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Gun control not futile, departing Helmke insists
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Paul Helmke has not been short of ammunition since he became the nation’s highest-profile advocate of gun-control laws five years ago.

OH: Cops Just Love Those Tasers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Dayton police "mistook" a mentally handicapped teenager's speech impediment for "disrespect," so they Tasered, pepper-sprayed and beat him and called for backup from "upward of 20 police officers" after the boy rode his bicycle home to ask his mother for help, the boy's mom says.
Pamela Ford says her "mentally challenged/handicapped" son Jesse Kersey, 17, was riding his bike near his Dayton home when Officer Willie Hooper stopped him and tried to talk to him.
The mom says that "Prior to the incident described below, defendant Hooper knew Jesse and was aware that Jesse was mentally challenged/handicapped and a minor child."

WI: Police Perusal Of Pistol-Packing Perp's Perforated Penis Pix Permitted
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Meet Otis Lockett, whose penis Milwaukee cops received judicial permission to peruse photographically.
Lockett, who was shot in the groin early Sunday, told police that he was fired upon “by an unidentified person behind him,” according to a Circuit Court filing, which notes that the 27-year-old was treated at Froedtert Hospital “for a single gunshot wound to his penis.”
Since hospital workers reported that the bullet’s trajectory was a “downward 45-degree angle,” cops suspected that Lockett accidentally shot himself. Which means that the convicted felon, who is on probation, was illegally in possession of a handgun.

NJ: Semi Automatic Machine Gun Seized in Newark
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Nearly a month since city police began a crime abatement program, the department has seized 16 weapons, including a semi-automatic machine gun, officials said.

Submitter's note: I was going to write a snarky comment to this reporter but it looks like half of New Jersey beat me to it

WI: Suspect's lucky to still be carrying
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Milwaukee police suspect Otis Lockett of illegally having a gun, so they got a warrant to photograph his penis.
That's no commentary on Lockett's anatomy, just a search for circumstantial evidence.
According to court records, police were called early Sunday to a reported shooting in the 2600 block of W. Vine St. They found Lockett, 27, (pictured above) bleeding from a gunshot wound. He said someone unknown had shot him from behind.
At Froedtert Hospital, Locket was treated for a bullet wound to his penis, with an entry at the upper right and exit at the lower left. Doctors estimated the bullet traveled in a 45-degree downward angle.

NY: Trap-shooting 'phenom' from Phelps is blowing away the competition lately
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Justin Slater stands just a little more than 5 feet tall. But this 17-year-old trap shooting whiz from Phelps in Ontario County has had a huge impact lately on the local, state and national trap shooting scene. “Of late, he’s turned from being a real good young shooter into a kind of a phenom ... a sort of Tiger Woods of the trap shooting scene,” said Cliff Haaf, a veteran trap shooter from Cazenovia.

CA: Man fatally shoots former employee who drove pickup into his residence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Clearlake man who drove his pickup into the home of a former employer and allegedly threatened to kill the man was shot and mortally wounded early Sunday.

The Clearlake Police Department said 51-year-old Kevin Quinn of Clearlake died shortly after he was shot multiple times by 67-year-old James Mitchell.

“They've had previous issues,” Clearlake Police Sgt. Tim Hobbs told Lake County News on Sunday afternoon.

Hobbs said that Quinn had worked for Mitchell a few years ago, noting, “They weren't on good terms then.”

There is No First Amendment Without a Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More than 80,000,000 Americans are gun owners.
Two of the organizations that have been fighting to protect these rights are the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), both led by Alan M. Gottlieb. Three quarters of the SAF budget is devoted to defending rights pertaining to the ownership of guns and to carry them for self-defense.


In May in my home state of New Jersey the SAF won a decision against officials for the deprivation of civil rights under the color of law when they had ruled that an applicant for a concealed carry permit had not demonstrated a “justifiable need” for it.

This is a time to celebrate our country’s right to freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To the uninformed, it may have seemed counter-intuitive. More guns, less crime. Baloney said they. Never mind that some 31 states at the time had already become “shall issue” states and that crime never increased, as a result. In fact, all the statistics pointed the other way, so why should Michigan have been any different? It wasn’t. Now ten years later with well over a quarter of a million concealed pistol licenses having been issued, we have “discovered” that honest citizens remained honest and predicted shoot-outs never happened.

Independence Day Musings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There once came a time when a proud hardworking people became dissatisfied with the treatment they received from their rulers at the time.

At first they grumbled amongst themselves. They complained about the lack of freedom. They complained about the excessive taxes. They were concerned that the best opportunities always seemed to be reserved for those who had connections to the rulers. Whenever one of them grumbled a little too loud, they were taken away and imprisoned without any recourse.

OR: Why do you carry?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the Treasure Valley, the debate over whether it should be legal to carry a concealed weapon, is not as hot a topic as it is in the Midwest.

While trying to complete a series of stories on concealed weapons permits in both Oregon and Idaho, the Argus Observer had a difficult time finding anyone to go on record to discuss why concealed weapons permits should not be allowed.

Residents of Malheur, Payette and Washington counties, along with a few others, are able to get permits in both Oregon and Idaho. With the two permits, license holders will be able to travel to many states throughout the country, without fear of breaking any laws.

IL: Illinois' concealed-carry stance infringes on the Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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By the time you read this Wisconsin will have concealed carry. Illinois is the last state not to pass the law.

It's too bad that everyone in Springfield that voted no couldn't be impeached like our last governor. When they raise their right hand and took the oath to defend the Constitution, they lied. The Second Amendment reads, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Also, Thomas Jefferson stated, "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms."

AMA backs challenge of "don't ask" gun law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Rick Scott on June 1 signed the first-of-its-kind law into effect over vocal opposition from physician organizations. Under the law, physicians who ask patients harassing questions about gun ownership, enter unnecessary information about such ownership in medical records or discriminate against gun-owning patients could be referred to the state medical board for possible sanctions.

The law contradicts professional guidelines on counseling parents about the dangers to children who live in homes with unsecured guns, impedes doctor-patient communications and violates physicians' First Amendment rights, delegates said.

PA: Was Castle Doctrine expansion necessary?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman insists the old law was sufficient to handle any self defense case; a new one wasn’t needed.

“I think part of the frustration that many prosecutors had was the fact that we knew the way that we were applying the existing self defense law, and we knew that you didn’t have people getting arrested because they were legitimately defending themselves,” Ferman said.

AZ: If it is not news in the Arizona Daily Star does the news still exist?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It is really interesting to watch what constitutes “news” in the mainstream media in Tucson.

There are four national stories with Tucson connections that have been virtually ignored by the Arizona Daily Star.

The first story is the link between the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and the ATF “walked” guns that were found at Terry’s murder scene south of Tucson.

The ATF Gunwalker scandal was hatched at the ATF office in Phoenix.

Celebrating in a nation of independence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The rigorous debate in the Continental Congress that culminated in the declaration of this nation was not instant news around the world, or even around the colonies. No phone calls. No emails. And definitely no tweets.

After the signed Declaration of Independence was printed on the afternoon of July 4, 1776 and copies packed up for delivery to the 13 colonies, the packages were dispatched by couriers on horseback. That night as colonists slept, most of them were unaware they were no longer English subjects.

It wasn’t until the next day, when the German-language newspaper Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote announced the Declaration had been adopted, that the public at large was notified in any large-scale way.

Reflecting on the strength or lack thereof of the Constitution on the 4th of July
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As we celebrate the Fourth of July, it gives us time to pause and consider the watering down of what is probably the finest political document of its kind ever written by man: the U.S. Constitution.

The people who wrote it are probably the smartest and most well informed group ever assembled for the purpose of forming a government.

Unfortunately, many Americans do not grasp the concepts that are embodied in the Constitution and have therefore little or no understanding of what is in the Constitution or why it was written the way it was.

It is the purpose of this article to give a very short, quickly read summary of the important basic ideas behind the Constitution.

Why Do We Still Celebrate The 4th Of July?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What kind of crazy anti-government extremists wrote this thing anyway? Don’t they know that you can’t just “abolish” governments. Governments exist for the public good. These people probably hung around with militias, owned guns and read the bible. Talk like this means they have plans to overthrow the government. Someone needs to dial Janet Napolitano’s government hotline, 1-800-EXTREMISM and report this immediately.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

WI: ‘Shoot first and ask questions later’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At least 28 states now have some version of the law. In Wisconsin, castle doctrine proposals passed the state Assembly in 2007 and 2010, the latter by a 68-29 margin in a Legislature controlled by Democrats. Both times the proposal died in the Senate. Castle doctrine bills in the Senate and Assembly this year are still being tweaked and have yet to get out of committee, but with Republicans in charge of the Legislature and a Republican governor, some version is likely to become law.

Castle doctrine laws shield citizens from criminal charges and civil lawsuits if they use deadly force against a home intruder. In some states, like Texas, that protection is extended to places outside the home.

Some With Histories of Mental Illness Petition to Get Their Gun Rights Back
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As a condition of its support for the measure, the National Rifle Association extracted a concession: the inclusion of a mechanism for restoring firearms rights to those who lost them for mental health reasons.

The intent of these state laws is to enable people to regain the right to buy and possess firearms if it is determined that they are not a threat to public safety. But an examination of restoration procedures across the country, along with dozens of cases, shows that the process for making that determination is governed in many places by vague standards and few specific requirements.

WI: Concealed Carry-Wisconsin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One law-enforcement official said he was somewhat worried about what the new law might bring. Grant County Sheriff Keith Govier said he was concerned for deputies who might be conducting late-night traffic stops alone or responding to incidents of domestic violence where an angry suspect has quick access to the gun.

However, Govier also noted that the majority of people who have weapons are hunters or business owners who want a firearm for their protection.

"We don't have many problems with hunters and business owners," he said. "Also, when I talked to sheriffs in other states they said they expected additional calls and problems when the laws changed there, and there really weren't many."

Australia: Greens cry foul over guns school 'propaganda'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Greens have condemned the New South Wales Game Council for providing information on hunting and shooting to a primary school.

The council is a State Government authority that manages licensed hunting in state forests.

Greens MP David Shoebridge says the council provided material to a public school in the village of Neville, south of Bathurst in the state's central west.

Mr Shoebridge says the material including photographs of young people holding guns and pictures of animals that had been shot, including feral pigs, rabbits, goats and cats.

NRA: Bloomberg Lies in New Anti-Gun Ad Campaign
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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O'Donnell asked, "What does the NRA say?" and Bloomberg replied, "They won't say anything." That, of course, is another lie. NRA has said -- many times -- that 95 percent of the people who are on the watchlist are already ineligible to possess firearms in the United States, because (according to the FBI) they are not U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens of the United States. NRA has also pointed out repeatedly that the "watchlist" legislation would violate a watchlisted person's right to due process of law, by preventing him from clearing his name and getting his firearm rights restored in a fair hearing.

"The ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination." --Voltaire (Source:

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