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Gun ruling reveals profiles in courage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Last week, by a 4-3 vote, the Michigan Supreme Court declared that it's the function of the judiciary to say what the law "is," not what it "ought" to be by tossing out a planned referendum that, if approved by voters, would have invalidated a recent law making it easier to obtain concealed weapons permits.

Pro-firearms rights Fourth of July Parade Entry
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Big guns made America free. Little guns protect you and me."

See photos and a brief description of a pro-gun July 4th parade entry in Champaign, Illinois.

With parade entries like this throughout the US, our battle would be easy.

Peaceful, Gun-free Great Britian
Submitted by: skypod

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"Police officers have come under attack from groups of youths with bricks, baseball bats, hammers and petrol bombs. More than 80 officers have been injured, two police horses have been injured, one of them has been stabbed," police Chief Superintendent Stuart Hyde of the West Yorkshire Police told reporters. The government had banned political marches in Bradford this week, hoping to prevent more race riots.

~~But at least they didn't have guns, or someone could have really gotten hurt.

Freedom Conference Set to Address UN Agenda
Submitted by: skypod

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Next week St. Louis will host the Freedom 21 National Conference 2001, a forum of dynamic conservatives who hope to raise awareness about the United Nations' "UN Agenda 21 Project."

U.N. Agenda 21 is a clever attempt to undermine U.S. sovereignty through the back door, they argue, using environmental issues, gun control and fears about global overpopulation to enhance the powers of an international court system that would supersede local jurisdictions.

Check out:

Leftists Target Gun and Privacy Rights
Submitted by: skypod

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"More than 50 million American citizens exercise their constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. They defend their families and their property against the predations of criminals — and guard their rights against the usurpations of government. How long would we retain our freedoms if we surrendered the 200 million weapons now in our possession?" ~F.R. Duplantier

Announcing: The Great UN Rag Burning
Submitted by: skypod

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United Nation “rags” will be burned in Las Vegas, Nevada, Monday, July 9, 2001, in front of the Las Vegas Tribune newspaper office located at 608 So. Third Street at 5:30 p.m. Patricia A. Saye, the organizer of the U.N. “rag” burning said, “It is time to draw public attention to the stealing of American Sovereignty and the infringing of our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

~And don't forget to buy a gun (or gun-related item) tomorrow either!

Actor Helen Mirren joins anti-gun crusade
Submitted by: skypod

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Actor Helen Mirren has called on the United Nations to stop the carnage caused by the illegal gun trade. The 'Prime Suspect' star said an estimated 500,000 people a year were killed by guns – more than were killed by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Millions of people around the world have lost their homes, their relatives and their lives because of guns," Mirren told a UN conference in New York.

The international dealers in death: Today: The gunrunner
Submitted by: skypod

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The Guardian, UK: The world is awash with guns - at least 550 million of them. An endless cheap supply of small arms has spawned an epidemic of killing. In a three-part series, Guardian writers hunt down the dealers, talk to the victims and ask what can be done to stop the trade.

Conference at UN aims to try to stifle trade in small arms
Submitted by: skypod

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"The United Nations is holding its first international conference on the illegal trade of small arms, used in 90 percent of the world's conflicts and the biggest global killer apart from AIDS.

But getting the 189 U.N. member states to agree on ways to fight and ultimately eradicate trafficking in pistols, assault rifles, machine guns and other light weapons is going to be tough, if not impossible, diplomats and arms experts say."

NC CCH Bills- Dead on the Vine?
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Two very important bills for YOU have passed the NC House, but are being held up by Senate Leadership. Without your help, these bills will die without ever being voted on."
I will be part of the team going to Raleigh to talk to legislators. I want to hear about all the contacts they get to move these bills. Please soften them up for us.

Peaceful, Gun-free Australia
Submitted by: skypod

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Guns, heroin and marijuana are being sold at a western Sydney high school, according to a policeman and a former gang member.

"It's a cancer that's spread to neighbouring suburbs such as Bankstown, Marrickville, the city, Fairfield, Green Valley in particular. But now we've seen probably a national scale," said Sergeant Tim Priest. "Within two years or less, we're going to have record shootings. We're going to see a whole series of American-type crimes happen in Sydney."

PA rally to burn the UN flag in protest
Submitted by: skypod

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NOTE: Unfortunately, the paper has since taken this story off their site.

Darrell Sivik, a West Mead Township gunsmith and gun dealer, expects as many as 100 people at the 1pm event, which he said is being conducted to highlight what he sees as the UN's desire to confiscate all guns and form a single worldwide government. The protest is set to coincide with the opening of the "UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons" in New York City. A similar protest has been set for Lansing, Mich.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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