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Tattered Constitution has finally been torn into pieces
Submitted by: skypod

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"IF there were any lingering doubts that the Constitution of the United States is largely irrelevant to what our government is now doing and plans to do in the future, recent events have surely dispelled them. Actually, for some time, that tattered old document has had little to do with the actions of legislators, judges and presidents. Most of our laws have essentially no traceable or definable relationship to the letter or the spirit of the Constitution." -Linda Bowles

Commentary: Is the U.K. gun ban OK?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If we want to stop criminals carrying guns, for instance, wouldn't the best way be to restrict everyone's access to them?

One of the best ways of checking hypotheses like these is to look at
actual "tests" of the theories. The test lab in this case is the United
Kingdom, which enacted strict gun control laws five years ago following an
especially tragic school shooting. But the results so far are not good." -IAIN MURRAY, UPI

MA's Loss of Rights, One Bite at a Time
Submitted by: skypod

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Laurie A. Leclerc would like the freedom to buy her husband a gun as a gift. But Massachusetts' 1998 Gun Control Act contains changes that make it very difficult. "I don't like the idea that they're chewing at us a little bit at a time. These activist people don't realize we're losing our rights," she said.

Fla. Police Fire Back at NRA Plan
Submitted by: skypod

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"Florida police are taking action against an effort by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to limit their use of firearm-sales information, the Florida Sun-Sentinel reported June 24."

Int'l Medical Conference on Small Arms, Gun Violence, and Injury
Submitted by: skypod

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"'Aiming for Prevention' seeks to clarify medical understanding of the problem of small arms, inspire wider involvement in its solution, and advocate prevention programs and policy measures based on sound public health research and evaluation. To this purpose, the conference will attract over three hundred physicians and health workers, epidemiologists, and medical journalists, as well as human rights activists, humanitarian workers, disarmament advocates, and policymakers."

Promoters cry foul over fine print of gun-show bill
Submitted by: skypod

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"I think that if the bill were passed there wouldn't be two show producers left in the country," said Wally Beinfeld, head of National Association of Arms Shows. "It would be the end of the business because both the producers and the exhibitors would be at such great risk that nobody would take the risk."

Drop in applications doesn't mean less gun-buying
Submitted by: skypod

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Indiana stood out this week when figures released by the Justice Department showed the state recorded the biggest drop nationally last year in applications to buy firearms.

But that doesn't mean fewer people are buying guns.

Since late 1998, Hoosiers have been able to bypass the application to buy a gun and its required background check if they already have a license to carry a gun.

KABA NOTE: This is also true in other states, not to mention private sales that many people now prefer.

Homeschooling--The American Revolution goes on
Submitted by: skypod

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"There is much disappointment these days among conservatives who have or haven't expected the new Bush administration and conservatives in Congress to reverse the liberal drive toward socialism and global government.

This reliance on politicians to bring about a conservative millennium is not only misplaced, but delusional. You have to go outside Congress and the political arena to find where the real freedom revolution is taking place: in the home-school movement. There is no other movement in America that has done more to recapture the spirit of American freedom than home schooling." -Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld

ISRA Launches 'Support Your Local Gun Dealer' Initiative
Submitted by: skypod

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"The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) today announced the kick-off of a program to steer Illinois firearm owners away from mass merchandisers and into their local gun shops. In the works for several months, launching of the "Support Your Local Gun Dealer" program was moved up in response to K-Mart Corporation's decision to end the sales of handgun ammunition in its retail outlets."

KABA NOTE: This is both good and bad. The smaller local dealers need gun owner support! (However, if all gun owners stop buying at mass-merchandisers, they are ALL likely to stop selling guns and gun-related items.)

Not everyone can celebrate a 4th of July
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Our Bill of Rights isn't free. has other Free Posters celebrating freedom. We need patriots to print out and distribute.

Spirit of '76 often lost in fanfare over 4th
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On the eve of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife that the event should be annually recalled 'with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, GUNS, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to another'."
This coming from the newspaper that was up in arms over people wanting to carry firearms for self-defense during the July 4th festivities.

County wants 2,800 acres of federal land to build gun range
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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The Clark County Commission on Tuesday unanimously agreed to urge Congress to set aside nearly 2,800 acres of federal land for development of an Olympic-caliber shooting range, despite last-minute objections from Las Vegas city officials.

All our liberties are due to men who, when their conscience has compelled them, have broken the laws of the land. —WILLIAM KINGDON CLIFFORD

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