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Is the damage to society from the misuse of guns worth the freedom to have guns?
Submitted by: Jack Burton

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The Question

Are we as a country willing to accept the several hundred thousand situations and incidents per year when those who mis-use an otherwise legal substance create problems and harm innocents? Or do we demand that freedom for all be curtailed so that the innocents be spared?

TX: A Black Man Legally Carrying A Gun Was Wrongly Labeled A Suspect By Dallas Police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Thursday night, during the police protests in Dallas that erupted in gunfire, a black man legally carrying a gun was mistaken for a suspect by city officials.

The Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Police Association, the largest union representing the city’s police department, both tweeted a photo during the event of a young, black suspect holding a gun. The photo was plastered across national news.

Under Texas law, people can legally carry openly in most public places, including on the streets where the protests occurred.

Minn. police shooting reignites debate over Second Amendment, race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But at least two organizations, the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, both based in Bellevue, Wash., expressed concern over the case and called for an investigation by state-level entities, perhaps even from a state outside of Minnesota.

"Wednesday night’s shooting of Philando Castile is very troubling, especially to the firearms community, because he was a legally-armed private citizen who may have done nothing more than reach for his identification and carry permit," Allan Gottleib, founder and executive vice president of the foundation, and chair of the Citizens Committee, said in a statement Thursday.

ID: Pro-gun group to protest Matt Damon at Meridian event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Matt Damon will be back in Idaho July 20, promoting his new “Jason Bourne” movie with a screening benefitting the Treasure Valley YMCA. However, the Oscar-winning actor can’t expect a warm welcome, specifically from the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.

The pro-gun group is upset over comments Damon made while promoting his new movie in Australia earlier this month.

According to a story in the Sydney Morning Herald, Damon praised the sweeping gun control measures the country implemented in 1996 following a mass shooting on the island of Tasmania.

AR Essentials
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While the AR market remains more than steady, though perhaps slightly off-pace from the red hot buying frenzy of 2013, the tactical accessories market is blazing right ahead. It makes sense, now that so many people own an AR or two or more, it is only natural these savvy gunowners will want to trick out and customize their rifles to match their intended purpose or, quite simply, to make them look even cooler.

Pink Pistols : Pro-gun LGBT group sees surge in members post-Orlando
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pink Pistols, a gay gun rights group with chapters across 30 US states, reported that its membership has more than doubled from 1,500 to 4,000 since Orlando.

A number of shooting ranges have also reached out to the group, in either a show of support, or an opportunistic effort to drum up new membership. Pink Pistols president Matt Schlentz told the Salt Lake Tribune they were offered self-defense and firearms training.

NV: A Gun Ban Will Do More Harm Than Good
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Repeated terror attacks in our homeland have Americans on edge, and understandably so. The pain and concern are palpable. Since 2009, we have seen terror attacks in Little Rock, Fort Hood, Oklahoma, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, and now Orlando. We have also seen mass shootings in Colorado, Connecticut, and Charleston.

Some of these attacks were carried out with bombs and knives. In others, guns were used. But the obvious common thread running through all of them was this: mentally afflicted individuals and/or radical Islamic terrorists intended to, and did, inflict deadly carnage on innocent Americans.

NV: Less rhetoric, more facts needed in debate on Question 1
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As a judge it was my job to look at the facts, consider the evidence and come to a decision that followed the rule of law. For me, it has never been about political rhetoric and the next election, the politicians have that covered. Unfortunately, in the recent column in the Nevada Appeal authored by Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, political rhetoric overshadowed the facts and evidence when it comes to Question 1, also known as the Background Check Initiative. I write to provide some factual support for Question 1 as you decide how to vote this fall.

The Second Amendment Was Never Meant for Black People
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association is often eager to jump into heated debates about guns. In case after case and lawsuit after lawsuit, they have rushed to get involved—usually when people are defending their concealed carry and open carry gun rights.

Ed.: Not true, the NRA is typically very slow to act.

TX: UT Professors Sue, Claim Campus Carry Violates Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three University of Texas professors have filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent the August 1 implementation of campus carry on grounds that it violates the Second Amendment.

The professors — Mia Carter, Lisa Moore, and Jennifer Lynn Glass — argue that campus carry violates the phrase “well-regulated militia,” which they say communicates the “imposition of proper discipline and training.”

FL: Open Carry March Draws Hundreds of Second Amendment Supporters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hundreds of men women and children participated in an open carry march in Florida on the 4th of July. On video posted on facebook, you can see the march stretching into the distance in front of and in back of the camera. You can also see the wfla video posted on It is taken at a corner. That perspective makes the march look much smaller.

Police Shootings Highlight Unease Among Black Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mr. Balogun said members of his Huey P. Newton Gun Club, which is named after the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, were at the protests in Dallas on Thursday with their firearms, something that they typically do “to ensure the safety of the demonstration.”

The police arrested one armed club member, who goes by Reign Ifa, at the protest, Mr. Balogun said, but he insisted the member had nothing to do with the shooting.

The presence of long rifles that groups like Mr. Balogun’s openly carry caused some unease during Thursday’s demonstrations in Dallas. The police released a photograph of a person in a camouflage T-shirt and with a gun slung around his body, calling him a suspect.

Powerful Guns Made Dallas Ambush 'More Deadly and Tragic': Obama
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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President Barack Obama expressed his ongoing frustration with U.S. gun laws Friday following the deadly ambush-style sniper shooting of five police officers in Dallas.

Five law enforcement personnel were killed and six others were injured after at least two gunmen opened fire in the city's downtown area. The incident happened during a demonstration over two police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota this week.

Republicans rip Obama focus on gun control after Dallas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Now is definitely not the time to get political," the former Republican presidential candidate and Donald Trump surrogate told "Fox & Friends" when asked about Obama's comments. "Now is the time to use logic and ask ourselves, why do we have a Constitution? Why do we have a Second Amendment? They’re always saying you don't need a high powered weapon to hunt deer. The Constitution is not about deer hunting. It's about people being able to defend themselves from an overly aggressive government or an external invasion."

Asked what he would say as president, Carson said he would ask the country to "imagine 24 or 48 hours with no police. What would your life be like?"

Ed.: Why limit it to 48 hours?

NM: Father Shoots Daughter’s Ex-Boyfriend in Self-Defense, Faces No Charges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Officers say when they arrived on scene they found a 40-year-old suffering from several gunshot wounds to his legs.

Investigation revealed that the wounded man was armed and had attempting to gain entry into the home of his ex-girlfriend and her 76-year-old father by breaking the front window to the living room.

The 76-year-old father shot several times out of fear for his own and his daughter’s safety, according to the Albuquerque Police Department. The intruder was transported to this hospital in stable condition.

5 arguments against gun control — and why they are all wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association and its allies have their post-shooting routine down cold. They wait a day or two and then respond with a blistering array of attacks against gun-safety advocates calling for reform. No matter what the circumstances — a husband and wife at a Christmas party, a deranged teenager at a movie theater — they make the same points, which, unsurprisingly, often appear detached from the realities on the ground. After the attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., they marshaled five common pro-gun arguments, all of which crumble under scrutiny:

What Will Make the Killings Stop?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is a sense of normalcy to what should be absolutely extraordinary. In Baton Rouge, swelling crowds prompted an immediate press conference from District Attorney Hillar Moore to announce that the Department of Justice would be investigating Sterling’s death right away. Just a year ago that might have seemed an entirely unlikely victory for those who pushed for scrutiny in officer-involved shootings. Now, it is unclear if even these extraordinary proceedings will result in justice or an end to the onslaught.

The segregated Second Amendment: America's long history of unequal gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After police fatally shot Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La. on Tuesday, Joyce King wrote a powerful Dallas Morning News op-ed with the headline "Again, a black man is killed by police; again, again, again." Less than 24 hours later, tragically, we must add yet another "again."

Last night, a police officer killed Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minn. After pulling Castile's vehicle over for a broken tail light, an officer ended up shooting the 32-year-old black driver. Also in the car were Castile's girlfriend, Diamond "Lavish" Reynolds, and her 4-year-old daughter.

Why Black Lives Don’t Matter To The NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two men were brutally killed by police this week for carrying guns. One told the officer he had a legal license to carry, and the other allegedly had a concealed gun in a state where carrying without a license is legal. But don’t expect outrage from the National Rifle Association.

The country’s largest gun lobby has fought tirelessly in recent years to expand gun ownership to all Americans, successfully securing the right for people to legally carry both open and concealed firearms virtually anywhere they want. In Louisiana, where Alton Sterling was shot Tuesday night at a convenience store, a license is not required to openly carry a firearm.

The Second Amendment's Second-Class Citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile share several striking, stomach-churning similarities: They were black men, killed by police, in deeply segregated communities. Both killings were captured on video, a product of an age in which anyone can tape an encounter with police—and increasingly, anyone, especially anyone black, realizes doing so may be important.

But both Castile and Sterling also shared one other thing in common: Both men were apparently carrying guns when they were killed.

WATCH: Short Film ‘Praesidium’ Highlights Danger Of Gun-Free Zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun Owners of America has teamed up with production company Reel Clef to release the short film Praesidium, a film that powerfully highlights the dangers of gun-free zones and the need for armed self-defense.

The film, directed by Reel Clef’s Paul Myzia, opens with a man running down a street in desperation. The street is lined with abandoned buildings and the man turns and runs into one, as suspense builds.

Congress Squabbles Over Drones & Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Congressional leaders continue squabbling over new rules for buying guns:

(Takano) “The Republican proposal is specifically designed to ensure the Justice Department fails and the suspect is allowed to buy a gun.”

Democrat Mark Takano of California. Republicans accuse Democrats of political showboating.

Remember that video with the handgun attached to the drone? Brought to you by Haughwout family of Connecticut. They spent the day in court fighting subpoenas by the FAA. They claim they FAA has no jurisdiction over an armed drone. The judge will rule next week.

US Green Party Touts Sustainable Virtues But Fights for Access
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments. We recognize the need for self-defense and the defense of others who are in helpless situations,” reads the party's 2014 platform.

Ed.: National self-defense, but not necessarily individual self-defense.

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate

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