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While Dems, Obama Fight for Gun Control, Federal Agencies Are Arming Up
Submitted by: Jim

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The Democrats' gun-control theatrics were on display last month in the House of Representatives during a 24-hour-long tantrum/fundraiser, where they demanded a vote on more "sensible" gun laws following the radical Islamist terrorist attack on an Orlando night club. "No more Auroras, no more Orlandos!" DNC honcho Debbie Wasserman-Schultz shouted as she left the sit-in.

Tragedy at the gun range and the media is heartless
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This past weekend a fun and educational day at the gun range turned to tragedy. While shooting at an indoor range, hot brass ejected from a fathers .22 pistol, bounced off the partition next to him and down his collar. In the chaos of the brass casing burning him, he flailed, with gun in hand, pulled the trigger.

IL: Man dies day after Ashburn stabbing police call self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Derion Smith was fighting with a 21-year-old man about 2:10 a.m. Monday in the 8000 block of South Pulaski when the younger man stabbed Smith in the neck with a knife, according to Chicago Police and the Cook County medical examiner’s office.


A 25-year-old woman who tried to break up the fight cut her finger was also taken to Christ Medical Center, where her condition was stabilized, police said.

The 21-year-old man was taken into custody and questioned, but later released without charges after an investigation indicated he acted in self-defense, police said.

NC: The real truth on gun violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to national award-winning criminologist Gary Kleck of Florida State University, statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey reporting only 1 percent of firearm use in self defense of justifiable homicides, actually reach 13 percent in some years. In fact, Kleck states that his research shows that firearms are used in self defense as many as 2.5 million times a year. Why? Simple, the main reason is that only a small fraction of self-defense firearms actions where shots aren’t fired are reported. Four times over the years I personally have used a gun in self defense without a shot being fired. I simply let them know I had it. Zero police reports. But enough on statistics.

GA: Officials: Jewelry store employee fatally shoots robber
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The store employee told officials that a man armed with a gun entered the store and attempted to rob it. The employee says he shot the suspect in self-defense.

After he was shot, the suspect left the store and collapsed on the sidewalk. Officials transported him to a hospital where he died.

Officials say the employee did not face charges.

The Washington Gun Control Axis
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the Weimar republic, German citizens had no legal right to bear arms or keep arms in the home. In 1932, a year before the Nazis took power, a liberal Weimar government sought to register, regulate and prohibit firearms. The gun registration records of the Weimar Republic then fell into the hands of the NSDAP, the National Socialist German Workers Party, more commonly known as the Nazi Party.

Nazi official Wilhelm Elfes ruled that weapons belonged only in the hands of the organs of the Reich and the states. In the Nazi view, nobody needed a firearm for self-defense when the police protected society and sport shooting and hunting were not a “need,” as determined by the government.

10 Facts From History That Turn Gun Control Debate on Its Head
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control in the U.S.has historically been a racist’s weapon of choice against revolting slaves and Black militias. Growing public consciousness about police brutality has boosted Black opinion on the need to own a gun for protection, according to a Pew study comparing numbers in 2012 and 2014.

FL: Guns are safe until people touch them
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But by correct, I mean politically correct. The gun enthusiasts’ code of speech, as financially enforced by the NRA, promotes parroted statements to the effect that guns are irrelevant to tragic deaths by gunshot.

That is to say, people must always be blamed, but never the people who market them as cool products that allegedly make you safer everywhere you go, if you keep them close and ready to shoot, and if you practice shooting at every chance and start your kids at it as young as possible by firing hundreds of rounds at targets together. Safely, of course.

Understanding Hornady's Critical Defense and Critical Duty Ammo
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Those days are now behind us. With rapid advancements in bullet technology, ammunition makers are developing rounds that can do more with less bullet weight and size than ever before. As a result, one round can play many more roles than it did in the past.

A good example of this is Hornady's “Critical” series of self-defense ammunition. Made up of the Critical Duty and Critical Defense lines, this ammunition is almost exclusively handgun fodder (although the Critical Defense line includes a few rifle and shotgun offerings such as .30 Carbine and 12 gauge buckshot) and is designed for maximum performance.

FL: Tighten police policies on shooting at cars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No one was hurt when a man fleeing police recently pointed his car directly at a Clearwater officer, who then shot at the driver. But the incident serves as a reminder of the danger — both to law enforcement and the public — of police shooting at moving cars. Tampa Bay area law enforcement agencies generally discourage the use of force against moving vehicles. In the interest of public safety, they should adopt policies that more explicitly prohibit the practice except as a last resort when an officer's life is threatened.

Study: Cops kill more whites than blacks but minority deaths generate more coverage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A study posted by a researcher at John Jay College of Criminal Justice shows that more whites are killed by police than blacks or hispanics but that blacks are 3 times more likely to die if the racial breakdown of the population is taken into account.

The study comes out as two more high profile deaths of black men at the hands of police have generated outrage across the country. A video showing police in Baton Rouge shooting an unarmed black man outside a convenience store is already being investigated by the Justice Department. And a Facebook video of the aftermath of the shooting of a Minnesota black man is also roiling the black community.

NH: A Good Guy With a Gun Preventing a Mass Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Not only has this happened before (and before that, and before that, and so on …), but events last week in South Carolina presented just one more example of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun.

Gun Control Ideas that Won’t Work
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The difficulty the Democrats face is that, stripped of the emotion and politically driven posturing, their legislative demands either flagrantly violate the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens, or are hopelessly ineffective and unenforceable against would-be terrorists and mass murderers.

Take the Universal Background Check. Omar Mateen, the ISIS-supporting Muslim who killed 49 at an Orlando nightclub, purchased his weapons lawfully by passing a background check. The Democrats say we need to find lots more reasons to disqualify “people who shouldn’t have guns,” and require checks for every transfer, without exception.

The Incredible Hopelessness of America’s Gun “Conversation”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In short, conservatives can relate to liberals but the converse is not true. And there may not be a better example of this than the “gun conversation” going in in America right now. Consider the typical liberal triggers and conclusions in responding to the Orlando massacre: For liberals, the culprit is not radical Islam but the NRA; the victimization and suffering easily justify challenging the Second Amendment, which either doesn’t actually guarantee the individual right to bear arms or was meant only to account for flintlock rifles and the like.

NY: A year after agreement, little momentum on ammo database
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A year after an agreement between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Senate Republicans to essentially freeze implementation of an ammunition sales database, the project remains in limbo. And while the Administration says they are still looking for the right technology, a leading gun control advocate says it appears to have been put on a back burner, at least for the foreseeable future.

"There isn't really anything going on. No progress has been made,' said Leah Gunn Barrett of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.

"I just picked up (the idea) that there is not an appetite to develop it,' she said, referring to recent talks she's had with the Cuomo Administration.

NRA Launches First TV Ad of Presidential Election Cycle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today launched its first TV ad of the presidential election cycle.

The $2 million ad buy will run nationally on cable and local broadcast stations in key battleground states including Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maine.

UF academics: Gun rights proponents have ‘hierarchical worldview’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One example of the insufferable and unjustified smugness to be found in advocates of gun control is an article published by the Associated Press for their The Big Story series, written by Ann Christiano and Annie Neimand, both of the University of Florida. The title, “Most Americans believe we should have gun regulation. Here is why those who don’t are winning the debate,” let’s us know before we start reading where this is heading, and nothing in what they write is a surprise.

TX: 3 Texas Professors Sue to Block Campus Carry Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three professors at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday sued the university and the state and asked a federal judge to issue an injunction to block a campus carry law from taking effect Aug. 1, The Texas Tribune reported. The state has vowed to move ahead with the law. The suit charges that the law violates faculty members' First and Second Amendment rights. By making professors fear that their discussions of controversial topics could incite violence, the law limits their First Amendment free expression rights, the suit says.

IA: Should First Amendment rights meet standards of 1789?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Using the editorial pages of a great American newspaper, The Des Moines Register, a pair of letter writers recently asserted that the arms protected by the Second Amendment are muzzle loaded muskets. Perhaps they would also restrict the First Amendment freedom of the press to newspapers printed with hand-set type printed on hand-fed broadsheets, in which case their thoughts would reach a very limited audience. Using the state of the press as known when the Bill of Rights was written would exclude not only your modern printing techniques, but also radio, television and the internet from being part of a free press.

House GOP plan to hold gun vote faces resistance from conservatives
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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GOP leaders announced late last week that they would hold a vote as soon as Wednesday on legislation that, among other provisions, would prevent suspected terrorists from purchasing firearms if the government can prove within three business days that there is probable cause to believe an individual has terrorist ties or sympathies.

But GOP leaders are now encountering resistance from some Republican members, particularly conservatives.


The House Freedom Caucus, a group of about 40 hard-line conservatives, said its members would not support the bill unless they could make changes to it, although caucus co-founder Matt Salmon, R-Arizona, said they do not yet have a specific list of amendments they want to receive a vote.

Russia: Confusion as Putin Signs Law Not Approved By Duma
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The law on weapons allowed Russians to obtain permissions to own civil firearms used for hunting, sports or self-defense. The five-year license validity remained unchanged in the amendments signed by Putin, Meduza reported.

Americans turn to training after Orlando
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Applications for concealed carry permits are on the upswing as more gun supporters turn to training to ward off mass shootings.

Recently released data from the FBI’s National Criminal Background Check System shows the agency processed over 963,000 permits nationwide in June. That figure represents 331,000 more requests than the previous month. Florida, nicknamed “The Gunshine State,” reported a 76 percent increase in the number of distributed permits during that same time frame.

Blocksafe Applies Blockchain Tech to Improve 'Smart Guns'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Will blockchain technology make “smart guns” more acceptable? Kevin Barnes, chairman and CEO of Blocksafe, thinks he has a good chance. The blockchain brings improved security and privacy to “smart gun” technology, which could appease critics.

Ed.: No, none of my guns need an Internet connection.

Court Rules That ‘Machine Guns’ are Not Protected by Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In their opinion, the judges referred to the landmark decision in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller. Following the previous ruling, the judges found that automatic firearms were both “dangerous” and “unusual,” and could not be protected under the Second Amendment since they were not in common use. The judges noted that there are well over eight million AR-15 and AK-style semi-automatic rifles in the United States, but only 175,977 pre-1986 automatic firearms in civilian hands.

“The Second Amendment does not create a right to possess a weapon solely because a weapon may be used in or is useful for militia or military service,” stated the appeals court.

FL: More ‘facts’ about Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prior to 1989, the term “assault weapon” did not exist in the lexicon of firearms. It is a political term, not a technical term, and was developed by anti-gun publicists to expand the category of “assault rifles.”

As to the most lethal, according to 2013 crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: Five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles, all types, last year. Maybe we should make “assault knives” illegal. Bazookas and cannons are also legal to own as long as the correct paperwork is filled out.

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. — Winston Churchill

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