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David Codrea: Case SCOTUS Didn’t Hear Points to Larger Concern for Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The fallout from two recent Supreme Court rulings is receiving needed attention, as it’s up to activist gun owners to keep apprised of looming threats and opportunities, and to minimize damage/maximize gains of case outcomes. For one decision, Gun Owners of America has been at the forefront of warning against the anti-gun dangers hidden in Obamacare. On the flip side, some are looking at the same sex marriage ruling to prompt states to recognize concealed carry permits. But as important as those concerns are, they may ultimately become moot points if a case SCOTUS declined to hear is an indicator of things to come . . ." ...

Gun control groups should undermine our ‘gun culture’ to reduce gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a dangerous scientific study making the rounds, even some pro-gun websites have featured it, titled 'Gun ownership and social gun culture.'"

"It’s bunkum — pure fiction."

"It’s an insidious piece of work, written by four academics who used firearm policy information from the Brady Center and the CDC’s Injury Prevention and Control Center — two groups well known for their opposition to the Second Amendment." ...

Freedom's necessary trade-offs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fireworks are pretty. Freedom, not so much."

"I'm thinking about the barrage of more than 200 emails from readers reacting to my recent column that was critical of the National Rifle Association's loose interpretation of the Second Amendment and the NRA's zero tolerance for any kind of gun control."

"I usually add an email address at the end of a column, a practice that some newspapers encourage because it invites interaction with readers. Other papers, such as the Chicago Tribune, omit emails, insulating writers from vitriolic onslaughts." ...

Why It’s OK for Israelis to Own Guns But Not You. Allegedly.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control advocates use tortured logic to defend their positions. Take the Bloomberg-distributed commentary Why Israel has lots of guns but few gun crimes by Rabbi Daniel Gordis [above]. It starts out like this: 'Early in 2002, as the Second Intifada was raging, guns — normally ubiquitous in Israeli society — were even more in evidence. In restaurants, at synagogue and especially on the street, you could see pistols stuck into men's belts or pants. One of my wife’s closest friends kept a gun in her purse.' And then he takes a sharp turn to the left . . ." ...

OMG! A Soldier Carrying a Rifle! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Bryan Scott Wolfinger is charged with going armed to the terror of the public.' Is that a crime? Or even a sentence? 'Police said Wolfinger was carrying an AR-15 assault rifle, military ballistic panel carrier and multiple high-capacity rifle magazine when he was taken into custody.' Wolfinger was arrested yesterday at the Cross Creek Mall in Fayetteville, North Carolina (open carry of long guns is legal in the Tar Heel State). According to, the Ft. Bragg grunt said he came to the mall for a photo shoot . . ." ...

Question of the Day: Have You Scheduled Your Gun ‘Buyback’ Yet?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I’ve been wondering recently – could a private citizen conduct a ‘gun buyback’? Think of the collectibles and rare items you’d be able to come up with just by offering $100 gift cards.” The answer, of course, (in most states) is…absolutely. ..."

Gun Review: Linberta SA01LSTAC20 Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Benelli M4 is a truly great shotgun. Reliable, enjoyable, and easy to aim — that’s the way to make ’em. The only problem is that it forces you to make a financial choice: do I want to buy the shotgun, or a small airplane? Benelli’s gear is top notch but it comes with a price tag that matches that awesomeness. For those of us who want both the shotgun and the airplane, the Turkish firearms manufacturer Linberta makes a smoothbore that has all the same bells and whistles as the Benelli M4 but without the jaw-dropping price tag. In theory. Is this another case of too good to be true? . . ." ...

Subtle anti-gun media bias is tyranny of a different sort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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nd Amendment rights,' while another piece in that same publication back on June 23 suggested that Americans 'feared increased gun control' because of the 'first black president.'"

"In yesterday’s Huffington Post, there was a first-person piece about Sandy Hook and Charleston that wondered, 'As yet more victims of gun violence are laid to rest in the U.S., what will this mean for gun control legislation? Changes that may inhibit some citizens’ right to possess, but ultimately lead to reduced gun violence and unnecessary death? Or further denial that lax gun laws and gun violence are linked, and another ramping up of state and civilian 'security'?'" ...

L.A. councilman pushes handgun lockup measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Los Angeles city councilman is pushing hard to get the full council to vote on a proposal to force gun owners in the city to lock up or disable their handguns when not in use, but a police lobbying group wants to exempt former officers so they can react swiftly to threats, the Los Angeles Times is reporting today." ...

The Gun Control Debate Has a History of Going Nowhere and That Probably Won't Change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The deaths of nine church members in Charleston, South Carolina have churned long-brewing anger, resentment and debates about racism, the fallacy of a post-racial America and a failure of lawmakers to address what critics say is the epidemic of gun violence in an allegedly 'advanced' country."

"It is the gun control debate — a debate that has a long history of going nowhere — that has risen to the forefront." ...

Are anti-gunners tossing rocks in glass houses?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An e-mail yesterday from the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) complained about “deception” and “outright lies” told by the so-called “gun lobby,” ironically two days after the Washington Post called out a Connecticut senator for using misleading data about school shootings from Everytown for Gun Safety, and after a CNN poll released Tuesday showed shrinking support for Barack Obama’s gun policy."

"It also came on the same day a prominent California anti-gunner pleaded guilty to racketeering charges that included a gun trafficking scheme. ..." ...

Independence Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Fourth of July is almost upon us, and there are safety concerns."

"There are rumblings from ISIS that they are trying to instigate their minions and the mindless “lone wolves” they influence to do bad things to Americans on Independence Day. Ratchet your alertness level up one notch at least, and be ready to protect yourself, and yours, and those around you." ...

See Something, Shoot Something
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the run-up to July 4, with terrorists calling for attacks on Americans on native soil (the term 'Homeland' is ultra-creepy), the mainstream media is busy reassuring citizens that America’s anti-terrorist cops stand a good chance to thwart a plot. Or, if they can’t, that American law enforcement will respond quickly and end the carnage. See something? Say something. Good luck with that. No really. Meanwhile, here’s an idea . . ."

"shoot the bastards. ..." ...

Show Your Independence – Carry on July 4
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Independence Day 2015 Holiday approaching, much has been written of potential terror threats. State and local authorities have been notified by Homeland Security about reports of threats called for by various organizations. National news has reported this also. Well, it’s Independence Day. Do we stay indoors, away from malls and celebrations? Or exercise our independence by going about our enjoyment of the day with our family? . . ." ...

IL: Police say Genoa woman acted in self-defense in stabbing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"A Genoa woman was trying get away from her husband, who had a blood-alcohol level more than twice the state’s legal limit for driving, when she stabbed him in the chest and killed him, according to police reports."

"Giving few details, police and prosecutors announced in June that Kendra Burno, 43, acted in self-defense May 14 when she stabbed her husband, Jene Burno, in their Genoa home." ...

Staying safe: Two girls and a famous couple stop robberies (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two stories inspired me this week on the eve of July 4th celebrations. The nation was on high alert because of possible terrorist attacks, but these stories gave me hope. One were sisters who had intruders enter their home. The other was a well-known anchor woman and her husband also well known and how they handled an armed person. Incidentally, this outcome quieted those who wanted guns removed from the hands of normal people." ...

Don't punish legal gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've been hearing a lot of people wanting guns removed from people's homes because guns kill people. OK, I give you the fact that guns do kill, but they are not the culprit. It's those who illegally get their hands on the guns who cause the killings. I think it's important for anyone who wants to own a gun to go through proper channels to purchase guns and get the appropriate training with them." ...

TX: Barbecue stand offers free sandwich for customers with CHL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A barbecue joint in Cypress is expecting a special deal to attract a lot of customers this July Fourth."

"Brooks’ Place at 18020 FM 529 will be offering a free sandwich with any purchase, if you bring your concealed handgun license."

"'If you have your CHL and your weapon, then you'll get a free dessert and a free sandwich,' said Trent Brooks, who owns the stand." ...

CA: The Future of Open Carry in California Looks Bright
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 16, 2015 before an en banc panel of eleven judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Circuit Judge Carlos Bea asked the California Solicitor General a yes or no question. Does the core right of the Second Amendment extend beyond the home? After hemming and hawing for a moment the Solicitor General conceded that it is difficult to read the Heller decision and come to the conclusion that the Second Amendment does not apply outside the home." ...

German Government Confiscates Legally Held Firearms from Bikers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An eagle-eyed bi-lingual reader spotted a story in reporting that the German government has confiscated legally held firearms from members of German biker gangs. Gangs? Google translate calls them 'rockers.' Like this: 'The members of the Bandidos MC Rocker groups, Gremium MC, Hells Angels MC and MC Outlaws will revoked the previously existing weapons permit due to the new legal situation, the Ministry continued to communicate. Altogether it involves about 600 persons who thus have to give weapons that they have previously possessed legally . . ." ...

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson

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