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"We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every year on the 4th of July, I make it a habit to re-read the Declaration of Independence in honor of the men who pledged 'to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.' This year, perhaps more than most, I think it is important to re-read it. We have suffered grievous assaults on our freedom this year and the fight continues.Without a knowledge and grounding in foundational documents such as the Declaration of Independence we are rudderless and being rudderless in the fight for freedom is a sure way to fail."

"I don't mean to fail." ...

Journalists Who Broke Fast and Furious Story File Ethics Complaint with DC Bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When The Attorney General of the United States decided to stall, stonewall and retract previous positions regarding his knowledge of Operation Fast and Furious he should have known Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars and David Codrea of, the two men responsible for breaking the gun walking story, would never, never give up." ...

"It's been a tough battle to smoke Holder out into the light of day and now that he's there selfless patriots like Codrea and Vanderboegh will not let his blood-soaked Department of Justice get away with murder."

"Yesterday the investigative journalists filed an ethics complaint against Holder with the DC Bar Association. Readers please take note of the address and file your own complaint." ...

Independence Day 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'd like to take a look at what this day might mean to some people...a day off with pay, just a day off, family, friends, cookouts, reunions or just a day to lounge and watch the fireworks. As for me, I think of our Constitution, our founding fathers, our Bill of Rights, our military men and women who are performing their duties to protect our freedom." ...

Why Gun Control Will Never Find Favor in the United States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When TTAG hit the ‘net in 2010, the pendulum was swinging towards gun rights. The country was finally emerging from the dark days after the Civil War, before the Supreme Court’s Heller and McDonald decisions. A time when draconian gun control laws left African Americans defenseless against racist killers. When criminals could mug and burglarize law-abiding citizens safe in the knowledge that the government had disarmed their victims. The battle to defend our gun rights is not over. It will never end. But on this July 4th, I want to give readers a reason to be cheerful . . ." ...

Gun groups up in arms about Google’s new anti-firearms policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Google’s latest policy change covering its online shopping center has Second Amendment groups up in arms, and has stirred up the historically tense relationship between Google and the political right."

"The search engine giant announced at the end of May that it would change how it lists certain items in search results through Google Shopping. The policy change included a prohibition on listing sites that promote and facilitate weapons sales — a move Google said it made in order to 'comply with local laws and regulations.'" ...

Defoor Pistol Test #1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As part of the LC9 and G22 comparison the Kyle Defoor Pistol Tests are going to be used as one of my data points. I had the chance to shoot Pistol Test #1 with the G22 on the range the other day. I had to improvise in a couple areas because I do not have USPSA targets available to me just yet (which is why I only did test #1), nor do I have true NRA B8 replacements centers."

"What I did use for this test was a printable B8 replacement center. So it ends up actually being significantly smaller than the replacement center and essentially does not include half of the 7 ring, and less of the 6 ring than an actual repair center. ..." ...

The LC9 Trigger (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my web searching for information about the LC9 one of the consistent complaints I see is the long and heavy trigger. I guess the people writing that don't have much time behind DAO guns because the LC9 trigger in my opinion does not fall into that category. The actual press is pretty smooth and light. It is longer than your typical striker fired gun, but it isn't near as long as a true DA trigger pull because the LC9 rest in a half-cock condition." ...

Goodbye Andy, and thanks for the memories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Andy Griffith died Tuesday and with him died a little piece of my childhood."

"An American icon, the folksy North Carolinian ambled into our living rooms each night with his little red-haired, freckled-faced boy at his side to dispense a little down-home humor and backwoods wisdom."

"There was a certain sweetness about the 'Andy Griffith Show' which wasn’t phony or corny." ...

"The dignity and courtesy Andy showed people in his fictional town of Mayberry is uncommon. ... He steadfastly showed people respect, regardless of their class or social standing." ...

Submitter's Note: Although fictional, Sheriff Taylor could stand as a role model and exemplar for cops and non-cops alike.

VA: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Virginian Standoff Edition (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'He said, 'Nobody move!' said William Avaloa. 'I was really nervous because you never know what’s going to happen.' That’s how the owner of a convenience store in Chesterfield, Virginia described a attempted robbery Saturday night just before closing after storms had knocked out his power. As quotes him, 'I said, 'You don’t move! Put your gun down, or I’m going to kill you! Down! Down! Down! Down!' What he had on his hands was a standoff. And as he so accurately observed, in a situation like that, you don’t know what’s going to happen . . ." ...

KY: Woman shot by owner of Georgetown flea market
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman was shot by the owner of a flea market early Sunday morning after the business was broken into, Georgetown police said." ...

"Police arrived at 150 Edwards Avenue and found that Marion Criswell, the owner of Georgetown Vendors Mall, who also lives there, had fired shots from a .22-caliber revolver that struck Johnson." ...

TX: Unidentified Man, 20, Burglary Suspect Shot By Owner, Bayou Body Count No. 91
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20-year-old man caught breaking into a house was shot to death by the homeowner, and a second burglary suspect was injured, Houston police say."

"HPD says the man ... had broken through the glass door of a house in the 2000 block of Tuam about 6 p.m. Thursday despite the shouts of the homeowner, 39."

"'The homeowner, fearing for his life, fired several shots and struck both suspects,' HPD says. 'One suspect collapsed at the scene and was transported to the hospital where he died. The second suspect fled the scene in a gold vehicle ...'" ...

OH: Woman accused of shooting at intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Trotwood said a woman fired a shot at a suspected burglar early Sunday morning at 1630 Elaine Street."

"The woman told officers that she was sleeping when she heard a rustling sound. She said she first thought it might be her son, but when she asked who was there, a man ran out of the house."

"Police said the resident fired a shot, but missed the intruder." ...

OK: Suspect Shot In Tulsa Home Invasion (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tulsa homeowner shot a suspect twice in the legs after the suspect broke into his home. It happened around 11:30 Tuesday night in North Tulsa." ...

"'Folks were here in their home. They were in the living room. While they were inside the house someone burst through the door. The homeowner got his firearm, shot the intruder and the intruder is taken to the hospital,' said Captain Karen Tipler with the Tulsa Police Department."

"The man was loaded onto the stretcher. Police says he was shot twice in the legs." ...

CA: Home intrusion leads to shooting in Arcata
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... While the deputies were on their way over, the Sheriffs office dispatch received a call that the intruder had been shot." ...

"... The homeowners went to a nearby neighbor and asked for help. The neighbor, a 42-year-old male, and the male homeowner returned to the residence. The neighbor brought a shotgun with him for defense."

"When they entered the residence they again asked the subject on the couch to leave."

"The subject on the couch was very intoxicated and appeared to believe he was in his own home. He jumped up from the couch and came at the neighbor who was holding the shotgun. The neighbor fired the shotgun one time. The male subject was struck in the abdominal area causing a significant injury." ...

GA: Neighbors react to would-be intruder killed by homeowner (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A would-be burglar is dead after deputies say a homeowner shot at him as he tried to break into his home."

"This happened off Battle Row in Harrisburg early Friday morning."

"The home isn't very telling, but if you take a closer look, you'll find more than four bullet holes. This is where deputies say an armed man walked up, put on a ski mask and tried to break in. The intruder's plot got foiled when the homeowner fired his gun from inside the house." ...

GA: Intruder shoots man in the back, face during home invasion in Athens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man was shot in the back and in the face during a home invasion early Monday morning in Athens, and police said the shooting happened after the man handed over his wallet."

"By late Monday, police were still searching for the suspect who was dressed in all-black clothing and wearing a black ski mask ..."

"The shooting happened around 12:10 a.m. inside a home on Winterville Road ..."

"Investigators said Mr. Rodney Howard Shannon was in his bedroom when the man entered the home through an unlocked front door."

"'The suspect pointed a weapon at him and demanded his money,' police spokeswoman Ms. Hilda Sorrow said. 'Shannon said he gave him his wallet, value unknown, and he was shot twice.'" ...

Finding Eric Holder in Contempt Was Necessary to Discover the Truth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General Eric Holder's contempt of Congress is surpassed only by his contempt for the Second Amendment. With Holder as its primary spokesman, the Obama administration perpetuated the lie that '90 percent' of firearms used in Mexican crime come from the United States, for no other reason than to promote its agenda of banning commonly owned firearms." ...

Fast and Furious: Grassley presses Holder on ‘false letter’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Chuck Grassley is demanding to know who at the Justice Department saw a memo written by a[a ATF] agent about the botched Fast and Furious gun-walking operation that was allegedly sent to the Department of Justice just one day before the agency denied that guns had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border."

"In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday, the Iowa Republican said the memo was forwarded to DOJ on Feb. 3, 2011, the day before the department insisted that gun-walking had not taken place ..." ...

"Grassley asserted that DOJ should have been 'abundantly aware' of allegations of gun-walking before it sent an 'erroneous letter' to Congress on Feb. 4 ..." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh.

Owens votes for Holder contempt
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Rep. Bill Owens was one of 17 Democrats to vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in a vote last week."

"'I voted in favor of holding the Attorney General in contempt because I believe we need more openness in this process,' Mr. Owens, D-Plattsburgh, said in an emailed statement. 'Many of these issues have political motivations behind them but, on balance, we need more transparency, not less.'" ...

UN Gun Grabbers Hard at Work Against Your Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The UN Arms Trade Treaty, which is in the final stages of being drafted, is a backdoor attempt by the Obama administration to impose radical gun control on America citizens."

"What can U.S. gun owners expect from the treaty? For starters, the treaty could:
  • Require the registration and licensure of American firearms;

  • Ban large categories of firearms;

  • Require the mandatory destruction of surplus ammo and confiscated firearms;

  • Define manufacturing so broadly that any gun owner who adds an accessory such as a scope or changes a stock on a firearm would be required to obtain a manufacturing license, and;

  • Require 'microstamping' of ammunition." ...

NY: Judges free another kid caught with gun in stop-and-frisk
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There they go again — letting another young gun go free!
For the second time in a week,a Manhattan appeals court has overturned the conviction of a teen found packing heat in a crime-ridden neighborhood after a stop-and-frisk."

"In yesterday’s stunning decision, the five judge panel reversed the conviction of a14-year-old boy with a rap sheet whom cops found carrying a loaded handgun."

"Both decisions are seen as a slap in the face to the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program aimed at getting guns off the streets." ...

NY: Key Test of Stop-and-Frisk: Court Tosses Teen’s Gun Collar for Illegal Search
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An NYPD officer who found a gun during a stop-and-frisk of a 14-year-old boy overreached because he had no reason to suspect the youth was involved in criminal activity, a panel of the State Supreme Court Appellate Division ruled last week in a 3-2 decision."

"'Widespread, aggressive police tactics in street encounters have recently raised concerns in other judicial forums,' Appellate Justice Peter Tom wrote in his June 26 majority opinion."

"A dissenting judge contended that because the cop’s testimony was found credible by a lower court, the majority erred in ruling the search improper." ...

ND: Gun licenses down from February peak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ask Williams County Sheriff Scott Busching if the large recent increase in licenses to carry concealed weapons worries him and he comes straight to a larger point."

"'The people getting licenses don’t concern me,' said Busching. 'It’s the people without licenses who concern me.'" ...

H/t to The Truth About Guns and an even bigger tip of the hat to Sheriff Busching who gets it.

CA: Concord PD to Debut New SWAT Armored Vehicle (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Concord Police's SWAT team will make a public debut Saturday, of 'Mamba,' an armored vehicle awarded to the department from a U.S. Department of Defense surplus donation program."

"Mamba is a bullet-proof, 11-seater 'bath tub' that will provide the Special Weapons and Tactics team with a new level of protection previously unavailable as a resource in high-risk calls and operations, said Lt. David Hughes, of the Concord Police Department." ...

NM: Marine files lawsuit in burglar shooting arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Marine from Belen arrested for shooting and killing a burglar on the Fourth of July three years ago is now going after the lawmen who put him behind bars."

"KRQE-TV reports that Luke Sanchez filed a lawsuit this week against the Valencia County's Sheriff Department. Sanchez was charged with an open count of murder after shooting a burglar who had broken into a propane business in Los Chavez." ...

WI: MPD dismisses illegal home search complaint (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An internal investigation clears some Milwaukee police officers accused of searching a house illegally."

"The complaint accused officers from District 5 of violating the Fourth Amendment by illegally searching a man's house. Marvin Ealy documented what he felt was wrongdoing and filed complaints with both the police and fire commission and MPD." ...

CA: Watchdog disputes LAPD rationale for rise in police shootings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last year, as the number of police shootings soared, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck repeatedly gave his bosses and the public an explanation: Officers were discharging their weapons more because they were coming under attack more. He bolstered his assertion with LAPD statistics that showed an increase in the number of assaults on officers."

"But an independent LAPD watchdog now contends there was no link between the dramatic rise in officer-involved shootings and assaults on officers."

"Alex Bustamante, the inspector general for the Los Angeles Police Commission, which oversees the LAPD, scrutinized the 2011 assault and shooting figures in a report he will present to the commission Tuesday. ..." ...

CA: UC Berkeley To Pay $162K Over Illegal Camera Search Outside Chancellor’s Home
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The University of California, Berkeley will pay a photojournalist $162,500 to settle a lawsuit alleging campus police illegally searched his camera for photos of a student protest outside the chancellor’s home."

"Attorneys for 43-year-old David Morse disclosed the settlement on Monday."

"Morse was arrested on suspicion of rioting while covering the protest outside UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau’s residence in 2009 for the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center. Police obtained a search warrant to review photographs he took." ...

NJ: ACLU-NJ Launches Smartphone App That Lets Users Secretly Record Police Stops (video and audio available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New Jersey’s branch of the American Civil Liberties Union has taken its mission of policing the police to smartphones."

"The ACLU has released an app called 'Police Tape' that lets users secretly record police stops." ...

"The app lets users record audio and video discretely with a stealth mode that hides the fact that the recording is happening."

"Shalom said officers would also have a harder time deleting the recorded incidents." ...

"Users can store the recording on their phones or send a copy to the ACLU-NJ for backup storage and analysis of possible civil liberties violations." ...

In our inner cities, where firearms are outlawed, only outlaws are armed. When our "philosopher kings" sit back and do nothing, this is the tyranny and terror of "gun control." —CHARLTON HESTON

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