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Newslinks for 7/31/2012

NY: ‘Gun’ for the road
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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A Brooklyn politician drove upstate to buy an assault rifle equipped with a high-capacity magazine — then drove to The Bronx border yesterday to show how easy it would be to bring illegal weapons into the city. While it’s against the law to sell or own such weapons and magazines in New York City, they can be legally purchased in other parts of the state. “In light of the recent horrific massacre of innocent victims in Aurora, Colorado . . . it is quite evident that high-capacity weapons are a threat to the general public as well as law enforcement,” said state Sen. Eric Adams, vowing to introduce legislation that would ban assault rifles and high-capacity magazines statewide.

NY: NYPD to launch surveillance software system
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The NYPD says it will launch an all-seeing "Domain Awareness System" that combines several streams of information to track both criminals and potential terrorists.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says the city developed the software with Microsoft.
The program combines city-wide video surveillance with law enforcement databases, according to Kelly.
The Domain Awareness System will include technology deployed in public spaces as part of the counterterrorism program of the NYPD counterterrorism bureau, including: NYPD-owned closed circuit television cameras, license plate readers, and other undisclosed domain awareness devices.
Kelly said the system will be officially unveiled by Mayor Michael Bloomberg sometime this week.

Michael Moore: It's the guns -- but we all know, it's not really the guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... There have always been insane people, and there always will be.
But here's the difference between the rest of the world and us: We have TWO Auroras that take place every single day of every single year! At least 24 Americans every day (8-9,000 a year) are killed by people with guns — and that doesn't count the ones accidentally killed by guns or who commit suicide with a gun. Count them and you can triple that number to over 25,000.
That means the United States is responsible for over 80 percent of all the gun deaths in the 23 richest countries combined. Considering that the people of those countries, as human beings, are no better or worse than any of us, well, then, why us? ...

The NRA's Political Muscle? It's Got Nothing on Hollywood
Submitted by: Anonymous

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To hear Democrats tell it, you might think the National Rifle Association is the most powerful lobby in all of America. And there's some truth to that. After suspected gunman James Holmes massacred 12 people in a Colorado movie theater, Republican and Democratic leaders offered their prayers and sympathy, but little in the way of ideas or legislation about how to make the country safer. In fact, Democrats have spent most of their time painting the gun lobby as unstoppable, even suggesting that lawmakers are too chicken to cross the NRA and support tougher gun control laws.
But Republicans, weary of the NRA invincibility narrative, wonder why there's no discussion of Hollywood's lobbying clout.

NY: We Need Tougher Gun Laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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It seems like every day brings more disturbing news about gun violence. Twelve dead and 58 wounded in Aurora, Col. Four-year-old Lloyd Morgan gunned down in crossfire in a Bronx playground. Five shot at an annual basketball tournament in Harlem. The list goes on. Instead of outrage, the reaction of most of our elected officials in Albany, Washington and even New York City – other than Mayor Bloomberg and a few others – is muted as far as gun control goes. This is wrong.

MA: Self-defense eyed in downtown killing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who shot and killed a Dorchester man in a downtown fracas early Sunday morning was licensed to carry his firearm, is cooperating with a police investigation and has not been charged with a crime, authorities said yesterday.

“At this point in the investigation, it appears he may have acted in self-defense, and he has not been charged at this time,” Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley’s spokesman Jake Wark said about the unidentified shooter.

Guns: Excellent Protection Against Imaginary Dangers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Government figures from the National Survey of Criminal Victimization suggest 100,000 uses a year of guns in self-defense against crime, the vast majority of these uses being the display of weapons to deter or dissuade.

There are some problems with these government numbers, beginning with the fact that they are based on data from the early 1990s, when crime rates were much higher than they are today. The number of criminal attempts has declined 30% to 40% since then, and one would expect the number of occasions for self-defense to decline correspondingly.

Gun dealer Reese takes defense stand in firearms smuggling case
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“I would have thrown [government informant Jose Roman] out of the store," the Las Cruces-Sun News reported Reese maintaining under oath. "I would not put my wife and sons in harm's way, ever."

NY: Assault rifles need to be 'infringed'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Colonial times, weapons for individuals were limited to flintlock rifles and pistols. These had utility for food-gathering and home defense. These weapons were powder-and-ball, single-shot, and slow to reload laboriously by hand, and of limited range and accuracy.

NRA Stops U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. ATT) has broken down and will not report a draft treaty to the member nations.

This is a big victory for American gun owners, and the NRA is being widely credited for killing the U.N. ATT.

For nearly 20 years, the NRA has worked tirelessly to warn American gun owners about the United Nations’ efforts to undermine the constitutional rights of law-abiding American gun owners by putting in place international controls on small arms.

AZ: Mass killers avoid folks with guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The reason for so many deaths is not too many guns. For example, many shootings occur on college campuses or places that people can't carry guns. Therefore, if a person with malice in their heart wants to do the most damage, they will go to these places where they know that no one is packing heat.

CO: Concealed carry proven to reduce crime, violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lott’s research finds the overwhelming majority of mass shootings take place where concealed carry permit holders are barred, such as the Cinemark Century Theater in Aurora. Cinemark has a franchise-wide "no guns" policy. Thus, any Century Theater is never a safe place to go or send your kids, on any day, no matter where the theater is.

How often are guns used in self-defense?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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About the tragedy in Aurora, Colo., rapper/actor Ice-T made more sense – and has a better understanding of the Second Amendment – than gun-control proponents.

Asked by a London news anchor about America's gun culture, Ice-T said: "Well, I'd give up my gun when everybody does. Doesn't that make sense? ... If there were guns here, would you want to be the only person without one?"

Stop me if you've heard this one before
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It is Monday night, and a 23-year-old guy walks into a Walmart in Dallas to buy groceries and he is standing in the checkout line. He reaches into his pocket to take out his wallet but instead dislodges the gun he is carrying. Why is he carrying a gun into a Walmart to buy groceries? Hey, this is America! That’s why!

Mass Murders, Madness, and Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The largely unnoticed elephant in the room is how astoundingly easy it always is for the killers to buy supercharged firearms and unlimited rounds of ammo. The ubiquity of powerful weaponry is what makes the U.S. such a dangerous place to live. Guns do kill people and the number of people depends on the number of guns and the number of rounds they can fire in a given period of time.

Arms Aboard
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An excellent boat gun is one with a Parkerized finish (readily available on many law enforcement grade shot guns and some AR-15 rifles) or Tenifer or Melonite (available on Glock, Springfield XD and S&W M&P series handguns and some AR-15 guns). These are salt bath nitrate finishes that permeate the metal and provide excellent corrosion protection. On the above three handguns, that is combined with a polymer frame that won’t rust. A quick wipe down with an oily rag at the conclusion of the trip will keep these guns rust free.

TX: Texas PD Empower Civilians with SWAT-Like Training Scenarios
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So, the LPD has created a program that will train citizens how to respond during those critical first few minutes after the first 9-1-1 call goes out, but before the police arrive on scene. And don’t for one second think that the training is something lame, like watching a two-hour video and listening to a lecture. It’s about as hands-on as it can get, replicating real-life combat scenarios with practice guns and rogue shooter actors.

NY: New York must fight a lone battle against illegal guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since 2008, when the Supremes affirmed that the Second Amendment vests the right to bear arms in the individual, not just in militias, the courts have overturned exactly zero reasonable gun restrictions enacted anywhere in the United States. And that includes New York City, which has some of the most restrictive gun laws anywhere.

State Will Appeal 'Docs vs. Glocks' Ruling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Rick Scott announced Monday that the state will appeal a ruling barring the state from enforcing the "docs vs. glocks" law, continuing the court battle over the line between patients' rights under the Second Amendment and doctors' rights under the First.

SC: Authorities say man shot neighbor in face in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Laurens County authorities said this morning that two Waterloo neighbors got into a deadly exchange of gunfire that left one man dead.

No charges have been filed because the “shooting was considered self-defense,” she said.

Stiles said Brown fired shots into his neighbor’s door and the homeowner returned fire, striking Brown in the head.

NY: Assault weapons restrictions are badly needed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that weapon for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within a home.

But by some warped National Rifle Association rationale, individuals are now allowed to own “assault” rifles for self-defense and more.

I don’t believe the Supreme Court justices had this in mind when they referred to a “firearm,” do you?

WI: Johnson was correct about gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bias and paranoia about firearms often blind the judgment of the uninformed, but ignorance of the law is never an excuse. While they attempt to vilify one firearm for having a rate of fire of 400 rounds, they ignore the fact that this is the theoretical rate of fire, not the practical rate.

For example, our pump 12-gauge shotguns have a theoretical rate of fire of 540 30-caliber projectiles per minute.

Stupidity Sold As Common Sense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let’s begin with gun control. Actually, the words “gun control” are a bit misleading. Government-imposed “self-defense control” would be a far more accurate statement of what the American left is attempting to foist on the public. Only a progressive could imagine that limiting a law-abiding citizen’s right to own a firearm would reduce the amount of gun violence, inasmuch as the law-ignoring citizen (or non-citizen, for that matter) would be completely unaffected by such restrictions. Perhaps progressives, as is their wont, envision a society with no guns at all, as if the proverbial toothpaste can somehow be squeezed back into the tube.

NSSF Awards $50,000 in Scholarships to Students for Essays on Hunting, Shooting & Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, has awarded $50,000 in scholarship funds to 42 students in its annual essay contest for employees of NSSF Voting Member companies and their family members.

Obama Shows His True Position on Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Obama knows that as a second-term president, he will be free to move forward with his personal anti-gun agenda; an agenda that has included endorsing a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns; a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms; the backing of a 500 percent increase in federal taxes on guns and ammunition; voting to ban single-shot, over-under and side-by-side shotguns; and stating that the right of lawful citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection should be banned nationwide. He has even supported efforts to prohibit Americans from keeping a gun in their own homes for self-defense.

Views on gun laws unchanged after Colo. shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new poll shows Americans views on gun control unchanged after the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colo. earlier this month, with the public almost evenly split on the need for more laws.

Forty-seven percent say it is more important to pass laws controlling gun ownership, while 46 percent say protecting Second Amendment rights are more important, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.

NY: Lautenberg, McCarthy propose new federal legislation to ban online ammo sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The shooter who killed 12 and injured 58 in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater this month had purchased over 6,000 rounds of ammunition anonymously on the Internet shortly before going on his killing spree, according to law enforcement officials.

Ed.: "anonymously"? I can't remember the last time I bought something off the net without having to use my name, credit card, and billing & shipping addresses.

Most in media should brush up on firearm knowledge
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recently, there was a tragic shooting at a theater in Aurora, Colo., and before the blood had dried, the air waves were bombarded by politicians and pundits screaming about gun control and the ready availability of ammo, bazookas and heavy weaponry.

Bazookas and heavy weaponry? It has always amazed me how little these pundits know about firearms.

US gun control leaders try again to hit target
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another bloodbath by a heavily armed maniac, another attempt by America's seemingly powerless gun control advocates to restrict access to military style arsenals.

When Senator Frank Lautenberg stood touting his new proposals Monday on the steps of New York City Hall, the frustration was palpable.

"Words alone don't show that we are resolved to prevent this from happening again," the veteran politician told a news conference held under a sweltering sun.

GA: Federal Court Upholds Gun Ban in Georgia Churches
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal appeals court has upheld a Georgia statute that prohibits guns in churches, rejecting the claims of a pastor and a gun rights group that the law violates both the First Amendment’s guarantee of citizens’ right of religious freedom, as well as the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms. As for the Second Amendment, the three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it “does not give an individual a right to carry a firearm on a place of worship’s premises against the owner’s wishes because such right did not pre-exist the Amendment’s adoption...”

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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