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'Gun Culture' to Blame for McNair Death?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I never have understood this country's fixation with bread and circuses. Still, that a media elite--one who has made a career out of getting his countrymen to focus on, face it, trivia--would disparage the means for preserving 'our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor' does not surprise me."

You bet it's personal!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Agree to disagree. Live and let live, right? This is the attitude of most people in Atlanta today about controversial topics. We all can disagree and yet still get along."

"Does this philosophy hold up when applied to the 'gun control' debate? I think not."

"It does from my side of the argument. I carry a gun every day. ... I also view my gun as a necessary tool that might save my life or the life of somebody close to me in an emergency situation."

"At the same time, I realize most people do not carry a gun on a daily basis. I am ok with that, and I do not seek to force any of them to start carrying a gun. Let's call my position the 'pro-choice' position."

"Now let us examine the same issue from the other side." ...

You, too, can be part of a 'hate group'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I've written before about the recent focus on 'hate groups,' and how the existence of these admittedly unsavory organizations is being used as justification for the curtailment of rights, including gun rights. I have also written about proposed legislation in both houses of Congress that would empower the Attorney General (radically anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder, at the moment) to unilaterally designate a prospective gun buyer as a 'suspected terrorist,' without a conviction (or even a trial), without an indictment (or even a hearing), without an arrest (or even a formal accusation)." ...

California 'assault weapon' ban not oppressive enough?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One might think that the forcible citizen disarmament lobby in California ... would consider their work there to be just about finished, and move on to disarm some other state. This, after all, is a state that bans certain guns because of their color, bans faux 'assault weapons' from a list so expansive (far more so than the expired federal AWB) it includes even some single-shot rifles (because they're .50 caliber), is the only state so far to have mandated 'microstamping,' etc."

"Unfortunately, though, to believe that the California gun haters are finished is to dangerously underestimate the depth of their hostility to private gun ownership ..." ...

Dirks: The ins and outs of the firearms market
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If you were curious about when the firearms market really came of age, you'd have to look no further than WWII."

"No one knows that better than firearm collectibles expert Dan Shideler. Shideler is the author of the annual 'Standard Catalog of Firearms,' (Gun Digest, 2009), which is in its 19th edition."

"'After WWII and the decade that followed, you had a lot of servicemen coming home from Europe and Asia who brought home with them guns that had been liberated from the battlefield,' he said. 'There was a tremendous influx of arms into the United States. This ignited a boom in the gun industry that we're still riding today.'" ...

'Shotgun Robber' is an equal opportunity bandit
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Ask most people where they think an armed robber might strike and they'll usually name gas stations, liquor stores, convenience stores, banks, jewelry stores, and other similar places that you see in movies and on TV being targeted."

"In real life, it just doesn't work that way. Any place and anyone can be selected as a victim. This is easily demonstrated by the recent string of robberies by the 'Shotgun Bandit,' who is currently operating in the Columbus area. ..." ...

Steve McNair: Killed by 2nd Amendment?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"After former NFL and Super Bowl quarterback Steve McNair was found shot dead yesterday, the police said he was a victim of murder, but one well-known sports writer claims the athlete was a victim, instead, of the 'American gun culture.'"

..."Second Amendment gun rights advocates, however, have criticized Lupica's comments as insulting and 'ignorant' of the facts."

Gun-Rights Advocates Ask Senate to Oppose Sotomayor Confirmation
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A group of 26 conservative leaders of the gun-rights movement have called upon the Senate not to confirm the Supreme Court nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, saying in a letter that they have 'grave concerns' about her approach to the Second Amendment."

"In the letter, the gun-rights advocates criticized her participation in a per curiam decision earlier this year that the Second Amendment right to bear arms does not apply to states. The decision said it was bound by a Supreme Court precedent to that effect, and that a 2008 decision striking down a gun law in the District of Columbia – a federal enclave – did not change that principle." ...

California Supports NRA Gun Suit against Chicago
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Number two is the one to watch. AG Moonbeam isn't doing this because he likes us. California has a slew of anti-gun edicts he wants to position himself to defend."

Texas Attorney General Abbott Files Brief with United States Supreme Court; Takes Action to Protect Texans' Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court that defends Americans' right to keep and bear arms. The amicus brief, which was filed on behalf of 33 state attorneys general, supports a legal challenge by Otis McDonald, a community activist who lives in a high-crime Chicago neighborhood. McDonald's work to improve his neighborhood has subjected him to violent threats from drug dealers, but city ordinances prohibit him from obtaining a handgun to protect himself. The state attorneys general argue that cities cannot simply ignore the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and impose a blanket ban on handguns." ...

NRA Says Sotomayor Is Antigun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association has finally weighed in on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, and while it doesn't come right out and oppose her, it does suggest that she's antigun. In a letter to the Senate from NRA Executive Director Chris Cox, the nation's largest gun-rights group mentions several court cases Sotomayor has reviewed that put limits on the Second Amendment. It even cites a footnote in one case where the court claimed that 'the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.'" ...

Mayors Join Gun Control Advocates in Praising Legislature For Passing 'One Handgun A Month' Bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, Mayor Jerramiah Healy of Jersey City, Mayor Douglas H. Palmer of Trenton, and Mayor Robert Bowser of East Orange today joined the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence President Paul Helmke in praising the New Jersey State Legislature for passing the 'One Handgun A Month' bill through both the Senate and the Assembly."

"The legislation, which is modeled after Jersey City's One Handgun A Month ordinance, is expected to be signed by Governor Corzine, who has been a leading proponent of more stringent gun laws." ...

Background Check And/Or Waiting Period Might Have Saved Steve McNair's Life
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Steve McNair's extraordinary talents helped him avoid defensive linemen for 13 seasons in the NFL but, like far too many Americans, he fell victim to our weak gun laws. The woman who shot and killed Steve McNair purchased her handgun from a private seller who was exempt from Brady Law background checks. Because she was not yet 21 years of age, she was prohibited from buying a handgun from a licensed gun dealer and would have failed a Brady check. In addition, a mandatory federal waiting period for handgun sales may well have prevented this tragedy, since the shooting occurred only two days after she bought the gun. A waiting period and background check may have saved Steve McNair’s life."

Legitimacy: The Unemployment Bomb, Obama in Moscow and blocking the fatal blow.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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There exists, among many folks, the opinion that if Obama's entire purpose in getting elected was to destroy the United States as an economic engine and world power, he could scarcely do better than he has done. In the end, if you apply the old Roman test to a crime, Qui Bono?, or "Who benefits?" then you would have to conclude that America's traditional enemies in the world are behind the Obama presidency. But the same events can be inspired by a well-placed narcissist who secretly loathes his country as by an international criminal conspiracy. In any case, just like the absence of the birth certificate, these events are troubling and in many people's eyes strike at the heart of Obama's legitimacy to hold office.

Patrick Burris: Are 5 people dead by government?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A serial killer who murdered five people over six days was tracked down by police who were notified by an alert citizen, and then killed after wounding one officer when he opened fire. But as usual, there is a story behind what was published by Old Media." ...

SC: Gaffney killer slain, ending 5-murder spree
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Authorities have identified a man killed by North Carolina police as the killer they think shot five people to death over six days last week in this mostly rural Cherokee County community."

"Law enforcement officials identified the suspect Monday night as 41-year-old Patrick Tracy Burris. They said he was a felon with a lengthy record who was paroled in April ..."

"Authorities said bullets in the gun found on Burris after he was killed by police early Monday near Gastonia, N.C., matched those used to kill residents in and around Gaffney, some 40 miles away."

"Investigators did not have an address for Burris. While evidence left no doubt he was the killer, they still had no idea why he did it." ...

An Uphill Fight for the Right to Carry Guns on Campus
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun-rights advocates have won victories in several states in recent months allowing gun owners to carry concealed weapons in public parks, taverns and their work places."

"So it came as a surprise to Tennessee state Rep. Stacey Campfield that he couldn't persuade his colleagues to pass a law allowing students at public colleges to carry concealed firearms on campus. The bill died this spring in the Republican-controlled legislature -- one of 34 straight defeats nationwide for people who believe a gun wouldn't be out of place in a college student's knapsack."

"Raucous debates over the parameters of the Second Amendment have become a staple of the culture wars. ..." ...

MA: Back door gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you know you can't win by passing more draconian laws through the State Legislature, why not regulate firearms ownership out of existence?"

"That's exactly what the Patrick Administration is proposing with a new set of regulations to be approved by the Secretary of Public Safety, Kevin M. Burke."

"As the Governors bill (H.4102 An Act to Reduce Firearm Violence) alluded to these regulations have now been made somewhat public and as usual are being ignored by the complicit media. ..." ...

"A Covenant With Death"
Submitted by: Larry

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"While the event bills itself as the 'Treasure Valley God and Country Festival,' it is the nation-state that plays the starring role -- albeit an officially uncredited one -- in the four-day event currently underway in Nampa, Idaho."

"As will be the case at Fourth of July commemorations throughout the United State (spelling intentional)*, the God and Family Festival displays the trappings of a contemporary Christian worship service while channeling devotion toward the government ruling us, particularly its most potent instrument of lethal coercion -- the military." ...

MI: Police officers buy donut shop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you thought the whole thing about police officers and donuts was made up, well you are wrong. Some cops really do like donuts."

"'It's a great idea. Cops and donuts. Everybody talks about cops and donuts,' said Officer Gregory."

"A group of police officers were upset because their favorite donut shop was closing, so they bought it. Nine members of Clare's finest are now in the donut business."

"'[It's a] group of, you know, nine policemen in this community, we all live here. That said, we're going to ban[sic] together as a group, and we're gonna save this bakery,' said Officer Gregory. 'You hear, you know, the same old jokes, like you guys are gonna eat up all the profit.'" ...

The Coming Insurrection: "Everyone Agrees. It’s About to Explode"
Submitted by: Larry

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"'The Coming Insurrection' appeared in France in Nov. 2007. Its authors present themselves as the 'Invisible Committee.'"
"The essay starts with the smoldering mood:"
"'Everyone agrees. It's about to explode. It is acknowledged,with a serious and self-important look, in the corridors of the Assembly, just as yesterday it was repeated in the cafés. ...'" ...
"The agreement about the danger of explosion apparently extends to the French authorities who have sought out and prosecuted a group who they believe are the authors of 'The Coming Insurrection.' After a sweep, the Tarnac 9 were held on serious charges. Julian Coupat has only recently been released." ...

NY: LI gun shops see increased sales of weapons
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Burt Benowitz first started to notice business picking up at his Coram gun shop last August, just about the time Barack Obama was cementing the Democratic presidential nomination."

"'What we started getting were people coming in who were not previously into guns,' said Benowitz, who has owned Benson's Gun Shop for nearly 35 years. 'With the chance of a liberal Democrat in the White House and then the economy going bad, people started to become concerned.'"

"The national jump in gun sales is mirrored on Long Island, as gun sellers report increased sales and police departments in Nassau and Suffolk counties record an increase in pistol applications and permits issued." ...

IL: Gun, knife arrests reported at Taste of Chicago
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Chicago Police arrested 33 people this weekend at the Taste of Chicago -- four for carrying guns and two for carrying knives, police said."

"Police News Affairs Director Roderick Drew said Saturday night that 31 people were arrested at the Taste of Chicago on Friday."

"Four of those people were arrested for carrying guns. One person was arrested for having a sawed-off shotgun inside the Taste and three others were apprehended with guns at checkpoints outside the event, Drew said." ...

KABA Note: But what about their strict gun control laws?

...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. — Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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