrorists are very aware that qualified civilians with concealed handgun permits usually cannot legally carry their guns in church. ..." ...

GA: Gun-toting in Georgia
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you intend to rob me, stab me or punch me in the neck because you think I looked at you funny, I recommend you glance at my waist before lifting the pull tab on that can of whoop-ass."

"I may be carrying a handgun."

"Nearly everyone in our state can legally keep guns in their home. I am one of the few, the proud, the Georgia Firearms Licensed – one of a reported 300,000 Georgians permitted to carry a gun in public."

"Unlike the 9.2 million-or-so Peach Staters who do not possess firearms licenses, I'm legally permitted to carry a gun pretty much everywhere I go – walking my dogs, sipping a latte at my neighborhood coffee shop, buying deodorant at Target." ...

Bob Barr blasts D.C. for flouting Heller decision on gun control, other Prez candidates for silence on same
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an email addressed 'Dear fellow gun owner', Libertarian presidential candidate and NRA Board of Directors member Bob Barr wrote:"
"Just a few weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Washington's gun ban unconstitutional, the city government there is passing new ordinances that might as well be a renewal of the ban as it requires that guns kept there be locked up and/or disassembled. Their new law adds further restrictions and registrations that were clearly not the intent of the Court."

"Have you noticed the total silence about this issue in the Presidential campaign?"
"Barr's email continues by stating that 'as one of my first acts as President I would order federal law enforcement to step in and force Washington, D.C. officials to abide by the court ruling. ...'" ..

Barack Obama's 10 Point Plan to 'Change' The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, U.N. gun-ban extremist Rebecca Peters and her globalist billionaire sugar-daddy George Soros, for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his horde of big-city politicians—in fact, for all those individuals and organizations who would harm or destroy our Second Amendment rights—Barack Obama’s mantra of 'change' means their agenda will be harnessed to the total power of an aggressive, activist and radical federal government."

"'Change' means gun owners will be under siege like never before." ...

NV: NRA endorses veteran Nevada lawmaker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Veteran Senate Majority Leader Bill Raggio, facing his toughest re-election challenge in 20 years, has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund."

"The group is urging all gun owners in Senate District 3 to vote in November for Raggio, who's facing opposition from fellow Republican Sharron Angle, a former assemblywoman who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2006."

"The 81-year-old Reno lawmaker, who was first elected in 1972, has received the highest rating possible from the group because of his unwavering pro-gun support, said Chris Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist." ...

MT: Fox pushing gun issues; senators split on FISA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you spent much time listening to Helena attorney Tim Fox, the Republican nominee for attorney general, you might be forgiven for thinking that the Second Amendment was just about the most important issue out there."

"Mr. Fox has been trying for weeks, so far unsuccessfully from what I can tell, to get Democratic attorney general nominee Steve Bullock of Helena to unequivocally declare himself on gun rights."

"Mr. Bullock might be forgiven if he’d just as soon avoid the issue since his fifth-grade nephew, Jeremy Bullock, was killed by a handgun at a Butte grade school in 1984." ...

House Bill Would End D.C. Registration Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"D.C. officials are trying to beat back an effort by some lawmakers to send a bill to the House floor that would dramatically weaken the city's gun laws."

"The gun bill, co-sponsored by Reps. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) and Mark Souder (R-Ind.), was introduced previously and stalled. The measure now stands a good chance of gaining approval by the House of Representatives because of an unusual legislative maneuver, congressional staff members and observers said." ...

"The bill would repeal the District's ban on semiautomatic pistols and eliminate all registration requirements." ...

Submitter's Note: Thereby eliminating any chance for the Supreme Court to expand on its Heller ruling . . .

CA: Government misfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill to increase state regulation of handgun ammunition sales is a feel-good proposal that would have little effect on crime. The Legislature should reject this unnecessary and intrusive legislation."

"... The sponsor, Assemblyman Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, says his bill is needed to stem a rise in gun violence. And he argues that it is 'unbelievable' that 'a gang-banger can walk into a sporting goods store today and walk out with a crate of ammunition, no questions asked.'" ...

"... AB 2062's biggest threat is to gun store owners. De Leon expects dealers to know 'by using reasonable care' who they are not supposed to sell ammunition to. Selling to the wrong person could mean a fine and jail time." ...

IL: Evanston won't amend handgun ban yet
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Evanston will hold off amending its handgun ordinance until officials see what gun control groups come up in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling against total handgun bans."

"Aldermen held off action Monday night on a resolution in which they express intent to amend the city's weapons ordinance in a way to conform with the court's ruling. ..."

"Meanwhile Monday evening, the Morton Grove Village Board, by a 5-1 vote, repealed its landmark 27-year-old handgun ban at its meeting."

"Under the proposal Evanston City Council members were mulling, a homeowner would be allowed to keep a firearm at his or her residence so long as the person possesses a current and valid Firearm Owner's Identification card."

Investigative Report Reveals Gun Control Activist Leads Double Life As Gun Lobby Informant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Freedom States Alliance (FSA), responded today to an article released on the Mother Jones web site documenting the double life of one of the organization’s board members. According to Mother Jones, (July 30, 2008), a board member known in the gun control community as 'Mary McFate' has been leading a double life as an NRA informant."

"Long a fixture in the gun control movement for over 12 years, McFate joined the FSA board in September 2006. The Mother Jones article documents a scheme under which this individual became active with state and national gun violence prevention organizations while being paid by the gun lobby to collect sensitive information on behalf of the National Rifle Association." ...

There's Something About Mary: Unmasking a Gun Lobby Mole
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Mary McFate was a prominent gun control activist. Mary Lou Sapone was a freelance spy with an NRA connection. They are the same person. A Mother Jones investigation.

Spying in defense of liberty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barry Goldwater famously said that 'extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.' But I suspect even the late Arizona senator and 1964 GOP presidential candidate might be creeped out if he knew about the privatization of Big Brother. Is it OK for private groups to infiltrate domestic citizen's groups? Is spying in defense of liberty a virtue or a vice?"

"A recent revelation is in a new story from Mother Jones that reveals that a leading gun control advocate, Mary McFate, is apparently the same person as Mary Lou Sapone, 'a self-described 'research consultant,' who for decades has covertly infiltrated citizens groups for private security firms hired by corporations that are targeted by activist campaigns. ...'" ...

NY: Owner gets back guns taken by police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Lou Matteo got his handgun collection back, town police averted a legal battle based on a new U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding an individual's right to own a gun."

"Matteo, 75, turned over his firearms in March after a verbal spat with his wife led to an order of protection against him. Guilderland police refused to give the guns back, citing a federal law barring anyone under an order of protection from possessing firearms."

"But on June 26, the nation's high court struck down a District of Columbia ban on handguns. ..."

"Matteo has never been convicted of a crime, and his attorney, Tom Marcelle, said the Supreme Court ruling meant he was entitled to have his guns returned." ...

MN: SWAT Team Honored For Raid On Wrong House
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Monday, Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan handed out honors to a team of officers involved in a botched raid at an innocent family's home more than seven months ago. The family is upset and their attorney criticizes the awards and questions the timing. "

"Just days before Christmas, the sound of intruders breaking into their home in North Minneapolis prompted Vang Khang to grab his shotgun to protect his six children. His terrified wife called 911."

"Khang fired several shots at the 'intruders' who turned out to be members of the Minneapolis Police Department's SWAT team. The officers returned fire. Their protective gear prevented them from being harmed by the bullets." ...

KABA Note: See Joel Rosenberg's blog for commentary by a local pro-gun activist.

South Africa: Court broadsides firearms licence board
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pretoria high court acting judge on Tuesday had harsh words for the police and the Firearms Licence Appeal Board for the manner in which they handled the application for firearm licences by an antique firearms collector."

"Acting Judge Piet Ebersohn said there was a 'lack of competency' by both the police and the Appeal Board in this regard."

"Ebersohn severely criticised members of the board for not having sufficient knowledge of firearms."

"'None of them have any specific knowledge of firearms except that, which they gained in criminal cases,' Ebersohn said." ...

"Ebersohn said the chairman of the Appeal Board admitted that he was not a firearm expert." ...

FL: Taking apart Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. Warren Doscher is accusing others of doing exactly what he himself does in both of his letters to the editor. 'It (the U.S. Constitution) should not be dissected and then analyzed piecemeal to achieve a preconceived conclusion.'"

"In his first letter July 8, he said, 'I see no reference to individual citizens who are not charged with the responsibility for defending the government, nor to guns that would not be used for that purpose.' The amendment does not say 'the right of the militia to keep and bear arms.'"

"The amendment says 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms.' In 1791, all 'people' were not in the militia. ..." ...

FL: Gun law: They can pass it if they want
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I like readin' a good court ruling, and this was a good one on Florida's 'take your gun to work' law."

"On the surface, the judge sure looks like he cut the baby in half:"

"• Florida employers have to let employees keep guns in their cars if they have concealed-weapons permits."

"• But businesses can still have a no-gun policy for customers. That part of the new law is on hold."

"So, what's the difference between employees and customers?"

"If you're trying to figure out some important constitutional distinction, don't bother. Here's the real answer:"

"Because the Florida Legislature screwed up the wording of the law, that's all. That can be fixed." ...

NV: Vegas police: Jerry Lewis cited for gun in luggage
Submitted by: Pastor Guest

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Police say they have confiscated a gun belonging to Jerry Lewis that was found in the 82-year-old entertainer's carryon bag as he prepared to fly to Detroit from Las Vegas.

Las Vegas policeman Bill Cassell said Tuesday that the actor was cited Friday for carrying an unloaded concealed weapon at the Las Vegas airport.

Lewis' manager, Claudia Marghilano, says the handgun is a hollowed-out prop gun that Lewis sometimes twirls during his show. She tells The Associated Press that the gun couldn't fire.

Marghilano says Lewis didn't know the gun was in the bag along with other props.

Cassell says if the gun were merely a prop "it wouldn't be a weapon and we couldn't cite him for carrying a weapon."

NY: Olympic Hot Shot
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the wild west, the gunslinger was a hero, respected and feared. In 2008, the gunslinger's descendant is an Olympian, graduated from McQuaid and on his way to China."

"When he was a senior in 1993, Jason Turner knew what he wanted to do and where he was headed."

"Now 33 years old, Turner is a two time Olympian, headed to Beijing. He competes in the 10-meter air pistol and the 50 meter free pistol events. Turner honed his skills at the Rochester Rifle Club."

"Said Turner, 'One year I happened to win a state junior title in air pistol. I got invited out to Colorado Springs. I got out there and got to compete against the top juniors in the country at the time and really, really enjoyed it.'" ...

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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